--> Abstract: Project Life Cycle Cost Evaluation Promotes an Opportunity for Renewable Energy Solutions at Remote Sites, by Stuart M. Torr; #90039 (2005)
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Project Life Cycle Cost Evaluation Promotes an Opportunity for Renewable Energy Previous HitSolutionsNext Hit at Remote Sites

Stuart M. Torr
Komex International Ltd, Calgary, AB

Renewable power coupled with remediation technologies has presented an Previous HitinnovativeTop opportunity for remote sites remediation, that promotes efficiency rather than traditional design contingency. Traditional sources of power such as propane or diesel powered generators, carry a high capital cost and large operating budget, and are an additional source of contamination. The need for a new approach is evident.

The success of remote renewable systems is attributed to the simplicity of the designs, maximizing system efficiency and minimizing operation and maintenance requirements. Depending on the remedial goals and technology used, renewable powered systems can be designed to operate on an intermittent or continual basis. While continual operation implies higher system outputs, it also results in increased design complexity and inefficiencies. A philosophy of a simple design balances these effects with the remedial goals.

Advancement in renewable applications is prompting decision makers to start to consider life cycle value cost analysis. As the technology behind photovoltaic power grows, both efficiencies and costs will continue to improve. This will increase the opportunity to showcase progressive use of renewable energy in remote site remediation, complementing the overall goal of improving environmental quality.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90039©2005 AAPG Calgary, Alberta, June 16-19, 2005