(By Author)
AAPG Annual Meeting, April 18-21, 2004 – Dallas, Texas
Search and Discovery Article #90026 (2004)
Note: An item preceded by two asterisks (**) designates presentation accompanied by title only.
Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author(s).
Oil and Gas Interests Are Securities: Consequences for Deal Promotion
by David M. Abbott
Subsurface Well-Log Correlation of Arsenic-Bearing Lithofacies in the Permian Garber Sandstone and Wellington Formation, Central Oklahoma Aquifer
(COA), Cleveland County, Oklahoma
by Ben N. Abbott, Stanley T. Paxton, Robert W. Puls, and Jamie L. Schlottmann
Role and Contribution of Reservoir Characterization in Improving Hayrocarbon Recovery, Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez
by Samir Ahmed Abd El-Aal, Khaled Mohamed Abd Allah, and Abd El-Azim El-Sayed
Reservoir Facies within the Deepwater Sandstones of the Falcon Field – Western Gulf of Mexico
by Ken Abdulah, Kim Doud, Myron Cook, David Keller, Mark Bengtson, Terry Jensen,
and Bevan Alwin
Free Gas and Gas Hydrate: Proof of the Coexistence in Marine Environment and Implication for the Hydrate Formation
by Friedrich Abegg, Johannes Freitag, Gerhard Bohrmann, and Warner Brueckmann
Significance of Gas Extracted from Marine Sediments to Evaluate Subsurface Hydrocarbon Generation and Charge
by Michael A. Abrams
Discrete Fracture/Fault Network Models and Structural Uncertainty
by Rolf V. Ackermann
Integrated 4D Physical Simulation of Tectonic Processes and Hydrocarbon Dynamics in the Neogene Thrust Belt of Eastern Sicily
by Juergen Adam, Rolando di Primio, Juliette Lamarche, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth
Connectivity in Carbonate Reservoirs: Solving Tough Plumbing Problems
by Aaron J. Adams, Wayne M. Ahr
Outcrop Analog for Lateral and Vertical Reservoir Heterogeneity in the Late Jurassic-Age Hanifa Formation, Saudi Arabia
by Roy D. Adams, A.G. Al-Dhubeeb, M. M. Al-Khalid, N. S. Alnaji, G. Wyn ap G.
Hughes, and R. L. Lindsay
Hydrothermal Dolomite and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
by Wayne Merrill Ahr
Microbial Buildups as Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
by Wayne M. Ahr, Dylan Morgan
Seismic Derived Velocity Models For Drillability Assessment: Resolution Requirements and Scaling Strategies
by Martin L. Albertin
Exploitation of the Chicontepec Turbiditic Plays, Central Mexico
by L. Octavio Alcazar-Cancino, J. Manuel Rodriguez-Dominguez, and Luis Robles-Vega
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of
Permo-Triassic Khuff Carbonate Reservoirs, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia – A Field-Scale Characterization Study
by Raid K. Al-Dakhil, Ghazi A. Al-Eid, Aus A. Al-Tawil, Rick R. Davis, and Shoaib M. Rawasia
Optical-Radar-DEM Data Integration for Mapping Morphologically-Defined Structures in Extensional Tectonic Regions: Examples from the Afar Depression, Ethiopia
by Mengesha Alebachew, Allison Kennedy Thurmond, and Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
Seal Integrity, Trapping Mechanism, and the Retention of Large Hydrocarbon Columns in
Stratigraphic/Subtle Traps
by Jack Allan, S. Qing Sun
Neotectonic Deformation and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Russia
by Mark Allen, Eric Blanc, Clare Davies, Adrian Heafford, Robert Scott, Stephen
Vincent, and Larisa Voronova
Faults and Fractures in Anticlinal Reservoirs in the Middle East and South Caspian Regions
by Mark Allen, Eric Blanc, and Christopher Wibberley
A Sedimentologic and Plant Taphonomic Evaluation
of the Early Middle Devonian Trout Valley Formation, Maine
by Jonathan P. Allen, Robert A. Gastaldo
Variations of In
Situ Stresses as Indicators of Active Fractures and Faults
by M. Lee Allison
Interoperability of Databases and Software Tools: Building Geoinformatics and the Cyberinfrastructure
by M. Lee Allison, Chaitan Baru
Sealevel, Climate, and the Causes of Marine Biological Diversity
by Warren D. Allmon
Seal Character and Variability Within Deep-Marine Depositional Systems: Part II -Seal Quantification and Prediction
by William A. Almon, William C. Dawson
Sequence Stratigraphic Controls on
Dolomitization, Structural Deformation and Fracture Distribution in Carbonate Strata, the Cupido Formation, Sierra Madre Oriental, Northeast Mexico
by Younis K. Altobi, R. K. Goldhammer, and Daniel J. Lehrmann
Geologic Controls on Neogene Deep-Water and Shelf Gas Plays, Laguna
Madre-Tuxpan Continental Shelf, Eastern Mexico
by William A. Ambrose, Tim F. Wawrzyniec, Khaled Fouad, L. F. Brown, Shinichi
Sakurai, David C. Jennette, Edgar H. Guevara, Mario Aranda Garcia, Ulises Hernández
Romano, Ramón Cárdenas Hernández, Eduardo Macías Zamora, and Suhas C. Talukdar
Fault Deformation Studies of Rootless Detachments: Implications for Assessing Regional Extension
by Mark H. Anders, Christopher D. Walker, and Nicholas Christie-Blick
How Did the Quaternary Submarine Fans of the Antarctic Region Form and What Do They Tell Us About the Role of Sediment Mass Transport in Fan Evolution?
by John B. Anderson
The Relationship between Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Systems, Salt Tectonics, and Compressional Folding in the Central US Gulf of Mexico
by Gillian M. Apps, Frank J Peel
Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems in East-Central Idaho: A Record of Relative Sea-Level Fluctuations on the Western Margin of Laurentia
by Bonny J. Archuleta, Michael C. Pope, Matthew L. Tremblay
Stratigraphic Framework and Architectural Evolution of Channel and Lobe Complexes – West Africa /Nigeria
by Luci M. Arienti, Marco A. S. Moraes, Valter R. Etgeton, Ricardo T. Castellani,
and Jair R. de S. Soares
Statistical and Geostatistical Analyses of Coal-Bed Methane Production in the Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado
by Bill W. Arnold, J. Matthew Herrin, and Paul M. Basinski
Outcrop-based Investigation of Thin-siltstone Beds in Basin Floor Fan Deposits and their Effects on Reservoir Flow
by M. J. Arnot, G. H. Browne, and P. R. King
Structureless, Coarse-Tail Graded Strata of the Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation (Windermere
Supergroup), Western Canada: Indicators of Internal Hydraulic Jumps
by R. William C. Arnott, Suzanne F. Leclair
Influence of a Silled Basin on the Deposition of the Lower Jurassic Nordegg Member
(Fernie Formation) of Western Canada
by M. M. Asgar-Deen, C. L. Riediger
Use of Upper Jurassic Coral-Microbial and Thrombolite Reef Buildups of Northeast Spain as Outcrop Analogs for Upper Jurassic Microbial Reef Petroleum Reservoirs
by Marcos Aurell, Beatriz Bádenas, Ernest A. Mancini, William C. Parcell, and Juan Carlos
Deformation Structures in Poorly Consolidated Clastic Sediments of Varying Grain Size
by Atilla Aydin, Peter Eichhubl
CO2 Sequestration Potential Of Texas Low-Rank Coals
by Walter B. Ayers, Jorge L. Garduño, Henri Morand, Duane A. McVay, Rahila I.
Ramazanova, and Jerry L. Jensen
Seismic Reservoir Description and Uncertainty Estimation: Examples from Clastic Basins
by Ran Bachrach, Nader Dutta
Lower Cretaceous Microbial Deposits, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
by Marcello Badali
Slope Channel Evolution: Near-Surface Depositional Processes Inferred from 3D Seismic Data, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt
by Gianluca Badalini, Jonathan Redfern, Andrew Samuel, Roger Heath, Stuart
Burley, Nick Steel, and Ramadan Ramadan
Gassmann Revisited: Variations in Dynamic Shear Modulus of Carbonate Rocks
by Gregor T. Baechle, Ralf J. Weger, and Gregor P. Eberli
Extent of the Devonian Mandata Shale May Control Gas Production from the Silurian-Devonian Helderberg Group, West Virginia (U.S.A.)
by Noelia Baez, Christopher S. Swezey, John E. Repetski, Robert L. Ripperdan,
and E. Charlotte Sullivan
Karst Breccia and Bank Collapse Breccia; Implications for Reservoir Characterization of the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada
by Corinne A. Bagdan, S. George Pemberton
Exploration Technology Strategy and Centralized Management Systems
by Mike Bahorich, Lisa Stewart, and Mike Cavanaugh
The Effect of Porosity Preserving Clay Coating on Permeability: Examples from Deeply Buried Sandstone Reservoirs Offshore Norway
by Inger Bakken, Ruth Elin A. Midtbø, and Johannes M. Rykkje
Geochemical Methods Beyond Cl/Br for Distinguishing Brines
by Konrad J. Banaszak
Visualizing Reservoir Architecture and Connectivity in Pompano Field, Gulf of Mexico, a Deepwater Slope Channelized System
by Laura A. Banfield, Stan G. Davis, Ginny Riggert, Joshua C. Turner, Holly L.
Harrison, Karen L. Lubke, and Russ A. Schrooten
Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude: Two Outstanding Modern Occurrences of the
Teredolites Ichnofacies
by Kerrie L. Bann, Murray K. Gingras, and James A. MacEachern
The Stratigraphical Evolution of the Paraíba Basin, NE Brazil: a Basic Analysis Using Sequence Stratigraphy Tools
by José Antonio Barbosa, Ebenezer Moreno Souza, Mário Lima Filho, and Virgínio Henrique
Incised Valley Fill Stratigraphic Model for Upper(?) Pennsylvanian, Bedrock Aquifers in Central Lower Michigan
by David A. Barnes
Climate Change and Shelf Physiography -- Their Role in Shaping Sequence Architecture: An Example from the East China Sea
by Louis Bartek, Robert Wellner, and Jeff D. Warren
Hydrocarbon Recovery in Deepwater Reservoirs: Modeling Outcrop Data in the Third
by Mark Barton, Ciaran O'Byrne, Carlos Pirmez, Brad Prather, Pieter Slik, Ru
Smith, Gary S. Steffens, and Frans Van der Vlugt
Identifying Low Resistivity Pay in the Cotton Valley Sand Using a Pulse Neutron Tool
by Terry G. Bates, James W. Hankla, Thomas E. Voytovich, and Gary Hall
Gas Hydrates of the Northern Gulf of Mexico from Standard Processing of Vertical Line Array and Deep-towed Data: Structural Control on Seafloor Deformation and Slope Destabilization
by Bradley M. Battista, Camelia Knapp, Erika Geresi, Tom McGee, Ross Chapman, Allen
Lowrie, and J. Robert Woolsey
Oblique Shortening Following Oblique Extension: An Experimental Study of Their Relative Influence on The Geometry of Inversion Structures
by Mark S. Baum, Jennifer A. Elder Brady, Roy W. Schlische, and Martha Oliver
A Local Source for Hypersaline Mineralizing Fluids in Southeast Ireland: Implications for Deep Circulation Along Extensional Faults in a Tectonically Complex Region
by Stephen P. Becker, Zsolt R. Nagy, Jay M. Gregg, Aaron W. Johnson, Kevin L.
