--> Abstract: Geologic Characterization Using 3D Modeling, Upscaling, and Simulation: Case Study of Serra Field in Potiguar Basin, Northeast of Brazil; #90063 (2007)
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Geologic Characterization Using 3D Modeling, Upscaling, and Simulation: Case Study of Serra Field in Potiguar Basin, Northeast of Brazil


Pimentel, Vicente1, Ricardo Oliveira1, Yoe Reyes-Perez2, Flavio Oliver2 (1) Petrobras, Natal, Brazil (2) Schlumberger - SIS, Natal, Brazil


In the last years, have been popularized a quantitative tool for generating multiple reservoir models constrained to geologic, seismic, and production data. The Serra field was discovered in 1996 and is located in NE portion the Potiguar Basin, northeast of Brazil. Positioned on the Macau high, a positive element of the basement, this field has peculiar characteristics. The reservoir is Upper Cretaceous fluvial sandstone of Açu formation located in the transitional zone within water depth range from zero to 3 meters. To development of the field are necessary a constant studies and special operations that include seismic survey in the transition zone and SRW well perforation with 3200 meters of displacement and 1000 meters of depth. To study the reservoir characteristics and propose new locations a 3D geological model was built using the information of 26 wells and 3D modeling software. The 3D geological model is composed by 17 zones that were populated with facies and petrophysical properties (porosity, permeability and water saturation) using geostatistical algorithms. Deterministic scenarios of derived reservoir quality distribution were incorporated into a reservoir model and subsequently exported and upscale for dynamic simulation. The area of interest can be modeled with more accuracy, which will result in more accurate volume calculations and to construct new well paths for further development of a field. The simulation of flow was effected for the two main zones of the field using black oil corner point model with 99 x 98 x 45 blocks.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California