Integrated Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Along-Strike Changes in Parasequences
of the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway, Central Alberta, Canada
Aaron DesRoches, Cameron Thompson, and James MacEachern
Simon Fraser University, Department of Earth Science, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 4S5, Canada
[email protected]
The along-strike depositional variability recorded in the coarse-grained parasequences
that prograded into the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway of Alberta is understudied. High-resolution facies analysis of subsurface core can be used to differentiate non-deltaic (strandplain) shoreface deposits from contemporaneous wave-dominated deltaic complexes. In the western part of the basin, facies are strongly overprinted by storm processes. Successions are dominated by sporadically burrowed, stacked sandy tempestites, passing upward into current ripple and trough cross-stratification, and capped by low-angle planar-stratified sandstones, pebbly sandstones and, locally, conglomerates. Subtle ichnological and sedimentological characteristics captured in units preserved between tempestites indicate the local presence of river-sediment influx. At point source locations, conglomerate beds are more abundant.
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