(by author)
AAPG Annual Meeting
April 1-4, 2007, Long Beach, California
Search and Discovery Article #90063 (2007)
Posted March 29, 2007
Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author(s).
Process Based
Modelling of Deep Marine Reservoir Systems
by Tor E. Aas, Ragnar Hauge, Bjorn Fjellvoll, Petter Abrahamsen, John Howell,
Stephen Tucker
Paleobiology as a
Driver In Exploration and Production Activities: Two Examples of Enhanced
Exploration Potential from the Dutch "Upper Jurassic" Offshore (Best of EAGE)
by Oscar A. Abbink, Harmen F. Mijnlieff, Dirk K. Munsterman, Roel M.C.H.
Environments and Depositional Characters of the Middle-Upper Eocene Succession
in the Fayum Depression, Egypt
by Zaki A. Abdel-Fattah, Murray, K. Gingras, Michael, W. Caldwell, S. George
Sediment Gases as
Indicators of Subsurface Hydrocarbon Generation and Entrapment - Examining the
Record Both in Laboratory and Field Studies
by Michael A. Abrams, Nicola F. Dahdah
Characteristics of Source Rocks, and the Hydrocarbon Family in the Eastern Sirte
Basin - Libya
by Idris Abulkhier
Modelling Tectono-Sedimentary
Processes in Atlantic Margin Salt Basins: Understanding the Evolution of the
Deepwater Slope and Allochthonous Salt Sheets
by Juergen Adam, Csaba Krezsek, Cody MacDonald, Clarke Campbell, Djordje Grujic
Quantification of Aggrading, Backstepping, and Drowning Patterns of a Frasnian
Carbonate Platform System (Bugle Gap, Canning Basin, Western Australia)
by Erwin W. Adams, Claude-Alain Hasler
Improving Middle
East Carbonate Reservoir Models with Digital Outcrop Modeling
by Erwin W. Adams, Anita E. Csoma, Carine Grelaud, Loic Bazalgette, Cathy Hollis
Glide Planes to Turbidites; Deep Water Carbonate
Megabreccias, Oligocene, Spain
by S. Agar, J. Bova, A. Derewetzky, N. Hartley, P. Hillock, T. Hughes, C.
Iannello, A. Mckerron, T. Simo
The United Nations
Framework Classification for Energy Reserves and Resources
by Thomas S. Ahlbrandt
Outcrop Study of
Heterolithic Tidal Sandstone Bodies in Northeast Greenland (Jameson Land) for
Reservoir Characterization
by Juha Matti Ahokas, Allard W. Martinius, John Suter
Gravity Flow
Evolution During Transition From By-pass to Deposition: Results From High
Resolution Seafloor Observations of a Modern Sand Lobe System
by Andrey M. Akhmetzhanov, Neil H. Kenyon, E. L. Habgood, C. O'Byrne, Russell B.
Wynn, M. K. Ivanov, UK Taps Group
Petrologic and
Geochemical Evidence for Refluxing Brines in the Devonian Wabamun Group,
West-Central Alberta
by Ihsan Al-Aasm, Samantha Raymus
Paleoclimate Variation: Analysis, Interpretation, and Significance
by Thomas Algeo
Architecture of the Middle Part of the Morrison Formation, Utah: Implications
for Downstream Base-Level Fluctuations
by Riyad A. Ali-Adeeb, Timothy M. Demko
Controls on
Reservoir Performance and Recovery Factor in Fractured Gas Reservoirs: Lessons
Learned from Giant Gas Fields
by Jack Allan, Rod Sloan, S. Qing Sun
Comparison of
Fluvial Styles Within the Late Carboniferous Succession of the Maritimes Basin,
Atlantic Canada: Toward a Refined Understanding of Paleoclimate
by Jonathan Allen, Christopher R. Fielding, Michael C. Rygel, Martin R. Gibling
Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures: Upper
Cretaceous Lance Formation, Jonah Field, Wyoming
Faisal A.
Frank G. Ethridge
Evidence for
Milankovitch Climate Forcing on High-Frequency Cycles and Early Dolomite
Distribution from the Cupido Formation, Sierra Madre Oriental, NE Mexico
by Younis K. Altobi, Tina R. Foster, Robert K. Goldhammer
Near- to Mid-Term
Energy Mineral Sources: Bridging the Future to Alternative Energy
by William A. Ambrose
Comparison of
Deepwater Mass Transport Complex Settings: West Texas; South-Central Pyrenees,
Spain; Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria
by Robert Amerman, Bruce Trudgill, Eric P. Nelson, Michael H. Gardner, Pau
Arbues, Jim Borer, Julian Clark, Grace L. Ford, Hugo Ortner, Douglas Paton,
Piret Plink-Bjorklund, David Pyles
Method for Conditioning the Reservoir Model
on 3D and 4D Elastic Inversion Data Applied to a Fluvial Reservoir in the North
T. Andersen, K. Hatland, Trond Hoye, F. Liestol, G. Mangeroy, Hilde C.
Meisingset, C. Otterlei, Eli Zachariassen, Art Jan Wijngaarden
Multiple Scales of
Confinement for Conglomeratic Slope Valleys: El Rosario Formation (Upper
Cretaceous), Baja California, Mexico
by Bryan J. Anderson, Jesus A. Ochoa, Kelsey McNamara, Jesse J. Melick, Michael
H. Gardner, James G. Schmitt
Modeling Crevasse
Splay Versus Point-Bar Bodies: Relative Roles in Characterizing Tight-Gas
Fluvial Reservoir Successions
by Donna S. Anderson, Mary M. Carr
Integrated Microfossil Characterization of
the Neogene Sand Members of Offshore Norway
Erik D. Anthonissen
Theoritical Sandstone Reservoir Models with Realistic Bedding Structures on
Outcrops; Applications in Thin Bedded Fans and Heterolithic Tidal Reservoir
Sands, Examples from the Sedimentary Basins of Nigeria
by Emeka. A. Anyadike, Efosa. Arthur, Samuel. J.L Coker
Analysis of Imperfect Seals
Andrew C. Aplin, Kuncho D. Kurtev, Selegha Abrakasa
Chayvo Field, Sakhalin Island, Russia:
Identification of a Significant Oil Leg from 3-D Seismic and Execution of a
World Class Extended Reach Drilling Program
Ted Apotria, Randall Mathis, Rick J. Powell, Bridget Venner
Numerical Modeling
Analysis of the Role of Episodic Fault Overpressuring and Rupture in Methane
Transport and Massive Calcite Cementation in the Santa Barbara Basin, California
by Martin Appold, Grant Garven, James R. Boles, Peter Eichhubl
Very Thick Massive Sandstone Bodies: Origin and
Internal Architecture
Mariano Arcuri, Carlos Zavala
Stratigraphy of a Forearc Depositional System: Shelf-Margin Deltas to Basin
Floor Fans, Northern San Joaquin Basin, California
by John M. Armentrout, David H. Suek, Denise H. Harrison, Paul J. Harrison,
David B. Codding, Steve D. Jones, Scott Lewis, Steve Graham
Sedimentology and
Stratigraphic Architecture of a Mass Transport Deposit Dominated Submarine Slope
Environment: The Sierra Contreras, Tres Pasos Formation, Chile
by Dominic A. Armitage, Brian W. Romans
An Innovative
Method of Quantifying Channel Distribution in a Frontal Splay Environment Using
Shallow Seismic-Reflection Data
by Dominic A. Armitage, Thad P. Dunbar, Henry W. Posamentier
Effect of
Suspended Sediment Concentration on Deposition From Suspended Sediment
by R.W.C. Arnott
High Frequence
Cyclicity in a Fining-Upwards Lowstand Continental Deposit, Upper Jurassic,
Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Carlos Arregui, Santiago Grosso
Architecture of an Incised Valley Formed within a Semi-Arid Setting, Baffin Bay,
by Niranjan Aryal, Alexander Simms
Signatures in Stratigraphy: What Are They, and How Do We Best Apply Them?
by Jennifer L. Aschoff, Ron J. Steel
Seimic Modeling of
Geological Sequences and Fluid Filled
by Ramon Asuaje, Evgeny Chesnokov
Experimental Study
of Submarine Fan Deposition in a Fault-Constrained Extensional Setting
by Wiebke Athmer, Marinus Eric Donselaar, Remco M. Groenenberg, Stefan M. Luthi,
Dimitrios Sokoutis, Ernst Willingshofer
of Damage Zone Associated with Strike-slip Faults and its Multiscale Statistics
by Atilla Aydin, Ghislain De Joussineau
The Hit Cube: A
Stochastic Pseudo Well Matching Tool for Seismic Prediction of Rock and Fluid
by Gboyega Ayeni, Arnaud Huck
Application of
Climatic Changes to Understand Sedimentary Processes and a Tool to Refine the
Stratigraphy in Brazilian Sedimentary Basins - An Overview
by Nilo Chagas de Azambuja Filho, Alvaro H. Arouca de Castro, Armando A.
Scarparo Cunha, Carlos Roberto Becker, Clovis Francisco Santos, Jose Guilherme
R. da Silva, Jose M. Cronemberger Mendes, Maria do Carmo G. Severino, Paulo R.
C. Cunha, Ricardo Latge M. de Azevedo
Dolomitization of
the Aguathuna Carbonates in Western Newfoundland, Canada: Implications for a
Potential Hydrocarbon Reservoir
by Karem Azmy, Denis Lavoie, Ian Knight
Effect of
Spherical Pore Shapes on Acoustic Properties in Carbonates
by Gregor, T. Baechle, Layaan Al-Kharusi, Gregor P. Eberli, Austin Boyd, Alan
Prediction of
Sub-Seismic Sealing Faults Using Simple Numerical Simulation Models
by Richard C. Bain, Kirk H. MacIvor, Brooke E. Holt, D. Scott Beaty
Effect of Growing
Structures on Stratigraphic Evolution, Channel Architecture and Submarine Fan
Distribution, Niger Delta, West Africa
by Olusola Bakare, Neil Hurley, Timothy McHargue
Influence of Mass
Transport Deposit on Stratigraphic Evolution, Channel Morphology, and Turbidite
Reservoir Preservation and Architecture, Niger Delta, West Africa
by Olusola Bakare, Neil Hurley, Timothy McHargue, Piret Plink-Bjorklund
Seismic Modeling of Entire Outcropping
Basin-Fill Successions: A Novel Approach to Resolving and Ground-Truthing
Seismic Stratigraphy
Kristina Bakke, Trond Lien, Ole Martinsen, Steen Petersen
3D Geocellular
Modelling and Reservoir Properties Quantification: A Case Study of "X-Field",
Niger Delta, Nigeria
by F.O Bamidele, Olugbenga A. Ehinola, Adelola Adesida
Rock Physics
Modeling and Seismic Attributes of Carbonate Rocks in the Nesson Anticline,
North Dakota
by Kaushik Bandyopadhyay, Tapan Mukerji, Gary Mavko, Charlie West
3-D Structural
Model of Structures along the Western Margin of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by Subhotosh Banerjee, Shankar Mitra
New Play Concepts
in the Onshore Majunga Basin, Madagascar
by Nigel Banks, Paul Jennings
Is the Cambrian
Mount Simon a Regional "Blanket Sandstone" Across Ohio?
by Mark T. Baranoski
Biomakers As Indicators of Geologic Age And Depositional Environment of
by Silvana M. Barbanti, J. Michael Moldowan
Stratigraphy of Salt Induced Structures from Southern Gulf of Mexico
by Jorge Barrios, Felipe Audemard
Is It Time for a
Rebirth in The Geologic Application of Climate Models?
by Eric J. Barron
Hypothesis Testing
Using Fuzzy Logic Simulations to Constrain the Domains of the Stratigraphic
Variables that Control Reservoir Distribution and Character
by Louis R. Bartek, Jeffery D. Warren
Discovery - Dhirubhai, an Indian Jewel
by Ravi Bastia, R. J. Singh, Neeraj Sinha
3D Seismic
Characterisation of an Array of Blind Normal Faults in the Levant Basin, Eastern
by Catherine Baudon, Joe Cartwright
Interplay Between
Tectonics and Sedimentation in a Deep-Water "Mini-Basin" Setting, Tabernas, SE
by Lucie Baudouy, Peter D.W. Haughton, John J. Walsh, Marco Patacci
Structural and
Stratigraphic Evaluation of the Southern Belgian Anticline Area, North
Midway-Sunset Field, San Joaquin Basin, California
by W. Sebastian Bayer, Shankar Mitra, Roger Slatt, Steve S. Boljen, Joel S.
Assessment of CO2 Sources and Sinks for the Indian Subcontinent
by Richard A. Beck, Yolanda Price, S. Julio Friedmann, Lynn Wilder, Lee Neher
Basin Modeling along Camamu-Almada Basin, Brazil
by Ricardo Perez Bedregal, Garry David Karner, Felix T.T. Goncalves
Petroleum Potential of Basins Flanking Viti
Levu, Fiji
J. M. Beggs, V. M. Stagpoole, W. A. Brook
Regional Fluid
Flow of the North Slope Foreland Basin, Alaska
by Anna M. Belanger, Dr. Jeffrey S. Hanor, Dr. Jeffrey A. Nunn
Controls on
Deepwater Sandstone Deposition in the Campos and Espirito Santo Basins of
Brazil: Implications for Reservoir Prediction
by Andrei Belopolsky, Kevin Boyd, Scott Carmichael, Alexey Guryanov, Jake
Hossack, Bob Jones, Julian Penge, Neil Piggott, Adam Poptani, Pat Randell, Alan
Roberts, Cheree Stover, Mark Thompson
New Tools
Improving Collaborative Visualization and Decision Making
by Jim Benson, Chris Phillips
Coupling 3D
Numerical Modelling of Contractional Structures, Sedimentation and River Network
Evolution: The Stratigraphic and Geomorphic Expressions of Fault-Related Fold
by Asdrubal J. Bernal P, Stuart Hardy, Robert Gawthorpe
Identification of
the Processes Controlling the Distribution and Quality of Oil Accumulations of
the Southern Llanos Basin, Colombia
by Luis Miguel Bernardo, Jesus Augusto Rodriguez
New Petroleum
Generation Model of the Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia: Is The Luna Formation
the Most Prolific Source Rock?
by Luis Miguel Bernardo, Jorge Luis Rubiano, Myriam Caro, Carlos Arturo Alfonso
Foreland Basin
Axis Migration Documented by Deep-Water Conglomeratic Channel Deposits, Southern
by Anne Bernhardt, Zane Jobe, Donald R. Lowe
Towards a Quantitative Definition of
Mechanical Units: New Techniques and Results from a Field Test Site
Giovanni Bertotti, Nico J. Hardebol, Stefan M. Luthi, Jose Taal
Deepwater Exploration: Columbus Basin Offshore
Jeawan Bhajan, Alicia Gargee, Robert Marksteiner, Shannon Cheree' Stove,
Kelley Latter
Characterisation and Source Investigation of Oils from Narmada Block of Cambay
Basin, India
by A.K. Bhatnagar, B.G. Goswami, D.S. Rawat
Structural and
Depositional Model for Offshore Central West Greenland (67ø-71ø N): Implications
for Regional Petroleum Systems
by Torben Bidstrup, Ulrik Gregersen, J. A. Bojesen-Koefoed, Flemming G.
Christiansen, Finn Dalhoff, Anders Schersten, Martin Sønderholm
Building an
Integrated, Digital Database Using HTML and GIS Tools: A Case Study for the
Northern South American Petroleum Province
by Lisa Bingham, Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
Nested Cyclicity
in the Carboniferous Glacial Record from New South Wales, Australia
by Lauren P. Birgenheier, Christopher R. Fielding, Tracy D. Frank, Michael C.
Simulation and Model for Channel Levee Formation
by Vineet Birman, Brendon Hall, Nicolas Guillaume, Eckart Meiburg, Ben Kneller
Geomorphology and Possible Paleoseismic Trench Sites along the Pleito Thrust
Fault near Grapevine, CA
by Matthew Birney, Doug Yule, Shelby Dawson
enrichment near cycle tops and sequence boundaries in the Capitan backreef,
McKittrick and Slaughter Canyons
by James W. Bishop, Dawn Y. Sumner, David A. Osleger, Isabel Montanez, Scott W.
The Case for Using
Extended Reach Drilling to Develop California OCS Reserves from Onshore
by Tom Bjorklund
Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy of the Santonian Stage Boundary, Western
Interior Basin
by Stacie A. Blair, David K. Watkins
Synthesis of
Phanerozoic Plate Tectonic Evolution of North America
by Ronald C. Blakey
Beyond Pressure: BP's Gulf of Mexico experience
by Jean-Pierre Blangy, Martin Albertin, David Greeley, Paul Mitchell, Johnathan
Bellow, Charlie Jay, Graham Vinson, Johnston Paul, Ray Wydrinski, Shira Paulson,
Bruce Wagner
Kinetics of Pure
and Mixed CO2-CH4 Gas Adsorption on Crushed and Sieved
Coal from the Black Warrior Basin, Westcentral Alabama
by James G. Blencoe, Michael T. Naney, David R. Cole, Jack Pashin, Richard E.
Future Exploration
Plays of the Gulf of Mexico Province
by Jon Frederic Blickwede
Processes and Resultant Stratigraphy of Deepwater Fan Experiments
by Roger B. Bloch, David C.J.D Hoyal, Benjamin A. Sheets, Christopher M.
Edwards, Vitor Abreu
Fluvial Sediment
Supply to the Shelf and Deepwater in a Cool Lowstand World: Modeling Results for
the Late Quaternary Gulf of Mexico
by Mike Blum, Jill Hattier-Womack
Orientation from P Wave Seismic Data Using Volumetric Curvature, Silo Field,
by Charles H. Blumentritt, Kurtt J. Marfurt, Michael Murphy
Fault Propagation
Folding on the Central Basin Platform, West Texas
by Charles H. Blumentritt, Kurt J. Marfurt, Michael Murphy
Current Technology
for Production of Shale Oil
by Jeremy Boak
Stratigraphy and Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Barnett Shale from the Type
Locality of the Chappel Limestone and near-Surface Cores from the Llano Uplift
by D. R. Boardman, J. Puckette, B. Coffey, E. Gerding, P. Kamman, N. Aryal, M.
Singh, A. Rihn
Oil & Gas
Saturation of Upper Cretaceous Sediments in Southern Part of Orinoco Heavy Oil
Belt (OHOB)
by Vitaly A. Bochkarev, Euridice J. Solorzano Sanchez, Alexander I. Grigorev,
Raul Gataulin
Towards an Unified
Mudstone Model: Common Attributes and Controls on Hydrocarbon Source, Reservoir,
and Seal Potential
by Kevin M. Bohacs
Hugoton Geomodel:
a Hybrid Stochastic-Deterministic Approach
by Geoffrey C. Bohling, Martin K. Dubois, Alan P. Byrnes
Detrital Mica
Influence on Reservoir-Scale Diagenesis
by James R. Boles
Using Simple
Validation Techniques to Minimise Uncertainty When Assessing Multiple Structural
by Clare E. Bond, Alan Gibbs, Zoe K. Shipton, Serena Jones
Fault Patterns and
Connectivity along Extensional Oblique and Lateral Ramps: Insights from
Experimental Models
by Shamik Bose, Shankar Mitra
Application of
Fault Plane Attribute Mapping in the Gambier Embayment of the Onshore Otway
Basin, South Australia
by Peter J. Boult, Sandy Menpes, Gordon Wakelin-king
Impact of Local
Accommodation on the Architecture and Stacking Patterns of Three Capistrano
Formation Slope Channel Outcrops: San Clemente, Dana Point Harbor and Point Fermin, California
by Renaud Bouroullec, David, R. Pyles, Daniel, E. Schwartz, David, C. Jennette,
Florence Bonnaffe
Stratigraphy of an
Interbasinal Deep-Water Conduit: Lessons Learned from the Grand Coyer Sub-Basin,
Eocene-Oligocene Gres d'Annot Sandstone, SE France
by Renaud Bouroullec, Mark Tomasso, David, R. Pyles, Keumsuk Lee
Architecture and Evolution of a Meandering Slope Channel Complex, Capistrano
Formation, San Clemente, California
by Renaud Bouroullec, David, R. Pyles, David, C. Jennette, Mark Tomasso
Dynamics of
Downslope Sand Transport Sourced from Estuarine Density Flows
by Ron Boyd, Kevin Ruming
The Ichnological
Signal of Paleozoic Black Shales: A Tool for Delineating The Dysaerobic Zone
by Diana L. Boyer, Mary L. Droser
Visualization and
Volume Interpretation Change the Game. Now How Do We Change the Team
by Kevin J. Bradford, Peter U. Diebold
Geochemistry in the Genetic Age
by Alexander S. Bradley, Roger Summons
Fault Control On
The Architecture Of Deepwater Channel-levee Systems In The Limon Back-arc Basin,
Costa Rica
by Christian Brandes, Stefan Back, Ralf Littke, Jutta Winsemann
Sedimentology on
Mars as Seen by HiRISE
by Nathan Bridges, HiRISE Team
Mineral Interactions: From Preservation to Oil Generation
by Thomas F. Bristow, Martin J. Kennedy, Arkadiusz Derkowski
Modelling a
Mid-Slope Channel Complex from Outcrop Data: Example from Skeiding, the
Laingsburg Karoo, South Africa
by Rufus L. Brunt, Jamie K. Pringle, David M. Hodgson, Christopher J. Haigh,
Stephen S. Flint
in Carbonate Diagenesis
by David A. Budd, Anthony J. Park
Subsidence History
and Its Impacts to Hydrocarbon Potential of The Song Hong Basin, Vietnam
by Huyen Bui, Jack Dvorkin, Amos Nur
Faults, Critical
Taper, and the Mechanics of Foreland Basement-cored Uplifts
by Alexander P. Bump
Planning for US Tar Sands
by James W. Bunger, Anton R. Dammer
Orogenesis Using Single-Crystal Dating
by Doug Burbank
Cyclicity in
Carbonates: Simple Models Versus The World
by Peter M. Burgess
Seismic Record of
Drift Deposits, Offshore Western Madagascar: Implications for Regional Tectonics
and Sedimentation
by Benjamin C. Burke, Jeffrey U. Kraus
Shelf Sandstones
or Wave-dominated Deltas: A Comparison of the Nuiqsut and Nechelik Formations,
North Slope Alaska
by Beverly A. Burns, James MacEachern, David B. Bannan, Douglas G. Knock, Robert
J. Kunemund, Justine Boccanera, Wayne J. Campaign
Comparisons and
Contrasts between Boundary Transform Fault Basins and Trench-Linked Transform
Fault Basins
by Cathy J. Busby
Importance of
Fabric on Production Rates of Gas Shales: Experimental and Numerical Analyses
by Amanda M.M. Bustin, Xiaojun Cui, Venkat Murthy, R. Marc Bustin
Relationships: A Mechanical Boundary Layer Approach to Understand Emplacement
Processes and Facies
by Robert W.H. Butler, Joris Eggenhuisen, Adriana Del Pino Sanchez, William
Between Strike-Slip And Thrust Tectonics: Controls on Sand Distributions Through
Miocene Basin Arrays, Southern Italy
by Robert W.H. Butler, Stefano Mazzoli
Structural Styles
In A Deformed Turbidite Basin - Champsaur SE France
by Robert W.H. Butler, Henry Lickorish, William D. McCaffrey, Jake Lockley,
Jamie Vinnels
Variable-Saturation Multi-Relative Permeability Layered Systems in
Transition-Zone Environments
by Alan Byrnes, Saibal Bhattacharya
Comparison of
Probabilistic and Forward Modeling Workflow Approaches for Integrating 4D
Seismic Into Reservoir Models: Application to a North Sea Reservoir
by Jef Caers, Scarlet S. Castro, Hilde C. Meisingset, Trond Hoye, Perrine Gomel,
Eli Zachariassen
Relationships in
Heterogeneity, Measured Mechanical / Petrophysical Properties, and Visual ( core
and log ) Interpretations to Assess Tight Gas Shale Reservoirs
by Michael S. Cameron, S. Robert Bereskin, George A. Waters
Improved Fractured
Reservoir Models Using Borehole Images and Cores from Horizontal Wells: Monterey
Formation, Elk Hills Field, California
by Tania C. Campbell, Michael R. Gross, Jon R. Schwalbach
Analogs for
Deep-Water Reservoirs - Confined-Channel Complexes in Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Strata, California
by Kirt M. Campion, Anthony Sprague, Morgan D. Sullivan
Regional Petroleum
Systems Evaluation and New Play Identification in an Uplifted Paleozoic Basin:
Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, USA
by Harris Cander, Thomas L. Patton
Seismic Modelling
of Basin Margin Clinoforms: Norwegian North Sea and Other Examples
by Kathryn L. Canner, Emma Finch, Steve M. Corfield, Rob L. Gawthorpe, Steen
Self Channelized
Subaqueous Fans Emplaced by Turbidity Currents and Dilute Mudflows
by Alessandro Cantelli, Carlos Pirmez, Gary Parker
Chert Reservoirs in Kansas, 2: Silicon Isotope Geochemistry and Mechanism of
by Hongsheng Cao, S. J. Mazzullo
Characterisation of a Seven Billion Barrel Bitumen Field in West-Central
Alberta, Canada: Planning for a Sticky Canadian Heat Wave!