Shelton, and Ian D. Somerville
The Influence of Microbial Populations and Hydrology on Natural Biodegradation of Subsurface Crude-Oil Contamination
by Barbara Bekins, Frances Hostettler, Ean Warren, William Herkelrath, Geoff
Delin, Hedeff Essaid, and Isabelle Cozzarelli
3D Cretaceous Rudist Reef Reservoir Model; Integration of
by J. A. Bellian, Charles Kerans, Ted Playton, Xavier Janson, James Jennings,
and Paul Dunn
Factors Influencing Slope Channel Turbidite Development: Insights from Recent Channel Systems and Application to Reservoir Prediction
by Andrei V. Belopolsky, Mick Casey, Kristian E. Meisling, Samuel R. Johnson, Rosemarie T.
Ramkhelawan, Virginia Riggert, L. Micaela Smith, Lonnie J. Blake, Robert A.
Hutton, and Peter J. Evans
Impact of Gravity Modeling in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Offshore NE Brazil
by Peter Bentham, Mark Longacre, and Kevin Boyd
Mackenzie Delta: Mobile Shale System and Exploration Implications
by Christopher L. Bergquist, Peter P. Graham, and Dennis H. Johnston
Petroleum System Analysis of the Orinoco Platform, Offshore Eastern Venezuela
by Luis M. Bernardo, Adry Bissada
Architecture of the Rhone Subaqueous Delta: Stepped-Sea-level Rise and Avulsions
by Serge Pierre Berné
Deltas Revisited
Janok P. Bhattacharya
Compaction Driven Fluid Flow in
Overpressured Compartments
by Knut Bjørlykke, Unn G. Gundersen, and Jens Jahren
Optimum Surface Geochemical Methods Applied to the
Faerows-Shetlands Region, N.E. Atlantic Margin
by Malvin Bjoroy, Ian L. Ferriday, and Wallace G. Dow
Value Creation through Exploration
by David Black
Calibration of the AAPG Geothermal Survey of North America BHT Data Base
by David Blackwell, Maria Richards
Comparative Studies of Modern, Quaternary and Ancient Seaways: Building Depositional Models for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production - A Review
by Stuart Blackwood, Shuji Yoshida, Ron Steel, Robert Dalrymple, Allard
Martinius, and Rob Gawthorpe
Cores and Cuttings - An Extraordinary Resource
by Beverly Blakeney DeJarnett, Laura C. Zahm
Fluvial System Response to a Climate Aberration- Characterizing the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Wasatch Formation, Western Colorado
Andrea M. Blecha
Signatures of Climate vs
. Sea-Level Change in Quaternary Incised Valley-Fill Successions: Examples from the Texas Gulf Coast
by Mike Blum
Early Paleozoic Tectonics and Stress Fields from 3-D Seismic Attributes, Central Basin Platform, West Texas
by Charles H. Blumentritt, Kurt J. Marfurt, E. Charlotte Sullivan, Alfred
Lacazette, Michael Murphy
Natural Gas Resource Assessment at DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory
by Ray M. Boswell
Regional Structural Setting and Evolution of the Northeastern Deep Gulf of Mexico
by Renaud Bouroullec, Paul Weimer, and Olivier Serrano
Late Neogene Paleobathymetry, Relative Sea Level, and Basin Margin Subsidence, Northwest San Joaquin Basin, California
by J. Richard Bowersox
Estuaries and Incised Valleys
by Ron Boyd, Robert Dalrymple, and Brian Zaitlin
Comparison of the Cretaceous Paddy Estuary, Canada and the Modern Hervey Bay, Australia – Insights from Analog Modeling
by Ron Boyd, Dale A. Leckie
Geochemical Forms of Phosphorus in Sediments of a Sludge Disposal Lake
by John R. Branom, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta
Design and Operational History of a Non-Hazardous Oil and Gas Waste Disposal Cavern on the Texas Gulf Coast
by Carl L. Brassow
Use of Dipmeter Data in the Definition of the Internal Architecture of Point Bar Deposits in the Athabasca
Oilsands: Implications for the Middle McMurray Formation in the Hangingstone Area, Alberta
by Howard Brekke, Richard Evoy
Response of Shallow Marine Biotas to Sea Level Fluctuations: Environmental Tracking and the Persistence of Biofacies
by Carlton E. Brett, Patrick I. McLaughlin
Gravity Calculations from 3-D, Geologically-Driven Models: A New Approach
by Graham Brew
Fluvial Facies Models for Petroleum Geologists
by John Stuart Bridge
Play Analysis and Digital Portfolio of Major Oil Reservoirs in the Permian Basin: New Mexico
by Ronald F. Broadhead, William D Raatz, Shirley P. Dutton, and Eugene M. Kim
Gas Hydrates in Seabed Sediments Offshore Trinidad/Barbados
by James M. Brooks, Bernie B. Bernard, and Neil S. Summer
Deep Water Surface Geochemical Exploration Coring: Hit Rates,
USBL-Positioning and Target Size
by James M. Brooks, Bernie B. Bernard, Neil S. Summer, and Gary A. Cole
Use of Geochemical Modeling for the Prediction of CO2
Fate in Geological Reservoirs : Some Problems and Some Solutions
by Etienne Brosse, Caroline Magnier, and Benoit Vincent
Strategic Play Analysis – Advantages of a Fully Stochastic Approach
by P. Jeffrey Brown
Estimating Paleo Heat Flow in Cratonic and Foreland Basins: a Proposed Methodology with Application to the Delaware Basin Area, West Texas and New Mexico
by Alton A. Brown
Potentiometric Mapping of Deep Aquifers Using Environmental Head
by Alton A. Brown
Role of Lowstand Deposition in Mobilizing Shale Ridges that Established Successive Shelf Edges, Oligocene Frio Formation (32-23.6 Ma), Gulf of Mexico Basin, South Texas
by L. Frank Brown, Robert G. Loucks, Ramón H. Treviño, and Ursula Hammes
The Ellison Miles Geotechnology Institute and Brookhaven Community College: Partnering for Geoscience Outreach and Education
by Diane K. Brownlee
The Rio Doce Canyon System in the Northern Espirito Santo Basin, Offshore Brazil: A Model For Interpreting Ancient Deep-Water Sand Transportation Fairways
by Eugene R. Brush, Joseph C. Fiduk, Frank Love, Peter Gibbs, Stiig
Brink-Larsen, and George Farrow
Structural Styles of Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin
by Ron Budros
Reducing Uncertainty in Burial And Thermal History Modeling of The Colville Basin, Alaska North Slope
by W. Matthew Burns, Daniel O. Hayba, Elisabeth L. Rowan, and David W.
Geology of the Upper Devonian Grosmont
Carbonate Bitumen Deposit, Northern Alberta, Canada
by Beate E. Buschkuehle, Matthias Grobe
Acid Gas Injection into Upper Devonian Carbonates in West-Central Alberta, Canada - Analogues for Geological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide
by Beate E. Buschkuehle, Karsten Michael, Kristine Haug, and Stefan Bachu
Facies Geometry Delineation & Rock and Fluid Property Distribution from Multi-Attribute Classification and Data Mining Technologies: A New Paradigm in the Generation of Hydrocarbon Prospects
by Jay Byers, M. Turhan Taner, Richard Uden, Maggie Smith, and Naum Derzhi
Bridging the Gap Between Sub-Seismic Geological Heterogeneity and Large Scale Dynamic Data: A Streamline Approach
by Jef Caers
From Borehole to Basin - 3D Numerical Modelling of the Cap Seal in the Penola Trough, Onshore Otway Basin, South Australia
by Bronwyn A. Camac, Suzanne Hunt, and Peter Boult
Deformation Associated with Emplacement of Allochthonous Salt in the Perdido Fold Belt, Gulf of Mexico
by Rion H. Camerlo, Stacy A. Smith
Clinoform Geometries; Evolution, and Sediment Distribution: Examples from the Norwegian North Sea and the Megara Basin, Greece
by Kathryn L. Canner, Steve Corfield, Emma Finch, and Tom Dreyer
Enhanced Porosity Development in the Arab-D as a Result of Alteration by Hydrothermal Fluids
by Dave L. Cantrell, P. K. Swart
Nevada-Arizona-Utah: Pattern Recognition & 3D Visual-Spatial Analyses of Fold-Thrust Structure with Multi-Phase Reactivation and Inversion
by James A. Carpenter
The Cutting Edge of Debate in Extensional Tectonics
by James A. Carpenter
Models for Environmentally Sound and Economically Viable Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Opportunities
by Timothy R. Carr, Alan P. Byrnes, Martin K. Dubois, and Scott W. White
Exploration Risk and Uncertainty: Why Should We Accept Them?
by Peter D. Carragher
Risking and Ranking Petroleum Migration Models
by Dan Carruthers
Integrated Pore Pressure Prediction for the HPHT Rhum Gas-Condensate Field, Block 3/29, UKCS
by Stephen Cawley, Tim Watts
Cyclical Deepwater Sedimentation in a Ponded Mini-Basin, Donkey Bore Syncline, South Australia
by Nathan Ceglar, Mark R. W. Reilly, Tobias H. D. Payenberg, and Simon C. Lang
Thrust Faulting in the Frontal Ouachitas and the Arkoma Basin in Southeastern Oklahoma: Implications for Gas Exploration
by Ibrahim Cemen, Marline Collins, Steve Hadaway, Osman Kaldirim, Gultekin Kaya, Justin
Evans, and Kris McPhail
The Borealis Field, North Slope, Alaska: Integrated Field Development Planning in a Heterogeneous Reservoir Sand
by Philip F. Cerveny, Frank A. Paskvan, Francis O. Rollins, Bruce W. Smith, Tina R.
Foster, Margaret S.. Wong, and Donald W. Ince
Carmen Field: Increasing Reserves and Exploration Potential with Sequence Stratigraphy
by Alejandro A. Chalco
The Effect of Stress Path on Reservoir Compaction and Permeability
by Alvin W. Chan, Mark D. Zoback
Surface Geochemical Evaluation Of Green Canyon BLK.608, Gulf Of Mexico: A Comparison Of Seabed Seeps And Reservoir Hydrocarbon Fluids
by Ahmed Chaouche, Peter Gamwell, and James Brooks
Conventional and Continuous Oil and Gas Accumulations - A Spectrum, Not a Dichotomy
by Ronald R. Charpentier, Troy Cook
Rock Properties - The Link Between Wireline and Pre-Stack
Seismic Data
by Alvaro Chaveste, Bruce Hill, and Darrel Corcoran
Mechanisms of Compaction of Quartz Sand at Diagenetic Conditions
by Judith S. Chester, Steven C. Lenz, Frederick M. Chester, Andreas K.
