--> Abstract: Dynamic Characterization and Modelling of Polygonal Fracturing in a Carbonate Field in Abu Dhabi; #90063 (2007)
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Dynamic Characterization and Modelling of Polygonal Fracturing in a Carbonate Field in Abu Dhabi


Gouth, Francois1, Laure Moen-Maurel2, Sabah Karim Aziz3 (1) Total EP, Pau, France (2) Total, Pau, France (3) ADMA, Abu dhabi


An integrated fracture study has been performed on a carbonate reservoir in the Middle East where a polygonal fracture pattern with spacing of about 200m has been identified by the seismic. All available data including well imagery, PBU, interference tests, PLT, MDT, tracers and production data have been used to build a comprehensive conceptual model that captures the triple porosity behaviour of the system: • Low permeability matrix (~1mD). • Medium permeability diffuse fractures (~10mD). • High permeability large-scale polygonal features (~100mD). Diffuse fractures characterised by well imagery are dense enough on the crest to form a connected network whereas on the flanks, test permeability is in line with core data. Though the polygon features are seen on seismic throughout the structure, PBU data suggests that their dynamic impact occurs on the crest only. However, a material balance analysis confirms that the connected accumulation extends toward the flanks suggesting some enhancement of permeability likely related to the polygons. The conceptual fracture model also allows a satisfactory match of the interference test data that could not be obtained with a homogeneous model. A discrete fracture network (DFN) was used to model the fracture system. A specific formulation has been developed to calculate the equivalent permeability tensor associated with a polygonal network. This was implemented in GoFraK, Total's in-house DFN software, which was then used to generate input for simulations of reservoir performance at the full field scale. This integrated study highlights for the first time the dynamic impact of the polygons now seen, thanks to improved processing and interpretation, on many Abu Dhabi fields


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California