by Mark Caplan, Duncan Mackay, Bob Lamond
3D-Modelling of
Coastal Plain Deposits from the Blackhawk Formation, Eastern Utah
by Christian Goran Carlsson, Tor Sømme, Havard Enge, Simon John Buckley, John
Anthony Howell
Record of the Green River Formation: A New Perspective on an Old Problem
by Alan R. Carroll
Highstand Sandy
Deepwater Fans: Incorporating Sediment Supply, Sea Level and Basin Architecture
into The Prediction of Sand Bypass to The Basin Floor
by Cristian R. Carvajal, Ron Steel
Distribution of Major Carbon Dioxide Deposits, Geologic Setting and Gas Isotopic
Evidence of Mantle Sources in Areas of Crustal Extension and Transtension
by Martin M. Cassidy, Kevin Burke
Bravo Dome CO2 Gas
Field, New Mexico, USA and Associated Noble Gases: Type Example of Accumulation
of Carbon Dioxide and Window to The Mantle
by Martin M. Cassidy, Chris J. Ballentine, Barbara Sherwood Lollar, James
Petrophysical Characterization of the
Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian of the Zaap Field in the Campeche Bay
Francisco Castellanos, Victor Hugo Moreno, Bolivar Villacres
Regional Tectonic
Controls on Reservoir and Seal Quality of Mio-Pliocene Fluvial-Channel
Sandstones, Bohai Basin, Eastern China
by Hugo A. Castellanos, Paul Mann
Pathways, Rates,
and Mechanisms of Fluid Flow at the Bay Marchand Field, Offshore Louisiana
by Jennifer L. Castle, Jeffrey S. Hanor, Jeffrey A. Nunn
Geomorphology and Evolution of a Submarine Channel System: Western Nile Delta
Slope, Egypt
by Vicky Catterall, Jonathan Redfern, Dorthe Moeller Hansen, Rob Gawthorpe
Field-based 3D Modelling of a Growth Syncline :
The Annot Syncline, SE France
Adrien Cazaux, Mary Ford, Lise Salles, Christian Le Carlier de Veslud,
Antoine Le Solleuz
Late Paleozoic Ice
Volume Controls on the Paleoclimate and Stratigraphic Record of Southern
by C. Blaine Cecil, Frank T. Dulong, Isabel Montanez
Out of Sequence
Thrusting along the Frontal Ouachitas-Arkoma Basin Transition Zone, Southeastern
by Ibrahim Cemen, Surinder Sahai, Wiiliam Parker, Wahab Sadeqi, Marline Collins,
Steve Hadaway, Osman Kaldirim
Architecture of a Coarse-Grained Turbidite: An Outcrop Study of the Scotland
Formation, Barbados, West Indies
by Nysha A. N. Chaderton, Lesli Wood
Recognition of
Biotically Induced Precipitates and a Proposed Geochemical Biosignature
by Henry S. Chafetz
Controls on Gas Capacity of Shales: Example from the Lower Cretaceous
Buckinghorse Formation, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada
by Gareth R.L. Chalmers, R. Marc Bustin
Trends in
by Howard Chan, Cliff Lovelock
Modeling of Iron Oxide Concretion Formation:
Complexities and Sensitivities of Fluid Interactions on Earth and Mars
Marjorie A. Chan, Jens Ormö, Anthony Park, Michael Stich, Virginia Souza-Egipsy,
Goro Komatsu
Inverse Modelling
of Stratigraphy: A Tool to Predict Facies Distribution and Assess Uncertainties
for Reservoir Characterisation
by Karl Charvin, Kerry L. Gallagher, Gary J. Hampson, Jo Ann Hegre, Richard
Evolution of Deep
Water Confined Channels, Offshore Angola: Results from Integrated Cores, Logs,
and Seismic Interpretation
by Jiajie Chen, Chris Tuttle
The Future Oil
Discovery Potential of the Mackenzie/Beaufort Province
by Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk Osadetz, James Dixon, Giles Morrell, J.R. Dietrich
One Direct
Indicator for Reservoir in Fractured Carbonate
by Guangjun Chen, Mohamed Redal, Jianguo Zhu, Wei Meng
Naphthenic Acid
Distribution in Crude Oils: Effects of Biodegradation
by ZhengZheng Chen, J. Michael Moldowan
Covenant Oil
Field, Central Utah Thrust Belt: Possible Harbinger of Future Discoveries
by Thomas C. Chidsey, Michael D. Laine, John P. Vrona, Douglas K. Strickland
N2 Injection into
Coal beds and Its Effects on Coal Permeability and Enhanced CH4 Production:
Insights from Laboratory Analyses
by Laxmi Chikatamarla, R. M. Bustin
Success Using Previous Failures: An Example of the Value of 20+ Years of
Perseverance, Block 0, Cabinda, Offshore Angola
by Pete J. Chimney
The Modern
Continental Slope Morphologies And Kinematics in The Ulleung Basin, Offshore
by Byeonggoo Choi, Suyoung Choi, Hun Jeong, Ilsoo Kim, Yongsu Lim, Donghyun Lim,
Seoungcheol Lee
Reflectivity Inversion and Seismic Interpretation
by Satinder Chopra, John P. Castagna
Curvature-Attribute Applications for Detection of Fracture Lineaments and Their
by Satinder Chopra, Kurt J. Marfurt
Salt Geology and
New Plays in Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico
by Abu N. Chowdhury, Laura Borton
Rock Physics Analysis from Well Log Data of
Suryyendu Choudhury, Manika Prasad, R.D Chourasiya
Effective Economic
Modeling and Portfolio Selection of Unconventional Resource Plays via
Statistical Type Wells
by Gary Citron, Jim Gouveia, Mark McLane
Stratigraphic and
Spatial Changes in Channel Morphology Related to Deepwater Processes in Confined
and Ponded Slope Mini-Basins, Angola
by Julian D. Clark, Tim R. McHargue
Three things we
thought we understood about shale gas, but were afraid to ask?
by Robert M. Cluff, Keith W. Shanley, Michael A. Miller
Consequences of Seepage Forces in Overpressured Thin-skinned Thrust Belts
by Peter R. Cobbold, Benjamin J. Clarke, Helge Loseth
Comparing Mesozoic
and Cenozoic Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems From A Single Basin During
Greenhouse and Icehouse Times; What Role Does Climate Play?
by Brian P. Coffey, Richard Sunde, J. Fred Read
Digital Geomorphic
Mapping of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore: An Extensive Dimensional Dataset
From A World-Class Barrier Island Complex
by Brian P. Coffey, Charles W. Hoffman
Detailed Modeling of Channelized Deposits Using
a Process-Based Stochastic Approach
Isabelle Cojan, Jacques Rivoirard, François Geffroy
Fluvial Sand-Body
Dimensions and Architecture, Neslen and Lower Farrer Formations (Campanian),
Lower Sego Canyon, Utah
by Rex D. Cole
Applying Human
Factors & Design Principles to Geoscience Visualization
by Mary Cole, Ann Worrel
Virtual Reality
and Field Integrity Management
by Andre Colin, Horst R. Von Berg
Congo Canyon
Evolution: Subsurface and Geohazard Analysis
by Ricardo I. Combellas Bigott, Michael Angel, Neil Delfino, Dan Orange, Kent
Rinehart, Nigel Tootill
The Role of
Nuclear Power in Achieving a Sustainable Energy Distribution by 2040
by James Conca
Static and Dynamic Faults: Application for Gulf of Mexico Deep Gas Play
by David Connolly, Bill Fraser, Fred Aminzadeh
Forward and
Inverse Modeling of Fault-Bend Folding
by Christopher D. Connors, Simon Levy, Amanda Hughes
Delineation of Deepwater Hydrocarbon Reservoirs with Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion
by Arturo J. Contreras, Torres-Verdin Carlos, William L. Fisher, William E.
Stratigraphy, and Gas Potential of the Northwestern Eocene Maracaibo Foreland
Basin, Western Venezuela
by David R. Contreras, Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona, Miguel Nunez
The Origin of the
""Silverpit Crater"" - the Case for Salt Withdrawal
by Zana K. Conway, John R. Underhill
Tidal Rhythmites
and Their Implications in Surmising Earth-Moon Dynamics
by Christopher Lynn Coughenour
Geochemical Data
Provide Insights into Oil Migration History of Elk Hills Field, California
by Robert L. Countryman, Judy Russell, Stephen A. Reid, John Zumberge
Experiments with Modern Scarabaeid Beetle Larvae: Implications for Backfilled
Trace Fossils in Permian Continental Deposits, Hugoton Gas Field, Western Kansas
by John W. Counts, Stephen T. Hasiotis
Geology and Velocity Data to Constrain Pressure Prediction in Foldbelts
by Brent A. Couzens-Schultz, Chris A. Hedlund
Highstand Fans And
The Myth Of Accommodation Space: The Sand Is Just in Somebody Else's Deep-water
Backyard in The California Borderland
by Jacob A. Covault, William R. Normark, Stephan A. Graham
Textural Trends in
a Conglomeratic Slurry Flow Deposit, Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Chile:
Implications for Debris Flow Transformation
by William H. Crane
Characteristics and Facies Distribution of Reservoir and Non-reservoir Rocks
from the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
by Constantin Cranganu, Maria A. Villa
Fold Geometry
Model of Coyote Hills Segment of Puente Hills Blind-Thrust System Applied to
Interpretation of Long-Term Water Level Data
by Greg T. Cranham, Christopher G.A. Ross, Steven P. Netto
2006-2009; A
Review of Global Elephant Hunting
by Ian Cross
Virtual Reality
Supercomputers, and Your Data or How to Use Technology to Understand the World
Around Us
by Carolina Cruz-Neira
Eocene Oil-Prone Source Rock Potential of
Central Indonesia
Joseph Curiale, John Decker
Realities of
Future North American Natural Gas Supply –The Role of Unconventional Resources,
Anticipated Demand and Price Projections
by John B. Curtis
Visualization in Geoscience and Training
by Marek K. Czernuszenko
Subtle Deltaic Influences in the Shallow Marine (Lower Cretaceous) Viking
Formation at Hamilton Lake, Alberta, Canada
by Lynn T. Dafoe, S. George Pemberton, James MacEachern
Geomorphology and
Stratigraphic Evolution of the Han River Delta
by Robert W. Dalrymple, Kyungsik Choi, JaeHwa Jin, Donald I. Cummings
Exploration in
Mature basin in Sumatra Island, Indonesia: A Historical Review to Challenge New
by Avicenia Darwis, Sunjaya Saputra, Drianto Sudarmawan
Understanding the
Evolution of Clastic Sediments from the Deep-Marine Ainsa-Jaca Basin, Spanish
Pyrenees: A Petrographic Approach
by Kanchan Das Gupta, Kevin T. Pickering
3D Geological
Modelling of Algerian Glacial Ordovician Reservoirs
by Lena Dauphin, Guy Desaubliaux, Angelique Martin, Laurent Escare, Eric Portier
Stress and Fault
Rock Controls on Fault Zone Hydrology, Coso Geothermal Field, CA
by Nicholas Davatzes, Stephen Hickman
Connectivity from
Pre-Production Data in a Deep Marine Turbidite Reservoir, Offshore Angola
by Glenn W. Davies, Tony Barwise, Mike D. Tothill
Breaking the
Rules: Seismic Reflection Data Applied to the Interpretation of Diagenetic
Reaction Fronts at Kilometer to Basin Scale
by R. J. Davies, J. A. Cartwright, D. Meadows
Controls on Petrophysical Responses and Properties
by Sarah Davies, Tim Brewer, Joe Macquaker, Mike Lovell
Source Rock Quality Through Integrating Sedimentology, Geochemistry And
Palynology: A Case Study from the UK Pennsylvanian
by S. J. Davies, T.S. Brewer, R.H. Davies, M. Norry, K. Hawkins
Couplets in Deep Sea Fan Systems – Evidence for Flow Partitioning and
Transformation from Subsurface and Outcrop Examples
by Christopher E. Davis, Peter Haughton, William McCaffrey
Integrated Trap
and Seal Evaluation of Complex Reservoir Systems
by J. Steven Davis, Francesco V. Corona, Peter J. Vrolijk, Bill R. James
Identification &
Characterization of Faults & Folds Using Borehole Electrical Images
by Robert J. Davis
Degradation of the
Isoprenoid 2,6,10,14-Tetramethylpentadecane by a Denitrifying Microcosm
by Katherine S. Dawson, Jennifer Macalady
Stress Orientation Changes in Bounded Reservoirs
by Amy D. F. Day-Lewis, Mark D. Zoback
Mechanisms of Phyllosilicate Minerals in Mudstones: Gulf of Mexico, North Sea,
and Podhale Basin
by Ruarri J. Day-Stirrat, Andrew C. Aplin, Ben E. Van der Pluijm, Jan Srodon
Effect of
Watermass Properties on the Distribution of Recent Deep-sea Benthic Foraminifera
Across the Indian Ocean
by Soma De, Anil Kumar Gupta
The Role of
Saturation in Controlling CaCO3 Mineralogy, Crystal Morphology, and
Carbonate Fabrics: New Insights Into an Unsolved Enigma
by Vionette De Choudens, Luis Gonzalez, Jennifer Roberts
Do Microbial
Processes Control CaCO3 Crystal Morphology?
by Vionette De Choudens, Jennifer Roberts, Luis A. Gonzalez
Bends on Schiehallion's North Channel
by Debora De Miranda
Alternative Energy
from Alternative Energy: Using Landfill Gas to Help Produce Ethanol
by Dan DeBoer
Historical Natural
Gas Prospecting
by Paul L. Decker, Steve Davies
The Application of
Capillary Based Migration Modelling to Fault Moderated Fill and Spill
by Stephen J. Dee, Brett Freeman, Dan Carruthers, Graham Yielding, Peter Bretan
Integrating Fault
Seal Techniques – Explaining The Duality in Fault Behaviour
by Stephen J. Dee, Graham Yielding, Herald Ligtenberg, Steven Losh, Amanda
Pouwel, Brett Freeman, Peter Bretan
Elastic Models of
Deformation in Nature: Why Shouldn't We Use The Present Day Fault Geometry?
by Stephen J. Dee, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding, Peter Bretan
New Aspects
Concerning Hydrodynamics of Turbidity Currents Based on Physical Experiments
by Antonio Cosme Del Rey, Rafael Manica, Rogerio Maestri, Ana Luiza de Oliveira
Borges, Adriano Roessler Viana
Study of Sediment
Waves Formation and Morphology in Turbidite Systems from Physical Modelling
by Antonio Cosme Del Rey, Rafael Manica, Rogerio Dornelles Maestri, Ana Luiza de
Oliveira Borges, Adriano R. Viana
Carbonate Deposystems: Revising the Carbonate Factory-Depth Paradigm
by Giovanna Della Porta, Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Paul M. Harris
Rock Property Data
Volumes from Well Logs
by Leslie Richard Denham, H. Roice Nelson
Central Tunisia
and Related Petroleum Systems
by Fayrouz Derbel Damak
Tectonic Influence
on Oil and Gaz Field Distribution in the Sahel Region ( Sfax Basin, Tunisia) and
Related Petroleum Systems
by Fayrouz Derbel Damak, Ayedi Ben Gacha
Nanocomposites as
Models of Mineral Surface - Organic Matter Relationships and Their Application
to Organic Carbon Preservation
by Arkadiusz Derkowski, Martin Kennedy, Thomas F. Bristow
Sedimentary Facies
and Architecture of a Subtidal Sandbar Complex, Lower Cambrian Gog Group,
Southern Rocky Mountains, Canada
by Patricio R. Desjardins, Luis A. Buatois, Brian R. Pratt, M. Gabriela Mangano
Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Along-Strike Changes in
Parasequences of the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway, Central Alberta, Canada
by Aaron J. DesRoches, Cameron R. Thompson, James A. MacEachern
Evaluating Water-Flooding Incremental Oil
Recovery Using Experimental Design, Middle Miocene to Paleocene Reservoirs,
Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico
Richard Dessenberger, Kenneth McMillen, Joseph Lach
Three-Dimensional Outcrop Modeling of a Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic Reservoir
by Peter E. K. Deveugle, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Craig S. Calvert
3D Petroleum
Systems Modeling in Fold and Trhust Belts - A Case Study from Bolivia
by Matais Di Benedetto, Emilio Rocha, Simone Sciamanna, Friedemann Baur, Carolyn
Hierarchy of Two Juxtaposed Slope Channel Complex Sets in the Laingsburg
Depocenter, Karoo Basin, South Africa
by Claudio Di Celma, Dave Hodgson, Rufus L. Brunt, John. P. Kavanagh, Chris J.
Haigh, Jamie K. Pringle, Stephen Flint
Stratigraphy of the Angostura Formation (Ecuador) and Caleta Herradura Formation
(Northern Chile): Evidence for Middle to Late Miocene Orbitally Paced Eustatic
Sea-Level Changes
by Claudio Di Celma, Gino Cantalamessa, Luca Ragaini, Gigliola Valleri, Walter
Effects of Glacial
Loading and Unloading on the Petroleum Systems of the South-Western Barents Sea
as Revealed by Basin Modelling
by Rolando Di Primio, Andrew Cavanagh, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Brian
Controls on Deep-Water Sediment Delivery on the Periphery of the South China Sea
by William G. Dickson, James W. Granath, Mark E. Odegard, Janice M. Christ
Doing The
Geochemical "Cotton Eye Joe" In West Africa (Niger Delta To Angola):
Identifying The Source Of Radarsat Slicks With Piston Cores, Oil Samples,
Potential Fields And Near-surface Seismic
by William G. Dickson, Craig F. Schiefelbein, Alan K. Williams, Mark E. Odegard,
James M. Brooks
The Depositional
Web on the Fly River Floodplain, Papua New Guinea
by William E. Dietrich, Geoff Day, Joel C. Rowland
Community Structures Correlated with Geochemistry: a DNA-based Exploration
by Dago Dimster-Denk, Matthew Ashby, Emmanuel Mongodin, Karen Nelson, Thomas
Regional Late
Paleozoic Tectono-Stratigraphic Settings and Perspectives for Discoveries at the
Pricaspian Basin's North-Western Margin, Russia
by John Dolson, Yuri Nikitin, Sergei Ostapenko
Slope Terrains: A
Critical Factor in Explaining and Predicting the Distribution and Type of Slope
by Art Donovan
What Is the Shelf
by Art Donovan
On the
Connectivity of Point Bars
by Marinus Eric Donselaar, Irina Overeem
Applications of
Automatic Fault Extraction (AFE) in a Variety of Geologic Environments: Results,
Limitations, and Suggested Improvements
by Geoffrey A. Dorn, Huw E. James, Laura Evins, Jonathan Marbach, Francis A.
What Do Geologists
Need to Know about Metadata?
by Don Downey
An Overview of the
Petroliferous Basins of the Siberian Arctic
by Sergey S. Drachev
Assessment of
Geologic CO2 Sequestration at a Proposed FutureGen Site in Kentucky
by James A. Drahovzal, David C. Harris, Stephen F. Greb, Brandon C. Nuttall
Geocellular Model
Construction for Enhanced Recovery of the Southern Oregon Basin Oilfield in
Wyoming, USA
by Taizhong Duan
Can Dissolved
Material Replace Cohesive Sediment in Turbidity Current Physical Modelling?
