of Uncompahgre Uplift during Early-Medial Pennsylvanian
Revealed by Progression of Siliciclastic Wedges in
Rasmussen, Donald L.1 (1)
Paradox Basin Data, Longmont, CO
Pennsylvanian Hermosa strata in the Uncompahgre Trough (UT) along the SW margin of the Uncompahgre Uplift (UU) are cyclic, with each cycle
containing mappable transgressive
organic-rich shales, high-stand carbonates, low-stand
evaporites, and wedges of arkosic
siliciclastics. Arkosic siliciclastics in the Morrowan
through Medial Desmoinesian cycles were from
exposures of Precambrian basement in the early stages of UU in southern mapping
indicates their source was
unquestionably the nearby tectonically active UU. The UU reached its highest
relief and erosion during the Permian Leonardian as
seen by the very thick wedges of Cutler-Organ Rock strata in the UT.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California