--> Abstract: Application of Well Log Tomography to the Dundee and Rogers City Limestones, Michigan Basin, U. S., by Le, Mellisa, James R. Wood, Albert S. Wylie, Jr., and William. B. Harrison III; #90031 (2004)
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Application of Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitLogNext Hit Tomography to the Dundee and Rogers City Limestones, Michigan Basin, U. S.

Le, Mellisa1, James R. Wood1, Albert S. Wylie, Jr.1, and William. B. Harrison III2
1 Department of Geological & Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
2 Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit tomography, formerly Previous HitlogNext Hit-curve amplitude slicing, is a visualization method recently developed at Michigan Technological University to correlate subsurface data by utilizing the high vertical resolution of Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit curves. The Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit tomography method was first successfully applied to the Middle Devonian Traverse Group using gamma ray Previous HitlogNext Hit curves. The purpose of this research was to prepare a digital data set for the Middle Devonian Dundee and Rogers City Limestones, apply the Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit tomography method to this data and interpret trends in the natural radioactivity. Differences between this study and the Traverse Group study include increased Previous HitwellNext Hit control and "slicing" of a uniform lithology.

Gamma ray Previous HitlogNext Hit curves for the Dundee and Rogers City Limestones were obtained from 295 vertical wells distributed over the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, converted to LAS files, and input into the Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit tomography program. The "slicing" contour results indicate that during Dundee and Rogers City time, carbonates and evaporites with low natural radioactive signatures on gamma ray logs were deposited. In contrast, siliciclastic deltas cyclically entered the basin during Traverse Group time. A subtle north-south, low natural radioactive trend was discovered that may correlate with previous studies of Dundee facies tracts. Prominent trends associated with the distribution of limestone and dolomite are not observed because the regional range of gamma ray values for these carbonates are equivalent in the Michigan Basin and additional Previous HitlogTop curves are needed to separate these lithologies.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90031©2004 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 3-5, 2004