Experimental Inferences Based on Cohesive, Non-Cohesive and Mixed Low-Density
by Richard Eduard Ducker, Rafael Manica, Ana Luiza de Oliveira Borges, Rogerio
Dornelles Maestri
Are Our Earth and
Dynamic Models Heterogeneous?
by Dennis W. Dull, G. Michael Shook, Akmaral Zhumagulova, Bakhit Tulegenova
Sedimentation From the Cenomanian/Turonian of NE Mexico: Its Relationship to
Milankovitch and Solar Cycles
by Fabian Duque-Botero, Florentin J.M-R. Maurrasse, Mihaela Carmen Melinte
Reservoir Quality
and Pore-Type Evolution in Deep to Ultradeep Tertiary Sandstones of the Northern
Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast
by Shirley P. Dutton, Robert G. Loucks
3-D Reservoir
Characterization of a Point-Sourced Deepwater Carbonate Reservoir Analog, Upper
Miocene, Agua Amarga Basin, SE Spain
by Rachel Dvoretsky, Evan Franseen, Robert Goldstein, Alan Byrnes
Reflections of Rock Properties
by Jack Petrovich Dvorkin
Styles of Channel
Body from Outcrop as an Indicator of Connectivity in Deep Marine Channel Systems
by Mason Dykstra, Benjamin Kneller, Philip Thompson, Ian Kane
Faults in Mass-Transport Deposits: Seals or Conduits to Fluid Flow?
by Mason Dykstra, Benjamin Kneller, Katerina Garyfalou
Current Control on
Deep-Water Coral Mounds: Questioning an Emerging Paradigm
by Gregor P. Eberli, Mark Grasmueck, Miriam S. Andres, Thiago Correa
Extending Eaton
Exponents: beyond P-Wave Velocities
by Daniel Andrew Ebrom, Martin L. Albertin, Philip Heppard
Outcrops of
Martian Sedimentary Rocks and Polar Strata as Viewed from Orbit at Aerial
Photograph Scales
by Kenneth S. Edgett
On the Nature of
Delta Distributary Channel Fill
by Douglas Edmonds, Benjamin Sheets, David Hoyal, Roger Bloch
Development of a Deepwater Fan: Three-Dimensional Insights from Ultra-High
Resolution Seismic Data, East Breaks Basin IV (Upper Fan), Offshore Texas, Gulf
of Mexico
by Chris Edwards, David Hoyal, Benjamin Sheets, Paul Dunn
The Latemar—A
Matter Of Competence
by Sven O. Egenhoff, Arndt Peterhaensel
Processes During Turbidity Currents, Observations from The Late Oligocene
Sand-Rich Macigno Formation in Italy
by Joris Eggenhuisen, William McCaffrey, Rob Butler, Peter Haughton
Remobilised Deepwater Reservoir Sands: An Example from The Britannia Sandstone
Formation, UK North Sea Sector
by Joris Eggenhuisen, William McCaffrey, Peter Haughton, William Hakes, Rob
Basal Pressure in
Turbidity Currents: Experimental Data on Causes for Substrate Deformation
by Joris Eggenhuisen, William McCaffrey
An Integrated
Approach for Delineating Structural Trends Using Regional Gravity Enhancements
and Borehole Imaging in the Michigan Basin
by Vsevolod Egorov, Pedram Zarian
Uranium Decrease
across the Permian/Triassic Boundary in the Khuff Formation, Offshore Persian
Gulf: Evidence of Biotic Devastation in a Shallow-water Carbonate Platform
by S. N. Ehrenberg, T. A. Svana, Peter K. Swart
Whole Core versus
Plugs: Scale Dependence of Porosity-Permeability Measurements in Platform
by S. N. Ehrenberg
A Megascale View
of Reservoir Quality in Producing Sandstones from the Offshore Gulf of Mexico
by S. N. Ehrenberg, Paul H. Nadeau, Øyvind Steen
From Wildcatters
to Wall Street: The Role of Independents and Small Operators in Today's Oil
by Monika Ehrman
Localization—Rule or Exception During Sandstone Burial?
by Peter Eichhubl
Reevaluation of
the Majunga and Morondava Basins, Madagascar
by Gloria Eisenstadt, Dave Bushnell, Barry Rodgers, Jackie Reed, Alfred
First Gas after 40
Years – The Geophysical Challenges of the Saturn Gas Complex (Best of EAGE)
by S.D. Elam
Kinetic Isotope
Fractionation Modeling in Natural Gas Systems: A Novel Tool for the Quantitative
Assessment of Gas Generation and Gas Typing
by Geoffrey S. Ellis, Yongchun Tang, Ronald J. Hill
Potential of the Aruba and Western Curacao Basins, Offshore Venezuela
by Hamed Zeidan El-Mowafy, Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona
Emerging Jurassic
Source Rock Play in the Deepwater off Newfoundland and Labrador, East Coast of
by Michael E. Enachescu, John R. Hogg
Outcrop Reservoir
Modelling of Shallow Marine Deltaic Systems from the Ferron FM, USA and the Roda
Sandstone, Spain
by Havard D. Enge, Beate L. S. Leren, Simon Buckley, John Howell, Asmund Vassel,
Allard W. Martinius
Jointing Within
the Outer Arc of a Forebulge: A Mechanism for Additional Reservoir Complexity at
the Subseismic Scale
by Terry Engelder, Gary Lash
Stratigraphic Response to Variable Fault Geometry and Tectonic Kinematics: An
Investigation of Extensional Basin Development
by Todd M. Engelder, Mark Person, John Swenson, Brad Ritts
Future Discovery
Potential in the Kutei basin (Indonesia)
by Jack English, J. Ceron, D. Weaver, Arthur H. Saller, J. Curicle
Oil from Shales - Potential Recovery Methods and Economics of Recovery from Oil
from Rich, Mature Source Rocks
by Jeffrey Eppink, Robert Ferguson, Vello Kuuskraa, Keith Moodhe
Linking Tectonic
and Sedimentary Events in the Northern Caribbean and Southern Gulf of Mexico
by Alejandro Escalona, Sylvia Nordfjord, Paul Mann, William Galloway
Kinematic Model
Linking Basin Subsidence and Fault Evolution Along the Obliquely Convergent
South America-Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone
by Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann, Luc Lavier
Piston Cores vs
Seapage Samples, Are They Representative in Deep Water Basin Analysis?
by Maria de Jesus Escandon, Mario Limon, Rebeca Navarro
Procedures for
Lithology Characterization and Probabilistic Upscaling (Curve ""Blocking"")
Using Petrophysical and Core Data
by Eric Eslinger
Generation of a
Volume of Reservoir Geological Properties from 3D Seismic and Well Data
by Andres G. Espeso, Ann Marie Mezones, Asdrubal Bernal
Citronelle Dome: A
Giant Opportunity for Multi-Zone Carbon Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the
Mississippi Interior Salt Basin of Alabama
by Richard Esposito, Jack Pashin
Early vs
. Late
Carbonate Reservoir Porosity: a Paradigm Shift
by Mateu Esteban, C. Taberner
Reserves and Resources Classification, Definitions and Guidelines. Defining the
by John R. Etherington, Ronald Harrell
Deformation Structures: Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation, Jonah Field, Wyoming
by Frank G. Ethridge, Faisal A. Alquhtani
Concepts of Chalk
Burial Diagenesis: Porosity Preservation and Pore-filling Cementation
by Ida Lykke Fabricius
Chalk Reservoir
Properties Controlled by Composition, Age, Temperature, Burial Stress and Pore
Pressure – Relationship to Rock Physical Properties
by Ida Lykke Fabricius, Morten Leth Hjuler
3d Modelling of
(Upper Triassic) Continental Mixed Fluvial Systems Integrating "Lidar" Digital
Outcrop Images with High-Resolution Sedimentology: High Atlas , Morocco
by Ivan Fabuel-Perez, Jonathan Redfern, David Hodgetts
Controls on
Fluvial Incision of Continental Shelves
by Sergio Fagherazzi, Alan Howard, W. Niedorodac, Patricia Wiberg
The Influence of
Changing Flood Hydrographs on Fluvial Sandstone Composition and Grain Size
by Brooke Fambrough, Rudy Slingerland, William A. Heins
Devonian Aged
Shale Gas Potential of the Southern Tier of New York
by Basim Faraj, James Duggan
Structural and
Sedimentological Evolution of the Ultra-Deep Gas Play Fairway – Gulf of Mexico
Shelf, Texas and Louisiana
by Cathy L. Farmer, Debra H. Phillips, R. H. Benthien, D. V. Dailey, B. W.
Horn, D. G. Derbecker
A Genetic
Framework for Hydrocarbon Occurrence in the Arctic
by Robert J. Ferderer, Michael A. Sullivan, Steve Creaney
Status and Future
of Biofuels
by Bruce W. Ferguson
Evaluation of
Structural Uncertainty as a Tool to Minimize Risk in Exploration, Ramos Field,
Andean Foothills, Argentina
by Oscar Fernandez, Martin Iribarne, Emilia Muzzio, Alfredo Disalvo, Clare Bond,
Gustavo Vergani
The Nechako Basin:
New Insights into a Cordilleran Intermontane Basin
by Filippo Ferri, Janet Riddell, Lavern Stasiuk, Arthur Sweet, Paul O'Sullivan
Conjugate Normal
Faults and their Role Within Fault Blocks and Fault Damage Zones
by David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Judith McIntyre, Iain Sinclair
Dynamic Characterization of Fracture Geometry
through Bayesian Inversion of Production History
Emmanuel Fetel, Sarah Vitel, Laetitia Mace
Signatures of Icehouse Climate Regimes: The Permian Record of Eastern Australia
by Christopher R. Fielding, Jonathan Allen, Michael C. Rygel, Lauren P.
Birgenheier, Tracy Frank
Deposits of the Punta Barrosa Formation, Southernmost Andes, Chile
by Andrea Fildani
Late Pleistocene
Shelf-Edge Deltas and Growth Faulting in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico: The Early
Development of Shelf Margin Reservoir Systems
by Richard H. Fillon, Harry H. Roberts
Coupled 3D
Landscape and Sedimentary Numerical Modelling of Along-Strike Variability in
Hangingwall Stratigraphy Caused by Fault Displacement
and Sea-Level Cycles
by Emma Finch and Rob Gawthorpe
The Upper
Pennsylvanian Indian Cave Sandstone: Lithostratigraphy, Architecture and
Sequence Stratigraphy of Potential Reservoirs in the High Midcontinent Shelf
Platform, USA
by Steven A. Fischbein, Christopher R. Fielding, and R. Matthew Joeckel
Fracture and Fault
Prediction in Basement-Involved Fault-Related Folds: Comparisons Between
Physical Models and Trishear Calculations
by Mark P. Fischer, David Keating, Nestor Cardozo, and Christina Majerowicz
Low Energy
Alluvial Deposits from the Upper Cretaceous Prince Creek Formation, National
Petroleum Reserve, North Slope, Alaska
by Peter P. Flaig, Paul J. McCarthy, Erik Brandlen, and Anthony R. Fiorillo
Stratigraphic Organization of Architectural Elements
by Stephen Flint and David Hodgson
Geologic Controls
on the Elastic and Petrophysical Properties of Clastic Rocks
by Juan-Mauricio Florez and Gary Mavko
Lithofacies, or Architectural Elements for Reservoir Modeling?
by Juan-Mauricio Florez-Nino and Omar Angola
Lacustrian to
Fluvial Transition in the Tertiary Wasatch Formation, Three Canyons, Desolation
Canyon, Utah
by Grace L. Ford, Piret Plink-Borklund, and Marieke Dechesne
Field-based 3D
Modelling of a Growth Syncline : The Annot Syncline, SE France
by Mary Ford, Adrien Cazaux, Lise Salles, Christian Le Carlier de Veslud,
and Antoine Le Solleuz
Signatures in a Ripidly Opening Rift: the Giant Gilbert Delta Systems of the
Corinth Rift, Greece
by Mary Ford, Sebastien Rohais, Nicolas Backert, Fabrice Malartre, Edward A.
Mudstone-Dominated Caprock System of the CO2-Storage Site at Ketzin,
by Andrea Forster, Niels Springer, Gerhard Beutler, Joachim Luckert, Ben Norden,
Holger Lindgren
Sequences in Carbonate Systems: An Emerging Picture
by Evan K. Franseen, Robert H. Goldstein, Marcello Minzoni
A Regional
Overview of the Exploration Potential of the Middle East
by Alastair Fraser, Jeremy Goff, Bob Jones, Christoph Lehmann, Ivor Simpson
Prediction of
Natural Fracture Intensity in Complex Carbonate Reservoirs, Improving Drilling
Location Selection in Mexico
by Manfred Frass, Efrain Mendez, Rodolfo Rocha
Come Back on
Facies Characteristic and Diversity in Carbonate Eolian Dunes
by Gregory Frebourg, Claude-Alain Hasler, Pierre Le Guern, Eric Davaud
Petrophysical Properties Using 3D Image Data
by Joanne T. Fredrich, Matthew M. Haney, Joshua A. White
An ED-Like Method
for 3D Structural Restoration and QC of Planar Faulted Reservoirs
by Brett Freeman, Alan Gibbs, Graham Yielding, Stephen J. Dee, Alan Roberts,
Peter Bretan
Normal Growth
Fault Evolution in the Columbus Basin, Trinidad
by Ulrike A. Freitag, David J. Sanderson, Lidia Lonergan
Quartz Overgrowth Generation
by Marsha French, Joann Welton, Mike Braun
Monitoring and
reconstruction of subsurface CO2 plumes using a stochastic inversion approach
by S. Julio Friedmann, Abelardo L. Ramirez, William Foxall, Kathy Dyer
Protocols for Geological Carbon Storage and the Need for a New Hazard
Characterization Approach
by S. Julio Friedmann
Geologic Modeling
of Frasnian and Famennian Carbonate Platforms, Canning Basin, Western Australia
by Ned Frost
Fracture Patterns of the Devonian Reef Complexes, Canning Basin, Western
by Ned Frost, Leonel Gomez
The Lower Tertiary
Play: Leasing Activity and New Opportunities in the Ultra-Deep Water Gulf of
by Matthew C. Frye
Reservoir Uncertainty in Highly-Compacted Depositional Environments Using
Reflectivity Models from Monte Carlo Simulations
by D. Alan Fuqua
Sedimentology and GPR Data: the Subsurface Holocene of Sylt Island (German
by Jorn Furstenau, Sebastian Lindhorst, H. Christian Hass, Susanne Feindt,
Christian Betzler
Evidence for
Microbial Respiration of Structural Fe3+ from Clay Minerals in an Ancient
Diagenetic System: Implications for Authigenic Iron and Silica Products in
by Robert R. Gaines, John S. Vorhies
Natural Fractures
in the Barnett Shale: Why They Are Important
by Julia F. W. Gale, Jon Holder, Robert M. Reed
Turbidity Currents
and Confined Channels: the Case of the Stromboli Slope Valley Bend
by Fabiano Gamberi, Michael Marani
Herrera Sandstones
in the Southern Basin Area, Trinidad: Evidence of Hyperpycnites Deposited Away
From Ancient Oficina Delta Systems in Eastern Venezuela
by Helena Gamero Diaz, Jo Reader, Chris Izatt, Carlos Zavala, Carmen C.
Contreras F
Source Control
Over Calciturbidite Facies Distributions in the Lower Isaac Carbonate,
Windermere Supergroup, Canada
by Paul R. Gammon, Bill Arnott
Elements Versus Geomorphological Units: Building Blocks of Ancient and Modern
Depositional Systems
by M. Royhan Gani
Paleohydrology and
dolomitization in the Permian San Andres Fm, Guadalupe Mountains and Algerita
by Beatriz Garcia-Fresca, F. Jerry Lucia
Assessment of
Connectivity of Mass Transport Deposits in the Subsurface Using Seismic-Scale
Outcrop Analogues
by Katerina Garyfalou, Benjamin Kneller, Mason Dykstra, David Macdonald
Geomorphic Development and Seismic Hazards of Orange County, Southern Los
Angeles Basin, California
by Eldon M. Gath, Lisa Grant
Potential of the East Greenland Shelf
by Donald L. Gautier, Flemming G. Christiansen, Lars Stemmerik, Torben Bistrup,
Jørgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed, Kai Sørensen
USGS Circum-Arctic
Resource Appraisal: Status Report and Initial Ranking of Arctic Sedimentary
by Donald L. Gautier, L.P. White, Arthur Grantz
Basin Filling
Patterns on the Waipaoa Continental Shelf (NZ) Revealed by Mapping Tephra Beds
in High-Resolution Seismic Records
by Thomas P. Gerber, Alan Palmer, Lincoln F. Pratson, Steve Kuehl, J.P. Walsh,
Clark Alexander, Alan Orpin
Forcing Mechanisms
in Sequence Stratigraphy and the use of Simple Large-Scale Forward Numerical
by Jeffrey Geslin
Characteristics of Folded Carbonates, Teton Anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana
by Kajari Ghosh, Shankar Mitra
Sequence Sets on the Tectonically Active Eastern Margin of the Pennsylvanian
Paradox Basin, Southwestern Colorado
by Gary L. Gianniny, Kimberlee J. Miskell-Gerhardt
Meeting the
Challenge of Reducing Large-scale CO2 Emissions: an Example of
Potential Geological CO2 Storage from the Gippsland Basin, Australia
by Catherine M. Gibson-Poole, Lotte Svendsen, James Underschultz, Maxwell N.
Watson, Jonathan Ennis-King, Peter J. Van Ruth, Emma J. Nelson, Richard F.
Daniel, Yildiray Cinar
Lakes of the
Jurassic Portland Formation, Newark Supergroup, Hartford Basin
by Elizabeth H. Gierlowski-Kordesch, Simret Ghirmay Zerezghi, Peter A.
Signatures of Rapid Carbonate Crystallization in Well Scales
by Grace F. Giles, James R. Boles, Hilario Camacho
Onshore Alaska
Peninsula Petroleum System Assessment: Preliminary Summary of Outcrop Studies of
the Port Moller Area, 2006
by Robert J. Gillis, Rocky R. Reifenstuhl, Paul L. Decker, Andrea L. Strauch,
Kenneth L. Helmold
The Various
Influences of Bioturbation on Reservoir Facies Quality
by Murray Gingras, S. George Pemberton, Carl A. Mendoza
Recent Volcanic
and Fluvial Activity in the Region of Harmakhis Vallis, Mars
by Mihaela Glamoclija, Gian Gabriele Ori, Lucia Marinangeli, Goro Komatsu, Jouko
Petrofacies: a Tool for Quality Characterization and Prediction
by Karin Goldberg, Luiz F. De Ros
Acquisition and Management of Petrographic Information from Reservoir Rocks
Using the Petroledge? System
by Karin Goldberg, Luiz F. De Ros, Mara Abel
Changing Paradigms
in Carbonate Diagenesis
by Robert H. Goldstein, Jennifer A. Roberts, Luis A. Gonzalez
Tidal channel to
bayhead delta couplets: key to 4th order proximal sequence identification and
correlation, Upper Iles Formation, Colorado
by Carolina A. Gomez, Ron Steel
Controls on Spatial Arrangement of Fractures: an Example from the Cupido Fm.,
Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico
by Leonel Gomez, Randall Marrett
Deconvolution and
Mapping of Soil Gas Anomalies in Surface Prospecting: A New Approach Based on
Bayesian Geostatistics
by Felix T. T. Goncalves, Fernando H. Pulgati, Ricardo P. Bedregal, Flavio L.
Fernandes, Jason T. G. Carneiro
Patterns and Rock Physics for a New Seismic Inversion Method
by Ezequiel F. Gonzalez, Tapan Mukerji, Gary Mavko
Geothermal Energy:
An Overlooked Resource in the Midlands
by William Gosnold, Daniel F. Merriam, David D. Blackwell
Petroleum Systems
of the Mumbai Offshore Basin, India
by Basant Giri Goswami, Harvir Singh, A. K. Bhatnagar, A. K. Sinha, Ram Raj
Characterization and Modelling of Polygonal Fracturing in a Carbonate Field in
Abu Dhabi
by Francois Gouth, Laure Moen-Maurel, Sabah Karim Aziz
Extensive Definitions of Plays on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf Based on the
Principal Sedimentary Events of Fields
by John D. Grace
Geophysical Data
in 3-D Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
by John D. Grace
3D Stratigraphic
Modelling in Complex Tectonics Area
by Didier Granjeon, Sylvie Wolf
Maps Showing
Location, Tectonic Character and Structural Setting of the Sedimentary Basins of
the Arctic Region (65ø-90øN. lat.)
by Arthur Grantz, Robert Scott, Sergey Drachez, Thomas E. Moore, James P. Howard
Application of
Shear Wave Anisotropy for Natural Fracture Detection in a Cased Well
by S. T. Grayson, Adam Donald, Tom Bratton, Romain Prioul, Monica Carlsen, Lee
Distribution and
Stratigraphy of the Neogene Utsira - and Hutton Sand in the Viking Graben Area,
North Sea
by Ulrik Gregersen, Peter N. Johannessen, Gary Kirby, Andy Chadwick, Sam
Deep Cold-Water
Dolomitization of Neogene Sediments, Belgica Carbonate Mound Province, Porcupine
Basin, North Atlantic Ocean
by Jay M. Gregg, Tracy D. Frank
Workflows for
Geomechanical Restoration and Forward Modelling in Fold and Thrust
Belts:Comparison with Geometric Methodologies, Applications and Limitations
by Paul Griffiths, Laurent Maerten
Controls on the
Geometry and Internal Architecture of Submarine Fan Elements, Tanqua Depocentre,
Karoo Basin, South Africa: Insights from Process-Based Modeling
by Remco M. Groenenberg, David M. Hodgson, Stefan M. Luthi
Numerical Modeling
of Turbidity Current Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in a Faulted-Margin Setting
by Remco M. Groenenberg, Wiebke Athmer, Marinus E. Donselaar, Dimitrios Sokoutis,
Ernst Willingshofer
Effects of
Mechanical Stratigraphy and Structural Position on Fracture Development as
Observed in Core from Elk Hills Field, California
by Michael R. Gross, Tania C. Campbell, Jon R. Schwalbach, Timothy L. Davis
Outcrop Analogs of
Multi-Layer Fracture Zones
by Michael R. Gross
Mars Science Lab -
The Search for Source Rocks on Mars
by John Grotzinger, Ed Stolper
A New Approach to
Quantifying Uncertainties, from Seismic Characterisation to Hydrocarbons in
Place (Best of EAGE)
by J.M. Guemene, B. Paternoster, S. Toinet, P. Biver, T. Gordon, H. Declerc
Characterization of Low Permeability Lower Shoreface Facies in the Baram Delta
Province, Brunei Darussalam
by Pierre Guilpain, Howard D. Johnson, Abdul Razak Damit
Facies Variability
of Tidal Bar Occurrences in a Tidal-Fluvial Transition Zone, Ogeechee Estuary,
Georgia, U.S.A
by Sarah C. Gunn, Robert Dalrymple, S. George Pemberton, Murray K. Gingras
Automation of
Fracture Counts Using Volumetric Seismic Attributes
by Hao Guo, Kurt Marfurt
Sedimentology and
Hydrocarbon Significance of the Devonian-Carboniferous Succession in Novaya
Zemlya, Arctic Russia
by Li Guo, Roman Schekoldin, Robert A. Scott, James P. Howard, Jenny E. Omma
Resource Potential
of Fine-grained Cretaceous Source Rocks, Wattenberg Gas Field, Colorado
by Edmund R. Gustason, Colleen Sherry, Marshall Deacon
Visualizing the
Geologic Evolution of the Southern Kenya Rift Through Remapping, Unit
Correlation and Utilization of Age Dates
by Alexandria L. Guth, James R. Wood
A Comprehensive
Classification of Seals Based on Worldwide Subsurface Analogs
by Jose I. Guzman, Rod Sloan, Shengyu Wu, Shaoqing Sun
Evolution of Erosional-to Levee- Confined Channel - Complexes, Offstore West
by Frode Hadler-Jacobsen, Michael H. Gardner, William Shea
New Exploration
Perspectives on the Jurassic of Southern Western Siberia
by Sergei Hafizov, Vladimir Shimansky, George Pemberton, John Dolson, Richard
Avulsion Clusters
in Alluvial Basins: Statistical Tools for Quantifying Sand-Body Distributions
and Implications for Reservoir Modeling and Interpretation
by Elizabeth Hajek, Paul Heller, Snehalata Huzurbazar, Benjamin Sheets, Chris
Natural Gas From
Coalbeds Exploration Along the South Coast of Oregon: A 21st Century Approach to
Natural Resource Exploration in Sensitive Environments
by Margaret A. Halferty, Steven P. Pappajohn
Identifying New
Material Hydrocarbon Plays. The Challenge and an Approach
by Robin Hamilton, David Steele, Colin Grant, Pedro Restrepo-Pace, Larry Garmezy
Building a
European Independent
by Vincent Jon Hamilton
All Fill — No
Spill: Slope-Fan Sand Bodies in Growth-Faulted Subbasins, Frio Formation, South
Texas Gulf Coast
by Ursula Hammes, Hongliu Zeng, Robert Loucks, Frank Brown
Parasequences: Reservoir Characterization Using High-Resolution (Bedset-Scale)
Physical Stratigraphy in Shallow-Marine Strata
by Gary Hampson, Peter Sixsmith, Oliver Jordan, Richard Sech, Sanjeev Gupta,
Matthew Jackson, Howard Johnson
Mass-Transport-Complexes (MTCs) in the Western Offshore Nile Delta: Morphology,
Distribution, Controls and Implications for Exploration
by Dorthe Moeller Hansen, Jonathan Redfern
Paleogeography and Sea-level History of Western Puerto Rico Using
High-resolution 2D Seismic Profiles
by Martin Hanzlik-Valentin, Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona, Nancy Grindlay, Lewis
Geologic And
Seismic Attribute ModellingTo Aid Exploration In Complex Carbonates: Khuff
(Permian-Triassic), Saudi Arabia
by Tom Harland, Abdel Fattah Bakhiet, A.E. Greg Gregory, David Tang, Abdel
Ghayoum Ahmed
and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Palaeo-Earth Systems Modelling: Application for the
Prediction of Reservoir Facies in Frontier Basins
by J. P. Harris, R. Crossley, N. J. Stronach, T. Hudson, PJ Valdes, R. Proctor
Geomorphology of
Carbonate Systems and Reservoir Modeling: Carbonate Training Images, FDM cubes,
and MPS Simulations
by Paul Harris, Marjorie Levy, Sebastien Strebelle, Eugene C. Rankey
Importance of
Facies-Based Earth Models for Understanding Flow Behavior in Carbonate
by Paul Harris, Marjorie Levy, William Milliken, Sebastien Strebelle, Eugene
Repeated Cycles of
Progradation and Incision of Upper Cretaceous Shelf-Margin Deltas, Northern San
Joaquin Basin, California
by Denise H. Harrison, Steven D. Jones, Paul J. Harrison, John M. Armentrout,
David H. Suek, David B. Codding
Definition of a Late Cretaceous East-Vergent Thrust on the Western Flank of the
Northern San Joaquin Basin and Its Influence on Deep-Water Deposition
by Paul J. Harrison, Stephan Graham, Denise H. Harrison, David H. Suek, Steven
D. Jones, David B. Codding
Fracture Systems with Seismic Attributes: Teapot Dome, Wyoming
by Dennis L. Harry, Scotty Salamoff, Jerry F. Magloughlin
The Historical
Resouce and Recovery Growth in Developed Fields, Arctic Slope of Alaska
by Jack Hartz, Robert Swenson
Ichnofossils as Climate-Indicator Proxies in Deep Geologic Time: Integrating
Ichnology and paleopedology to Access Changes in Paleohydrology and Paleoclimate
by Stephen Hasiotis, Mary J. Kraus, Jon J. Smith, John W. Counts, Daniel Woody
Anatomy and
Weather Induced Internal Heterogeneities of a Pleistocene Carbonate Coastal Dune
(Rejiche Formation, Southeast Tunisia)
by Claude-Alain Hasler, Gregory Frebourg, Eric Davaud
Exploiting the Web
to Deliver Petrotechnical Reference Data
by Eric Hatleberg, Gretchen M. Gillis
Patterns at Kouchibouguac Estuary, NB, Canada
by Tyler E. Hauck, Murray K. Gingras, S. George Pemberton
Processes and
Modeling of Deep Water Flows: the Evolution of Hybrid and Transitional Flow
by Peter Haughton, William McCaffrey, Christopher Davies, Simon Barker
Oil Sands of
Canada: Geologic Framework and Influence of Regional Salt-Dissolution Effects
by Fran Hein
Postcards from the
Edge: The Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta, Canada, at It's Northeastern Limit
by Frances J. Hein, Darrell K. Cotterill, Mike Berhane
Giant Depressions
above Submarine Channels Caused by Flow Activity on The Brazilian Continental
by Paivi Heinio, Richard Davies
Depositional Facies, Trends, and Controls on Sandstone Distribution of the Lower
Atoka Group ("Bend Conglomerate"), Fort Worth Basin, Texas
by Tucker F. Hentz, Eric C. Potter, Muyiwa A. Adedeji
Importance of
Recovery Factor in Volumetric Evaluation of Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs from
the Southern Gulf of Mexico
by Javier Hernandez, Eduardo Montano, Jose Exparza
The Geometry and
Evolution of the Sarulla Graben, Sumatra, a Strike-Slip Basin Hosting
Significant Geothermal Resources
by Robert G. Hickman, Pat P. Dobson, Marc Van Gerven, Birean D. Sagala, Richard
P. Gunderson
Modern Analogs:
Facies Modeling of Isolated, Carbonate Platform with Remote Sensing
by Melissa Hicks, Nils Andresen, Kelley Steffen, Shawn Fullmer, Stephen
Current Cook Inlet
Resource Potential
by David Hite
Variations Between Upper Cretaceous Outcrop and Deeply Buried Reservoir Chalks
of the North Sea Area
by Morten Leth Hjuler, Ida Fabricius
Tectonism and
Eustacy in Devonian Reef Complexes of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
by Roger M. Hocking, Phillip E. Playford
Characterization from Digital Outcrop Data: New techniques for Structural and
Stratigraphic Modelling
by David Hodgetts, Rob Gawthorpe, Paul Wilson, Franklin Rarity, Emma Finch
Understanding The
2007 SPE/WPC/AAPG/SPEE Resource Classification System Through The Development of
a Project From Concept To Production
by John Hodgin, Ronald Harrell
Cannibalisation of
a Submarine Channel-Levee System by an Entrenched Submarine Channel System in
the Laingsburg Depocentre, Karoo Basin, South Africa
by David M. Hodgson, Rufus L. Brunt, Claudio Di Celma, Stephen Flint, John. P.
