--> Abstract: Permeability of Different Types of Cross Stratification Formed in Unidirectional Flow, by Arnold J.H. Reesink; #90070 (2007)
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Permeability of Different Types of Previous HitCrossNext Hit Stratification Formed in Unidirectional Flow

Arnold J.H. Reesink
Binghamton University, Department of Geological Sciences Binghamton, NY, USA
[email protected]

The permeability of various types of Previous HitcrossNext Hit stratified deposits formed in unidirectional flow is investigated quantitatively. Previous HitCrossNext Hit stratification formed by bedforms in unidirectional flow is the most common sedimentary structure in river channel deposits, and is common in deposits from other depositional environments. The grain-size sorting that allows Previous HitcrossNext Hit strata to be recognized is determined by three main factors: (1) pre-sorted sediment that arrives at the lee side of the dune, related to superimposed bedforms and longer-term variations in water flow and sediment transport; (2) sorting due to differential deposition of sediment on the lee side and associated grain flows, and; (3) movement of sediment on the lee side by the water currents in the lee-side flow separation zone (Reesink and Bridge, 2007). The relative importance of these factors depends on flow and sediment transport, and results in many different types of Previous HitcrossNext Hit stratification. The influence of this large variety of Previous HitcrossNext Hit stratification types on permeability is not generally appreciated. This quantitative investigation of the variation in permeability of different types of Previous HitcrossNext Hit strata will identify the range in permeability values associated with Previous HitcrossNext Hit stratified sediment. Previous HitCrossTop strata with a large range in grain sizes are expected to have a higher degree of permeability anisotropy.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90070 © 2007 AAPG Foundation Grants in Aid