--> Abstract: Future Discovery Potential in the Kutei basin (Indonesia); #90063 (2007)
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Future Discovery Potential in the Kutei basin (Indonesia)


English, Jack1, J. Ceron1, D. Weaver1, Arthur H. Saller2, J. Curicle1 (1) Chevron Exploration, Houston, TX (2) Chevron, Houston, TX


The Kutei basin in east Kalimantan (Indonesia) is a structurally modified delta basin (sensu Klemme, 1971) with prolific oil reserves (3.9 BBO and above 64 TCF of gas) and an estimated 16 to 34 BBOE (unrisked, mean value of 23.97 BBOE) of total undiscovered hydrocarbons. The basin has produced 7.6 BBOE to date. This study will document our assessment of mean yet to find liquid reserves of 3 Billion barrels.

The Mahakam river delta in East Borneo dominates the sedimentation between Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The area experienced episodes of rifting and extension until the Early Miocene, and compression and inversion of the structures beginning in the Early Miocene. Coals and coaly shales were deposited in the shelf area and these sequences contain the source facies in a world-class environment were terrigenous organic matter was transported by the river and sourced most of the known hydrocarbons (Lin et. al, 2005). The primary Total Petroleum System contains a source component which is generally considered to be Lower-Middle Miocene. Miocene to Pliocene, with other postulated petroleum systems sourced in Eocene-Oligocene rocks (in West Kutei and deepwater).


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California