Development of
Tectonically-Confined Submarine Fans from the Tabernas-Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
by David M. Hodgson, Kevin T. Pickering
Downward Injection of Sandstone in the SW Karoo Basin, South Africa: Pre-Requiste
Conditions and Trigger Mechanisms
by David M. Hodgson, Willem Van der Merwe, Carlos Oliveira
Ichnology, and Depositional History of the Falher D Member, West-Central
Alberta, Canada – Presence of a Wave-dominated Delta
by Trevor Hoffman, Murray Gingras, S. George Pemberton
Structural Frameworks in Complexly Faulted Reservoirs
by Karen S. Hoffman, John W. Neave, Erik H. Nilsen
New Kinematic
Model for the Palos Verdes and San Pedro Basin Fault Zones in Santa Monica Bay,
Offshore Southern California
by Phillip J. Hogan, Aaron Broughton, Kevin Smith, Mark Legg, Tom McNeilan,
Robert R. Male
A Detailed Look
inside a Complex Channel Belt: Processes, Rates, and Architecture for an
8K-Duration Mississippi River Meander Belt
by John Holbrook, Whitney Autin, Ronald J. Goble, Tammy M. Rittenour, Stephen
Collaborative Use of Virtual Environments
by Thorsten Holtkamper, Sascha Scholz, Armin Dressler, Manfred A. Bogen
Macroscopic Mechanical Properties Via Grain-Scale Simulations
by Ran Holtzman, Dmitriy, B. Silin, Tadeusz W. Patzek
Experimental Concepts for Oblique Rifting with Outcrop Data from the Western
U.S.A. and Subsurface Data from European Basins
by Robert J. Hooper, Ken McClay, Lech Antonowicz, Ewa Iwanowska, Ian Walker, Tim
Lower Almond
Formation Outcrops in Pine Canyon; Understanding and Predicting Reservoir
Distribution and Geometry to Guide Infill and Exploitation Strategies in the
Greater Green River Basin
by Brian W. Horn, Keith W. Shanley, William Hanson, Meredith Rhodes-Carson,
James Hornbeck
Ultra-Deep Gas Prospects on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Reservoir Characterization
of Shallow Depleted Horizons Designed to Reduce Exploration Drilling Risk
by Brian W. Horn, David G. Derbecker, Sophie Hildebrand, Dean Chergotis, Kevin
Vorhaben, Debbie Grove
Undiscovered Gas
Resource Potential of the Sacramento Basin, California: Results of the 2006 USGS
by Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Marilyn E. Tennyson, Leslie B. Magoon
Uplift and
Erosion, Distribution of Mature Source Rock, and Burial Histories for Two Gas
Systems in the Sacramento Basin, California
by Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Leslie B. Magoon, Marilyn E. Tennyson, Kenneth E.
Oil and Gas
Resouces of the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province
by D. W. Houseknecht, Kenneth J. Bird
Petroleum Systems
of Emerging and Future Importance in the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province
by David W. Houseknecht, Kenneth J. Bird, Jonathan Bujak
Refining the
Concepts of Connectivity and Continuity in Deepwater Environments
by Joseph M. Hovadik, David K. Larue
Effect of
Bioturbation in Low Permeability Gas Charged Reservoirs - a Case Study from the
Upper Cretaceous Milk River Fm., Western Canada
by Jussi Hovikoski, George Pemberton, Murray Gingras, Ryan Lemiski, Robert
The Use of Image
Logs to Decipher Complex Structures and Aid in Well Completions within Mature
by Thomas M. Howard, Paul Elliott, Dalton Lockman
Spatial and
Temporal Evolution of Densimetric Froude Number in Deep Water Distributive
by David Hoyal, Benjamin Sheets
Method for
Conditioning the Reservoir Model on 3D and 4D Elastic Inversion Data Applied to
a Fluvial Reservoir in the North Sea
by Trond Hoye, T. Andersen, K. Hatland, F. Liestol, G. Mangeroy, Hilde C.
Meisingset, C. Otterlei, Eli Zachariassen, Art Jan Wijngaarden
High Resolution
Numerical Simulations of Bidisperse Particle-Driven Gravity Currents
by James R. Hoyes, Lionel Elliot, Derek B. Ingham, William D. McCaffrey, Jeff
Peakall, Mohammed Pourkashanian
Elements of a Sinuous Deep-Water Basin Axial Channel Complex, Cerro Toro
Formation Outcrop Belt, Magallanes Foreland Basin, Chile
by Stephen M. Hubbard, Brian W. Romans, Stephan A. Graham
Rock Physics
Modeling is Critical for AVO Analysis – A North Sea Paleocene Case Study
by Lars Hubert, Karsten Muller, Jack Dvorkin
The Facies
Architecture of Manzanilla Formation, Trinidad
by Georgia Huggins, Ronald J. Steel
Glide Planes to
Turbidites; Deep Water Carbonate Megabreccias, Oligocene, Spain
by T. Hughes, S. Agar, J. Bova, A. Derewetzky, N. Hartley, P. Hillock, C.
Iannello, A. Mckerron, T. Simo
Forward Sediment
Modeling of Carbonate Platform Growth and Demise, East Java Basin: Example North
by Tina M. Hughes, Toni Simo, John Bova, Amy Ruf, Fiona Whitaker
Correlation and
Dating of Major Stratal Surfaces Between Gondwana and Eurasia – the Impact of
Sequence Stratigraphy
by Carola Hulka, Ben Kilner, Aimee Brown, Dave Kemp, Domenico Lodola, Mike
Simmons, Owen Sutcliffe, Alice Thomas, Joanne Wyton
Gas Hydrate
Resource Potential
by Robert B. Hunter, Scott A. Digert, Scott J. Wilson, Timothy Collett, Ray
Characterization of Gant Sand Injectites in the North Sea and West of Shetland:
Reservoirs, Conduits and Drilling Hazards
by Mads Huuse, Joe A. Cartwright, Simon J. Shoulders, Rutger Gras
Carbonate Contourites – Not Reefs – Examples from the Great Australian Bight and
the North Sea Basin
by Mads Huuse, Finn Surlyk, Holger Lykke-Andersen
Geological Evolution of the Ambilobe, Majunga and Morondava Basins, Offshore
by Graham Hyden, Edward P. Blunt, Douglas Winstone, Mark Enfield, Matthew
The Role of Active
Structural Growth in Controlling Deep-Water Reservoir Systems and Petroleum
Prospectivity in the Confined Gulf of Lyons Basin, Western Mediterranean
by Roman S. Ianev, Nathalie Bordas-Le Floch, John R. Underhill, Richard J.W.
Sand Tectonics: a
Reservoir-Scale Process Similar to Basin-Scale Salt and Shale Tectonics
by Patrice Imbert, Marine Perus
Changing Paleogeography and Paleotectonics, Before and After John Crowell's
Definitive Work on Strike-Slip Systems
by Raymond V. Ingersoll
Ridge Basin,
Southern California: Why John Crowell Got It Right in the First Place
by Raymond V. Ingersoll
Controls on the
Geometry of Large-Scale Clastic Injection Complexes Adjacent to Submarine Sope
Channels; Upper Cretaceous, Offshore Norway
by Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Gillian Barber, Mads Huuse
Active Structural
Growth Controls Reservoir Distribution of Upper Jurassic Slope Systems, South
Viking Graben, Northern North Sea
by Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Eirik Larsen, Sigmund Hanslien, Anne-Elise
Are Tsunamis
Always Sedimentologically Important Events? A Case Study of Sedimentological and
Geochemical Analyses of Coastal Lagoons, Sri Lanka
by Kelly L. Jackson, Eugene C. Rankey, Gregor P. Eberli, Falk Amelung, Miriam S.
Andres, Larry C. Peterson, Peter K. Swart, H.A.H. Jayasena, K.V. Wilbert
Carbonates: an Evolving Paradigm
by Noel P. James
New Interpretation
Assets from Computer Assisted Interpretation
by Huw James, Pascal Klein
3D Modeling of (Visean-Serpukhovian)
Mississippian Mounds, Indian Wells, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
by Xavier Janson, Toni Simo, sergio Nardon
Outcrop-Based 3D Geocellular Model as Seismic Benchmark: Prestack Seismic
Modeling of Grainstones in Lawyer Canyon (Permian) Outcrop,Guadalupe Mountains,
New Mexico
by Xavier Janson, Hongliu Zeng, Charles Kerans, Fred Wang, Sergey Fomel
Characterization of Low-Permeability Turbidites to Improve Waterflooding in the
Long Beach Unit, East Wilmington Field, California
by Creties D. Jenkins, Don Michel, David Simmons, Nitin Srivastava, Shahin Al-Sharif,
Randy Harris, John Weisgram
Distributions and CO2 Sorption in a Confined Coal Sample for Carbon
by Sinisha A. Jikich, Robert McLendon, Duane H. Smith
Neogene Evolution
of a Confined Upper Slope Canyon System with Emphasis on Canyon Fill
Architecture, Offshore Equatorial Guinea
by Zane Jobe, Jim Hewlett
Dispelling The
Myths: Exploration and Development of Natural Gas Hydrate
by Arthur H. Johnson, Michael D. Max
Seal Risking and
Petroleum Leakage - A Case Example from Taglu Gas/Condensate Field, Richards
Island, Beaufort Mackenzie Delta, Northern Canada
by Olufemi A. Jokanola, Dale R. Issler, Andrew C. Aplin, Steve R. Larter, Kuncho
D. Kurtev
Real Time Model Update (RTMU) While Drilling of the 3D Structural Framework
by Serena Jones, Simon Stewart, Stuart Bland, Norman Armstrong, Robert
Humphreys, Michael Doe
Railroad Valley
and Adjacent Structures, Nevada: Analogues and Clues from the Flathead Valley,
South-eastern British Columbia, Canada
by Peter B. Jones
Faulting Patterns in Transtensional Rift Zones: the Influence of Lithology and
Pre-Existing Structures
by R.R. Jones, N. De Paola, R.E. Holdsworth, K.J.W. McCaffrey
Assessment and
Reduction of Uncertainty in Fault Seal Analysis for Hydrocarbon Fluid Flow
by Philip A. Jones, Stephen R. Freeman, Simon D. Harris, Rob J. Knipe, Raoul
R.D. Treverton, P. William Bradbury
Damage Zone
Evolution in Coal Measures Strata From the Northumberland Basin, NE England
by Richard R. Jones, Ruth Wightman, Jonathan Imber, David Healy, Robert E.
Holdsworth, Kenneth J.W. McCaffrey
Linking Seismic
and Sub-Seismic Fault Predictions Using Laser Scanning of Outcrop Analogues
by Richard R. Jones, Dave Healy, Jonathan Imber, Ruth Wightman, Kenneth J.W.
McCaffrey, Robert E. Holdsworth
Identification of
Avulsion Stratigraphy Style as a Characterization Strategy for Predicting
Channel-Body Connectivity in Fluvial Reservoirs
by Heather L. Jones, Elizabeth A. Hajek, Paul L. Heller
Convection at Tengiz: Reactive Transport Models of Predictive Diagenesis and
Evidence from the Rocks
by Gareth D. Jones, Joel F. Collins, Yitian Xiao, Jeroen, A.M. Kenter, Paul
Harris, G. Kuanysheva
Tectonic and
Climatic Controls on Sequence Stratigraphy Revealed by Geometric and Paleosol
Analyses in a Nonmarine Foreland Basin
by Teresa Jordan, Brian Ruskin
Implications of
Shoreline Trajectory for Transgressive Facies Architecture
by Oliver Jordan, Sanjeev Gupta, Gary Hampson, Howard Johnson
Re-Flooding of
Carbonate Bank-Tops and Initiation of Calci-Turbidite Deposition: Timing and
Processes during Late Quaternary Deglacial Transitions
by Stephan J. Jorry, Andre W. Droxler, Emily Pohlman
Carbonate Rock from Geologic Settings with and without Gas Hydrate from the Gulf
of Mexico
by Woodong Jung, Roger Sassen
Basin Modeling
Approach to Fault Seal Prediction through Geologic Time
by Marek Kacewicz, Russell Davies, Matthew Johnson, Gavin Lewis, andrew Thomas
Overbank Flow from
a Sinuous Submarine Channel: Process and Product
by Ian Kane, William. D. McCaffrey, Jeff Peakall
Submarine Channel
Initiation and Evolution: an Experimental Approach
by Ian Kane, Jeff Peakall, William. D. McCaffrey
Reconstructing the
Growth History of a Salt-Influenced Rift Basin to Predict Sandbody Distribution
and Architecture, South Viking Graben, Northern North Sea
by Karla E. Kane, Eirik Larsen, Christopher A.L. Jackson, Anna Sofia Gregersson
Playa Esqueleto
and other outcrops - Braided, Conglomeratic Submarine Channels: Upper Cretaceous
Rosario Fm., Baja California, Mexico
by Ian Kane, Ben Kneller, Mason Dykstra, William. D. McCaffrey
Quantification of
Slope Channel-Levees, the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico
by Ian Kane, Ben Kneller, Mason Dykstra, William. D. McCaffrey
Diagenetic Origins
of Dolomitized Reservoirs and Limestone Tombstones in the Madison Limestone,
Northern U.S. Rockies
by David Katz, Peter Swart, Gregor Eberli, Matthew Buoniconti, Langhorne Smith
Uncertainty: Predictive Distributions for Undiscovered Oil and Gas Pools in a
by Gordon M. Kaufman, John H. Schuenemeyer
Structural and
Stratigraphic Study of the N-Sand in the Helis East Black Bay Field
by George R. Kear, Elizabeth Zobell, Anish Kumar, Brian Briscoe, Jonathan W.
Malone, James P. Stoyanoff, Paul N. Lawless
Flow Dynamics of
Submarine Channels: The Influence of Scale, Slope and Channel Geometry
by G. M. Keevil, Jeff Peakall, James Best
Organic C-Rich
Mudstone Sedimentation in Arctic Alaska During a Seasonally Cold Early
Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Barremian)
by Margaret A. Keller, Joe H.S. Macquaker
Cyanobacterial Mats and Lime Muds: Links to Middle East Carbonate Source Rock
by Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Gene Shinn, Xavier Janson
Clay Mineral
Control of Organic Carbon Deposition in Marine Source Rocks
by Martin J. Kennedy, Arkadiusz Derkowski, Thomas Bristow
Methane Clathrate
Destabilziation in Equatorial Tidalites During Deglaciation
by Martin J. Kennedy, David D. Mrofka
Assessment of
Permeability and Porosity Using High Resolution CT and NMR: An Example From The
Central Tengiz Platform Reservoir, Pricaspian Basin , Kazakhstan
by J.A.M. Kenter, O. Vizika, E. Rosenberg, M. Skalinski, P.M. Harris, M.
Impact of Biogenic
Methane Generation on Formation of Dolomite Reservoirs
by Paul Kenward, Luis Gonzalez, Robert H. Goldstein, Jennifer A. Roberts
The Lourinha Fm,
Lusitanian Basin, Portugal: Outcrop Analogue for Improved Reservoir
Characterisation of the Statfjord Fm, Norwegian North Sea
by Kevin J. Keogh, Allard W. Martinius, Andrew Taylor, Stuart Gowland, Simon
Leary, Carsten Elfenbein, Kjetil Nordahl, Eirik Vik, Silje Berg
Devonian Reefal
Platforms of the Canning Basin - Lessons Learned and Value as Analogs
by Charles Kerans, Paul Harris
Characteristics of
Laterally Confined Sheet Sands. Quebrada Las Lajas, Northwestern Argentina
by Vanessa Kertznus, Ben Kneller, Mason Dykstra
Sensitivity of
Clinoform Geometry to Geological Processes Operating on the Continental Shelf
and Slope
by Vanessa Kertznus, Ben Kneller, Mason Dykstra
Evolution of the Ordovician Pogonip Group near Beatty, NV
by Robert J. Kervin, Dr. Adam Woods
Cementation along Marine Flooding Surfaces of the Mesa Verde Group (Upper
Cretaceous), Wyoming and Colorado: Implications for Sandstone Reservoir Quality
by J. Marcelo Ketzer, Ronald Steel, Louise Kiteley, Claudemir Vasconcelos
Depositional Systems Within the Gas-prone Late Cretaceous Sequences of Western
Pakistan: Influence of Regional and Local Tectonic Controls in a Pre-Collisional
Margin Setting
by Abdul Salam Khan, Gilbert Kelling, Akhtar Mohammad Kassi, Mohammad Umar,
Mohammad Afzal Kakar
Architectural Analysis of Overbank Deposits Associated With a Deep-Marine
Channel-Levee Complex, Lower Isaac Formation (Windermere Supergroup) South
Canadian Cordillera
by Z.A. Khan, Lilian L. Navarro, R.William C. Arnott
Net Pumping of
Sediment Into Deep Water Due To Base-Level Cycling
by Wonsuck Kim, Chris Paola, John Martin, Marty Perlmutter, Frederick Tapaha
Growth - Are We
Understimating Recent Discoveries?
by Keith C. King
Petroleum Resource
Potential of the Laptev Sea Shelf, Russia
by T. R. Klett, F. Persits, G.F. Ulmishek
New Interpretation
of the Paleogeography of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains, Colorado
by Charles F. Kluth
Collapse of
Submarine Channel Levees; Examples from Outcrop and Subsurface, and Reservoir
by Ben Kneller, Mason Dykstra, Philip Thompson
Evolution of the Cap St. Andre Arch and its Influence on Deepwater Depositional
Systems in Northwest Madagascar
by Jeffrey U. Kraus, William A. Matthews, Lanirina Ronosrosoa
Methane Clathrate
Hydrates, Subseafloor Clam Communities & Carbonate Cement Diagenesis in The
Pierre Shale: A Paradigm Shift in The Origin of Mixed Carbonate And
Siliciclastic Sediments
by Federico F. Krause, Selim G. Sayegh, Renee Perez, Jesse Clark
Deciphering the
Basin Eevolution of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada, using 3D-Basin
Modeling and Sequence Stratigraphy
by Karsten F. Kroeger, Rolando Di Primio, Robert Ondrak, Brian Horsfield
A Predictive
Mudstone Porosity Model Which Includes the Effects of Mechanical Compaction,
Temperature, Mineralogy, Chemical Diagenesis, and Overpressure
by James T. Krushin
Structural Geology for Petroleum Exploration within the Polish Permian Basin
by Rafal Kudrewicz
The "Buckyball
Effect": Framework Grain Stabilization and Secondary Porosity Preservation in
the Cambrian Galesville Sandstone, Illinois Basin
by Mojisola KunleDare
3D Geometrical
Simulations of LOSCs (Laterally Offset Stacked Channels)
by Richard Labourdette
of Fluvial Architectural Elements Using a Three-Dimensional Outcrop Dataset
by Richard Labourdette, Richard Jones
Development in Salt Dome Caprock, Hardin County, Texas
by Alfred Lacazette, Andrew R. Thomas, Dennis Kuhfal
Ichnology, and Depositional History of the Contact Between the Triassic Montney
and Doig Formations in West-Central Alberta, Canada – Presence of an
Unconformity Bound Sand Wedge
by Jon T. LaMothe, M.K. Gingras, S.G. Pemberton
Seals or Flow
Conduits? How Faults Control Migration and Accumulation in the Shengli Oilfield,
by Carolyn Lampe, Guoqi Song, Liangzi Cong
Deep Time: A
Frontier for Paleoclimate Research
by H. Richard Lane, Martin A. Perlmutter, John M. Armentrout
Complex Karst-controlled
Reservoirs in Paleozoic Limestone of the CIS, Kazakhstan an Europe;
Identification and Prediction for Distribution of the Reservoir Characteristics
by Philippe A. Lapointe, Arnaud Meyer
A Sleeping Giant?