Kronenberg, and Richard A. Lang
Outcrop Analogs in Utah: Templates for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling
by Thomas C. Chidsey, Craig D. Morgan, and Kevin McClure
Reservoir Geological Application of a New, Improved Wireline Borehole Imager and New Image Interpretation Software: Examples from Fort Worth and Permian Basins
by Vivek Chitali, John Quirein, Tegwyn Perkins, Ron Stamm, and Chuck Edmiston
Thrust Tectonic Movement Provided Hydrocarbon Traps Through The VLE 400 Fault in The Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
by Byeonggoo Choi, Joel S. Watkins
Source Areas of the San Solomon Spring System, West Texas: Chemical and Isotopic Evidence
by Ali H. Chowdhury, Cindy Ridgeway, and Robert E. Mace
Redevelopment of a Mature Field in the Face of Seismic Uncertainty: Vermilion 252 Field, Gulf of Mexico
by Leonard Cichowski, Roel Garcia, Robert James, David Paddock, and Dan Shan
Successful Degradation of Benzene Groundwater Plume at a Former E&P Location in East Texas After Application of Oxygen Release Compound
by Y. Lynn Clark, Mark Kevin Boyd, and Jennifer A. Rode
Subsurface Mapping of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Using Selective Analysis of Soil or Sediment Particle Surfaces
by J. Robert Clark, Gregory T. Hill, and Reed Tompkins
Developing Effective Programs for Enhancing Geoscience Education: The Role of the State Geological Survey
by Sigrid J. Clift
A Re-Examination of Clastic Shoreface and Shelf Facies Models
by H. Edward Clifton
Style and Timing of Andean Contraction, Middle Magdalena Basin and Cordillera Oriental, Colombia
by Peter R. Cobbold, Luis A. Gomez
Structural Interpretation of the Monagas Foreland and Thrust Belt, Eastern Venezuela
by Luz Sophia Cobos
A Delicate Balance
by Michael D. Cochran
Representation of Geological Heterogeneities by a Forward and Stochastic Modelling of Meandering Fluvial System
by Isabelle Cojan, Olivier Fouche, Simon Lopez, and Jacques Rivoirard
The Deepwater GoM Petroleum System: Seepage Distribution Using Piston Coring and Their Definition
by Gary A. Cole, Rick Requejo, Alan Yu, Jim Brooks, Bernie Bernard, John
Zumberge, and Stephen Brown
Choosing the Right Analog
by J. L. Coleman
Comparative Analysis of the Petroleum System Potential of Delta-front Deep Water Reservoirs of the World’s Great Rivers
by J. L. Coleman
Advances in the Collection and Isotopic Analysis of Mud Gases
by Dennis D. Coleman, Steven R. Pelphrey, and Todd M. Coleman
Occurrence of Gas Hydrate and Associated Free-Gas Accumulations on Hydrate Ridge, Offshore Oregon, USA
by Timothy S. Collett, David S. Goldberg, Aleksandra Janik, and Gilles Guerin
Wellbore Completion Methods and Water Production of CBM Wells in the Powder River Basin
by Lourdes B. Colmenares, Mark D. Zoback
Reactivated Forced Folds on the Arabian Penisula
by Thomas C. Connally, Donald A. Rodgers
Reducing Seal and Charge Risk by Detecting Fluid Migration Pathways Using Seismic Data
by David L. Connolly, Fred Aminzadeh, and Herald Ligtenberg
Natural Fracture Patterns within the Raton Basin of Colorado and New Mexico
by Scott P. Cooper, Paul M. Basinski, Rich Larson, James M. Herrin, and Russell G.
Lithology and Fluid Prediction: Well Ties and the “Rock-Physics Bottleneck”
by Richard Cooper, Matthew Carr, Naum Derzhi, M. Turhan Taner, Richard Uden, Jack Petrovich
Dvorkin, Joel Walls, and Gary Mavko
Morphology and Kinematics of Deformed Salt-Bearing Areas Investigated by Physical Modeling
by Elisabetta Costa, Cristian Cavozzi, and Nicolò Doglioni
Reservoir Management of Fractured Carbonate Fields
by Gary D. Couples, J. M. Questiaux, and N. Ruby
The Outlook for Gas Hydrates in the Western Black Sea: Technology and Economics
by Constantin Cranganu, Boyko Nitzov
Map-Based Charge Modeling in the Eastern Black Sea, Offshore Georgia
by Steven G. Crews
Bridging the Gap from Seismic to Sub-Seismic
Reservoir Heterogeneities with Limited Well Control
by Syrie .V. Crouch, David. C. Brown
Computer Animations in Public Outreach: Geologic Animations in Visitor Centers of National Parks
by Ryan Crow, Paul Weimer, John Roesink, Jay Austin, Richard Couture, Byron
Boyle, William Hood, Laura Crossey, and Karl Karlstrom
Comparison of Fluvial, Deep and Shallow Delta-Front Channels-Fills Builts by Lateral Accretion in the Montanana Fluvio-estuarine, Morillo Turbidites and Sobrabe Delta Systems, (South-Central Pyrenees, Spain): Implications on Sediment Transfer Mechanism
from Shelf to Deep Basin
by Philippe Crumeyrolle, Eduard Remacha, Philippe Razin, Ferran Bolano, Gemma
Gual, and Ferran Climent
Extensional Tectonics and Salt Structures, Marib-Shabwa Basin, Yemen
by Istvan Csato
Porosity Reduction in Meteoric-Marine Mixing Zones: Case Studies Illustrate some of the Controls on Calcite and Aragonite Precipitation in Mixing-Zones
by Anita E. Csoma, Robert H. Goldstein
A New Upper Oligocene Oil Play in the Southern Burgos Basin, Mexico
by Antonio Cuevas Leree, Rogelio Muñoz-Cisneros, Pedro Silva-Saldivar, Victor Hugo De la
Rosa-R, Esmer O. Rivas-R, Jesus Gonzalez-O, and Ramiro Fernandez-Turner
Historical Synopsis and Geological Framework of Hydrocarbon Plays, Continental Shelf, Southwestern Gulf of Mexico
by Antonio Cuevas-Leree, Mario Aranda-Garcia, Juan R. Roman-Ramos, and Jose
Geology of the Basin-Centered Gas Accumulation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
by Stephen Cumella
Lacustrine-Sourced Oils of the Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam: Composition, Origin and Exploration Significance
by J. A. Curiale, W. G. Dow
Producing Heavy Oil in Deep-Waters> The Success Case of the Jubarte Oil Field, Campos Basin, Southeastern Brazil
by Hercules Tadeu Da Silva, Robert. A. Bonora Vieira, and Fernando T.
Integrated Log Analysis for Facies Identification and Permeability Prediction in a Complex Carbonate Giant Field
by Chawki Dabbouk, Hamad Bu Al-Rougha, Hedhili B. Mohamed Gossa, Paolo Ferraris,
and Muatasam H. Al-Raisi
Physical Rock Properties of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments, Geophysical Modeling, Inversion and Quantitative Volumetric Estimation in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Jianchun Dai, Haibin Xu, Fred Snyder, Lecia Muller, Adam Koesoemadinata, Diana
Gillespie, Gary Wool, and Nader Dutta
Update on Coalbed Methane Desorption Results from the Kenai Peninsula, Cook Inlet Alaska
by Todd A. Dallegge, C. E. Barker
Integrated Sedimentological and Forward Seismic Modelling of the Cook Formation (Oseberg field, offshore Norway)
by Rory Dalman, Marinus Eric Donselaar, Tom Dreyer, Stefan Luthi, and Gerrit
Time Evolution of Meandering Submarine Channels
by Himangshu Das, Chris Reed, and Alan Niedoroda
Quaternary Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Ganga-Yamuna Interfluve, Himalayan Foreland Basin, India
by Ananda S. Dasgupta, Rajiv Sinha, S. K. Tandon, and Martin Gibling
Effect of Soil-Aging on Geochemical Fate of Arsenic in Pesticide-Contaminated Soils
by Rupali Datta, Dibyendu Sarkar
Early History of Surface Geochemical Exploration
by Martin J. Davidson
Hydrothermal (thermobaric) Dolomite and Leached Limestone Reservoirs: General Principles Genetic Connections, and Economic Significance in Canada
by Graham R. Davies
An Integrated Study of the Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Coal Petrography of the Sunnyside Member of the Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Eastern Utah
by Roy C. Davies, John A Howell, Stephen Flint, Claus Diessel, and Ron Boyd
Identifying High Resolution Records of Base-Level and Climate Change Using Coal Seam
by Roy C. Davies, John A. Howell, Stephen Flint, Claus Diessel, and Ron Boyd
Petrographic Analysis, Sequence Stratigraphy and 3-D Modelling of the Sunnyside Coal Seam, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Eastern Utah
by Roy C. Davies, John A. Howell, Stephen Flint, Claus Diessel, and Ron
Fracture Characterization Across a Complex Structure: Arbuckle Anticline, Oklahoma
by Russell Davies, David W. McDonald, Alton Brown, and Rob Knipe
A Field Study of Rift through Passive Margin
Development and Laramide Deformation in Triassic and Jurassic Strata of the
Sierra Madre Oriental, NE Mexico
by Matthew H. Davis, R. K. Goldhammer, Randall Marrett, and Dan Lehrmann
Seal and Reservoir Characterization of Upper Slope Fan Lithofacies: Example of High-Frequency Variability
by William C. Dawson, William R. Almon, and Steven J. Johansen
Volume Visualization, Fast Track Interpretation, and Interactive Crossplot Analysis Lead to Discovery. A Case Study from Santos Basin, Brazil
by Don Dean, Kim Cline, Bob Blackmur, Allan Kean, Marian Hanna, and Dave Smith
A Detailed New Look at Structures in the Ardmore Basin, Southern Oklahoma, USA
by Steve Decker
Stratal Architecture and Paleoclimate in Continental Depositional Systems: The Record of Landscape Evolution in the Upper Triassic Chinle and Upper Jurassic Morrison Formations, Colorado Plateau, USA
by Timothy Demko, Stephen Hasiotis
Implications of the Uncertainty of the Dynamic Fault Seal Behavior, Ormen Lange, Norway
by Ron den Ouden, Claudia Guargena, Kåre Langaas, Sigbjørn Kalvenes, Joe
Cartwright, Ramon Loosveld, Nicola Moller, Irfan Ahmed, Eirik Berg, and Liv
Eolian Facies in Southeast Utah and Northwest Colorado, and Reservoir Quality
by Pierre-Andre Depret, Richard P. Langford
Quantitative Approach to Oil Biodegradation in Reservoirs
by Daniel Dessort, Joelle Hy-Billot, and Francois Montel
Hydrocarbon Neighbourhoods and Migration Limits: Results from Co-interpreting Geochemical and Geophysical Data in Brazilian Basins
by William G. Dickson, Craig F. Schiefelbein, and Mark Odegard
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Sekwi Formation, Selwyn Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada
by Kelly A. Dilliard, Michael C. Pope, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Bruce S.
