--> Abstract: Utilities of the New GIS-Based Ohio Oil and Gas Fields Map, by Riley, Ronald A., Mark T. Baranoski, Joseph G. Wells, Donovan M. Powers, Lawrence H. Wickstrom, and Erik R. Venteris; #90031 (2004)
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Utilities of the New GIS-Based Ohio Oil and Gas Fields Map

Riley, Ronald A., Mark T. Baranoski, Joseph G. Wells, Donovan M. Powers, Lawrence H. Wickstrom, and Erik R. Venteris
Ohio Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, OH

The Petroleum Geology (PG) map, PG-1 with associated Geographic Information System (GIS) and database files, is an update of the Ohio Division of Geological Survey’s (ODGS) 1996-vintage Ohio oil-and-gas-fields maps (originally released as Previous HitDigitalNext Hit Chart and Map Series (DCMS) 13 through 21). This is the first Previous HitdigitalNext Hit oil-and-gas-fields map to have unique field identifiers and a summary database linked with the digitized boundaries. As with the now obsolete DCMS oil-and-gas-fields maps, the new PG-1 map has been subdivided into 8 groups defined by specific stratigraphic intervals, and a composite map of all intervals has been created. Previous HitDigitalNext Hit files associated with these maps allow the user to perform customized queries for their individual needs. Mapping production from these intervals separately gives the map user the ability to focus on a single horizon or to combine horizons to view production from a combination of producing formations.

Recently developed GIS layers of bedrock structure, formation thickness, surface topography, and bedrock geology and topography can be overlain with the oil-and-gas-fields map layer to assist in developing exploration models. This new map and associated database files can be used as reconnaissance tools for oil and gas exploration, secondary recovery, CO2-sequestration potential, environmental assessments, and planning issues.

Creation of the PG-1 Ohio oil-and-gas-fields map and database was accomplished in part through work performed under the following USDOE-funded cooperative agreements: the Appalachian Basin Gas Atlas project, the TORIS (Tertiary Oil Recovery Information System) project, and the Midcontinent Interactive Previous HitDigitalNext Hit Carbon Atlas and Relational DataBase (MIDCARB) project.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90031©2004 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 3-5, 2004