Reinvigorating Exploration in the Pre- to Post-Rift Succession of the South
Viking Graben, North Sea
by Eirik Larsen, Christopher Jackson, Karla Kane, Rachel Kieft, Anne Elise
Tjemsland, Unni Sjursen, Sigmund Hanslien, Inga Wirowski, Ellen Marie Kollen,
Helge Sognnes, Elisabeth Bjerkebaek, Anna Sofia Gregerson, Elisabeth Bøhle
Sletten, Inger Winsvold, Rhoar Lindanger, Per Varhaug, Lars Jan Jaarvik
Horizontal Wells
and the Barnett Shale Play-Borehole Images Provide a Different Perspective
by L. Mark Larsen
Identification and
Characterization of Subsurface Cave Systems Using Micro-Resistivity Image
Wireline Logs
by L. Mark Larsen, Robert Loucks
Origin of Early
Overpressure in the Upper Devonian Catskill Delta Complex, Western New York
by Gary G. Lash, David Blood
Influence of Basin
Dynamics on Upper Devonian Black Shale Deposition, Western New York State and
Northwest Pennsylvania
by Gary G. Lash
Future of the
Arctic - Where Are The Resources and What Are They Worth?
by Andrew Latham
Complexity in Structurally Simple Fractured Reservoir Analogs
by Stephen E. Laubach, Meghan E. Ward
Dolomitization in Paleozoic Carbonates - Enhanced Fluid Flow and Foreland Basin
by Denis Lavoie, Guoxiang Chi
Conditions during Deposition of the Devonian New Albany Shale (Illinois Basin)
and Correlative Black Shales in the Eastern US: Multiple Perspectives from
Geochemistry, Paleoecology, and Petrography
by Ovidiu Remus Lazar, Juergen Schieber
Carbon Isotopes of the Neoproterozoic Shuram and Wonoka Formations
by Erwan Le Guerroue, Martin Kennedy
Matching Both
Production History and 4D-Seismic Attributes
by Mickaele Le Ravalec-Dupin, Yann Gautier, Alexandre Fornel, Frederic Roggero
Integration of
Ground Penetrating Radar with Conventional Stratigraphic, and Lidar Data to
Investigate the Three-Dimensional Geometry of a Tidal-Inlet Reservoir Analog,
Upper Ferron Sandstone, Utah
by Keumsuk Lee, Renaud Bouroullec, Mark Tomasso, William Ambrose
An Assessment of
Carbon Sequestration Options in the Mt. Simon of the Illinois Basin
by Hannes Leetaru, Scott M. Frailey, David G. Morse, Robert J. Finley
Structure, Long Beach, California: a Strike-Slip Restraining Bend Popup?
by Mark R. Legg, Scott W. Prior
Role of Antecedent
Topography and Local Environmental Controls on the Evolution and Facies
Heterogeneity of Miocene Carbonate Platforms, Southern Java, Indonesia
by Daniel Lehrmann, Akbar Satria
Early Infill of
the Triassic Rift in the Fundy Basin (Nova Scotia): Assessment of the
Stratigraphy by Correlative Surfaces in Fluvial Barren Sequences
by Sophie Leleu, Brian B. J. Williams
The Application of
Hydrocarbon System and Play Fairway Analysis for Unconventional Resource Plays:
The Case for Shale Gas Reserves in New York's Ordovician Utica Shale
by Jay E. Leonard, Donald Clark, Robert J. Coskey, Nancy B. Hunter, Charles P.
James, China O. Leonard, Gary G. Lash, Veit J. Matt
3-D Model Building
and Geomechanically-Based Volume Restoration: The Next Generation Tool
by Francois Lepage, Thomas Laverne, Frantz Maerten, David Desmarest, Emmanuel
Quetelard, Michael Palomas, Laurent Maerten
North American
Unconventional Oil Resources: Electronic Access to Technical, Legal,
Environmental and Economic Issues
by Raymond A. Levey, Phillip Smith, Milind D. Deo, Robert Keiter, Mike Lemmon
A Workflow for
Modeling Multi-scale Flow Barriers in Deep Water Turbidite Reservoirs
by Hongmei Li, Jef Caers
The Structural
Styles and Strike-slip Movement of Tan Lu Fault Zone in Late Pleistocene and The
Formation of Oil Traps in Bohai Bay Area
by Sitian Li, Zaisheng Gong
Carbonate Reservoir Potential and Improving Reservoir Performance Using
Core-Based High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy
by Robert F. Lindsay
A New Methodology
on Reservoir Modeling in the Fracture-Cavity Carbonate Rock of Tahe Oilfield
by Xueli Liu, Xiaoxian Zhai
Assessment Of Natural Gas In Tarim Basin: CH4N2Ratio As A
by Quanyou Liu, Bernhard M. Krooss, Jinxing Dai, Wenhui Liu, Ralf Littke
Architecture of a Basin-Floor Sheet-Like Deposit: Neoproterozoic Upper Kaza
Group, British Columbia, Canada
by Hugues Longuepee, Viktor Terlaky, W.R.C. Arnott
Cellular Automata
Modeling of Turbidity Currents Deposits
by Simon Lopez, Tristan Salles, Marie-Christine Cacas, Remi Eschard, Euzen
Tristan, Vanessa Teles, Thierry Mulder
Titan :
Sedimentology on a World of Hydrocarbons
by Ralph Lorenz
Barnett Shale: Lithofacies and Depositional Setting of a Deepwater Mudstone
by Robert G. Loucks, Stephen C. Ruppel
Importance of
Micropores in Deeply Buried Tertiary Sandstones Along the Texas Gulf Coast
by Robert G. Loucks, Shirley P. Dutton
The ModelAssembler
Community Modeling Environment (MA-CME): Expanded Access to Advanced Seismic
by John N. Louie, Shawn Larsen
Self Sourcing of
Ara Group Carbonate Stringer Oils in the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian South Oman Salt
Basin from indigenous kerogen and bitumen
by Gordon D. Love, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Charlotte Stalvies, Colin E. Snape, Will
Meredith, David A. Fike, John P. Grotzinger, Paul N. Taylor, Mark J. Newall,
Roger E. Summons
Hydrocarbon Source
Rock Potential of the Whitehorse Trough, a Frontier Basin in Southern Yukon,
by Grant W. Lowey
Deposits, the dominant sediment in the near-surface interval on the Upper Slope
of Sabah, Deepwater Northwest Borneo
by Hongbo Lu, Craig Shipp, Chris Hadley
Determination of Reaction Rates and Modeling of the Long-Term Fate of CO2 in
Deep Geological Formations
by Peng Lu, Qi Fu, William E. Seyfried, Brain R. Strazisar, Sheila W. Hedges,
Zuoping Zheng, Chen Zhu
Petrophysical Properties Based on Conformance between Diagenetic Products and
Depositional Textures
by F. Jerry Lucia
Formation of
Nitrogen-rich Accumulations in the Central European Basin. II: Fluid Evolution
and Migration
by Volker Luders, Peer Hoth, Birgit Plessen, David A. Banks
Use of
High-Resolution Core Description Data to Risk Net Pay from Log-Based Petrofacies
for Thinly-Bedded Deepwater Channel Complexes, Zafiro Field, Equatorial Guinea
by Theodore C. Lukas, Peter Schwans
Oil and Gas
Resources of the North African Trias/Ghadames Petroleum Province
by Bob Lunn, Allan F. Driggs, Patrick Thompson, Philip Farfan, Patrick Thompson,
Francois Gauthier
Development of
Reservoir Models for Sandy Braided Rivers Using Modern Analogues
by Ian A. Lunt, Greg H. Sambrook Smith, Phil J. Ashworth, James L. Best, John S.
Bridge, Stuart N. Lane, Chris J. Simpson, Rob E. Thomas
Studies on
Hydrocarbon Migration in Tertiary Formations in The Chengbei Step-Fault Zone,
Bohai Bay Basin, China
by Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Qianjin Liao, Junqing Su, Shuqin Yuan, Haiming
Song, Bo Zhou, Ping Hou, Changhua Yu
Evaluation of a
Large Volcanic Gas Play in the Northern Songliao Basin, Northeast China
by Stefan M. Luthi, Li Guo Xin, Wang Yu Hua, Yang Feng Ping, Zhao Jie, Jeff
Meisenhelder, Sherif Farag, Yang Xing Wang, Zhu You Qing, Hou Hui Jun, Zhang Shu
Pin, Wu Chuan, Wu Jie, Thomas J. Neville, Michael Conefrey, Huang Wei
Towards a
Quantitative Definition of Mechanical Units: New Techniques and Results from a
Field Test Site
by Stefan M. Luthi, Giovanni Bertotti, Nico J. Hardebol, Jose Taal
High Amplitude
Climate Variability in a Tropical Rift-Lake: Correlation of Drillcore and
Seismic Reflection Data in Lake Malawi, East Africa
by R.P. Lyons, C.A. Scholz, J.W. King, A.S. Cohen, T.C. Johnson
Characterizing and
Modeling Fluvial Facies and Petrophysical Properties of a Pinedale Tight-Gas
Reservoir in Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming
by Yuan Zee Ma, Terry Young, Earnest Gomez, Dennis Cox, Fabian Iwere
Stratigraphy, Sea Level Change & Palaeoenvironments Via Chemostratigraphy:
Regional to Global Correlations
by Amina Mabrouk, Ian Jarvis, Habib Belayouni, R. TJ Moody, Ross Sandman
Measuring CO2 in
Coalbed Reservoirs
by Steven MacDonald
The Structure and
Stratigraphy of Deepwater Sarawak, Malaysia: Implications for the Tectonic
Evolution of the NW Borneo Continental Margin
by Mazlan Madon, Kim Cheng Ly, Robert Wong
A Methodology for
Automated Correction and Validation of Seismic Horizon and Fault Interpretation
Using DYNEL, a Geomechanically-Based 3-D Restoration Tool
by Laurent Maerten, Frantz Maerten, Paul Griffiths, Nigel Pike
Petroleum Systems
of the Sacramento Basin and Adjacent Area, California
by Leslie B. Magoon, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Paul G. Lillis
Architecture and
Seismic Geomorphology of Shelf-edge Deltas Along an Active Tectonic Margin:
Eastern Offshore Trinidad and Venezuela
by Julie A. Maher, Lesli J. Wood
Latest Guadalupian
(Middle Permian) Radiolarians from the Reef Trail Member of the Bell Canyon
Formation, West Texas
by Amy L. Maldonado, Paula J. Noble, Gorden L. Bell, Yuxi Jin
Fracture and
Sandstone Diagenesis of the Lance –Upper Mesa Verde Formations, Pinedale Region,
by Ariel Malicse, Calum Macaulay, Candyce Beck-Brake
A Re-examination
Of The Chalk: From Reservoir To Seal
by Anthony J. Mallon, Richard E. Swarbrick
Sensitivity of Wave Velocities in Shales: Application for 4D Time-Lapse Seismic
by Rafig Manafov, Rune M. Holt, Erling Fjaer
Use of T-R
Sequence Methodology in the Analysis of the Onshore Interior Salt Basins of the
Gulf of Mexico
by Ernest A. Mancini
Catalytic Gas in
Deltaic Basins
by Frank Mango, Daniel Jarvie
Alternated Low and
High-Density Turbidity Physical Experiments Highlighting Sediment Wave Formation
by Rafael Manica, Antonio Cosme Del Rey, Richard Eduard Ducker, Rogerio
Dornelles Maestri, Ana Luiza de Oliveira Borges
Mixed and Cohesive High-Density Turbidity Currents: Internal Flow Properties
Inferred from Laboratory Experiments
by Rafael Manica, Jaco H. Baas, Ana Luiza de Oliveira Borges, Rogerio Dornelles
Maestri, Jeff Peakall, William. D. McCaffrey
Use of Artificial
Neural Network to Identify Turbidite Deposit Gradation Generated in Laboratory
by Rafael Manica, Ana Luiza de Oliveira Borges Borges
Emerging Trends
from 69 Giant Oil and Gas Fields Discovered from 2000-2006
by Paul Mann, M.K. Horn, Ian M. Cross
The Role of Faults
in Turbidite Compartmentalization at the Bed-scale
by Tom Manzocchi, John J. Walsh, Mark Tomasso, Julian Strand, Conrad Childs,
Peter Haughton
The Effect of
Hydrodynamics on Capillary Seal Capacity
by T. Manzocchi, B. Palananthakumar, C. Childs
Characterization of the Misoa Formation, Integrating Surface – Subsurface Data
by Jose A. Margotta, Ramon A. Rondon, Yoleidy Hernandez, Carlos J. Saavedra
Uncertainty in Earth System Based Process Models of Source, Reservoir and Seal
by P.J. Markwick, P.J. Valdes
The Tectonic and
Paleogeographic Context of Madagascan Petroleum Systems
by P.J. Markwick, R.J. Hoult, K.L. Wilson, J.P. Armstrong, D.G. Wright, A.J.
The Effects of
Magmatism on the Reservoir Potential of Sandy Deep Marine Successions of
Southern California and the Borderland Region
by Kathleen M. Marsaglia, David A. Clague, Alice S. Davis
Tracing Sand From
Source to Sink Across Eastern North Island, New Zealand: Insights From the Shelf
Segment of the System
by Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Shelby Dawson, Julie Parra, Kevin Rivera, Alissa
DeVaughn, Dawn James, Steven Kuehl
Alberta's Bitumen Resources
by Richard A. Marsh
Using a Mass
Balance Framework to Investigate Downstream Distributary Channel Narrowing in a
Terminal Intraslope Mini Basin
by John Martin, Julian Clark, Andrea Fildani, Timothy McHargue, Frank Harris
Shale Gas
Potential in New York: Results from Recent NYSERDA-Sponsored Research
by John P. Martin, Richard Nyahay, James Leone, Daniel Jarvie
Architecture and Reservoir Prediction in Ancient Glaciogenic Sediments: a Case
Study using Integrated Outcrop and Subsurface Studies of the Grant Group
(Canning Basin, West Australia)
by Joe R. Martin, Jonathan Redfern, Brian P. J. Williams
approach to evaluate a prospect in the Eastern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
by Alejandro Martinez, Elias Kassabji, Marcias Gonzalez, Jacqueline Grobas
Seismic Modeling
of Entire Outcropping Basin-Fill Successions: A Novel Approach to Resolving and
Ground-Truthing Seismic Stratigraphy
by Ole Martinsen, Kristina Bakke, Trond Lien, Steen Petersen
Chayvo Field,
Sakhalin Island, Russia: Identification of a Significant Oil Leg from 3-D
Seismic and Execution of a World Class Extended Reach Drilling Program
by Randall Mathis, Ted Apotria, Rick J. Powell, Bridget Venner
Rock Physics Links
Between Seismic and Geologic Processes
by Gary Mavko
Large Erosional
Slope Channels and the New Challenge; Low Relief Sandy Channel Levees
by Mike Mayall
Wave 3: Broad
Technolocy Trends and Their Effect on the Next Generation of Collaborative
Visualization Environments
by Theo Mayer
Geometry, Origin
and Significance of Late Syn-Rift Canyon Systems
by Andrew E. McAndrew, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, Tom Dreyer, Mike Charnock
Unraveling a
Carbonate System through Chrono-Stratigraphic Horizon Tracking and Wheeler
by Kirstin A. McBeath, Geert De Bruin, Paul De Groot
Submarine Canyons
as High Frequency Sequence Boundaries in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
by Tim R. McHargue
Linkages Between Groundwater Flow and Microbial Methane Generation in Shallow
Coal Beds and Fractured Black Shales: Northern Gulf of Mexico and Midcontinent
U.S. Basins
by Jennifer McIntosh, Peter Warwick, Anna Martini, Stephen Osborn
Mediation in Dolomite Formation During Carbonate Diagenesis
by Judith A. McKenzie, Crisogono Vasconcelos, Monica Sanchez-Roman, Tomaso
Bontognali, Rolf Warthmann
Integration of
Palynology and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Analysis of Miocene Siliciclastic
Aquifers, Delaware, USA
by Peter P. McLaughlin
Recent Gas
discoveries in the Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Michael McLerie, Paul Clark, Mark Brokaw, Nathan Palmer, Andrew Arnold
How Successful
Will the New Phase of Exploration Be If The Earth is Already a Pin-Cushion?
by Neil McMahon
Water-Flooding Incremental Oil Recovery Using Experimental Design, Middle
Miocene to Paleocene Reservoirs, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico
by Kenneth McMillen, Richard Dessenberger, Joseph Lach
Dynamic Behavior
in Deep-Water Gravelly Subaqueous Flows, El Rosario Formation (Upper
Cretaceous), Baja California, Mexico
by Kelsey McNamara, Bryan Anderson, Jesus Ochoa-Rodriguez, Michael Gardner,
James Schmitt
Foraminifera and Petroleum Geology of the Oligocene Kugmallit Submarine Fan
Complex in the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Canada
by D.H. McNeil, J.R. Dietrich, D.R. Issler, J. Dixon, K. Hu
Facies Variation
Within Salt Constrained Shelf Margin Deltas – a New Model for the Texas Shelf
by David G. McPherson, Richard E. Kilby
Mass-Transport Deposits: Unconventional Reservoirs on the Continental Slope
by Trey Meckel
The Humma Marrat
Reservoir Development Project - Design of Experiments-Based Workflow Efficiency
Meets the Reality
of New Delineation Well Data Acquisition
by W. Scott Meddaugh, Stewart Griest, David Barge
Modeling of the Wafra Maastrichtian Reservoir, Partitioned Neutral Zone (Saudi
Arabia and Kuwait)
by W. Scott Meddaugh, Raymond A. Garber, Stewart Griest, Dennis W. Dull, Rebecca
Latimer, Arturo Contreras
Demonstrating the
Value of Combining Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration with Enhanced Oil
Recovery: Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana
by Jesse J. Melick, Michael H. Gardner
An Analytical
Formulation of Seismic-Derived Resistivity
by Denny Merkurius Mendrofa, Bambang Widarsono
Geological Modeling of the Morichal Member, Oficina Formation, in the Central
Section of the Jobo Field. Eastern Venezuela
by Ann Marie Mezones
Microbial Methane From Very Slight Biodegradation of Undersaturated Oil in a
Deep Hot Reservoir: Geochemical Evidence
by Alexei V. Milkov, Leon Dzou
Visualization, Simulation, and Collaboration Tools for Next Generation Decision
by Perry A. Miller, Jessica L. Block
of the Woodford Shale in Outcrop and Subsurface in Pontotoc and Coal Counties,
by Ryan Miller, Roger Young
Design and
Execution of Horizontal Wells in Gas Shales Using Borehole Images and
Geochemical Data
by Camron K. Miller, Rick Lewis, Keith Bartenhagen
Evidence for
Folding of Layered Terrains in Candor Chasma, Mars
by Ralph E. Milliken, John Grotzinger
Tectonic Retreat
and Drowning of Carbonate Platform Margins: Triassic Yangtze Platform, South
by Marcello Minzoni
Modelling of Continental Slopes
by Neil Mitchell
Petroleum and
Source Rock Geochemistry of Tripura-Cachar Region of Assam-Arakan Basin, India
by A. K. Mittal, M. Jha, R. S. Bisht, D.S. Rawat, H.C. Pande, I.V.S.V. Prasad,
S. Varshney, A. Raina, R.R. Singh
Faulting/Fracturing : Characterization (Seismic, Well Data) from a Carbonate
Field, Abu Dhabi
by Laure Moen-Maurel, Frederic Jeanjean, Francois Gouth, Sabah K. Aziz
New Geochemical
Technologies to Reduce The Risk in Gas Exploration
by J. Michael Moldowan, Zhibin Wei, Jeremy Dahl
Permeability and
Petrophysical Properties of Reconstituted Mudstones – An Experimental Study
by Nazmul Haque Mondol, Knut Bjørlykke, Jens Jahren
Properties of Mudstones During Burial: A Comparison Between Laboratory
Investigations and Well Logs from the Northern North Sea and Vøring Basins,
Offshore Norway
by Nazmul Haque Mondol, Øyvind Marcussen, Christer B. Peltonen, Knut Bjørlykke,
Jens Jahren
Active Salt
Tectonics and Its Effect on the Internal Architecture and Connectivity Between
Minibasins Near the Sigsbee Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico
by Patricia Montoya, Michael R. Hudec
Understanding the
Wilcox 1 and Wilcox 2 Reservoir Distribution at Jack (It's Possible That You
Don't Know Jack!)