Relative Sea Level Change, the Intermediate Disturbance Model, and a Turnover Event in the Evolution of Cerithioidean Gastropods
by Stefano Dominici, Thorsten Kowalke
Fluid Migration around the Machar Salt Diapir UK Central North Sea: Impact on Porosity and Permeability of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir
by Helen Doran, R. S Haszeldine, C. Taberner, and A. E Fallick
Automated Interpretation of Faults and Channels in 3-D Seismic Data
by Geoffrey A. Dorn, Francis A. (Mick) Coady, Gwen S. Pech, Paul Weimer, Raquel
Cepeda, David Lyle, and James Carlson
Regional Mapping of Formation Waters from Brine Chemistry Integrated with Petrophysical Data
by John H. Doveton, Dana Adkins-Heljeson
and Practice of a Web-based Intelligent Agent in the Location of Pay Zones on Digital Well-Log Files
by John H. Doveton, W. Lynn Watney, and Geoffrey C. Bohling
Salinity Source Determination Utilizing Salinity Diagrams and Chemical Analyses Data from the Central Texas Panhandle
by John Franklin Drake, Nathan A. Randolph
Deep-Burial Dissolution in Dolostone Reservoirs: Similarities Between the Devonian Keg River of Western Canada and the Ordovician Ellenburger of West Texas
by Jeffrey J. Dravis
Refinement of James Limestone Depositional and Diagenetic Models and Play Relationships on the Western Florida Shelf
by Jeffrey J. Dravis, David Rolling, Joe Casey, and Stewart Sampson
High-Resolution Geological Modelling of a Basin-Floor Fan – Simply a “Box” of Sand?
by Nick Drinkwater, David Hodgson, David Hodgetts, and Stephen Flint
Comparison of Three Isolated Carbonate Platforms in La Popa Basin, Mexico: Implications for Depositional Bathymetry and Halokinetic Sequence Development
by Dominic C. Druke, Katherine A. Giles, and Mark G. Rowan
Effects of Different Delta Types on
Continental Slope and Deep-Sea Fan Sedimentary Architecture Genesis in a
Relative-Sea-Level Fall/Lowstand Context: Examples from the Manicouagan Peninsula, Canada
by Mathieu Jacques Duchesne, Bernard François Long
Laboratory Constraints and Models of Pressure, Hydrate, and Stability in Shallow Mississippi Canyon Sediments (MC 855), Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Brandon Dugan, Jack Germaine, William Winters, and Peter Flemings
Basin Modeling Approach to the Prediction of Fault Rock Properties in High Net-to-Gross Reservoirs
by William F. Dula, Eddie McAllister
Earth Science Education in Texas: Tragedy Averted ?
by David E. Dunn, Edward C. Roy
The Role of Multi-dimensional Basin Modeling in Integrated Pre-Drill Pressure Prediction
by Stephan J. Duppenbecker, James E. Iliffe, Mark J. Osborne, and Toby Harrold
Detection of Shallow Hazard Formations Using High-Resolution Seismic Data and Inversion Based on Rock Physics
by Nader Dutta
Digital Play Portfolio of a Major U.S. Oil Province: The Permian Basin
by Shirley P. Dutton, Eugene M. Kim, Caroline L. Breton, Ronald F. Broadhead,
and William D. Raatz
Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum Resources: Cretaceous Travis Peak and Hosston Formations, Jurassic Smackover Interior Salt Basins Total Petroleum System, Louisiana-Mississippi Salt Basins Province, Northern Gulf Coast Region
by T. S. Dyman, S. M. Condon, R. R. Charpentier, T. A. Cook, R. A. Crovelli, T.
R. Klett, M. D. Lewan, R. M. Pollastro, C. J. Schenk, J. W. Schmoker
Controls on Fluid Distribution in the Alaskan North Slope Petroleum Systems
by Leon Dzou, S. Cheree Stover, and Andy Pepper
Compaction, Stresses, and Velocity in High Overpressure
by Daniel Ebrom, Philip D. Heppard, Michael Tompkins, and Leon Thomsen
Turbidite Deposition During Forced Regression in a Ramp Margin: Turonian Lower Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale, Central Utah
by Chris M. Edwards, David Hodgson, Stephen Flint, and John Howell
Sub-seismic Fault Zone Architecture Characterisation from Core and Outcrops
by Ewart Edwards, Ned Porter, Tim Needham, Rob Knipe, Russell Davies, Phil
Jones, Quentin Fisher, Anren Li, Graham Phillips, Mike Kay, and Diana Condliffe
Structural and Stratigraphic Control on Migration Pathways in Jurassic Aztec Sandstone at the Valley of Fire, Nevada
by Peter Eichhubl, W. Lansing Taylor, David Pollard, and Atilla Aydin
Methane Carbon Stable Isotopes in Petroleum Systems: PVT Controlled Migration and Reservoir Modeling
by Bernd Eilrich, Armin Kauerauf
Petroleum Systems Analysis and Comparison of Inversion Structures (Turtles and Half Turtles), Eastern Salt Canopy Trend: Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Richard Eisenberg, Wes Combs, Matthew Johnson, and Kevin Eastham
Mud Gas Isotope Logging (MGIL) – A bona fide Geochemical Success Story in Contemporary Hydrocarbon Exploration
by Leroy Ellis
Anatomy of a Point Bar: Outcrop Modeling Using Lidar Data of the Upper Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
by Amanda Ellison, Matthew Pranter, Rex D. Cole, and Penny E. Patterson
New Approach to Analysis Behind Casing Using Cased Hole Resistivity, Geochemical Logging, Epithermal Neutron Cases from Kuwait
by Ahmed Elsherif
Third Generation (3G) Sequence Stratigraphy
by Ashton F. Embry
The Catskill Delta Complex: An Ancient Hydrocarbon System with Black Shale Acting as Source, Reservoir, and Seal during Multiple Phases of Pressure Generation
by Terry Engelder, Gary Lash, and Staci Loewy
Leveraging Capabilities of Gocad for Assessing Hydrocarbon Migration
by Alex Erendi, Joao V. A. Keller
Variations in Predicted Reservoir Heterogeneity Due to Multiples Modes of Folding in Basement-Involved Foreland Anticlines
by Eric A. Erslev, Peter H. Hennings
Regional Tectonics, Stratigraphy, Reservoir Characterization, and Petroleum Systems in an Eocene Foreland Basin, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
by Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
Comparing Basin-floor Fan and Slope-fan Depositional Processes and Architecture in the Pab Outcrops and Other Examples
by Rémi Eschard, Philippe Joseph
A Mineralogy-Based Model for Limits to Gas Production Drawdown in the Vicksburg Formation, Nueces County, TX
by Eric Eslinger, Robert Everett, and Scotty Tuttle
Net Pay from Petrophysical Analysis of 29 Wilcox Wells, SW Bonus Field, Wharton County, Texas, using a Multi-Well and Multi-Dimensional Clustering Analysis Coupled with a Mineralogy-Based Forward Modeling Procedure
by Eric Eslinger, Robert Everett, Scotty Tuttle, and David Dennard
Sealing Capacity and Petrographic Characteristics of Eocene Marine Mudrocks, South-Central Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain
by Frank G. Ethridge, Sally J. Sutton, William C. Dawson, William R. Almon, and
Jarrad G. Berg
Three-Dimensional Modelling of a Turbidite Channel Complex from Outcrop Restoration (Pab Formation, Pakistan)
by Tristan Euzen, R. Eschard, O. Lerat, R. Deschamps, and E. Albouy
Stratigraphic Modelling of Deep Offshore Turbiditic Fans Deposits. Application to the Pab System (Maastrichtian, Pakistan)
by Tristan Euzen, D. Granjeon, R. Eschard
Improving the Value Proposition of Exploration in Our Industry
by Steve Evans
Subsurface Deposition on the Abyssal Plain of the Congo Fan
by Douglas G. Evans
Geochemical Indications of Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs in New York from ASTER Data
by John R. Everett, Ronald J. Staskowski, and Robert D. Jacobi
Facies Trends and Modelling Strategies within Slope Turbidite Systems: Insights from 3D Modelling of Outcrop and Subsurface Data from the Middle Eocene Ainsa System, South Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain
by Oriol Falivene, Pau Arbués, John A. Howell, Oscar Fernández, Josep Anton Muñoz,
and Mariano Marzo
Discussion for Some Problems of Multiple Disciplines Research on Narrow & Thin Sand Oil Reservoir
by Baocai Fang
Modeling a Structurally Complex Reservoir - Boquerón Field - Eastern Venezuelan Thrust Belt
by C. L. Farmer, R. M. Marksteiner, and R. A. Clark
**Balancing Energy and Environment for the 21st Century
James W. Farnsworth
Geological Uncertainty Management in Integrated Reservoir Modeling Studies: Example from Onshore Niger Delta
by Oluwaseyi Adedamola Fatoke, Denis Chantreau, Mona Kalu, Muyiwa Awojuyigbe,
and Fred Osoro
Comparison of Pliocene Slope Channel Levee Systems of the Western Nile Delta to the Overlying Modern Sea Floor Turbidite Processes
by Vince L. Felt, Tom R. Williams, Don Easley, Mohamed Ahmed Fathy, and Sherif
Thermal History and Hydrocarbon Generation in Turpan Basin, Northwestern China
by Qiao Feng, Yiqun Liu, and Wan Yang
Gas Hydrates in Submarine Mud Volcanoes, the Southern Caspian Sea
by Akper A. Feyzullayev, Chingiz S. Muradov
Variations in Structural Style of Salt Bodies and Related Structures in the Espirito Santo Basin, Offshore Brazil
by Joseph C. Fiduk, Gene Brush, Lynn E. Anderson, and Peter B. Gibbs
Holocene Depositional History of the Burdekin River Delta of Northeastern Australia: a Model for a Low-Accommodation, Highstand Delta
by C. R. Fielding, J. D. Trueman, and J. Alexande
Talara Basin Petroleum System: Geochemical Characteristics of Oils and Correlation with Possible Source Rocks from NW Peru
by Andrea Fildani, ZhengZheng Chen, Michael Moldowan, Andrew Hanson, and Stephan
Controls on Natural Levee Development in the Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada
by Manuel Filgueira-Rivera, Norman D. Smith
Seismic Expression of High-Frequency Shelf-Edge to Basin Floor Depositional Systems and their Sequence Stratigraphic Subdivision: Eocene of Spitsbergen
by Emma Finch, Rob Gawthorpe, Ron Steel, and Steen Petersen
**Decarbonization: Impact on Economy and Environment
by William L. Fisher
Environmental Releases from E&P Operations in Oklahoma: Type, Volume, Causes and Prevention
by J. Berton Fisher, Kerry L. Sublette
Sr Isotope Constraints on Isolation Events in Marginal Marine Successions: an Example from the Late Miocene Mediterranean and its Implications for Sea Level Change in the Black Sea
by R. Flecker, S. de Villiers, R. M. Ellam
Topographic Control on Distal Deltaic Sedimentation in a Structurally Active Setting: the Mio-Pliocene Delta of the Palaeo-Amur, Sakhalin, Russian Far East
by R. Flecker, D. I. M. Macdonald
Assessing the Amplitude of Climate-Driven
Sea Level Fluctuations using Global Climate Model Simulations and their
Implications for Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation
by R. Flecker, P. J. Valdes
Probabilistic Modeling of Fracture Density Constrained by Outcrop Data and Geomechanics
by Juan-Mauricio Florez-Nino, Gary Mavko
Near Surface Geochemistry Assists in Evaluating Development Practices for Optimized Microbial Enhanced Oil (MEOR) Recovery in Shallow Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Southwestern Missouri
by John V. Fontana, James H. Viellenave, Shari Dunn-Norman, Estella
Atekwana, Anuj Gupta, Daopu Numbere, Larry Britt, Michael Smith, John Pelger,
and Eric Davis
3D Architecture of the Early Pleistocene Vouraikos Gilbert-type Fan Delta, Gulf of Corinth, Greece
by Mary Ford, Edward Alun Williams, and Fabrice Malartre
Stratigraphic Packaging and Syndepositional Extensional Tectonism: A Preliminary study of the Dolomia Principale, the Dolomites, N. Italy
by Robert Forkner
The HYACINTH Project - Pressurised Samples from the Seabed for Continental Margin Research
by Timothy J. Francis
Prediction and Mapping of Deep-Water Slope Carbonate Reservoirs using Seismic Data, Tengiz Field, Western Kazakhstan
by Brent P. Francis, L. J. (Jim) Weber, Steve Bachtel, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris,
and Dennis Fischer
Sleipner/Utsira CO2 Geological Storage Full Field Flow and Geochemical Coupling to Assess the Long Term Fate of the
by Johann Frangeul, Long Nghiem, Emmanuel Caroli, and Sylvain Thibeau
A Geometric Approach to Determining Sub-Seismic Fault Block Strain
by Nathan M. Franklin, David A. Ferrill, Darrell W. Sims, Alan P. Morris, Michael P.
