AAPG Foundation 2007 Grants-in-Aid Projects
Search and Discovery Article #90070 (2007)
Posted September 25, 2007
Potential of the Ferry Lake Anhydrite, Eastern
of Mexico,
Southern Mississippi Province
by Faith O. Amadi
Regional Subsurface Investigation: Coal Accumulation in the Wilcox Group,
Northern Louisiana
by Richard Ball
Constraining the Timing and Magnitude of Extension along the Southern Okanagan Valley Fault,
Southern BC
by Sarah Brown
Chemistry and Derivatives of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Reacted with Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
in a Laboratory Environment
by N. Rebecca Buell
Sequence Stratigraphic Setting and Reservoir Compartmentalization of Leonardian Oolitic Basin-Floor Fan Complexes,
Midland Basin, TX
by Jason L. Clayton
Regional Stratigraphy and Characterization of Cretaceous and Tertiary Sandstones, Orphan Basin,
Offshore Newfoundland, Canada
by Allison Cocker
Tidal Rhythmites and their Implications in Surmising Earth-Moon Dynamics
by Christopher Coughenour
Sequence Stratigraphy and 3-D Reservoir Characterization of the Ray Reef,
Macomb County, Michigan
by Jessica, Crisp
Pre-Mississippian Tectonism on the Southern Margin of Laurentia:
Stratigraphic Evidence from Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas.
by Cruz, Dulce C.
The Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Hydrocarbon
Accumulation, Niuzhuang Low-Lying,
Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
by Yu Cuiling
Unraveling the San Gorgonio Knot, California: A Three-Dimensional Numerical
Investigation of San Andreas Fault Configuration through the San Gorgonio Pass
by Laura Dair and Michele Cooke
Integrated Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Along-Strike Changes in
Parasequences of the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway, Central Alberta, Canada
by Aaron DesRoches, Cameron Thompson, and James MacEachern
Platinum Group Element (PGE) systematics in oil source black shales:
Implications for petroleum systems
by Alex Finlay
Progressive Deformation of the Mexican Fold-Thrust Belt
by Elisa Fitz-Diaz
Development and Distribution
of Porosity and Permeability in a Distal Chert Reservoir,
Devonian Thirtyone Formation, Midland Basin, Upton County, West Texas
by Robert Glaser
Mesozoic Return of Brachiopods: Brachiopod-Dominated Shell Beds in the Middle Triassic
by Sarah E. Greene, David J. Bottjer and John-Paul Zonneveld
Effects of Illitization on the Distribution
of Salinity in the Alberta Basin,
Canada: A Numerical Case Study
by Ipsita Gupta
Neoproterozoic Allochthonous Salt-Body Geometry,
Minibasins and Salt-Influenced Sedimentation in
the Willouran Ranges, South Australia
by Thomas E. Hearon, IV
Genesis of Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile
by Michael Howell
Stratigraphy, Structure, and Sedimentary Provenance of the Fox Range, Northwest Nevada:
Evidence for Large-scale (~400km) Displacement along an Early Cretaceous Dextral Fault System.