by R. Tom Mooney, Morgan D. Sullivan, Larry Zarra
Paleoclimate Indicators Using Climate Envelopes
by Thomas L. Moore, Roy E. Plotnick, Martin Perlmutter, Judith Totman Parrish
Using Climate
Model Experiments of Orbital Cycles to Understand Stratigraphic Variability
by Thomas L. Moore, Martin Perlmutter, Christopher Scotese
Stratigraphic and
Structural Relations in the Permo-Pennsylvanian Cutler Formation of the Proximal
Paradox Basin, Colorado
by Katherine Moore, G.S. Soreghan
The Relationship
between Rank and Elastic Properties of Coal
by Anyela Morcote, Gary Mavko
3-D Restoration
Using Elasticity and/or Elastic Relaxation
by Isabelle C. Moretti, Marc O. Titeux
Slope Stability
along Incised Fluvial Valleys
by Alan P. Morris, David A. Ferrill, Ronald N. McGinnis, Ben A. Abbott
Upper Devonian,
Marine Impact-Generated Tsunami Beds in Inner Carbonate-Platform Settings,
Central Great Basin
by Jared R. Morrow, Charles A. Sandberg
Role of
Strike-Slip Faulting in the Evolution of a Young Rift Basin: Malawi Rift, East
by Estelle Mortimer, Douglas Paton, Chris Scholz, Manfred Strecker
Influence of the
Timing of Accommodation Space on the Sedimentary Record of the Earth's Climate
by David D. Mrofka, Martin Kennedy
involving the formation of Organic Facies for Oil and Gas-Condensate Source
rocks in the Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous Sediments from the Central
Atlantic Conjugate Margin
by Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki)
Coalbed Methane
and CO2 Sequestration Potential of the Westphalian (Carboniferous) Coal Seams
from Onshore Carboniferous Basins of Nova Scotia, Eastern Canada
by Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki), Paul J. Harvey, D. Jack MacDonald
Controls on
Accommodation in Retroarc Foreland Systems: Case Study of The Lea Park Formation
And Equivalents, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by Andrew J. Mumpy, Octavian Catuneanu
Subsalt Image
Improvements in GOM using Shale and Salt Discrimination through PSDM Velocity
Model Building
by Shkelqim Muskaj, David Quintanilla, Hector Sepulveda
Turbidites and Their Equally Important Shallower Water Cousins
by Emiliano Mutti, Roberto Tinterri, Pierre Muzzi Magalhaes, Gustavo Basta
Paleogeography and Paleoclimate Implications from the Red Pine Shale, Uinta
Mountains, Utah
by Caroline A. Myer, Carol M. Dehler
A GIS Database of
Deep Sedimentary Temperatures in the Northern Continental Shelf of the Gulf of
by Seiichi Nagihara, Michael Smith
Tertiary Basin
Initiation and Sedimentation; East Java Basin, Indonesia
by John C. Naranjo, J. A. (Toni) Simo, Eduard Dragan, Alan R. Carroll
Stratigraphic and Depostitional Facies Framework of the Lower Cretaceous
McMurray Formation, Kearl Oil Sands Project, Alberta
by Thomas Nardin, Joan Carter, Bob Falls, John Irish, Stan Stancliffe, Bogdan
Varban, Nancy Wilson, Lidia Zabcic, Lynn Pratt
Velocity Structure
of Subaerial Debris Flows Transforming into Tubidity Currents
by Hajime Naruse, Yu Saito, Fujio Masuda
Biostratigraphy of
Neogene Sedimentary Succession in the Macuspana Basin, Southern Gulf of Mexico
by Yanina Narvaez, Javier Helenes, Jose Manuel Del Moral-Dominguez, Victor
Manuel Martinez-Morales
Architecture, Channel-Margin Geometry and Evolution of a Deep-water Slope
Channel-Levee Complex: Isaac Channel 3, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup,
by Lilian L. Navarro, Zishann A. Khan, R. William C. Arnott
Characterization of a Deep-Water Channel Complex Set: Isaac Channel 1,
Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, Canada
by Lilian L. Navarro, R. William C. Arnott
Storm Events in
Geological Record - a Lecture from 92 MYA
by Dragana D. Nebrigic, Boyan K. Vakarelov
Foraminiferal Paleoecological Events - Tool for High Resolution
Biochronostratigraphic Correlations – Cenomanian-Turonian Time, San Felipe
Formation, NE Mexico
by Dragana D. Nebrigic
The Oil Recovery
Growth Potential of the Permian Basin
by Richard Nehring
Modern Turbidite
Systems Along the Northern California Continental Margin and Their Holocene
Earthquake Triggering History from the San Andreas Fault
by C. Hans Nelson, Chris Goldfinger, Julia Gutierrez Pastor, Ann Morey Ross,
Eugene Karabanov
Environment of the Late Paleocene Canyon Coal Seam in Northeastern Wyoming
by Charles R. Nelson
Geological Model of Balaton-Lineament as a key to Success of Exploration and
Exploitation (Best of EAGE)
by Andras Nemeth, Josvai Josvai, I. Czeller, A. Szuromi-Korecz
Variability in
Structural Style and Fault Interaction in Submarine Compressional Structures: a
Case Study from Offshore Venezuela
by Nieves Nevado, Asdrubal Bernal, Cesar Vasquez
Geochemical Trends
in Gas Quality in Kansas
by K. David Newell
MISS on Mars –
Biosignatures in Sandy Deposits on Earth and Beyond
by Nora Noffke, Dina Bower, Robert M. Hazen, Nathalie Cabrol
Fine-Scale Relief
on The Floor of Upper Redondo Fan Valley: Multibeam Bathymetry And Chirp
Reflection Profiles from The MBARI Mapping AUV in San Pedro Basin, Offshore
Southern California
by William R. Normark, C. K. Paull, D. W. Caress, W. Ussler, R. Keaton, R.
Insights from
Basin Modeling on Dynamics of Hydrocarbon Systems and Distribution of Material
by Rod Nourse, Robin Hamilton, John Stainforth, Larry Garmezy
The Interplay of
Tectonic and Climatic Forcing Factors in the Deposition of a Hydrologically-Closed
Basin Fill Sequence: Copper Canyon "Formation", Death Valley National Park
by Torrey Nyborg, Paul Buchheim
Effects on Depositional Facies and Stratal Architecture within a Slope Valley
Fill: Implications for Reservoir Distribution and Modeling
by Ciaran J. O'Byrne
Multiple Origins
of Thin-Bedded Slope Turbidites: El Rosario Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Baja
California, Mexico
by Jesus Armando Ochoa Rodriguez, Kelsey McNamara, Bryan Anderson, Michael
Gardner, James Schmitt
Deep Play
Exploration in the Mature Niger Delta Basin – An appraisal of Risks and
Challenges (Best of EAGE)
by Babatope Olaleye, R.N. Basorun
Distribution of
Hyperpycnal Deposits in the Delta Front of Cretaceous Panther Tongue Delta,
Utah, USA
by Cornel Olariu, Ron J. Steel
Sediment Deformation Structures in the Tanqua Depocentre, Karoo Basin, South
Africa: A Statistical Approach to Understanding Processes and Products
by Carlos M. M. Oliveira, David M. Hodgson, Stephen S. Flint
Tempo and Modes of
Climate Variability: Perspectives From Deep-Time Rift Basins
by Paul E. Olsen
Modeling Heat and
Mass Transfer Along the Muroto Transsect, Nankai Trough, Combining 2D-Basin and
Structural Modeling and its Importance for the Deep Biosphere
by Robert Ondrak, Christoph Gaedicke, Brian Horsfield
3D Seismic
Attribute Analysis of the Jurassic Entrada/Curtis Sandstone Play, Uinta Basin,
by Ryan J. O'Neal, R. William Keach, Thomas H. Morris, John H. McBride
and Quantification of Structural and Stratigraphic Heterogeneities in Deep Water
by Kachi U. Onyeagoro, Frans F. Van Der Vlugt, Steve J. Naruk, Mark Barton
Reconstruction of the Pleistocene Deltas of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece)
by Gian Gabriele Ori
From Alluvial Fans
to Deltas: the Sedimentary history of Mars as Seen from the HRSC (Mars Express)
by Gian Gabriele Ori, Gerahrd Neukum, Monica Pondrelli, Ernst Hauber
Current and Future
Perspectives on Recovery Growth from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by K.G. Osadetz, Zhuoheng Chen
Discrimination of
Seismic vs
. Hydrologic Triggers for Holocene Turbidites from Lake Tahoe,
California and Nevada
by David A. Osleger, Alan Heyvaert, Joseph S. Stoner, Kenneth L. Verosub
Undiscovered Oil
Resource Assessment of Libya: The Sirte and Murzuq Basin
by Simon Otto, Tom Wilson, Mark Cowgill, Fugro Robertson
Play Analysis: A
Systematic Approach in Pemex
by Adan E. Oviedo-Perez
Properties in Shales and Mudstones Versus Depth and their Implications for Basin
by Marcussen Øyvind, Christer B. Peltonen, Nazmul Haque Mondol, Knut Bjørlykke,
Jens Jahren
Diagenesis and
Porosity Evolution of the Flathead Sandstone (Middle Cambrian), Wyoming and
by Aysen Ozkan, Earle F. McBride
Geochemistry of Upper Assam Shelf- a Case Study
by S. Pahari, A.K.S. Madhavan, I.V.S.V. Prasad, M. Varshney, A. K. Sinha, B.L.
Sharma, A. Mishra, A. Banerjee
Application of
Borehole Images for the Evaluation of Volcanic Reservoirs – A Case Study from
the Deccan Volcanics, Cambay Basin, India
by Aditi Pal, Nigel Machin, Shashank Sinha, Chandramani Shrivastva
Fracture Detection
Using Multi-Azimuthal AVO At Y107, Jizhong Depression, Hebei Province, China
by Renfang Pan
Sediment Mass
Extraction as a Key to Quantifying the Interplay of Tectonic Subsidence and
by Chris Paola, John Martin, Sean Connnell, Wonsuck Kim
Topography and Flow Expansion in Depositional Lobes
by Chris Paola, Luca Sittoni, Vaughan Voller
Exploration for
Natural Gas from Deeply Buried Coal Seams in Southwestern Oregon
by Steve Pappajohn, David May, Russell Ralls, George Hampton
Effects of
Smectite-Illite Reactions in Shales on Sandstone Diagensis, Gulf Coast
by Anthony J. Park
Modeling of Iron
Oxide Concretion Formation: Complexities and Sensitivities of Fluid Interactions
on Earth and Mars
by Anthony Park, Marjorie A. Chan, Jens Ormo, Michael Stich, Virginia Souza-Egipsy,
Goro Komatsu
SECARB Field Test
for CO2 Sequestration in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs of the Black
Warrior Basin, Alabama
by Jack Pashin, Peter Clark, Richard Esposito
Behaviour of Fully
Ponded Turbidity Currents in Confined Basins: An Experimental Study
by Marco Patacci, William. D. McCaffrey, Peter D.W. Haughton, Lucie Baudouy
The Influence of
Tectonics on Temporal and Spatial Variations in Sandbody Architecture;
Cretaceous Gosau Basin, Western Calcareous Alps, Austria
by Douglas Paton, Mary Carr, Hugo Ortner, Robert Amerman, Jamers Borer, Piret
Plink-Bjorklund, David, R. Pyles, Bruce Trudgill, Richard J. Wild
3D Geospatial and
Structural Modeling of a Structurally Complex Deep-Water Basin; The Gosau Group,
Western Calcareous Alps Austria
by Douglas Paton, Bruce Trudgill, Hugo Ortner, Donald A. Medwedeff, Estelle
Mortimer, Mary Carr, David, R. Pyles
New Methods in
Stratigraphic Correlation
by Doreena Patrick, Paul N. Wegleitner, James E. Martin
Sedimentary Architecture and Stratigraphy of Isolated Inner Shelf Channels,
Upper Cretaceous Aberdeen Member, Green River Embayment, Book Cliffs, eastern
Utah, U.S.A.: Implications for Shoreface-to-Shelf Facies Models
by Simon A.J. Pattison, R. Bruce Ainsworth
New Insights for
Correlation in Shoreface-to-Shelf Systems Based on Observations in the Campanian
Blackhawk Formation to Castlegate Sandstone Stratigraphic Interval, Book Cliffs,
by Simon A.J. Pattison, Huw Williams, Paul Davies
Active Faulting,
Gas Hydrate Formation, and the Growth of Seafloor Blisters in Santa Monica
Basin, California
by Charles K. Paull, William R. Normark, William Ussler, David W. Caress, Rendy
Depositional Habitat and Provenance of Mudrock Through Use of Spectral Gamma Ray
by Stanley T. Paxton, Anna M. Cruse, James O. Puckette, Michael Aufill
3D Facies
Architecture of a Dryland Shadow Bar, Umbum Creek, Central Australia
by Tobias Payenberg, Nathan P. Gardiner, Carmen B.E. Krapf, and Mark R. W. Reilly
What's in a
Channel? The Influence of Channel Morphology on Reservoir Compartmentalisation
by Tobias H.D. Payenberg
Modelling of Small-Scale Heterogeneities in a Channelized Turbidite Systems:
Digital Outcrop Studies of the Ross Formation, Western Ireland
by Cathrine Pedersen, John Howell, Trond Lien, Ellinore Bjoerk Vipond, John
Thurmond, Tore Løseth, Ole Martinsen
Architecture of Two Incised Valley Fills: Fiddler Creek and Clareton Fields,
by Keriann H. Pederson, David W. Bowen
Facies Control on
Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of Fluvial Sandstones; an Example from the
Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire
by Christer B. Peltonen, Knut Bjørlykke
and the Work of Sedimentologically Friendly Organisms
by S. George Pemberton, James A. MacEachern, Murray K. Gingras, Thomas Saunders
The Petroleum
System in La Blanquilla and Tuy-Cariaco Basins, Offshore Venezuela
by Adriana C. Perez G, Asdrubal J. Bernal P
Early Post-Burial
Deformation of Turbidite Channel Sands in the Deep Gulf of Mexico
by Marine Perus, Patrice Imbert
Dolomitization of the Upper Permian Zechstein Limestone (Ca1) Carbonates (SW
by Tadeusz Marek Peryt, Marek Jasionowski
GPS-Mapping Reveals Lagoonal Paleorelief of the "Layer-Cake" Latemar Buildup,
Dolomites, Northern Italy
by Arndt Peterhansel, Gordon Schlolaut, Ines Voigt, Uwe P. Baaske, Sven O.
Egenhoff, Maria Mutti
Mixed Crude Oils in Prudhoe Bay Field Using Chemometrics
by Kenneth E. Peters, L. Scott Ramos, John E. Zumberge, Zenon C. Valin, Kenneth
J. Bird
Physicochemical Properties of Upper Jurassic Circum-Arctic Crude Oil
by Kenneth E. Peters, L. Scott Ramos, John E. Zumberge, Zenon C. Valin, Donald
L. Gautier
Identifies Families of Crude Oils, Seep Oils, and Stranded Tarballs in Coastal
by Kenneth E. Peters, Frances D. Hostettler, Thomas D. Lorenson, Robert J.
Evolution from the Shelf Edge to the Lower Slope as Evidenced by Slope-Channel
Deposits in the Tertiary Central Basin of Spitsbergen
by Andrew L. Petter, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Ron Steel
Formation And
Diagenesis of Encrinite Facies in Hydrocarbon Plays: Predicting Which Encrinite
Types Have The Highest Reservoir Potential
by William T. Phelps
Net-to-Gross Reservoir Estimation with Small-Scale Geological Modeling
by Peter Phillips, Renjun Wen
An Examination of
the Structure and Stratigraphy in the Southern Sabine Uplift
by Chad TJ Phillips
Ainsa Submarine
Fans, Middle Eocene, South Spanish Pyrenees: Integrated Outcrop - Subsurface
Study of Architecture and Processes
by Kevin Thomas Pickering, Julian Clark, Nicole Bayliss, Jordi Corregidor
A Reference
Example for Oolitic Ramps : a 37 km Continuous Outcrop (Jurassic Cliffs of
Amellago, High Atlas, Morocco)
by Aurelien Olivier Pierre, Christophe Durlet, Philippe Razin
Characterization Using 3D Modeling, Upscaling, and Simulation: Case Study of
Serra Field in Potiguar Basin, Northeast of Brazil
by Vicente Pimentel, Ricardo Oliveira, Yoe Reyes-Perez, Flavio Oliver
Central Utah
Thurst Belt: East Vergent Sevier Thrusts and a Laramide Back Thrust Combine to
Create Very Large Reserves
by Michael L. Pinnell, Floyd Moulton
The Grand Tour -
Pacific Margin Structural Styles - Washington to Southern California
by Kenneth A. Piper, Michael R. Brickey
The Future
Discovery Potenital of the California OCS
by Kenneth A. Piper, Maher Ibrahim
Production of Sandbed Methane from Ground Water
by Gary Farnsworth Player
Devonian reef
complexes of the Canning Basin: 50 years on
by Phillip Elliott Playford
Contrasting Upper
Devonian Foreslopes of the Canning Basin: Examples From Retrograding Frasnian
and Prograding Famennian Platform Flanks
by Ted E. Playton, Charles Kerans, Phillip E. Playford
Formation of
Nitrogen-rich Gas Accumulations in the Central European Basin. I. The
Significance of Fixed Ammonium in Palaeozic Rocks
by Birgit Plessen, Peer Hoth, Volker Luders
An Outcrop Record
of Complex Sediment Gravity Flow Mechanisms
by Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Mary Carr, Robert Amerman, Jim Borer, Grace Ford,
Estelle Mortimer, Douglas Paton, David Pyles, Bruce Trudgill, Richard Wilde
Assessment of Eustatic and Stratigraphic Controls on Reservoir Stacking Patterns
in Ice-House Carbonates
by David A. Pollitt, Peter M. Burgess, V. Paul Wright, Giovanna Della Porta
Sequence-Stratigraphic Evidence for Late Quaternary Faulting and Folding in the
Long Beach and Torrance Plains, Los Angeles Basin, California
by Daniel J. Ponti
Global Climate
Change in the Paleozoic (Ordovician, and Carboniferous-Permian): Why it Matters
to the Oil Industry Now, and in the Future
by Michael Carl Pope
Basement: New Exploratory Target in La Concepcion Field, Western Venezuela
by Jesus S. Porras, Elmer Ferro, Carla E. Castillo, Vanessa I. Machado, Luis A.
Ochoa, Nelson E. Chirinos
Confined Flow in
Deep-Water Settings from Slope to Basin Floor: Contrasting Architecture and
Morphologies between Deposits Associated with Fully- and Partially-Contained
Channelized Flow
by Henry W. Posamentier
Late Diagenesis:
the Key to Pennsylvanian Regressive Oomoldic Reservoirs (Central Kansas)
by Jessica E. Poteet, Evan K. Franseen, Robert H. Goldstein
Sandstone-Body Dimensions and Reservoir Connectivity within a Meandering to
Braided System: An Example From the Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin,
by Matthew J. Pranter, Henrikus Panjaitan, Quentin A. German, Zulfiquar A. Reza,
Rex D. Cole, Neil F. Hurley, Donna S. Anderson
Petroleum and
Source Rock Geochemistry of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India: a Case Study
by I.V.S.V. Prasad, M. Varshney, A.K.S. Madhavan, B.S. Negi, T. Chand, S. Pahari,
A.K. Sinha, H. Singh, A.K. Mittal, B.G. Goswami, R.R. Singh
Lithology of The Barnett Shale, Central Texas and Age-Equivalent Caney Shale in
Southern Oklahoma
by Jim Puckette, Darwin Boardman, Bill Coffey, Eric Gerding, Patrick Kamman,
Naranjan Aryal, Manish Singh, Andy Rihn, Stan Paxton
Outcrop and
Seismic Reflection Images of the Devonian Reefs of the Canning Basin, Western
Australia - Evolution and Inter-Action
by Peter G. Purcell
The Role of
Secondary Flow on Facies Associations and Stratigraphic Architecture in Sinuous
Slope Channels: Concepts learned from a 3D exposure of a Sinuous Slope Channel,
Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas
by David Pyles, Mark Tomasso, D.C. Jennette, R.T. Beaubouef, C.R. Rossen
Prediction in Exploration - the Trap We Have Got Ourselves Into and How to Deal
with It
by Dave Quirk, Rick Ruthrauff
Major, long-lived
ENE-WSW lineaments in North Africa and their influence on Proterozoic and
Palaeozoic Petroleum systems
by M. C. Raddadi, P. Markwick, S. Campbell
Neural Network and
3D Seismic Techniques Improve the Prediction of Facies Distribution within a
Submarine Channel Complex.
Basin, Argentina
by Fernanda Raggio, Anna Ortin, Claudia Martinez, Pablo Uzzo
Classification of Sedimentary Units in Drill Cores and Outcrops using
high-resolution Hyperspectral Imaging and Neural Networks
by Daniel Eduardo Ragona, Bernard Minster, Tom Rockwell
Opportunity from
Complexity: the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Offshore U.S
by David I. Rainey, Cindy A. Yeilding, Mark Golborne, Larry E. Archibald, Chuck
Guderjahn, Gerchard E. Pfau
The Lower Tertiary
Wilcox Trend in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by David B. Rains, Larry Zarra, David Meyer
Framework and Petroleum Systems of the Guajira Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia
by Victor O. Ramirez
Why Are Only Some
Isolated Carbonate Buildups Grain-Dominated?
by Eugene C. Rankey, J. Rodrigo Garza-Perez, Stacy L. Reeder
Variability in Sedimentology and Geomorphology of a Leeward Margin, Caicos
by Eugene C. Rankey, Sean A. Guidry, Stacy Lynn Reeder
Digital Outcrop Data and Field Geology for Modelling Multi-scale Heterogeneities
in Complex Tidal Facies: Nukhul Half-graben, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
by Frank Rarity, David Hodgetts, Paul Wilson, Rob Gawthorpe
Paleogeography of
Uncompahgre Uplift during Early-Medial Pennsylvanian Revealed by Progression of
Siliciclastic Wedges in the Paradox Basin, Colorado and Utah
by Donald L. Rasmussen
Imaging Nanoscale
Pores in the Mississippian Barnett Shale of the Northern Fort Worth Basin
by Robert Reed, Robert Loucks
Sedimentology's Next Generation: New Perspectives on Shoal Geomorphology
by Stacy Lynn Reeder, Eugene Rankey
Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration and Entrapment in Northern Oman
by Stephen A. Reid, Badar H. Al Barwani, William M. Fitchen
Systems, Basin Analyses, and 2006 Field and Subsurface Data: Bristol Bay, Alaska
Peninsula, Frontier Basin
by Rocky Robert Reifenstuhl, Paul L. Decker, Robert J. Gillis, Kenneth P.
Helmold, Andrea Strauch
Evolution of an Extensional Cretaceous Continental Sequence, Northern
Precordillera, Central Argentine Andes
by Hernan M. Reijenstein
Application of
Structural Analogs to Enhance Understanding of Tectonically Inverted Settings
by David J. Reynolds, John R. Underhill
Structural Style
and Timing in the Narraway Area, Foothills Belt, Alberta: Implications for
Fracture Distribution and Hydrocarbon Exploration
by David R. Richards, Rob Scammell, Martin Armitage, Michael Doe
Structural and Fracture Modeling of a Structurally Complex Reservoir, Llanos
Foothills, Colombia
by David R. Richards, Alberto Ortiz F, German Meza C
Corals: Increased Cover with Depth in Chagos Archipelago Lagoons and the
Importance of Non-Reef Habitats
by Bernhard Riegl, Sam Purkis, Charles Sheppard
Analysis of Slip
History on Strike-Slip Faults Using Sedimentary Basins: Examples from the NE
Tibetan Plateau
by Bradley Ritts, Yongjun Yue, Stephan Graham
Paleogeography of
the Bluesky Formation, Greater Boyer Area, NW Alberta
by Kimberly D. Robinson, S. George Pemberton, Murray Gingras
Tectonic and
Eustatic Controls on Foreland Basin Deposition, The Lower Colorado Group and
Equivalent Strata of the Alberta Basin, Canada
by Xavier Roca, Jessica Rylaarsdam, Heng Zhang, Guy Plint
Physical Models of
Sills and Cone-sheets Formed by Sand Injection
by Nuno E. T. Rodrigues, Peter R. Cobbold, Helge Loseth
Facies and Flow
Units Distribution in Sandy Estuaries
by Temistocles S. Rojas, Dr. Deborah S. Lawrence
New Opportunities
for an Old Field
by Temistocles Rojas, Rosmari Usta, Lehywis Villa, Villasmil Jose, Prieto
Isabel, Chirinos Francisco, Miladis Blanco
Comparison of Proximal Lobe and Channel-Fill Deposits on a Prograding
Deep-Marine Slope, Tres Pasos Formation, Cerro Divisadero, Chile
by Brian W. Romans, Stephen M. Hubbard
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Sand Accumulation on an Active Highstand
Submarine Fan in Santa Monica Basin, Offshore California: Implications for
Controls of Deep-Marine Sedimentation
by Brian W. Romans, William R. Normark
Three-Dimensional Structural Frameworks with Well-Log Data
by William C. Ross, Richard J. Langenwalter
Shale Gas
Reservoir Systems: Insights from North of the Border
by Daniel John Kerridge Ross, R. Marc Bustin
The Roles of
Basement Architecture and Salt Distribution in the Sierra Madre Oriental
Fold-and-Thrust Belt and its Foreland Basin, Northeastern Mexico
by Mark G. Rowan, Randall Marrett, Samuel Eguiluz de Antunano, Timothy F.