Rigney, Ernest A. Franke, and Michael J. Magee
Build-and-Fill Sequences: Predictable Patterns of Creation and Destruction of Paleotopography in Small-Scale Sequences
by Evan K. Franseen, Robert H. Goldstein
The Effects of ENSO Cyclicity on Deltaic Progradation: Examples from the Modern Brazos Delta
by Carmen M. Fraticelli, John B. Anderson
Rapid Approaches to Mapping and Interpreting Fault Seal Properties within Reservoir Modeling Packages
by Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, Rob Knipe, and Russell Davies
Improved Characterization of Fractured Formations Using Array Lateral Log Technology
by Michael A. Frenkel, Michael Walker
Bioavailability of Arsenic in Pesticide-Applied Cotton Soils of Texas
by Abraham Frias, Dibyendu Sarkar
Just Do It! Large-Scale Storage of Greenhouse Gas in the United States and Abroad
by S. Julio Friedmann, Susan D. Hovorka
CO2 Leakage Risks at a National Carbon Storage Test Center, Teapot Dome, Wyoming
by S. Julio Friedmann, Dag Nummedal, Vicki Stamp, and Mark Milliken
Predicting Petroleum Phase and Composition in Undrilled Prospects
by Andreas Fuhrmann, Rolando di Primio, and Brian Horsfield
Natural Fracture and Diagenetic Controls on Producibility of Low Permeability,Upper Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation and Cozzette Sandstones, Piceance Basin, Colorado
by Julia F. W. Gale, Leonel Gomez, Randall Marrett, Jon E. Olson, Stephen E.
Laubach, Jon Holder, Peggy Rijken, and Stephen P. Cumella
Using Ichnology to Determine Relative Influence of Waves, Storms, Tides, and Rivers in Deltaic Deposits: Examples From Cretaceous Delta Complexes in the Western Interior Seaway, Wyoming-Utah, U.S.A
by M. Royhan Gani, Janok P. Bhattacharya, and James A. MacEachern
Oblique Inversion of the Makassar Straits Rift System and the Role of Basement Faults : Insights from Analog Models
by Anthony Gartrell, Chris Hudson, and Brian Evans
Biostratigraphy Web Portal: Giving the Petroleum Geoscientist Access to Key Data
by Anthony Gary, William E. Full, and Garry Jones
Combined Salt-Related Thin-Skinned Tectonics and Crustal Tectonics in the Algerian Deep Waters (SW Mediterranean): Evidence from the MARADJA Research Cruise
by Virginie Gaullier, J. Deverchere, J.-P. Bouillin, C. Bracene, E.
Calais, A. Kherroubi, B. Mercier de Lepinay, P. Le Roy, H. Pauc, B. Savoye, and A. K.
Distal Multidirectional Contractional Salt Tectonics in The Deep-Water NW Mediterranean: Evidence from The PROGRES Cruise, North-Balearic Basin (Contribution to the EUROSTRATAFORM European
Programme, Contract No EVK3-00200)
by Virginie Gaullier, Laurence Droz, Marina Rabineau, Eliane Le Drezen, Alain
Normand, Juan Baztan, Gwenael Jouet, Guy Rothwell, Sara Colas, Giuseppe
Verdicchi, Antonio Cattaneo, Cedric Bonnel, Fabienne Duval, Estelle Le Roux, and
David Amblas
AUV Investigation of Bush Hill and Bush Lite Sites
by Robert A. "Tony" George
Seismic Calibration of the Proposed DOE/JIP Drill Site in Atwater Valley 14 in the Gulf of Mexico: Initial Results in Expected Future Development
by Erika Geresi, Ross Chapman, Tom McGee, and J. R. Woolsey
How Much Should I Borrow? Reflections of a Lender Who Went Straight
by Robert D. Gershen
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Southern Gangetic Plains, India: Quaternary Alluvial Sequences Created by Climate Change and Tectonism
by Martin R. Gibling, S. K. Tandon, R. Sinha, and M. Jain
Plio-Pleistocene Structural Evolution of the Columbus Basin, Offshore Trinidad, West Indies
by R. G. Gibson, K. Meisling, P. A. Bentham
Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Assessing the Suitability of the Early Cretaceous in the Barrow Sub-basin, NW Australia
by Catherine M. Gibson-Poole, Simon C. Lang, Jürgen E. Streit, Allison L.
Hennig, and Claus J. Otto
Halokinetic Sequences within a Depositional Sequence Stratigraphic Framework
by Katherine A. Giles, Timothy F. Lawton, and Mark G. Rowan
Large Scale Coastal Behavior in Deltas: An Overview of the Danube Delta
by Liviu Giosan, Cornel Olariu, Janok Bhattacharya, and Emil Vespremeanu
The Barnett Shale: Not so simple after all
by Natalie B. Givens, Hanqing Zhao
Estimating Net:Gross from Visual Inspection of Data Histograms: Examples from Deepwater Turbidites
by Douglas Goff
Origin and Structure of The Cretaceous Toe-Thrust Belt, Offshore Northern Angola: Possible Control on Sedimentary Patterns
by Douglas Goff, Greg Schoenborn
Source Rock Prediction: Carpathian-Central Asia
Case Study
by Jan Golonka, Nataliya Y. Bocharova, Mary E. Edrich, Wolfgang Kiessling, Michal
Krobicki, Robert Pauken, and William Wildharber
Predicting Macrofracture Spacing from Small Rock Samples: Testing New Analytical Techniques Using Microfracture Spacing
by Leonel Gomez
Mesozoic Evolution of the Turan Domain from Paleogeographic Reconstructions: Implications for the Central and South Caspian Basins
by Irene Gomez-Perez, Larisa Voronova, Mark Allen, and Christine Brouet-Menzies
Controlled Instantaneous Supersaturation: Experimental Carbonate Precipitation Under Geologically Plausible Scenarios
by Luis A. Gonzalez, Vionette De Choudens, and Jennifer R. Rogers
A Practical Inversion Methodology for Multi Offset P-to-S Elastic Impedance (PSEI): Application Using Well Logs and Synthetic Seismic to Discriminate Fizz Water from Commercial Gas
by Ezequiel F. Gonzalez, Tapan Mukerji, and Gary Mavko
Geological Framework of the Mesozoic Plays of the Tampico-Misantla Basin
by J. Francisco Gonzalez-Pineda, Juan M. Alvarado-Vega
A Source-to-Sink View of the Ganges Dispersal System Since the Last Interstade
by Steven L. Goodbred
Climate Change Impacts and Signal Preservation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Sequence
by Steven L. Goodbred
Toward a Unifying Model of Monsoon-driven Delta Systems: IGCP-475 DeltaMAP Project
by Steven L. Goodbred, Yoshiki Saito, and Zhongyuan Chen
Unconformity, Karst, Hydrocarbons, Minerals, Environments, and Structures Present in the Cambrian-Ordovician Knox Group in Kentucky
by Patrick J. Gooding
Carbonate Slope Reservoirs: Insight from the Evaluation of Modern Slope Deposits in the Bahamas
by G. Michael Grammer
Use of 3D Stratigraphic Forward Modelling to
Reduce Reservoir and Trap Uncertainty
by Didier Granjeon, Peter Burgess, Henne Lammers, Cees van Oosterhout, Kees van der
Zwan, Remi Eschard, and Philippe Joseph
3D Stratigraphic Modelling of the Mahakam Delta : Interactions Between Deltaic Progradation, Carbonate Buildups, and Turbidites
by Didier Granjeon, Jenny Morante-Garcia, Richard Labourdette, Enzo Insalaco, Philippe
Crumeyrolle, Remi Eschard, and Philippe Joseph
Using History to Predict Future Product Prices
by Richard G. Green
High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy of Mississippi Sound, Alabama: Multiple Stages of Incision, Channel Fill and Avulsion
by Larry Greene, Antonio Rodriguez
Mississippi Valley-Type Mineralization and the Development of Dolomite Petroleum Reservoirs
by Jay M. Gregg
Outcrop-Based High Resolution Gamma-Ray Characterization of Arsenic-Bearing Lithofacies in the Permian Garber Sandstone and Wellington Formation, Central Oklahoma Aquifer (COA), Cleveland County, Oklahoma
by Gregory A. Gromadzki, Stanley T. Paxton, Robert W. Puls, and Jamie L.
The Orinoco Delta, Venezuela: Sedimentation Near an Active Plate Margin
by Edgar Guevara, Andres Aslan, W. A. White, J. A. Raney, and J. C.
Use of Biostratigraphic Data in The Definition of The Geological Framework of The Neogene in The Southern Laguna Madre-Tuxpan Continental Shelf, Eastern Mexico
by Edgar H. Guevara, Héctor F. Ruiz-Ruiz, William A. Ambrose, Julieta Martínez-García, Juan Rico-Pérez, Tim F.
Wawrzyniec, Mario Aranda-García, Khaled Fouad, Shinichi Sakurai, and Luis Sánchez-Barreda
Vertebrate Fossils as Indicators of Accommodation/Sediment Supply Ratios in Fluvial Systems: The Bird Perspective
by Bonnie E. Gulas-Wroblewski, Anton F. Wroblewski
Current and Future Directions of DOE Petroleum Environmental Program: Produced Water Issues
by Daniel Gurney
Spatial Variability of Organic-Rich Rocks: A Critical Element for Defining the Petroleum System of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Reservoirs of the Paradox Basin, SE Utah
by John M. Guthrie, Ruben Uribe, and Kevin Bohacs
Deformation and Failure in Two Classes of Porous Sandstones
by Bezalel Haimson
Applications of Pyrolysis to Optimize Oil Field Development in Saudi Arabia: Part 1 - Prior to Drilling Phase
by Henry I. Halpern, Peter J. Jones, Salman M. Al-Qathami, and Khalid R.
Using Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys to Determine the Fate of Water Co-produced with Coalbed Natural Gas in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming
by Richard W. Hammack, Garret A. Veloski, Terry E. Ackman, James I. Sams, and Richard
Gas Reservoir Compartmentalization in Lowstand Prograding-Wedge Deltaic Systems: Oligocene Upper Lower Frio Formation, South Texas
by Ursula Hammes, L. Frank Brown, Ramón Treviño, Randy Remington, Robert G.
