--> AAPG Hedberg Research Conference, October 8-10, 2006, Veracruz, Mexico - Abstracts #90062 (2007)
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AAPG Hedberg Research Conference
Heavy Oil: Origin, Prediction and Production in Deepwaters

October 8-10, 2006, Veracruz, Mexico

Search and Discovery Article #90062 (2007)
Posted December 21, 2006

Note: Item preceded by asterisk(*) is extended abstract.

*Oil Quality Prediction in Deep Waters: Gulf of Guinea Applications
by Jacques Bickert, Denis Levaché, Gilles Nicolas, and Gilles Sermondadaz

*Heavy Oil Exploration, Appraisal and Reservoir Development in Campos Basin: Successes but Still Many Challenges Ahead
by Celso C. M. Branco, Antônio C. C. Pinto, Jéferson Kinzel, and Jéferson Dias

Challenges in the Exploitation of Offshore Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Mexico
by Fernando Castrejón Vacio

A Case Study of Mobile Tar in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Leon Dzou, Carl Sheliga, Ed Lisle, John Shaughnessy, and Harry Prewett

Completions in Heavy Oil
by Denar Flores

Geological and Engineering Conditions of the Ebano-Pánuco Fields, East Central México: A Hundred Years of Experience in Exploitation of Heavy Oil
by José G. Galicia, Manuel Coronado, and Hermínio J. Torres

Experimental Study of Upgrading KU-H Heavy Oil Using Solubilized Catalysts with Hydrogen Donors
by Marco Garnica, et al

Origin of Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Mexico: Biodegradation vs. Maturity
by Mario Guzmán-Vega, Lourdes Clara-Valdez, Gustavo Martinez-Pontvianne, Ernesto Caballero-García, Joel Lara-Rodriguez, Laura Villanueva, Luis Medrano-Morales, Jorge Pacheco-Muñoz, Emilio Vázquez-Covarrubias, and Rodrigo Maldonado

Gasification of Heavy Oils to Produce Electricity and Hydrogen
by Gerardo Hiriart L. and Oscar Vera G.

The Origin, Prediction and Impact of Oil Viscosity Heterogeneity on the Production Characteristics of Tar Sand and Heavy Oil Reservoirs
by Haiping Huang, Steve Larter, Jennifer Adams, Ian D. Gates, and Barry Bennett

Producing Heavy Oil from Offshore Platforms at the Santa Ynez Unit
by Keith Idol

“Heavy Oil Is Where You Find It” A Brazil DW Exploration Case History
by Eskil Jersing

*Fluid Property Prediction in the Perdido Fold Belt - Gulf of Mexico, USA. Integration of Structural Geology, Organic Geochemistry and Basin Modeling
by Klaus Leischner, Gino Birbiglia, Andy Bishop, Aly Brandenburg, and Eric Tegelaar

*Heavy Oil PVTX Characterization as a Prediction Tool to Maximize Heavy Oil Recovery
by Gilles Levresse, Jordi Tritlla, Jacques Pironon, and Alejandro Carillo-Chavez

*New Approach of Petroleum Systems Extension in Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by Mario Limón G., Ernesto Miranda C., Rebeca Navarro H., and María Escandón C.

The Occurrence of Heavy Oil Deposits in the Deep Water Provinces of the Greater Campos Basin, Brazil: What We Have Learned!
by M.R. Mello and P.W. Brooks

Previous HitAdvancedNext Hit Previous HitTechnologyNext Hit to Improve API Density of Heavy Oils
by Eduardo Pacheco and Anand Subramanian

The Frade Development – An Evolution from Marginal to Economic, and it Wasn’t Just Because of Higher Oil Price!
by Nadeem Parvez and Jeff Bergeron

Deepwater Hydrocarbon Regions of the Mexican Gulf of México
by Guillermo Pérez Cruz

The Global Deepwater Play: A Historical and Geological Perspective 27 Years After First Discovery
by Henry S. Pettingill

Asphaltene Deposition in Producing Maya Oil Wells - Comparison of Conventional and Gas Lift-Methods
by E. Ramirez-Jaramillo and C. Lira-Galeana

Angola’s Kuito Deepwater Development – Phased, Fast and First
by Joy Roth, John Baillie, and John Brooke

Incremental Barrels - Pushing the Design Envelope to Make a Deepwater Heavy Oil Project Sanctionable - Gabela Field, Block 14 Angola
by Joy Roth, Kathy Mabe, George Burg, and John Baillie

Stimulation Experiences in Heavy Oil Exploratory Wells
by Arturo Santillán Salazar

Turning Tar to Gold: Observations from Venezuela’s Orinoco Extra Heavy Oil Belt
by Michael Waite

Previous HitExploitingTop Upstream/Downstream Synergies for Improved Risking of Hydrocarbon Quality and Development Economics in Deepwater Plays
by Lloyd M. Wenger, Cara L. Davis, Clifford C. Walters, Gary H. Isaksen, and Mark Richardson

Oil Biodegradation Prediction: Applications of BDI Method in the Global Deepwater Areas
by Alan Z. Yu and Tim Huang

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