Lawton, Mario Aranda-Garcia
The Development of
Leveed Channels by Turbulent, Plane Jets: Laboratory Modeling of Floodplain Tie
by Joel C. Rowland, Mark Stacey, William E. Dietrich
Seismic Expression
of the Canyon Fill Facies and its Geological Significance------A Case Study from
Ariyalur-Pondicherry Subbasin, Cauvery Basin, India
by S.K Roy Moulik, Dr. G.K. Prasad
Geochemical Facies to Improve Oil Shale Resource Assessment and Development
by Tim E. Ruble, Brian Jarvie, Michael D. Lewan, R. Paul Philip, Daniel M.
How to Model
Coupled Fault Growth and Associated Sedimentation
by Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz, Didier Granjeon, Marie-Christine Cacas, Emily Albouy
Michel T. Halbouty
Lecture: Current petroleum Exploration Trends: Prudent Investments or Irrational
by Kurt W. Rudolph
Insights on the
Evolution of Oligocene-Miocene Carbonate Buildups from 3D Seismic Data, East
Java Basin, Indonesia
by Amy S. Ruf, Toni Simo, Tina M. Hughes, Kelley Steffen
Integrated CHIRP
and Water Bottom Sediment Sampling Across a Modern Carbonate Platform, Turks and
Caicos, BWI
by Amy S. Ruf, Jason W. Eleson, Bryan Motzel, Timothy S. Dulaney, Gregory S.
Benson, Stephen Kaczmarek, Lisa K. Meeks, Sean A. Guidry, Eugene C. Rankey,
Stacy L. Reeder, Humberto Guarin, James R. Markello, Jim Weber
Re-Os Isotope
Geochemistry and Its Potential Use in Basin Fluid Analysis
by Joaquin Ruiz, John Chesley, Fernando Barra
Similarities and
Contrasts Among Major Paleozoic Shale Gas Reservoir Plays in Texas and New
by Stephen C. Ruppel, R. G. Loucks, Wayne R. Wright, Jeffrey A. Kane, Fred P.
Applications of
Image Log Data in the Characterization of a Jurassic Carbonate Reservoir, Saudi
by S. Duffy Russell, Weihua Wang
Early Diagenetic
Controls on Porosity Distribution in a Carbonate Mound
by Mark I. Russell, Tracy D. Frank, Miriam B. Andres
Investigation of
Previously Unpublished Igneous Unit(s) in the Los Angeles Basin California:
Inglewood Oil Field
by Michael W. Ryan, Dalton Lockman, James R. Boles
Response to Tectonic Evolution of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin, Korea: An
Example of Tectonically Controlled Lake Basin in Active Margin Setting
by In-Chang Ryu, Seon-Gyu Choi, Soo-Meen Wee, Tae-Hoon Kim, Chang-Yoon Lee
Consideration of
Geologic Conditions in Optimizing a Tunnel and Ocean Outfall Alignment within
the Los Angeles Basin, California
by David M. Sackett, Thomas W. McNeilan, Calvin G. Jin
Regional Reservoir
Compartmentalization within offlapping, Top-Truncated, Mixed-influenced Deltas,
Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
by Junaid Sadeque, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Migration and Thermal Degradation of Monterey Formation Oil in Santa Maria
Basin, Offshore California
by Joseph M. Saenz, Frank E. Denison, Craig K. Ogawa, Thomas J. O'Neil, Peter J.
Seismic Potential
of the San Clemete Island Region
by Joseph M. Saenz, Frank E. Denison, James E. Slosson
A Mass Movement
Model for the Santa Maria and Santa Lucia Basins, Offshore California
by Joseph M. Saenz, Frank E. Denison, Thomas J. O'Neil, Craig K. Ogawa
Characteristics of
Tidal Sand Bars in the Gulf of Khambhat using Satellite Images and Field
Mapping, Western India
by Sourav Saha, Anupam Ghosh, Stuart Burley, Santanu Banerjee, Pratul Kumar
Application of
Seismic Attributes for Enhanced Structural Interpretation of the Wilburton Gas
Field Area in Southeastern Oklahoma
by Surinder Sahai, Ibrahim Cemen, Dale Cox
Mackenzie Delta
(Canada): Influence of Depositional History on Organic Facies Variations and
Petroleum Formation Predictions
by Anne Saison, V. Dieckmann, B. Horsfield
Diagenesis in
Thick Ice-House Carbonate Cycles: Implications to Reservoir Development
by Arthur H. Saller
3D Structural
Control of Turbidite Deposition in a Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt: The Annot
Sandstone Depocentre of Sanguiniere, SE France
by Lise Salles, Mary Ford, Antoine LeSolleuz, Philippe Joseph, Christian Le
Carlier de Veslud
Fluvial Reservoir
Architecture from Near-Surface 3D Seismic Data, Block B8/32, Gulf of Thailand
by Hathaiporn Samorn
Identification and Characterization of Deepwater Thermogenic Hydrocarbon
Macro-Seepage Using High-Resolution AUV Geophysical Data
by Bruce. M Samuels, Harry Dembicki
Applications of
the Trap and Seal Analysis Methodology on Prospects and Reservoirs in
Carbonates, Southeastern Mexico
by Raymundo Sanchez, Marco Arreguin
Styles and
Multistage Salt Intrusions in the Southern Gulf of Mexico: Implications on the
Timing and Reservoir Distributions
by Raymundo Sanchez, Felipe Audemard, Ruben Sanchez, Carlos Williams
Generation of Early Miocene Transgressive Fill of the Eastern Venezuela Basin (Maturin
by Nubia Santiago, Kaolu Parra, Ronald Steel
Heterogeneities in Turbidite Reservoirs Using Sedimentology and Production Data
and the Implications for Hydrocarbon Recovery: Sleipner Field, Norwegian North
by Nicholas Satur, Helga Hansen
Predicting the
Temperature of Hydrocarbon Expulsion from oil Asphaltene Kinetics and Oil Source
Correlation:a Case Study of South Cambay Basin,India
by Shishir Kant Saxena, R. K. Saxena, Rashmi Anand, K. P. Singh, Harvir Singh,
Ram Raj Singh
Saar-Nahe Basin
Analysis – Continental Sediment Transport initiated by Strike-Slip
(Carboniferous-Permian, W-Germany)
by Andreas Schaefer
Shale Gas
Resources of Utah: Assessment of Previously Undeveloped Gas Discoveries
by Steven Schamel
Modern 3D
Interpretation of a Mature, Structurally-Complex Oil Field: Whittier Field, Los
Angeles Basin, California, USA
by Jay Scheevel, Michael McCaskey, Jason Byl
The Sedimentology
of Milk - Studying Deposition and Transport Modes of Moving Clay Suspensions
by Juergen Schieber, John B. Southard, Kevin G. Thaisen
On the Potential
to Apply Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Martian Strata
by Juergen Schieber
Organic Production
by Iron Microbial Mats – Implications for Volcaniclastic Successions and
Hydrocarbons on Mars
by Juergen Schieber
Potential of Lunar
Helium-3 Fusion Power
by Harrison H. Schmitt
Newly Formed vs
Reactivated Strike-Slip Faults in a Mud-Dominated Fold Belt, Mackenzie Delta
by Greg Schoenborn
Response to Downslope Sand Transport Processes and Seafloor Morphology Offshore
Fraser Island, Australia
by Claudia J. Schroder-Adams, Ron Boyd, Kevin Ruming, Marianne L. Sandstrom
Benthic Foraminiferal Isotope Record from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean,
Evidence for a Change in Oceanic Circulation
by Eric J. Schroeder, Tracy Frank
Reservoir Modeling of a Deepwater Channel Complex with Thin Beds, Zafiro Field,
Equatorial Guinea
by Peter Schwans, Marty Cohen, Kim Zauderer, Stephen D. Knapp, Ted C. Lukas
Channel-Overbank Interactions in Deep-Marine Slope Settings: Architectural
Analysis of Channel and Levee Elements in the Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation
(Windermere Supergroup), Southern Canadian Cordillera
by Ernesto Schwarz, Zishann A. Khan, R. William C. Arnott
Clastic Intrusions Sourced from Adjacent Deep-Water Submarine Channels: Geometry
and Emplacement Models (Isaac Formation, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup,
Southern Canadian Cordillera)
by Ernesto Schwarz, R. William C. Arnott
Sand Injectites:
Aature and Hydrocarbon Implications. Outcrop Analogues From Santa Cruz,
California and Tabarka, Tunisia
by Anthony Scott, Mario Vigorito, Andrew Hurst, Joe Cartwright
structures within Yellow Bank Creek Injectite Complex (YBCC) Northwest Santa
Cruz, California: Importance of outcrop analogues for subsurface modelling of
Sand Injectites
by Anthony Stephen John Scott, Mario Vigorito, Andrew Hurst, Joe Cartwright
Exploration Status And Future Potential of The Frontier Basins in The Republic
of Mali
by John Scott
Coal Seam Methane
Potential, Resources, and Exploration Targets in the Sydney-Gunnedah Basin,
by Andrew R. Scott, Douglas S. Hamilton, Aristeo M. Mantaring, Steve Cozens,
Donna F. Balin
Geomorphic Analysis and Field Work Yield Previously Unmapped Faults and a New
Understanding of Active Tectonics, Santa Monica Mountains, California
by Lauren E. Seidman, Mark A. Millard, Brian G. Bayliss, Vincent S. Cronin
Petrophysical and
Geological Modeling for Carbonate Reservoir Characterization. Zeit Bay Field,
Gulf of Suez– Egypt
by Saber M. Selim, Khaled M.Abd alla, Bassem El-Sayed
New Techniques for
New Discoveries – Results from the Lisbon Field Area, Paradox Basin, Utah
by David M. Seneshen, Thomas C. Chidsey, Craig D. Morgan, Michael D. Vanden Berg
Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone,
SW Colorado
by hayet Serradji, Diane Kamola
Interpretation Using a Three Dimensional Mass-Spring Restoration
by J. Ryan Shackleton, Graham Seed, William Sassi, Serena Jones, John Grocott
Stochastic Fault
Seal Analysis and Reservoir Simulation for Fields with Thin Layers and Many
Faults (Best of EAGE)
by B.Z Shang, H.D. Yang, S.A. Bourgeois
Prolific Gas
Production from Low-Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs - Part II: Reconciling
Basin History, Fluid Saturations, Gas Shows, and Capillary Pressure
by Keith W. Shanley, Robert M. Cluff, John W. Robinson
Autogenic Noise Superimposed on Idealized, Long-Term Distributary Dynamics
by Benjamin Sheets, David Hoyal, Tao Sun
Distribution and Connectivity of Karst Networks in Carbonate Reservoirs
by Feng Shen, Shuiquan Li, Zhihua Li
The Relationship
Between Recovery Efficiency and Depositional Setting in a Deltaic Plain
by Robert C. Shoup
New Chemical EOR
Processes for Oil Prices Even at $20/bbl or Less
by Patrick J. Shuler
Directional and
Deep Logging While Drilling Technology Reduces Geological Uncertainties and
Allows Optimum Horizontal Well Placement
by Augusto Carvalho Silva, Jose Cavero, Cory Labatte, Rene Mensias, Johny Tapia,
Gavino Espinel, Luis Chiluiza, Gustavo Hermosa, German Guerra
Optimum Horizontal
Well Placement in Very Low Resistivity Reservoir with a Directional and Deep
Logging While Drilling Technology
by Augusto Carvalho Silva, Jose Cavero, Waldyr Rodriguez, Marco Augusto, Johana
Vargas, Rommel Chacon
Analysis of Fault
Network and Rock Mass Connectivity in Pull-apart Basins
by Darrell W. Sims, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill
Evolution of
Coastal Ponds in a Semi-Arid Setting, South Texas
by Alexander Simms, Niranjan Aryal
The Barremian Deep
Marine Confined Channel System: Bredasdorp Basin, South Africa
by Varsha Singh, Jeff Aldrich
Geochemistry of the Cauvery Basin, India
by Harvir Singh, Basant Giri Goswami, S. Pahari, I.V.S.V. Prasad, Ram Raj Singh
Outcrop Analog for
Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs, Mohawk Valley, New York
by Brian Slater, Richard Nyahay, Langhorne B. "Taury" Smith
Sinuosity of an Outcropping Submarine Leveed-Channel Complex
by Roger M. Slatt, Staffan K. Van Dyke, Janice M. Dodson
and Applications of Behind-Outcrop Borehole Image Logs of Deepwater Strata
by Roger Slatt, Robert J. Davis, Aaron Rothfolk
Seismic Scale Injected Sandstones in the South
Viking Graben, North Sea; Implications for Exploration of the Palaeogene
by Elisabeth Bøhle Sletten, Reza Ramsumair, Eirik Larsen, Nicholas Satur, ingrid
Nilsson, trond Ødegard
Near-surface Porosity Evolution in Isolated Carbonate Platforms: a New
Diagenetic Scheme for the CARB3D+ Forward Simulation Model
by Peter L. Smart, Fiona Whitaker, Richard Paterson, David Oldham
High-Resolution Lacustrine Record of Laramide Tectonism: Green River Formation,
by M. Elliot Smith, Alan R. Carroll
Stratigraphic Framework and Geochemical Characterization of the Neoproterozoic
Old Fort Point Formation, Windermere Supergroup, Southern Canadian Cordillera:
Examination of a Deep-Water Source Rock Analogue from an Ancient Passive-Margin
by Mark D. Smith, R.W.C. (Bill) Arnott, Gerry M. Ross
Hydrothermal Alteration: An Important Model for Carbonate Reservoir Diagenesis
by Langhorne Smith, Graham R. Davies
Connectivity: Definitions, Strategies, and Applications
by John W. Snedden, Peter J. Vrolijk, Larry T. Sumpter, Mike L. Sweet, Kevin R.
Barnes, Elijah White, M. Ellen Meurer
The Politics of
Paleoclimate Data Access
by Walter S. Snyder, Kerstin Lehnert
Chronostratigraphic Framework for Deep-time Paleoclimate Research
by Walter S. Snyder, Vladimir Davydov, Mark D. Schmitz
Deep Time
Paleoclimate Modeling and Natural Resource Exploration: Status and Future
by Linda E. Sohl, Mark A. Chandler
Controlling the Development and Maintenance of Fault Seals in Heterogeneous
Sedimentary Rocks: A Case Study from the Moab Fault, Utah
by John G. Solum, Nicholas C. Davatzes, David A. Lockner
Long-Term Delivery
and Distribution of Sediments from River Catchments to Basin Floor Fans
by Tor O. Sømme, William Helland-Hansen, Ole J. Martinsen, John B. Thurmond
Analysis of Sandstone-Body Dimensions in a Braided Fluvial System, Upper
Williams Fork Formation, Main Canyon, Piceance Basin, Colorado
by Nicholas K. Sommer, Matthew J. Pranter, Rex D. Cole
Ice and
High-Magnitude Climate Change in Equatorial Pangaea
by G.S. Soreghan
The Ups and Downs
of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains
by G.S. Soreghan, M. Charles Gilbert, G. Randy Keller
Silurian Shelf
Sequences, Southern Wabash Platform, Indiana, U.S.A
by Alison Spengler, Fred Read
Deep-Water Slope
Channel Fill Sandstones, Laingsburg Formation (Permian), Karoo Basin, South
Africa: Confined Deep-Water Reservoirs Dominated by Bars with Reservoir
Connectivity Controlled by Lateral Bedform Distribution and Bar Stacking
by Anthony Sprague, Darren Box, Matt Grove, John Ardill, Lars Seidler, Maija
Schellpeper, Mike Farrell, Mark Rosin, Jonathan Stewart, Nowell Briedis, Frank
Goulding, John Snedden, Donatella Mellere
Analysis of Channelized Deep-Water Deposits, Carmelo Formation, Point Lobos
State Reserve, Northern California
by Steven Springhorn, Morgan D. Sullivan, Michael Pyrcz, Ryan Alward, Margaret
Skartvedt-Forte, Bryan Demucha, Sean Spaeth, Nick Lawlor
Potential of Late Triassic Kamishak Formation: Puale Bay, Alaska Peninsula
by Bryan Sralla, Robert B. Blodgett
Mineralogy and Seawater through Time
by Steven M. Stanley
Recognition and
Significance of Bay-Head Delta Deposits in the Rock Record: Constructing More
Detailed Estuarine Facies Models
by B.A. Stanley, J.L. Aschoff
A Global Overview
of the Temperature Gradients in Continental Basins and Their Relationship with
Tectonic Settings
by Øyvind Steen, Paul Nadeau
The National
Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program: A ""Sustainable"" Resource
to Empower the Energy Research and Development Community
by John C. Steinmetz, Tamara L. Dickinson, Linda C. Gundersen, Brenda S. Pierce
Stratigraphy and Channel Architecture of a Slope Valley Complex Set (Mariner
Field, North Sea)
by Charles E. Stelting, Morgan D. Sullivan, Graeme Bennet
Criteria for
Differentiating Channel and Sheet Reservoirs: A Deep-Water Field Example
by Charles E. Stelting, Jennifer Beall, Lisa Goggin, William H. Crane, William
J. Schweller, Janet Murphy, Michael Richey
Characterization of Confined Sheet Reservoirs using Borehole Images and Core,
Tahiti Field, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A
by Charles E. Stelting, William J. Schweller, Gigi Ellis, Scott E. Turner, Myrt
E. Cribbs, Freddy Yip
Evaluation of
Stratigraphic Elements on Fluid Flow – An Experiment Based on Deep-Water Slope
Channels in the Capistrano Formation (Miocene), California
by Jonathan Stewart, Ben Fischer, Colin Lyttle, Kirt Campion, Anthony Sprague
Transformations in Slumps: a Case Study from the Waitemata Basin, New Zealand
by Lorna J. Strachan
Quantifying the
Spatio-Temporal Evolution of a Channel Complex from Offshore Angola: Testing the
Equilibrium Profile Hypothesis
by Lorna J. Strachan, Chris Leppard, Rob L. Gawthorpe
Quantifying the
Morphology and Growth of Levees in a Submarine Tributary Channel System Offshore
Brunei Darussalam
by Kyle M. Straub, David Mohrig
Geological Modeling of Deep-Water Channel Deposits in the Molasse Basin, Upper
by Lisa Stright, Andre G. Journel
More Effective Use
of Outcrops in Deep-water Studies
by Joseph R.J. Studlick, Tor H. Nilsen, Roger D. Shew, Gary S. Steffens
Origin of Eocene
Depositional Sequences in the Sacramento Basin, California: The Interplay of
Tectonics and Eustasy
by Raymond Sullivan, Morgan D. Sullivan
Stratigraphy in Tectonically Active Basins-is it Possible? An Example from the
Ridge Basin, Southern California
by Morgan D. Sullivan, Kenneth D. Ehman
Computer Modeling
of Subaerial and Subaquirous Meandering Channels
by Tao Sun, Gary Parker, Kaveh Ghayour, Robert Wellner
A Sequence
Stratigraphic Framework for the Lower Cretaceous North Carolina Coastal Plain,
Southeastern U.S.A
by Richard Sunde, Brian P. Coffey
Atmospheric Dust
Archived in Pennsylvanian Carbonates of the Midland Basin, West Texas
by Sohini Sur, Gerilyn S. Soreghan
Shale Gas
Potential of the Mowry Shale in Wyoming Laramide Basins
by Ronald Surdam, Zunsheng Jiao, Ramsey Bentley, Rodney DeBruin
SECA Fuel Cells
Promote Cost Reduction and Fuel Versatility
by Wayne A. Surdoval
End-Signature of
Deep-Marine Basin-Fill, as a Structurally Confined Low-Gradient Clastic Slope:
the Middle Eocene Guaso System, South-Central Spanish Pyrenees
by Clare Sutcliffe, Kevin Pickering
Uncertainty in
Reservoir Parameter Estimation From Attributes
by Herbert Swan, Rod K. Nibbe, Michael Faust, Brian Russell, Dan Hampson
Reservoir Compartments on Geologic and Production Timescales Through the
Integration of Stratigraphic, Structure and Fluid Data in Deep-Water Reservoirs:
An Example from Genesis Field, Gulf of Mexico
by Michael L. Sweet, Larry T. Sumpter
Assessment of
Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the United States Outer Continental Shelf,
by Harold E. Syms
New Closure
Schemes in 3D SedFlux for the Simulation of Deltas
by James P. M. Syvitski, Eric W. H. Hutton
Characterization And Emplacement - Process Modelling Of the Volund 0.5 Km3
Sandstone Laccolith, Offshore Norway
by Ewa Paulina Szarawarska, Mads Huuse, Andrew Hurst, Ravi Arkalgud
Decomposition of Seismic Forward Modelled Outcrops of Deepwater Channel and
Levee Deposits
by Magdalena Szuman, Ian Kane, Valerie Charoing, Lars Nielsen, Benjamin Kneller,
Mads Huuse
Early Karstic
Porosity Development or Late Burial Related Corrosion in a Middle East Giant
Field (Natih Fm., Oman): Implications for Reservoir Properties Distribution
by Conxita Taberner, Volker C. Vahrenkamp, Cathy Hollis, Mateu Esteban, Alia
Bahry, M. Rejas, Mike Caputi, Abhijit Mookerjee, Yaduo Huang, Peter Eadington
A New Regional
Assessment of The Petroleum Potential in Ethiopia
by Ketsela Tadesse, G. R. Keller
Outcrop Analogues
in Southern Utah Provide Improved Understanding of Marginal Eolian Reservoirs in
the UK Southern North Sea
by Samantha Taggart, Gary Hampson, Matthew Jackson
Geological and
Petrophysical Modeling of a Heterogeneous Mid-Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir
from SW Iran
by Ali Asghar Taghavi, Atle Mørk
Lake Bogoria
Basin, Kenya Rift: A Case Study for Climatic Versus Tectonic Controls on
by Michael Talbot, Jean-Jacques Tiercelin
New Insight into
Sediment Deposition from Turbidity Currents and "Linked" Debris Flows
by Peter J. Talling, Russell B. Wynn, Lawrence Amy
Deformed Salt-Related Tectonics of the Kuqa Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt, Tarim
Basin, Northwest China
by Liangjie Tang, Yixin Yu, Chengzao Jia, Zhijun Jin
Rank Reservoir
Connectivity Using Dynamic Data
by Hong Tang, wei Xu
Analysis of Shu'aiba Reservoir, onshore-oil field United Arab Emirates
by Surassawadee Tanprasat, Neil Hurley
Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality: Models, Myths, and Reality
by Thomas R. Taylor, Melvyn R. Giles, Lori Hathon, Neil Braunsdorf, T. N. Diggs,
Gino v. Birbiglia, Calum Macaulay, Mark G. Kittridge, Irene S. Espejo
Joint Committee On
Reserves Evaluator Training (JCORET)-Update On Activities
by Daniel J. Tearpock
Comparison of
Leadson and Gryphon Fields Sand Injectites - Occurrence and Performance (Best of
by G. Templeton, A. McInally, A. Melvin, T. Batchelor
Recent and
Potential Growth of Known Recoverable Oil in California, U.S.A
by Marilyn E. Tennyson
Integration of
Horizontal Well Log Data Into the Geological Interpretation: From Correlation to
Mapping and Modeling
by Hugues M. Thevoux-Chabuel, Bruis Gianotten, S.K. Anand, Karen Hoffman
Death, Destruction
& Dirt: Using Paleosols to Reconstruct Environmental Changes across the Permo-Triassic
by Stephanie Thomas, Neil Tabor, Wan Yang
Variation in Confined Channels: Examples from Outcrop and 3D Seismic Data
by Philip Thompson, Benjamin Kneller, Mason Dykstra
New Directions in
Petroleum Visualization
by James A. Thomson
Horizontal Well Logs to Improve the Geological Model While Drilling
by Arve K. Thorsen, Jeremy C. ""Jez"" Lofts, Trond Gravem, Knut J. Rønning,
Andrew J. Holden
Cracking the
Hourglass – Understanding the Fundamental Unit of the Source and Sink
by John Thurmond, Ole Martinsen, Tor Sømme, William Helland-Hansen
Effectiveness of
Grain Coatings on Preserving Reservoir Quality in High-Temperature, Deep Burial
by Rick Tobin
Sampling and Data
Collection Strategies for Minimizing Inaccuracy in Predictive Pre-Drill
Reservoir Quality Model Simulations
by Rick Tobin
Architecture of Early Channel-Fill Within an Interbasinal Conduit: Grand Coyer,
Gres d'Annot Formation, SE France
by Mark Tomasso, Renaud Bouroullec, Keumsuk Lee, David R. Pyles
3D Geological and
Seismic Forward Modeling of a Sinuous Slope Channel Complex, Brushy Canyon
Formation, West Texas
by Mark Tomasso, David R. Pyles, Florence L. Bonnaffe, David C. Jennette
Shale Gas Potential of the Floyd Shale in the Black Warrior Basin, Northwestern
by Matthew W. Totten, Albert S. Oko
Interactions in Permeable Sediments at Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Santa Barbara
Channel, California
by Tina Treude, Wiebke Ziebis
Integration of
Core, Image-Log, and Wireline-Log Data Extends Facies Interpretations in the
Upper Cretaceous Olmos Formation of South Texas
by Ramon H. Trevino, Robert G. Loucks, Julia Gale, Abdelmoniem K. Abdelmoniem
Analysis of Relay Ramp Evolution and Breaching: Implications for Structural
Interpretation of Linked Fault Arrays
by Bruce Trudgill
Controls and
Timing of Structural Inversion in the NE Atlantic Margin
by Adrian Kern Tuitt, John Underhill, Derek Ritchie, Roger Scrutton, Howard
Johnson, Ken Hitchen
Development of
High Resolution Chronostratigraphic Models for the Southern Ocean Using
Quantitative Biostratigraphy
by Eva Tuzzi, Rosemary Dutton Cody, David M. Harwood, Richard Levy, Diane M.
