--> Abstract: Field-based 3D Modelling of a Growth Syncline : The Annot Syncline, SE France; #90063 (2007)
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Field-based 3D Modelling of a Growth Syncline : The Annot Syncline, SE France


Cazaux, Adrien1, Mary Ford2, Lise Salles3, Christian Le Carlier de Veslud4, Antoine Le Solleuz5 (1) IFP School, Rueil Malmaison, France (2) Nancy School of Geology, Nancy, France (3) Nancy School of Geology, France, Vandoeuvre lès Nancy, France (4) Nancy School of Geology, (5) Nancy School of Geology, ENSG-G2R, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France


3D geomodelling packages are currently not well adapted for the construction of 3D stratigraphic and Previous HitstructuralNext Hit models from spatially limited data such as field data. Specific methodologies are developed for this task within the gOcad geomodeller, using multiple Previous HitcrossNext Hit Previous HitsectionsNext Hit and pseudo-wells. A case study of the Annot Syncline in SE France is presented. The Annot Sandstone is one of the best-known analogs for sandy turbidites deposited in a compressional thrust belt setting. The Bartonian to Rupelian succession is preserved as a series of well-exposed outliers across SE France, remnants of sub-basins within the alpine foreland basin. These exposures have been intensively studied in terms of sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy. Their Previous HitstructuralNext Hit context is still however problematic, involving both normal faults and active folds. The Annot Syncline preserves the complete foreland basin stratigraphy of transgressive Nummulitic Limestones, deep water Globigerina Marls and basin-filling Annot Sandstone turbidites. A 3D model ( in gOcad), uses a DEM (50m resolution), geological map, stratigraphic and Previous HitcrossNext Hit sectional data. 3D coherence of thickness variations and throw across fault planes is used to test viability of field-based interpretations of both growth folding and faulting. The timing and role of folding is examined in isopach Previous HitmapsNext Hit. The 3D model can therefore constrain components of deformation due to faulting and folding and thus clarify the interaction of turbidites with active structures in a foreland setting.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California