--> 2007-2008 Distinguished Lectures, #90073 (2007)
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2007-2008 AAPG Distinguished Lectures

Search and Discovery Article #90073 (2007)
Posted January 2, 2008


Subsidence and Sea-Level Change along the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Response of Mississippi River to the Last Glacial Cycle, and the Flexural Ups and Downs of Mississippi Delta
by Mike Blum

Signatures of Climate and Sea-Level Change in Gulf of Mexico River Systems over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle: A Source-to-Sink View
by Mike Blum

Craquelure in Masterpieces of the Louvre (Paris, France) as Analogue Models for Development of Joints in Fractured Reservoirs
by Terry Engelder

Acadian-Alleghanian Orogenesis as Revealed by Fracturing Within the Appalachian Foreland
by Terry Engelder

Tracking the Migration of Salt Diapirs using Halokinetic Sequence Stratigraphy
by Katherine Giles

Complex Feed Back Loops Controlling Heterozoan Reef Development on Salt Diapirs, La Popa Basin, Mexico
by Katherine Giles

Crocodiles in Greenland and Hippos in London: A Fossil-Fueled Tour of Past and Future Climates
by Kirk Johnson

4D Seismic in the Deepwater – Challenges and Rewards
by Previous HitDavidTop Johnston

Depth-Dependent Lithospheric Extension: Supporting Evidence, Structural and Depositional Characteristics, and General Applicability
by Garry Karner

Accuracy of Eustatic Amplitude Estimates: Challenges in Flexurally Backstripping Continental Margins
by Garry Karner

Anisotropic Depth Imaging and Interpretation in Thrust-Belt Exploration
by Don Lawton

Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Carbonate Reservoirs and Systems
by Jose Luis Massaferro

World Oil and Gas Resources: How Much is Left? Where is It? How Do We Find It?
by Peter J. McCabe

Deltaic Systems and Super-Systems – Controls on Petroleum Accumulation
by Peter J. McCabe

Distribution of the World's Oil and Gas Source Rocks in Space and Time – Perspectives for Exploration in Frontier Basins
by Peter J. McCabe

Fractured Reservoir Characterization: From Diagenesis and Fracture Mechanics to Reservoir Permeability
by Jon Olson

A Geologist’s Guide to Explaining Natural Fracture Phenomena with Fracture Mechanics
by Jon Olson

Athabasca Oil Sands: Understanding the Oil Sands from the Regional Scale to the Project Scale, Kearl. - A Case History
by Mike Peacock

Past Climate Clues from Anoxic Basin Sediments: Cariaco Basin (Venezuela) as a Tropical Climate Type Section
by Larry C. Peterson

Rudist Evolution, Ecology and Environments
by Peter Skelton

The Episodic History of Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms: An Aptian Case Study
by Peter Skelton

Dealing with Multi-level Property Heterogeneity in Carbonate Reservoirs
by Volker C. Vahrenkamp

The Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Shallow Water Carbonates: Improved Chronostratigraphy and other Implications
by Volker C. Vahrenkamp

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