Loucks, and Patricia Montoya
Solving the St. Louis Formation Reservoir Puzzle in Kansas: Application of a Regional Carbonate Cyclostratigraphic and Diagenetic Reservoir Model for Exploring in Mature Areas
by Ursula Hammes, James Lakings
Facies Architecture and Stratigraphy of “Stray” Shelf Sandstones, Late Cretaceous Mancos Shale, Northern Utah and Colorado
by Gary Hampson
Spatial Variations in Formation Water Geochemistry on the Field and Reservoir Scale, Upper Wilcox, Southeastern texas
by Jeffrey S. Hanor, Kathleen A. Moran
Oils and Source Rocks of the Ordos Basin, North-Central China
by Andrew D. Hanson, Bradley D. Ritts
Source Rock Maturity in Santanghu Basin, Northwestern China
by Jianrong Hao, Yiqun Liu, Wan Yang, Qiao Feng, and Qin Cao
The Significance of Studying the Slope Breaks in Jurassic Large-type Down-warped Lake Basins, Junggar, China
by Liu Hao, Wang Yingmin, and Wang Yuan
Predicting Pressure and Saturation Changes from Elastic Wave Velocities in a CO2-Flooded Coal Bed Methane: A Modeling Study
by Jerry M. Harris, Olusoga Martins Akintunde, Tapan Mukerji, and Jaime Urban
New Detailed (1:63,360-scale) Mapping of the Brooks Range Northern Foothills and Rangefront, Kanayut River Area, Alaska
by E. E. Harris, C. G. Mull, P. R. Peapples, and D. L. LePain
Accurately Representing Complex Fault Damage Zones within Reservoir Models
by Simon Harris, Attila Vaszi, Noelle Odling, and Rob Knipe
Using Core and Log Data to Redesign a Waterflood in the Dundee Limestone Formation (Middle Devonian), South Buckeye Oil Field, Gladwin Co., MI
by William B. Harrison, Robb Gillespie, and David A. Barnes
Integrated Pore Pressure Analysis for Prospectivity and Drillability in the South Caspian Basin
by Toby Harrold, Greg Riley, Nazim Abdullayev, Stephan Duppenbecker, Nicolas
Mine, David Day, and Kelk Simon
Seismic Imaging of Diagenesis: A Tool for Studying Hydrothermal Dolomite Systems
by Bruce Hart, Kamal al Atroshi, Justine Sagan, and Juliana Tebo
Fault Seal Analysis in the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
by Shutaro Hasegawa, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Shoji Iwanaga, Naofumi Sakuyama, and Othman Ali
Linking Biota, Soils, Hydrology, and the
Soil-Water Budget in northeastern Kansas: Developing Ichnologic Signatures as
Proxies for Ancient Climates through Actualistic Studies
by Stephen T. Hasiotis, Daniel I. Hembree, Krystan L. Myshrall, Emily A. Laut,
Rachel Mathis, and Jennifer R. Rogers
Examples of How Ancient Soil Biota Mediated Features in Paleosols: Lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Wyoming
by Stephen T. Hasiotis, Mary J. Kraus
Does Micro-quartz Really Preserve Deep Porosity in Geopressured Sandstones?
by R. Stuart Haszeldine, Mark Wilkinson
Use of Natural Gas Compositions to Identify Michigan Basin Petroleum Systems
by Joseph R. Hatch, Christopher S. Swezey, and William B. Harrison
An Objective, Spreadsheet-Based Approach to Parameter Estimation for Basin-Scale Numerical Modeling
by Daniel O. Hayba, W. Matthew Burns, and Elizabeth L. Rowan
Novel Approaches in Quantitative Petroleum System Analysis
by Zhiyong He
Physical Aspects of Salt-Sediment Interaction and the Evolution of Minibasins
by Richard J. Heaney
Casts of Modern Continental Burrows as Trace Fossil Analogs in the Reconstruction of Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate
by Daniel I. Hembree, Stephen T. Hasiotis
Benthic Community Replacement in Late Neogene Sedimentary Sequences of New Zealand: Influence of Changing Sea-Level and Sedimentary Dynamics in Space and Time
by Austin J. W. Hendy, Peter J. J. Kamp
A New Exploration Play Concept From the Idea to the Drill Bit – The Search for Reservoir Sands in Deep-Water Facies of the Late Cretaceous Olmos and San Miguel Formations, Webb County Texas
by John R. Hennessy, Jory A. Pacht, Samir Ghazi, and H. Matt Pickrel
Fault and Stress Modeling of Alpine Field with Application to Drilling Difficulty Mitigation
by Peter H. Hennings, Laurent Maerten, Rico Ramos, Milt B Enderlin, Robert
Krantz, David Shafer, Chip Alvord, and Cliff Crabtree
Miocene Depositional and Chronostratigraphic Framework: Relation to Potential Gas Exploration in the Burgos Basin, Northeastern Mexico
by Tucker F. Hentz, Michael V. DeAngelo, Tim W. Wawrzyniec, L. F. Brown, Shinichi
Sakurai, William A. Ambrose, Antonio Cuevas, and J. Javier Hernández Mendoza
Pressure Prediction and Drilling of the Deep Sub-salt Play at Pompano Field, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by Philip D. Heppard, Holly L. Harrison, David F. Greeley, Lewis F. Kuhmichel,
and Brett W. Cocales
Revitalizing an Old Oil Province: A Second Look at the Golden Lane Plays and Renewed Drilling Activity
by Ulises Hernandez-Romano, Raul Hernandez-de-la-Fuente, Abelardo Escamilla-Hernandez,
and Raul Hernandez-Martel
Charge Analyses of Oil and Gas Fields within the SECC Block, Columbus Basin, Trinidad and Tobago
by Stephen P. Hertig
Structural Evolution of an Inversion Anticline and Commercial Development of Horizon Field, Dutch North Sea
by Robert G. Hickman, Mike Hursey, Paul van Daalen, Daniel van Staalduinen, and Fred Houtzager
The Indian Basin, New Mexico: A Tectonically Valved Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoir
by Erik J. Hiemstra, Robert H. Goldstein
Paleogene Sedimentation and Deformation in the Buried Offshore Balkanides – Petroleum System Concepts for a Compressional Fold and Thrust Belt in a Subsiding Oceanic Basin, Deep Water Western Black Sea
by R. Eric Higgins, Michal Nemcok, and Dian Vangelov
Three-dimensional Geometry and Kinematics of an Evaporite-cored Detachment Fold Complex: An Example from the Sierra Madre Oriental, NE Mexico
by I. Camilo Higuera-Diaz, Mark P. Fischer, and M. Scott Wilkerson
Petroleum Systems of the Permian Basin, Usa
by Ronald J. Hill, Daniel M. Jarvie, Brenda L. Claxton, Jack D. Burgess, Mark H.
Tobey, and Jack A. Williams
When Did the Nile Begin?: Remote Sensing Analysis of Paleo-Drainages Near Kom Ombo, Upper Egypt
by Emily A. Hinz, Robert J. Stern, Allison K. Thurmond, Mohamed G.
Abdelsalam, and Mamdouh M. Abdeen
Scales of Lateral Petrophysical Heterogeneity within Dolomite Rock Fabrics as Determined from Outcrop Analogs: Implications for 3-D Reservoir Modeling
by Colette Hirstius, Matthew Pranter, and David A. Budd
Hydrothermal Dolomitization in the Carboniferous of the Irish Midlands — Analogues and Implications for New Reservoir Types
by Murray W. Hitzman
Preparing a Business Plan for a Petroleum Exploration and Production Venture: A Critical Step in Launching a Successful Enterprise
by G. Warfield Hobbs
Model Building and Structural Modeling using Remotely Sensed Data
by Dan Hodge, Mike Ohlers, Stuart Bland, and Delphine Roques
Reservoir Modeling of Deepwater Basin Floor Fans, Karoo Outcrops, South Africa 1: Methods of Data Collection, Model Building and Interrogation
by David Hodgetts, Nicholas Drinkwater, Eirik Vik, David Hodgson, Stephen Flint, Erik
Johannessen, and Stefan Luthi
Sequence Hierarchy in Lowstand Deposits of the Karoo Basin, South Africa
by David Hodgson, Stephen Flint, Richard Wild, David Hodgetts, and Nicholas
Reservoir Modeling of Deepwater Basin Floor Fans, Karoo Outcrops, South Africa 2: Insights into Fan Evolution and Reservoir Prediction
by David Hodgson, David Hodgetts, Stephen Flint, Nicholas Drinkwater, and Erik
3-D Model of a Channelized Lower Submarine Slope from the Tanqua Depocentre, SW Karoo Basin, South Africa
by David Hodgson, Rosalind King, Richard Wild, Shaun Waite, Stephen Flint, and David
Effects and Impact of Early and Late Stage Anaerobic Biodegradation
by Albert G. Holba, Lisa Wright, Leon I. Dzou, B. J. Huizinga, Jim J. Hickey, Stephen G.
Franks, and Mark H. Scheihing
The Enigma of Long-term Tectonic Control on Deposition Yet Low Cumulative Strain: Insights from Holocene Fluvial Strata in the Active New Madrid Seismic Zone
by John Holbrook, Whitney J. Autin, Stephen Marshak, and Tammy M. Rittenour
Is Climate the Real "Rainmaker" in Fluvial Lowstand Deposition? A Look at the Concept of Base-Level Buffers and Buttresses and the Comparative Role of Sea Level and Climate in Architecturally Complex "Lowstand" Fluvial Sandstone
by John Holbrook, Franca Oboh-Ikuenobe
Fluid Flow During Compaction Localization
by David J. Holcomb, William A. Olsson
Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico – A Status Report of the ChevronTexaco JIP – DOE Research
by Stephen A. Holditch, Emrys Jones
Modeling of CO2 Saline Aquifer Sequestration and the Effects of Residual Phase Saturation
by Mark Holtz, Christine Doughty, Joseph Yeh, and Susan Hovorka
On the Development of Salt-Related Structures in the Polish Trough
by Robert Hooper, Lech Antonowicz, and Ewa Iwanowska
Developing a Business Plan for Carbon Sequestration in the Gulf Coast
by Susan D. Hovorka
Geology and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Upper-Cretaceous Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: An Outcrop Analog for Top-Truncated Mixed-Influence Lowstand Deltas
by Charles D. Howell, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Estimates of Sedimentation Rates from Sediment and Faunal Interactions within an Ancient Delta Lobe, Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A
by Charles D. Howell, Janok P. Bhattacharya, and James A. MacEachern
Dare I (Hope) Field and The Rest of the Story--Dare I (Cook) Field, Concho County, Texas
by Harvey H. Howell, Lance Harwerth, and Gary K. Rice
Visualization Based Volume Interpretation Reveals More Geological Information
by Eileen Huang, Bowen Bai
The Significance of a Deep-Water Glossifungites Surface in the Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Chilean Patagonia
by Stephen M. Hubbard, Michael R. Shultz
Influence of Precursor Salt Structures on Thrust Faulting, Deep-water Lower Congo Basin, Gabon
by Michael R. Hudec, Martin Jackson, and David Jennette
New Geochemical Evidence of Hydrocarbons Along the La Popa Salt Weld, La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico
by Samuel M. Hudson, Tim Lawton, and Brenda Buck
Comparison of Laboratory and Geologically Produced Clay Smears
by Nick Hudyma, Zoe K. Shipton
Seismic Modeling of Paleokarst Heterogeneity In Carbonate Platform Strata: An Example From The Upper Permian Yates Formation of West Texas and New Mexico
by David Hunt, Steen Petersen, and Susanne Lund Jensen
Reservoir-Fluid Characterization and Reservoir Modeling of Potential Gas Hydrate Resources, Alaska North Slope
by Robert B. Hunter, Robert R. Casavant, Roy A. Johnson, Mary M. Poulton, George J.
