--> Abstract: New Concept of Generation and Migration of Hydrocarbons, by G. R. Gamsakhourdia, V. I. Ivannikov, and Yu. I. Kuznetsov; #90039 (2005)
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New Concept of Generation and Previous HitMigrationNext Hit of Hydrocarbons

G. R. Gamsakhourdia, V. I. Ivannikov, and Yu. I. Kuznetsov
N/A, Moscow, Russia

The oil & gas generation process comprises two convergent branches - the 'upgoing' endogenic branch representing the inorganic synthesis of methane and its homologs at an interface of mantle and lithosphere and their subsequent Previous HitmigrationNext Hit along fractures into sedimentary rocks (collectors); and the 'downgoing' exogenetic branch representing a decay of an organic material into the simpler molecular products and their subsequent emigration from the parent earthes into collectors.

If it happens that these two branches converge, both the kerogen and gases supplied by portions as the processes of the rock straining and cracking proceed, are accumulated in the collector where they can interact to be converted into oil. If these branches do not converge or there are no mechanisms of interaction between the organic material and gas, the gas continues to migrate along a collector to be then accumulated in traps thus forming the gas, gas-condensate or gas-hydrate deposits.

Convergence of hydrocarbons the emission of the hydrocarbonic gases released from a deeper source allows to consider these gases to be a renewable and continuously regenerating resource while the deposits of heavier hydrocarbons (both the dispersed and concentrated ones) is a consumable resource. Therefore no reason exist to expect any regeneration of this resource and one cam make a strategically important conclusion about that there is an urgent necessity to draw attention and direct efforts of scientists and engineers to the development and Previous HitimplementationTop such practices which allow the more complete recovery and use of oil.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90039©2005 AAPG Calgary, Alberta, June 16-19, 2005