(By Author)
Pacific Section, AAPG
Joint Meeting with Cordilleran Section, GSA, and West Region, SPE
Anchorage, Alaska, May 8-10, 2006
Search and Discovery Article #90058 (2006)
Posted September 12, 2006
*Appreciation is expressed to Gregory C. Wilson, General Co-Chair, Pacific Section, AAPG, Sandra Phillips, Technical Program Co-Chair, Pacific Section, AAPG, and Nancy Carlson, GSA, for making the abstracts for the Pacific Section sessions and its joint sessions with the other participating societies available for posting on Search and Discovery. The abstracts for all sessions are available on GSA’s website at http://gsa.confexcom/gsa/2006CD/finalprogram/.
Idris Abdulhamed R. Abulkhier
Fluvial Channel Architecture and Depositional Setting of the Tuscan Formation, Chico, California
Ryan D. Alward, Steven T. Springhorn, and Morgan D. Sullivan
Middle Devonian to Early Mississippian Paleogeography
and Its Influence on
Structural Style, Eastern Brooks Range
Arlene V. Anderson and W.K. Wallace
Openhole Horizontal Completions in Niger Delta
James Ohioma I. Arukhe, R.J. Senyk, Nuhu Adaji, O.A. Adu, et al.
Efficiency of Miscible Displacement in Fractured Porous Media
Tayfun Babadagli and Japan Jitendrabhai Trivedi
Searching for the Allochthon/Parautochthon Boundary: Using Landsat for
Stratigraphic and Structural Mapping
, Eastern Brooks Range, Alaska
Rebecca D. Bailey and A. Prakash
Rebecca D. Bailey and Wesley K. Wallace
Arthur C. Banet, Jr, J.P.G. Fenton, and David Buthman
North Alaska Upper Cretaceous Tephra: Eurasian Or North American Source Calderas?
Steven C. Bergman, V.V. Akinin, John Decker, Elizabeth Miller, and Paul Layer
K.J. Bird and M.J. Pawlewicz
Erik D. Brandlen, Paul J. McCarthy, Peter P. Flaig, and Anthony R. Fiorillo
William L. Bredar and John A. Whitney
Philip J. Brown, II, Richard W. Saltus, Paige R. Peapples, Robert F. Swenson, et al.
John W. Cady
Tahiti: Development Strategy Assessment Using Design of Experiments and Response Surface Methods
Patricia Elva Carreras, Scott Edward Turner, and Gwendolyn Tharp Wilkinson
An Integrated Approach to Beluga and Tyonek Reservoir Evaluation in Cook Inlet
Andy C. Clifford
Andy C. Clifford
Siberian Connection of Precambrian Through Triassic Rocks of Arctic Alaska
James G. Clough and Robert B. Blodgett
James G. Clough, Arthur C. Banet, Jr, Jesse G. White, and Rocky R.Reifenstuhl
A Geophysical Transect Across the Arctic Ocean Collected from the US Coast Guard Icebreaker Healy
Bernard Coakley, Yngve Kristoffersen, and John Hopper
James D. Copen, Manmath Nath Panda, Steve R.Carhart, and James P. Young
Jacob A. Covault, William R. Normark, and Stephan A. Graham
Identification & Characterization of Faults & Folds Using Borehole Electrical Images
Robert J. Davis
Put River Sandstone – Low Cost Reservoir Appraisal in a Mature Field
James Dean, Jeffrey T. Pietras, Roger Sels, Alex Yancey, et al.
Prudhoe Bay Field – Cornerstone of North Slope Gas Resources
Eric R. Ding and Gordon Pospisil
A Geophysical Survey of the Mendeleev Ridge, Processing Steps and Interpretation
Dayton Dove, Bernard J. Coakley, and John Hopper
Julie A. Dumouli, Michael T. Whalen, Anita G. Harris, and John F. Slack
Alec S. Duncan, Cathrine L. Hanks, Wesley K. Wallace, Paul B. O’Sullivan, and T.M. Parris
Neogene Retroarc Basin Development, Bristol Bay Basin, Alaska Peninsula
Emily S. Finzel, Kenneth D. Ridgway, Rocky Reifenstuhl, Paul Decker, et al.
Tuba Firincioglu, Cetin Ozgen, William Jay O’Brien, Alejandro Albertoni, et al.