by Margaret Kinsella
Origin of a Syndepositional-Early Diagenetic Cavity Network from the
Berriasian Carbonate Platform of Eastern Sardinia (Italy): Facies Analysis and Geochemical Characterisation
by Alessandro Lanfranchi
Deconvolution of Petroleum Contamination from Cultural Eutrophication
by Yuehan Lu
Integrated Lithostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation,
Yangtze Gorges, South China
by Kathleen A. McFadden
Origins of Amalgamated Sand Bodies in the Lance Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by Jennifer McHarge
Methane Seep Facies in the Low-Latitude Neoproterozoic Reynella Siltstone from Southern Australia:
Implications for Marinoan Climate Change, Ocean Chemistry and the Methane Hydrate Reservoir
by David Mrofka and Martin Kennedy
Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of the Lea Park and Foremost Formations,
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by Andrew Mumpy
Architectural Element Analysis of Fluvial Deposits within the Muddy Creek Formation,
Southern Nevada: A Late Miocene Analog for Dryland Hydrocarbon
by Thomas Muntean
Multiple Origins of Thin-Bedded Slope Turbidites: El Rosario Formation,
Upper Cretaceous - Danian, Baja California, Mexico
by Jesus Ochoa
Holocene Benthic Foraminifera Distribution
: Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic Records in
Anoxic Basins along the British Columbia
by Lamidi Olabode BABALOLA
Origin and Migration of Appalachian Basin Brines by 87Sr/86Sr Analyses
by Stephen Osborn
Fracture Opening Histories in Quartz-cemented Sandstone
by Aysen Ozkan
Onset of Alleghanian Orogen: Detrital – Zircon Signature from the Mississippian Strata in
Southern and Central Appalachian
by Hyunmee Park
Permeability of Different Types of Cross Stratification Formed in Unidirectional Flow
by Arnold J.H. Reesink
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Evaluating Shale Gas Potential of the Upper Colorado Group,
Southeastern Alberta
by Cindy Robinson
Geochemical Characterization of Gases from the Barnett Shale,
Fort Worth Basin, Texas
by Norelis Rodriguez Maiz and R. Paul Philp
Late Miocene Strain Transfer and Core-Complex Formation in the
Silver Peak-Lone Mountain Extensional Complex in the Central Walker Lane, Nevada
by Jeffrey Schroeder
Depositional Environment and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone
(Lower Cretaceous) in the Ridgway Area, SW Colorado
by Hayet Serradji
Structural Controls on Detachment Folds Associated with Foreland Arches:
Beaver Creek Anticline, Wyoming
by Sara Smaltz
Hypogenic Speleogenesis of the Castile Formation:
Culberson County, Texas and Eddy County, New Mexico
by Kevin W. Stafford
Examining the Effect of Glacial-Interglacial Climate Change on Atmospheric Dust Loading
and Source Rock Deposition in Equatorial Pangaea
by Alice Stagner
K-Ar Dating of Authigenic Illites: Integrating Diagenetic History of
the Mesa Verde Group, Piceance Basin, NW Colorado
by Trevor Stroker
Interpretation of Seismic Data in Terms of Gas Reservoir
Identification (Carpathian Foredeep, SE Poland)
by Artur Tatarata
Towards a More Quantitative Ichnological Approach: Use of Thin Sections and
Large Thin Slices, an Example from Book Cliffs, Utah, USA
by Nicola S. Tonkin, Duncan McIlroy, and Rudi Meyer
Fluvial to Estuarine Transition in the Middle Bloyd Sandstone (Morrowan),
Northwest Arkansas
by Kevin Unrein
Lithology of the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit,
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska: Shale or Slate?
by Dolores van der Kolk
Seismic Imaging of a Cretaceous Fluvial System
by Claudia Velez
Early Tertiary Coarse Sediment Distribution
Across the
Central Range of Trinidad
by Hasley Vincent
Fault-Propagation Folding in Extensional Settings: A Combined Seismic,
Outcrop and Analogue Modelling Study
by Paul Whipp
Using Community Structure to Delineate Environmental Change;
Rank-Abundance Curves as a Useful Method in Biostratigraphy
by Amelinda Webb
Tectonic Control on Sediment Delivery to the Cordilleran Marine Foredeep,
Early Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian), Southwest Montana
by Eric Williams
A Fluvial Record of Active Fault-Propagation Folding, Salsomaggiore Anticline,
Northern Apennines, Italy
by Luke F. Wilson
Provenance and Paleogeography of the Mesozoic Southern Ordos Basin,
North Central China: Implications of U-Pb detrital Zircon Geochronology
by Xiangyang Xie
Geochemistry and Origins of Reservoir Solid Bitumen in
the Northeast Sichuan Basin, SW China
by Yongcai Yang
Characteristics and Evolution of Fluid-Rock System Near the Top
Surface of Deep Overpressure
, Central Junggar Basin, Northwest China
by Zhi Yang