Characterization and Geocellular Modeling of Deep-Water Sandstones in the Ranger
Zone of the Long Beach Unit, East Wilmington Field, California
by Robert S. Tye, Creties Jenkins, Don Michel, Scott Grasse, Genliang Guo, Scott
Pb Isotopic
Constraints on Mesozoic Paleodrainage from the Northwest European Margin:
Implications for Reservoir Distribution
by Shane Tyrrell, Peter D.W. Haughton, J. Stephen Daly
Timing the
Bolivian Subandean Foreland Evolution: Disciminating Between Tectonics and
Climate Forcing
by Cornelius Eji Uba, Axel K. Schmitt, Manfred R. Strecker
Clues to Evolution
of an Intracontinental, Transtensional Basin System: Clastic Sequence Geometries
in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Central Europe
by David Ulicny, Lenka Spicakova, Jiri Laurin, Radomir Grygar, Stanislav Cech
Did Strike-Slip or
Tectonic Inversion Control Trap Formation and Gas Prospectivity in the UK
Southern North Sea?
by John R. Underhill
Process Change
from the Inner to Outer Reaches of the Western Interior Clastic Platform:
Examples from SW Wyoming, USA
by Carlos A. Uroza, Ronald J. Steel
Biodegradaton of
Hydrocarbons Associated with Subsurface Reservoirs and Natural Seepage
by David L. Valentine, George D. Wardlaw, Franklin S. Kinnaman, Susan Mau,
Christopher M. Reddy, Robert K. Nelson, J. Samuel Arey
Fault Controlled
Sandstone Distribution on a Lacustrine Delta: Ordos Basin, North-central China
by Jana M. Van Alstine, Alan R. Carroll
A Characterization
of the Pebble Shale Unit and Lower Hue Shale within the Northeast Brooks Range,
Alaska: What's with the High Radioactive Zone?
by Dolores A. van der Kolk, Michael T. Whalen, Marwan A. Wartes, Rainer J.
Processes on the Submarine Slope: is the Degree of Deformation a Reliable
Criteria for Transport Distance
by Willem C. Van der Merwe, David M. Hodgson, Steve Flint
Anatomy and
Stratigraphic Development of a Lower Slope to Base-of-Slope Siliciclastic Wedge
from the Tanqua Depocentre, SW Karoo Basin, South Africa
by W. Van der Merwe, David Hodgson, Richard Wild, De Ville Wickens, Stephen
Re-Developing One
of Europe's Largest Onshore Oilfields – How to Justify New 3D Seismic for
Schoonebeek (Best of EAGE)
by M.A.M. Van Dongen, H. Priebel, Koos Pipping, G. Warren, G. Tiley, C. Townsend
Downhole Raman
Spectroscopy: Real Time, In Situ Chemical Analysis of Coalbed Reservoirs
by Neil R. Van Lieu
Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Injection Pressures in the Naylor Field, Otway Basin
by Peter John Van Ruth, Josh Qiang Xu
Petroleum Systems
of the Western Nile Delta: Lessons Learned from an Integrated Organic
Geochemical and Basin Modelling Approach
by Claudius Vandre, Bernhard Cramer, Peter Gerling, Axel Kellner, Jutta
Effect of Seismic
Resolution on Interpretation, Modeling, and Dynamic Behavior: An Outcrop Example
for Deepwater Channels, Scripps, San Diego
by Omar J. Varela, Kirt M. Campion, Michael E. Farrell, Craig S. Calvert
Coupling 2D
Numerical Kinematic and Thermal Maturity Modelling in Fold and Thrust Belt and
Foreland Basin: Implications for the Petroleum System in the Eastern Venezuelan
by Adrian E. Vargas F, Asbrubal J. Bernal P
Foraminifera as
Paleoceanographic Proxies of Canadian Fjords during the Last 1100 Years
by Natalia Vazquez Riveiros, R. Tim Patterson
Continuity of Caribbean Tectonic Terranes and Their Controls on Source and
Reservoir Rocks Offshore Colombia and Venezuela
by Eleine Melisa Vence, Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann, Hamed El-Mowafy
Reserve Growth in
Oil Fields of West Siberian Basin, Russia
by Mahendra K. Verma, G.F. Ulmishek
Stratal and Facies
Anatomy of a Lower Jurassic High-Rising Carbonate Platform Margin (Jebel Bou
Dhar, High Atlas, Morocco)
by Klaas Verwer, Giovanna Della Porta, Jeroen Kenter, Oscar Merino, Ted Playton,
Erwin Adams
Acoustic Behavior
of Sedimentary Rocks: Geological Properties Versus Poisson's Ratios
by Klaas Verwer, Hendrik Braaksma, Jeroen Kenter
Seismic Modelling
of Large-Scale Conical Intrusions
by Mario Vigorito, Andrew Hurst, Anthony Stephen John Scott, J. A. Cartwright
Architecture and
Internal Geometry of a Giant Intrusive-Extrusive Complex, Panoche Hills -
Central Coastal Range, CA, USA
by Mario Vigorito, Andrew Hurst, Anthony Stephen John Scott, J. A. Cartwright
Characterization of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian of the Zaap field in the
Campeche Bay
by Bolivar Villacres, Francisco Castellanos, Victor Hugo Moreno
Sediment Transport
Pathways and Provenance; Identification of Reservoir-Quality Sandstones in the
Caspian-Black Sea Region
by Stephen J. Vincent, Andrew C. Morton, Fiona Hyden, Clare E. Davies, Irene
Gomez-Perez, Mark B. Allen
The Hydrocarbon
Prospectivity of the Eastern Black Sea
by Stephen J. Vincent, Andrew C. Morton, Andrew Carter, Li Guo, Samantha Gibbs,
Samuel P. Rice, Nada Kozman
Relationships and Sedimentary Facies of the Champsaur Sandstones, SE France
by Jamie S. Vinnels, Bill McCaffrey, Rob Butler
Experimental Tidal
Channel Geometries in Space and Time
by Brigitte M. Vlaswinkel, Eugene C. Rankey
Between the Petroleum Potential and Structural Evolution of Coals
by Tiem VU Thi Anh, Richard Sykes, H. J. Schenk, Brian Horsfield
Characterization, Modeling and Simulation of a Braided Channel Complex at
Cambridge Cove, Nova Scotia
by Grant D. Wach, Peter Mulcahy, Yawooz Kettanah, Lawrence Plug, Hasley Vincent
Capillary Sealing
Mechanism in the Southern Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, USA
by Dean M. Walcott, Madisen Nnaoji, Constatin Cranganu
Definition of a
Fault Permeability Predictor from Outcrop Studies of a Faulted Sand/Clay
Sequence, Taranaki, New Zealand
by J.J. Walsh, C. Childs, T. Manzocchi, J. Strand, A. Nicol, M. Tomasso, M.
Spatial Estimation
of Shale Gas Potential in the Triassic Doig and Montney formations, Northeastern
British Columbia
by Warren Walsh, Ben Kerr, Chris Adams, Joe Korol
Variation of the
Shale Properties in the Offshore Equatorial Guinea and Its Impact on the Seismic
AVO of the Reservoir Sands
by JC Wan, Michelle Thomas, John Graves, Jacques Leveille
Biomarkers And
Diamondoids Improve Understanding of Oil Cracking, Mixing, And Geochemical
Correlation on The North Slope, Alaska
by Ye Wang, J. Michael Moldowan, Kenneth J. Bird, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth E.
Simulations of Alternative Production Scenarios in Fractured Reservoirs
by Huabing Wang, Craig Forster, Yao Fu, Chung-Kan Huang, Yi-Kun Yang, Milind Deo
Estimate of Residual and Palaeo Oil Columns to Trace Oil Migration and
Accumulation: Case Studies from Panyu Uplift in the Pearl River Mouth Basin,
South China Sea
by Feiyu Wang, Yulei SHi, Huasen Zeng, Keyu Liu, Hesheng Shi
Fractures and Carbonate-Platform-Margin Escarpments: Lessons from Frasnian
(Upper Devonian), Napier Range, Canning Basin, Western Australia
by W. Bruce Ward
Coal Bed Methane
Exploration in Zavala County, Texas
by P.D. Warwick, R.W. Hook, A.C. Clark, M.D. Corum, J.C. McIntosh, C.R. Burr,
P.C. Hackley, D.B. Jensen
Cause for Nannofossil Biostratigraphic Discordance between Adjacent Nearshore
and Deepwater Localities in the Upper Maastricthian of the Atlantic Margin,
Southern United States
by David K. Watkins, Jean M. Self-Trail
Stratigraphy of the Latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic Shelf to Basin Transition NW
Madagascar: Significance for Future Exploration
by Matthew P. Watkinson, Mark A. Enfield, Edward P. Blunt
The Tectono-Sedimentary
Evolution of NW Madagascar: Application in Frontier Exploration of Deep Water
by Matthew P. Watkinson, Edward P. Blunt, Mark A. Enfield
Interpretation from Regional to Prospect Scale: on the Desktop!
by Philip M. Weatherill, Mark Stockwell, Howard Chan, Les Ruthven, Paul Xu, Rick
Palmer, Charlie Huang, Tom Holley
Enabling the "Big
Loop" – Ensuring Consistency of Geological and Reservoir Simulation Models
by Stephen J. Webb, Jeffrey S. Bayless, K. Neil B. Dunlop
Exploring the
Jurassic Carbonate Platform Margin, Majunga Basin, Madagascar
by Robert E. Webster, Paul S. Ensign
Deriving Pore
Structure and Permeability from Sonic Velocity in Carbonates
by Ralf J. Weger, Gregor Eberli, Gregor Baechle, Jose Luis Massaferro, Yueng Fen
Sun, Guido Bracco Gartner
Heteroatomic Cage
Compounds as Molecular Probes For Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction (TSR) In Hot
Petroleum Reservoirs
by Zhibin Wei, J. Michael Moldowan, Fred Fago, Jeremy Dahl, Kenneth E. Peters,
Peter D. Jenden, Martin Fowler
of Diamondoid Hydrocarbons in Biodegraded Oils from the San Joaquin Valley:
Impact on Oil Mixing Interpretation by Diamondoids and Biomarkers?
by Zhibin Wei, J. Michael Moldowan
A New Model for
Development of River-Dominated Deltas
by Robert William Wellner, David Hoyal, Ben Sheets, Tao Sun, John Van Wagoner,
Anthony Sprague
Upscaling Core
Plug Data to Reservoir Modelling Grid: A Small-Scale Heterogeneity Modelling
by Renjun Wen, Philip Ringrose, Kjetil Nordahl
Diagenesis: Processes and Prediction
by Fiona F. Whitaker, Peter L. Smart, Richard J. Paterson
Convection: A Viable Mechanism for Early Burial Dolomitisation of Platform
by Fiona F. Whitaker, Yitian Xiao, Corinne Haynes
Initiation and
Progradation of Clinoforms in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: The Expression
of Parasequences in a Lower Slope to Shelf Edge Succession, Permian Karoo Basin,
South Africa
by Richard J. Wild, Stephen S. Flint, David M. Hodgson
Analysis of Sandstone Dykes: Implications for Remobilisation of Deepwater Sand
by Vetel William, Cartwright Joe, Mario Vigorito
Stratigraphy: A Useful Concept for Pressure Seal Analysis
by Kenneth E. Williams, Joel Gevirtz
Effective Basin
Modeling for Pore Pressure Analysis
by Kenneth E. Williams, Arkady G. Madatov
Raised Curvilinear
Features on Mars: Inverted Paleochannels in the Martian Stratigraphy
by Rebecca M. E. Williams
Variations within the Sego Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Central Utah
by Brian J. Willis, Matthew Fey, Eric Robinson, Stanley Scott Birkhead
Connectivity of Channel Point Bar Architectural Elements
by Brian Willis
Investigating the
Origin of Neogene Dolomites Using Non-Conventional Trace Elements
by Kathleen Willis, Peter K. Swart
Structural Control
on Stratigraphic Architecture of Rift-Initiation Fluvial and Tidal Deposits:
Modelling the Nukhul Half-Graben, Suez Rift, Egypt
by Paul Wilson, Franklin Rarity, David Hodgetts, Rob L. Gawthorpe
Undiscovered Oil
Resource Assessment of the Deepwater Sectors of Two Key West Aftican Basin
by Tom Wilson, Simon Otto, Mark Cowgill, Fugro Robertson
Delineating a
Diatomite Reservoir Extension of the Casmalia Field, Santa Barbara County,
by Mark L. Wilson, E. L. Berger, R. Elias
Leakage Risks
Associated with Coal Sequestration in Some Areas of The Central Appalachians:
Subsurface, Seismic and Geomechanical Evaluations
by Tom Wilson, Hema Siriwardane, Xiaochao Tang, Brian Connelly, Jamie Tallman
Surface and
Subsurface Characterization of a Carbon Sequestration Pilot Site: San Juan
Basin, NM
by Tom Wilson, Brian Henthorn, Art Wells
Multi-Disciplinary Reservoir Description to Characterize Connectivity in a
Complex Minibasin Fill: Holstein Field
by Terrence R. Wiseman, Roger N. Wagerle, Alex Bump, Neal F. McCaslin, Paulo R.
Microbes and Reefs
by Rachel A. Wood
Origin of Layering
in a Giant Thamama Reservoir, Offshore Abu Dhabi
by Rachel A. Wood, J.Anthony D. Dickson, Hamad Bu Al Rougha, Hesham Shebl
Anatomy of
Anachronistic Carbonate Platform: The Lower Triassic Moenkopi Platform of the
Southwestern United States
by Adam D. Woods, Michelle L. Mary, Scott A. Mata
Microquartz Grain
Coatings and Inhibited Quartz Cementation: An EBSD Study of the Way Microquartz
Cement Grows
by Richard H. Worden, S.C. Haddad, D.J. Prior, P.C. Smalley
Thermochemical Sulphate Reduction: Towards Making Predictions of Sour Gas in
Sedimentary Basins
by Richard H. Worden
Aragonite Lability
During Very Early Burial and Its Effects on Sediment Composition, Budgets and
Diagenetic Potentials
by V. Paul Wright, Lesley Cherns
Paleogeography and
Depositional Geometries of the Pennsylvanian/Upper Carboniferous Succession of
the Greater Permian Basin Region, Texas and New Mexico
by Wayne R. Wright
Fluvial Channel
Stacking Patterns are Not a Foolproof Indicator of Changes in Accommodation
by Anton Wroblewski
Using the Cone
Penetrometer Tool to Evaluate Depositional Character: Examples from the South
Carolina Coastal Plain
by Douglas E. Wyatt, Frank H. Syms, Randy Cumbest
New Insights Into
Erosional Processes of Giant Turbidity Currents and Distal Development of Linked
by Russell B. Wynn, Peter J. Talling, Bryan T. Cronin, Andrey A. K. Akhmetzhanov,
Michael Frenz, Douglas G. Masson, UK Taps Group
Structural Styles
in Central and Eastern Saudi Arabia
by Hongbin Xiao, Andrew Knowlton, Martin Rademakers, Douglas Cook
Predicting Fault
Controlled Diagenesis and Porosity/Permeability Evolution in Rotliegendes
Reservoir, Germany: Insights from Reactive Transport Models
by Yitian Xiao, W. L. Esch, Joann E. Welton, R. E. Klimentidis, Pete Rumelhart
Shoreline Sands Using Borehole Images - A Case Study of The Cretaceous Ferron
Sands in Utah
by Chunming Xu
Tarim Basin, NW
China: Hunting Elephants
by Tianguang Xu, Dengfa He
Breakthrough in China since the Millennium: New Petroleum Systems, New Plays,
and New Hopes
by Tianguang Xu
A Statistical
Factor Analysis Approach to Reservoir Quality Prediction in the Tertiary
Fluviolacustrine Sandstones of the Yaojin II Field in the Qaidam Basin, NW China
by Tianguang Xu, Xiaoru Li, Jincheng Liu
Environments, Cyclostratigraphy, and Paleoclimatic Signals of Lower to Middle
Jurassic Fluvial-Lacustrine Deposits, Northern Bogda Mountains, Southeastern
Junggar Basin, Northwestern China
by Wan Yang, Qiang Guan, Jihong Li, Xiaohui Zhang, Jun Han, Wei Guan, Fan Song,
Wenqiang Yang
Promises and
Problems of Two-Dimensional Nonmarine Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis Using
Hierarchical Depositional Cycles – An Example from Outcrop Lower Permian to
Lower Triassic Fluvial-Lacustrine Deposits, Southern Bogda Mountains, Turpan
Intermontane Basin, NW China
by Wan Yang, Qiao Feng, Yiqun Liu, Neil Tabor, Stephanie Thomas, Yi Yang, Guozi
Sun, Bei Sun
Sedimentology and
Ichnology in Mixed-Energy Coasts
by ByongCheon Yang, Murray Gingras, Bob Dalrymple, George Pemberton
Origin and
Distribution of Favorable Reservoir in Upper Triassic Feixianguan Formation of
Northeastern Sichuan Basin, China
by Xiaoping Yang, Wenzhi Zhao, Hong Cao
Reservoir Flow
Unit Characterization of Complex Channel Sandstone Units in Baolang Oilfield,
Yanqi Basin, West China
by Guangqing Yao, Fengde Zhou, Timothy R. Carr, Jiahao Wang, Shangru Sun
Characterization of Lacustrine Argillaceous Dolomite with Trona Interbeds
by Guangqing Yao, Fengde Zhou, Timothy R. Carr, Shangru Sun
Incorporation of
Detailed Fault Structure into Reservoir Models
by Graham Yielding, Tom Manzocchi, Andy Heath, Brett Freeman, Andy Foster
A Skeleton-based
Multiple Point Statistics for Reservoir Stochastic Modeling
by Yan-Shu Yin
of Fractures and Their Effect on Reservoir Directional Flow in the Tensleep
Sandstones, Wyoming
by Peigui Yin, Shaochang Wo
Issues and
Challenges in Geological and Rock Properties Modeling Using Log Data from High
Angle and Horizontal (HA/HZ) Wells
by Hezhu Yin, Quinn Passey
Interpretation of
Bounding Surfaces within Tidal Deposits: How Much Can We Reduce the "Fog Index"?
by Shuji Yoshida, Ron J. Steel, Robert Dalrymple, James MacEachern, Kerrie Bann
San Juan Basin
Enhanced Coalbed Methane (ECBM)-Carbon Storage Pilot: Role of Pre-Injection Site
Characterization in Project Design
by Genevieve B.C. Young, Fatma B. Gorucu, Scott R. Reeves
Oblique-Slip Faults in the Southern Eel River Basin: Forearc Deformation at
Migrating Triple Junction
by Janet Yun, J. Casey Moore, N. Driscoll, Danny O
Sedimentology and
Significance of Linked Turbidite-Debris Flows in the West Crocker Fm
(Oligocene-Miocene), NW Borneo, Malaysia
by Abdullah Adli Zakaria, Howard D. Johnson, Christopher A.L. Jackson, Felix
Tongkul, Paul D. Crevello
Stratigraphy and Depositional Systems in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Larry Zarra
The Composite Bed:
A New Distinctive Feature of Hyperpycnal Deposition
by Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Helena Gamero, Carmen Contreras
Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Systems, and Hydrocarbon Trapping Style of
Upper Cretaceous QY Formations in HTZ 3-D SSurvey, Southwest Songliao Basin,
by Hongliu Zeng, Wenzhi Zhao, Caineng Zhou, Yingliu Chi
Sedimentation as
the Result of Interplay of Tectonics and Sea Level Change: Evidence from
Pennsylvanian to Early Permian Tensleep Sandstone in Wyoming
by Qingsheng Zhang, Dag Nummedal
Tarim Basin:
Petroleum Geology and Future Discovery Potential
by Guangya Zhang, Wen-zhi Zhao, Xin-yuan Zhao
Natural Gas
Geochemistry in the Tarim Basin, China and Its Indication to Gas Filling History
by Tongwei Zhang, Quanyou Liu, Jinxing Dai, Yongchun Tang
Reservoir Characterization of A Carbonate Reservoir, Lumanda Field, China
by Ran Zhang, Xiangguang Su
Evaluating the Key
Static and Dynamic Uncertainties of Korolev Field, Kazakhstan
by Akmaral Zhumagulova, Dennis W. Dull, Mark Skalinski, Djuro Novakovic
Burrow Cementation
Trends in Shoreface Sediments of the Upper Cretaceous Horseshoe Canyon
Formation, Alberta, Canada
by Marilyn E. Zorn, George Pemberton, Murray Gingras, Kurt O. Konhauser, Karlis
Fracture Modelling
in a Double Porosity Volcaniclastic Reservoir: A Case Study of the Precuyo Group
in Cupen Mahuida Field, Neuquen, Argentina
by Martin Zubiri, Jose Silvestro