Arthur Grantz and Patrick E. Hart
Steve Grayson, Ted W. Carlsen, Marc J. Kamerling, and Cheryl Blume
Steve H. Harris, Charles E. Barker, and Richard L. Smith
Compilation of Subsurface Indications of Oil and Gas, North Slope, Alaska
Daniel O. Hayba, C. Garrity, K.J. Bird, and D. Polyak
Estimating Lithologic Compositions from Digital Mud Logs Across the North Slope of Alaska
Daniel O. Hayba and W. Matthew Burns
Kenneth P. Helmold, Wayne J. Campaign, William R. Morris, Douglas S. Hastings, and Steven R. Moothart
Cold Climate Fluvial Processes: An Integrated Study of the Colville River, Alaska
Erin E. Hess, Anupma Prakash, and Paul McCarthy
The Eureka Canyon Oil Field: A Case History
Bruce H. Hesson
David W. Houseknecht
Natural Gas Resources of Arctic Alaska
David W. Houseknecht and Kenneth J. Bird
Regional Reservoir Characterization in the Appraisal of the Alaskan Heavy Oil Resource
Erik J. Hulm, Rick G. Matson, Katherine Pattison, Steve Vittoratos, and Chris C. West
Gas Hydrate Resource and Regional Development Potential, Alaska North Slope
Robert Hunter, Scott James Wilson, and Scott A. Digert
The Sagwon Bluffs Paleocene Depositional Environment, Vegetation and Ecology
David W. Jolley, Alexei B. Herman, Maria G. Moiseeva, Anders Ahlberg, and Robert A. Spicer
Danial Kaviani, Thang D. Bui, Jerry L. Jensen, and Catherine L. Hanks
Gas Shale Exploration At the Red Dog Mine, Alaska
J. Kelafant, J. Booth, and P. Glavinovich
Margaret A. Keller
Margaret A. Keller and Joe H.S. MacQuaker
In Situ Stress and Fractures in the Colville Basin, Alaska
Alfred Klek and Catherine Hanks
Carolyn Lampe, Kenneth E. Peters, Leslie B. Magoon, and Kenneth J. Bird
Devonian - Carboniferous Paleogeography
and Orogenesis in Arctic Yukon and
Adjacent Alaska
Larry S. Lane
Larry S. Lane and P.W. Layer
David L. Lepain, Paul J. McCarthy, and Russell Kirkham
Beluga River Gas Field Geocellular Model: Modeling a Complex Fluvial Reservoir
Rick A. Levinson, Mark H. Scheihing, Peter Delaney, Claude Scheepens, et al.
Reflections on the Nuka Formation and Other Related Rocks in the Western Brooks Range, Alaska
Christopher J. Lewis
Three Big North Slope Surprises
Christopher J. Lewis
Aaron R. Liesch, Jonathan D. Williams, Sandra Phillips, Kurt J. Cooney, et al.
Oil Types of the Alaskan North Slope—A Progress Report
Paul G. Lillis, Kenneth E. Peters, and Leslie B. Magoon
M.R. McDonough, H. Balkwill, J. Bever, and J. Lukasik
Arctic Paleogeography
and Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Amerasian Basin
Elizabeth L. Miller, Jaime Toro, and George Gehrels
Rebecca J. Missler and Michael T. Whalen
Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages from Foreland Basin Deposits of the Western Brooks Range, Alaska
Thomas E. Moore, Paul B. O’Sullivan, and Christopher J. Potter
Reinterpretation of the Tact Seismic Profile and the Crustal Architecture of the Brooks Range
Thomas E. Moore, Gary S, Fuis, Christopher J, Potter, and Paul B, O’Sullivan
Gravity and Seismic Expression of the Southern Yukon Flats Basin, East-Central Alaska
Robert L. Morin and Richard G. Stanley
Slope Aprons-A Key Reservoir Type in the Brookian, North Slope, Alaska
William R. Morris
History of Brooks Range Exploration and Discovery: A Personal Perspective
C.G. Mull
Philip H. Nelson, Kenneth J. Bird, and David W. Houseknecht
Boris Nikitenko and Michael B. Mickey
Sediment Provenance - a Circum-Arctic Perspective
Jenny E. Omma, Robert A. Scott, Andy Morton, Victoria L. Pease, et al.