Moridis, Scott J. Wilson, Scott Geauner, Justin Manuel, Casey Hagbo, Charles E.
Glass, Kenneth M. Mallon, Shirish L. Patil, Abhijit Dandekar, and Timothy S. Collett
Linked Variations in Sea Level and Sediment Supply Produced by Low-Frequency Climate Cyclicity During the Late Paleozoic
by Jacqueline E. Huntoon, Russell Dubiel, and John D. Stanesco
3-D Analysis of Vuggy Porosity, Indian Basin Field, New Mexico
by Neil F. Hurley, Sherif I. Gowelly, and Teresa Maita
A First Step Towards Quantitative Seismostratigraphic Inversion
by Matthias G. Imhof
A Quantitative Stratigraphic Model Based on Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion
by Matthias Imhof
Forward Modeling of Salt Tectonic Response to Sedimentary Loading and Basin Subsidence
by Steven J. Ings, Lykke Gemmer, and Christopher Beaumont
Theoretical Modeling of Localized Deformation Structures in Porous Sandstone
by Kathleen A. Issen, Vennela Challa
The Role of Volcanism, Inversion, and Neotectonics in the Puget-Willamette Lowland Petroleum System, Washington and Oregon
by James S. Jackson
Progressive Effects of Shortening Superposed on Formerly Extensional Diapirs and Faults: Insights from Serial Profiles in Deep-Water Lower Congo Basin, Gabon
by Martin P. A. Jackson, Michael R. Hudec, and David C. Jennette
Fault Systems in New York State and Carbonate Reserviors: Trenton/Black River and Younger Plays
by Robert D. Jacobi, Gerald Smith, John Fountain, J. P. Fagan, and Industrial
Case Study of Intergrated Approach to the Cleanup of Ogallala Groundwater Impacted by Oilfield Brine, Haskell County, Kansas
by Michael Jacobs, Kevin Hopson, Al Potter, and T. Neil Blandford
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Petroleum System in the Domi (Fukue) Basin, Southern Offshore Korea
by Heeran Jang
Constraints on the Strength of the Gas Hydrate-Rich Sediments from Borehole Breakouts - Implications for Slope Stability Near Hydrate Ridge on the U.S. Continental Margin Off-Shore Oregon
by Aleksandra Janik, D. Goldberg, D. Moos, J. Sheridan, P. Flemings, J. Germaine,
and B. Tan
Outcrop-Based 3D Synthetic Seismic of Early Permian Deep Water Carbonate Deposits, Victorio Canyon, West Texas
by Xavier Janson, Charles Kerans, Jerome Bellian, Ted Playton, and W. M. Fitchen
Karstification of the Lower Cretaceous Tuxpan Detached Platform, Golden Lane, Mexico
by Xavier Janson, Robert Loucks, Charles Kerans, Alfredo Marhx, and Carlos Reyes
Geochemical Characterization of Thermogenic Gas and Oil in the Ft. Worth Basin, Texas
by Daniel M. Jarvie, Richard M. Pollastro, Ronald J. Hill, Brenda L. Claxton, Mark H.
Tobey, and David A. Wavrek
The Miocene in the Gulf of Hammamet Basins - Tunisia - Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Petroleum Targets
by R. S. Jeddi, P. F. Burollet
Identification of Dinosaur Tracks in Palustrine-lacustrine Deposits of the Morrison Formation: Their Significance to Lacustrine Sequence Stratigraphy
by Debra S. Jennings
Accommodation Transformation of Cretaceous Qinshangkou Formation, Songliao Depression, Northeast China
by Zaixing Jiang, Hongbo Lu
Charge Factors in Gas Migration Passway in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea
by Ye Jiang, Qiang Xu
Inferring Permeability Attributes of a Fault from Multiple Types of Temporal and Spatial Hydraulic Data: A Case Study
by Brann Johnson
Dolomite Cements and Their Included Fluids in the Irish Midlands: Coupling Solid
(13C, 18O and 87Sr/86Sr) and Fluid (Halogens and Trace Elements) Geochemistry to Understand Multiple Fluid Interactions During Brine Migration
by Aaron W. Johnson, Kevin L. Shelton, Jay M. Gregg, Ian D. Somerville,
and Wayne R. Wright
High-Frequency Cyclicity Modified by Coastal Facies Architecture, Campanian Eagle Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by Kimberly A. Johnson, Donald J. P. Swift
Groundwater Availability in the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
by Ian C. Jones
Significance and Development of Heterogeneous Dolostones in the Tertiary Succession on Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac
by Brian Jones
Free and Adsorbed Gas Relationships within Macroseeps
by Victor T. Jones
The Influence of Sediment Supply on Braided Alluvial Architecture: An Integrated Field and Experimental Study
by Merren Jones, Phil Ashworth, Jim Best, and James Hodson
Applications of Pyrolysis to Optimize Oil Field Development in Saudi Arabia: Part 2 - "Real-Time" Application on Horizontal Wells
by Peter J. Jones, Henry I. Halpern, Matthew W. Dahan, Gerhan Aktas, Isaac B.
Ishak, Salman M. Al-Qathami, and Khalid R. Al-Malki
3D Petroleum Systems Modeling Offshore Brazil – From Regional to Prospect Scale Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration
by Marek Kacewicz, Mark Filewicz, Chip Morgan, Yusri Yusri, Mark Andreason, Gregg
Blake, Frank Bilotti, Tom Elliott, Joe Curiale, Elizabeth Johnson, Russell
Davies, and Henry Lickorish
Darcy vs
. Invasion Percolation – Do they complement each other?
by Marek Kacewicz, Wenlong Xu, Dan Carruthers, and Thomas Hantschel
Enhanced Stratigraphic Resolution around the Paleocene/Eocene
Boundary: A Biostratigraphic Proxy for the CIE
by Alicia Kahn, Marie-Pierre Aubry
Three "G's" are better than Two: Integration of Surface Geochemical Data in Petroleum Exploration Efforts for the Woodbine Prospect, Polk County, Texas
by David Kaiser, Alan H. Silliman, and Wayne Wells
Granular Deformation of Quartz Sand: Critical State Failure Model and Implications for Clastic Rocks
by Stephen L. Karner, Judith S. Chester, Frederick M. Chester, Andreas K.
Kronenberg, and Andrew Hajash
Hydrothermal Brecciation Associated with Calcite Precipitation and Permeability Destruction in Mississippian Carbonate Reservoirs, Montana and Wyoming
by David Allen Katz, Gregor P. Eberli, Langhorne B. Smith, Jason Kislak, and Peter K.
Channelised Turbidity Currents: New Experimental Insights Into Flow Structure and Secondary Flow
by Gareth Keevil, Jeff Peakall, and Jim Best
Critical Accidents in Paleo-geography and Oceanography Induced by Abrupt Changes in Base Level, Signaled by Hard or Firm Grounds in Shallow Water Clastics and Carbonates
by Christopher George St. Clement Kendall
Outcrop-Based Lithofacies and Depositional Setting of Arsenic-Bearing Permian Red Beds in the Central Oklahoma Aquifer (COA), Cleveland County, Oklahoma
by Kathleen M. Kenney, Stanley T. Paxton, Robert W. Puls, and Jamie L. Schlottmann
Microbial and Cement Boundstone Dominated Flanks (and Reservoirs) of an Isolated Carbonate Platform
by Jeroen A. M. Kenter, Paul M (Mitch) Harris, Giovanna Della Porta, Dennis
Fischer, and L. James Weber
Production from the Steep, Deep Flanks of an
Isolated Carbonate Platform
by Jeroen A. M. Kenter, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Dennis Fischer, and L.
James Weber
Stratigraphic Patterns and Controls on Reservoir Quality of the Giant Poza Rica Field, Albian, Cretaceous, Mexico
by Charles Kerans, Robert Loucks, Xavier Janson, Alfredo Marhx, and Carlos Reyes
Impacts of Petroleum Production on Ground and Surface Waters: Results from OSPER “A” Site, Osage County, OK
by Yousif K. Kharaka, William N. Herkelrath, and Frances D. Hostettler
3D Seismic Pore Pressure Analysis in Deep Water Fold and Thrust Belts: A Map and Volume Based Flow Balance Approach
by Bill Kilsdonk
A Geological Introduction to the Northern Lights Project of the Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit
by Errin K. Kimball, Virginia L. Odegaard, and S. George Pemberton
Extra-Foreland Source to Turbidite Sink in the
Early Karoo Basin, South Africa
by Rosalind King, Belinda Van Lente, Graham Potts, David Hodgson, Daniel
Andersson, Richard Worden, Stephen Flint, and De Ville Wickens
Geologic Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Mowry Composite Total Petroleum System, Greater Green River Basin, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming
by Mark A. Kirschbaum, Laura N. R. Roberts
Inversion and Re-inversion of the Northern Rio Grande Rift,
Southern Colorado
by Charles F. Kluth
Absheron Allochton of the South Caspian Sea: Evidence for Slope Instability in Response to Gas Hydrate Dissociation
by Camelia C. Knapp, James H. Knapp, and Christopher Mitchell
Structural Uncertainty and Scenario Modeling for Fault Seal Analysis
by Rob Knipe, Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, and Russell Davies
Comparison of Gore and Microbial Surveys, Southern Tunisia Stratigraphic Play
by Craig Allen Knutson
Modes of Evolution of Deep-water and Fluvial Channels
by Ven Kolla, Henry Posamentier, Mochammad Fachmi, and Lesli Wood
Mineralogical Controls on Seal Capacity in the Muderong Shale, Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia
by Gillian E. Kovack, David N. Dewhurst, Mark Raven, and John G. Kaldi
Phanerozoic Taphonmy of the Marine Benthos and the Secular Patterns in the Metazoan Fossil Record
by Michal Kowalewski, Susan M. Kidwell, Anna K. Behrensmeyer, John Alroy, Franz T.
Fursich, Robert A. Gastaldo, Matthew A. Kosnik, Roy E. Plotnick, and Raymond Rogers
Applications of Gas Chromatographic Fingerprinting to Reservoir Management: Case Studies from the Niger Delta
by F. M. Kpenkaan
Oblique Inversion Structures and 3D Processes: Results from Analog Models
by Robert W. Krantz, Mary K. Johns, and Erik Lundin
The Auger 4D Case Study: Exploiting A Gulf of Mexico Turbidite Field By The Use Of Time Lapsed Seismic Surveys
by Tom Kratochvil, Jim Bikun, Charles Tixier, Helena Zirczy, Tim Beattie, Pete
Bilinski, Elli Tchouparova, Klaas van Luik, and Sid Weaver
Paleozoic Carbonate Mud-Mounds: Global Abundance
and Paleogeographic Distribution
by Federico F. Krause, Christopher R. Scotese, Carlos Nieto, Selim G. Sayegh, John C.