Timing of Brooks Range and North Slope Uplift and Denudation: A Summary of the Fission-Track Results
Paul B. O’Sullivan, Thomas E. Moore, Wesley K. Wallace, and Christopher J. Potter
New Detailed (1:63,360-Scale) Mapping
of the Brooks Range Northern Foothills,
Siksikpuk River Area, Central Brooks Range, Alaska
P.R. Peapples, Robert Swenson, Marwan A. Wartes, Wesley K. Wallace, et al.
Kenneth E. Peters, Leslie B. Magoon, and Travis Hudson
Kenneth E. Peters, Kenneth J. Bird, John E. Zumberge, L. Scott Ramos, and Donald L. Gautier
Reanalysis of Gravity Data for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska
Jeffrey D. Phillips, Christopher J. Potter, and Richard W. Saltus
Petroleum Potential of East Siberia
Neil N. Piggott, Alexey Guryanov, Robert W. Jones, and Thomas X. Homza
Frontal Detachment Folds on Alaska's North Slope
Christopher J. Potter and Thomas E. Moore
Bristol Bay Basin, Alaska Peninsula, Frontier Hydrocarbon Basin: New Insights
Rocky Reifenstuhl
Rocky R. Reifenstuhl
Kenneth D. Ridgway, Evan E. Thoms, Paul W. Layer, and James M. White
Brooks Range of Alaska and East-Venezuelan Cordillera: Revised Comparison
Dietrich H. Roeder and Enrique J. Hung
Geologic Mapping
and Structural Analysis to Determine the Evolution of the Darby
Mountains Region and Kugruk Fault Zone, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Geovanni Romero, Jeffrey Amato, and Jaime Toro
Christopher J. Schenk and David W. Houseknecht
David William Scholl, Holly F. Ryan, and Roland Von Huene
Robert A. Scott
Structure of Hanna Trough and Facies of Ellesmerian Sequence, U.S. Chukchi Shelf, Alaska
Kirk W. Sherwood
A Dynamic Economic Indicator to Evaluate Sagd Performance
Hyundon Shin and Marcel Polikar
A Hydrostratigraphic Study of the Tuscan Formation
Margaret Skartvedt-Forte
Petroleum Potential of Yukon Flats, East-Central Alaska
Richard G. Stanley, Alison B. Till, Megan K. Simpson, Christopher J. Schenk, et al.
Glen S. Stockmal, Chris Beaumont, Mai Nguyen, and Bonny Lee
Paleomagnetism, Paleolatitudes and Reconstructions of Northeast Russia and Alaska
David B. Stone
Andrea L. Strauch, Catherine L. Hanks, Wesley K. Wallace, Paul B. O’Sullivan, and Thomas M. Parris
William A. Thomas and Ricardo A. Astini
Does the Brooks Range Orogen Extend into Chukotka?
Jaime Toro, Elizabeth Miller, and Sergey Katkov
The Mint River Fault: An Extensional Detachment in the York Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Jaime Toro, Laura Burnette, Jeffrey Amato, John E. Repetski, and George Gehrels
Dennis Urban, Larry Vendl, Samson Xiuxu Ning, and William Mathews
Tale of Two Systems: Oil Potential along the Northern Gulf of Alaska
Gerald K. Van Kooten and Jeff W. Short
Reserve Potential of the Kavik Gas Field, North Slope of Alaska
M.K. Verma, K.J. Bird, P.H. Nelson, and R.C. Burruss
North Slope Basin – What Can Statistics Tell Us
James Veron and David McCaleb
James J. Vogl, Andrew Calvert, and Phillip Gans
Wesley K. Wallace, Alec S. Duncan, Paige R. Peapples, Robert F. Swenson, et al.
Marwan A. Wartes
Marwan A. Wartes, Paul B. O’Sullivan, and Alan R. Carroll
Michael R. Werner, R. Scott Redman, David W. Sheley, and Bret C. Chambers
Sequence Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Marine (Late Early to Late)
Triassic of Arctic Alaska, Implications for Mesozoic Paleogeography
Michael T. Whalen, Landon N. Kelly, Hulm Erik, Robert C. Burruss, and Julie Dumoulin
Michael T. Whalen, Julie Dumoulin, Jeff J. Lukasik, and Jesse G. White
Jesse Garnett White and Michael T. Whalen
Heat Flow and Geothermal Resources of the Alaskan Interior
Colin F. Williams, S. Peter Galanis, Frederick V. Grubb, and John H. Sass
Gregory C. Wilson, William R. Morris, and Rocky Reifenstuhl