Hopkins, and Rudolf O. Meyer
Geochemical Prospecting of Hydrocarbons in Frontier Basins of India
by B. Kumar, D. J. Patil, G. Kalpana, and C. Vishnu Vardhan
Performance of High Resolution Induction Tool (HRI)
by Balaram Kundu, K. K. Prasad, and Chatar Singh
Relationship Between Reservoir Properties of the Galesville Sandstone and Diagenesis of Eau Claire Shale, Cambrian of Illinois Basin
by Mojisola A. Kunle Dare
A Workflow for Building and Validating Static Reservoir Models for Fractured Reservoirs for Direct Implementation into Dynamic Simulators
by Paul La Pointe
Development and Validation of a Fractured Reservoir Model for the Circle Ridge Field, Wind River Basin, WY
by Paul La Pointe, Jan Hermanson, and Mike Dunleavy
3D Sedimentary Modeling of Turbidite Systems using GOSED and Object Modeling Tools (Ainsa Sub-basin, South Central Pyrenees, Spain)
by Richard Labourdette, Philippe Crumeyrolle, Eduardo Remacha, Ferran Climent, Ferran Bolaño,
and Gemma Gual
Modeling of Fine-scale Sedimentary Heterogeneities of Laterally Offset Stacked Channels in Turbiditic Channel Complexes
by Richard Labourdette, Jo Ann Hegre, François Temple, and Enzo Insalaco
Rapid Structural Interpretation Utilizing Newly Developed Seismic Attributes: Interpretation Methodology and Workflows
by Alfred Lacazette, Kurt J. Marfurt, Charles. H. Blumentritt, and Isabel C.
These “Karst” Features in the Ellenburger Are Really
Pull-Apart Basins
by Alfred Lacazette, Charlotte Sullivan, and Mike Ammerman
A Broader View of Framework Weakening
by Richard W. Lahann
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Shelf Systems of the eastern margins of the Tobosa and Midland Basins, Texas
by Paul David Lake, Christopher George St. Clement Kendall
Depositional systems and Facies Models for Low Energy Clastic Coastlines within Low Latitude, Semi-Enclosed Seas
by Joseph J. Lambiase, Abdul Razak Damit
Facies, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Two Modern Deltas in NW Borneo: Implications for Subsurface Deltaic Successions
by Joseph J. Lambiase, Abdul Razak Damit
Reservoir Analogues of Ephemeral Lacustrine Deltas and Terminal Splays - Examples from the Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia
by Simon C. Lang, Tobias H. D. Payenberg, Mark Reilly, and Jochen Kassan
On Geological Uncertainty in Reservoir Modeling and Prediction
by David K. Larue
Geologic Models and Flow Simulation Studies of a Shoreface Reservoir: From Stratigraphic Characterization to History Matching
by David Larue, Feng Jian, Alexandre Castellini, John Toldi, and Adwait Chawathe
Gaining New Insights into the Stratigraphy of the New Albany Shale of the Illinois Basin through an Integrated Study of Well Cores and Gamma-Ray Logs
by Ovidiu Remus Lazar, Juergen Schieber
Assessment of Casing Leaks from Wells in Oil and Gas Fields and Gas Storage Fields to Determine Environmental Hazards in Areas of Urban Development
by Rufus LeBlanc, Victor T. Jones
How to Design an Exploration Surface Soil Gas Geochemical Survey: Illustrated by Application Examples from the Hugoton Embayment of SE Colorado and SW Kansas
by Rufus LeBlanc, Victor T. Jones
GPR Survey of a Delta Front Reservoir Analog, The Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Wyoming, U.S.A
by Keumsuk Lee, M. Royhan Gani, Xiaoxian Zeng, George A. McMechan, Willliam R.
Griffin, D. Nahid Sultana, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Carlos L. V. Aiken, and Xueming
Controls on Differential Evolution of Triassic Carbonate Platforms of the Nanpanjiang Basin, Guizhou, Guangxi, and Yunnan, South China
by Daniel J. Lehrmann, Paul Enos, Marcello Minzoni, Donghong Pei, Paul
Montgomery, and Jiayong Wei
Outcrop Expression of Sequence Boundaries in the Albian-Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation, Central North Slope, Alaska
by David L. LePain, Paul J. McCarthy, and Russell Kirkham
Variability of Rift-Climax Stratigraphy in the Hangingwall to a Rift Border Fault: The Thal Fault, Hammam Faraun Fault Block, Suez Rift, Egypt
by Chris Leppard, Rob Gawthorpe
Along-Strike Variations in Reservoir Characteristics of Macaronichnus segregatis-Burrowed Upper Shoreface and Foreshore Sandstones, Lower Cretaceous Glauconite Formation, Alberta, Canada
by John P. Lerette, James A. MacEachern
Surface Exploration Successful in Finding Alberta Leduc Pinnacle Reefs
by Leonard A. LeSchack, Richard E. Wyman, and John R. Jackson
Sedimentological and Ichnological Variation in Estuarine Point Bar Deposits, McMurray Formation (Aptian), Northeastern Alberta
by Curtis D. Lettley, S. George Pemberton
Methodology for Integrated Calculation of Total Gas-in-Place for a Heterogeneous OM-Bearing Sequence
by Jeffrey R. Levine
What is the Role of the Geologist in Assessment of Continuous-Type Gas Accumulations?
by Jeffrey R. Levine, Creties Jenkins
Kinematics to Geomechanics - an Exercise in Predicting Reservoir Deformation and Flow
by Helen Lewis, James A. Guest, Lisa Hammond, and Stephen A. Hall
Evolving Upscaled Permeabilities and Seismic Responses in Numerical Models of Deforming Fracture/Flow Systems
by Helen Lewis, Stephen A. Hall, Gary D. Couples, Mark Reynolds, Gillian Pickup,
Jingsheng Ma, and Xavier Macle
An Integrated Study Using Multicomponent Induction Data, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Borehole Image and Core Data in Tacata Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin
by Angela Lezama, Ashok Sinha, German Gomez, and María Barboza
VSP Survey Modeling for Safe Usage of Salt Caverns
by Yingping Li
Coalbed Methane in the United States: A GIS Study
by Samuel H. Limerick
Fluid Migration along Faults? A Study of South Timbalier 54, Gulf of Mexico
by Robert E. Little, Jeffrey Nunn
New Quantitative Fluorescence Techniques for Reconstructing Hydrocarbon Charge History
by Keyu Liu, Peter Eadington
Re-Evaluation of Middle Cretaceous Subsidence in the Southern Wyoming Foreland Basin
by Shaofeng Liu, Dag Nummedal, Peigui Yin, and Hongjun Luo
Controlling Factors on the Occurrence of Microbial Buildups in the Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain
by Juan Carlos Llinas
Contourites and Related Outer Shelf/Upper Slope Sediments, Boquillas Formation, West Texas
by Brian E. Lock, Ashley Walker Fife
Porosity CAT-Scan Signature Changes Related to
Variations of Sedimentation Rate: Theoretical and Physical Modeling versus Field
by Bernard François Long, Francis Moore, and Mathieu Jacques Duchesne
Complex Fluid Evolution in a Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoir - Devonian Clarke Lake Gas Field, Canada
by Jeff Lonnee
Hydrothermal Dolomite Model - Old Concept and New Challenges
by Jeff Lonnee, Hans G. Machel
The Value of Digital Outcrop Data in Reservoir Modeling
by Tore M. Loseth, Jan C. Rivenæs, John B. Thurmond, and Ole J. Martinsen
Fault Seal / Fault Conduit Behavior at South Eugene Block 330, Offshore Louisiana: Observations and Modeling Results
by Steven L. Losh, Lawrence Cathles, and Jennifer Adams
Hydrothermal Overprint on a Complex, Coalesced, Collapsed Paleocave System
by Robert G. Loucks
Depositional Facies and Reservoir Quality of the Deep-Water, Lower Cretaceous Tamabra Carbonate Slope Reservoir in the Poza Rica Field, Mexico
by Robert Loucks, Charles Kerans, Xavier Janson, Alfredo Marhx, and Carlos Reyes
Fold Belt Development Espirito Santo Basin, Brazil
by Frank R. Love
Exploration of the Whitehorse Trough (Yukon, Canada): Petroleum Potential of a Frontier Basin
by Grant W. Lowey
Review of Geologic Processes and Continental Margin Evolution
by Allen Lowrie, Bradley M. Battista
Hydrate Exploration and Exploitation within Five Years in the northern Gulf of Mexico
by A. Lowrie, P. A. Dean, Carol Blanton Lutken, Erika Geresi, and Tom McGee
The Lower Mississippi Canyon: Possible Loci of Multiple Mass-Wasting Events
by A. Lowrie, P. A. Dean, Carol Blanton Lutken, Erika Geresi, and Tom McGee
Striving to Improve Earth Science Education, K - 12
by Peggy Lubchenco
Poikilotopic Anhydrite Enhances Reservoir Quality
by F. Jerry Lucia, Rebecca H. Jones, and James W. Jennings
Brine Injection Potential in Upstate New York: Making Salt-Cavern Storage Work in Areas Remote to Ocean Disposal
by Courtney M. Lugert, Langhorne B. Smith, Richard Nyahay, and Stephen Bauer
Effect of Climate Change on Miocene Temperate-Water Carbonate Sequence Development, Murray Basin, South Australia
by Jeff Lukasik, Noel P. James
Guadalupe Restoration Project - Multi-Faceted Approach Towards Resolution of Environmental Concerns
by Paul David Lundegard, Gonzalo Garcia
Tectonostratigraphy of Foreland Basins: the Upper Cretaceous in the Greater Green River Basin, Southwestern Wyoming
by Hongjun Luo, Dag Nummedal
Insights from the Analysis of High-resolution 3-D Seismic and High-density Well Data in a Paleocene Shallow Fluvio-deltaic Reservoir with Low Net Deposition, Suriname (South America)
by Stefan M. Luthi, Israel Rivera Rabelo, Aernout Schram de Jong, and Hilbrand
Complex Geology Creates Difficult
Interpretational Scenarios in Hydrated Areas Along Western Flank of Mississippi Canyon,
Northern Gulf of Mexico
by Carol Blanton Lutken, Erika Geresi, Tom McGee, Warren T. Wood, and A. Lowrie
Grain-size Distributions of Associated Bedforms: Resolving Depositional Slope in Sandy Braided Rivers
by Ranie M. Lynds, David Mohrig, and Paul L. Heller
Ichnology of Deltas: Organism Responses to the Dynamic Interplay of Rivers, Waves, Storms and Tides
by James A. MacEachern, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Chronologic Modeling of Faulted and Fractured Reservoirs Using Geomechanically-Based Restoration
by Laurent Maerten, Frantz Maerten
3-D Geomechanical Techniques to Better Characterizing Complex Structural Models: (i) Slip Inversion and (ii) Restoration
by Frantz Maerten, Laurent Maerten
Modeling Petroleum Systems in the San Joaquin Basin, California
by Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth E. Peters, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Carolyn Lampe, Donald L.
Gautier, and Paul G. Lillis
Nature and Timing of a Mini-Basin Infill During the Last Glacial/Interglacial Sea-Level Cycle (Northwestern Slope of the Gulf of Mexico)
by Gianni Mallarino, André W. Droxler, Laurent Labeyrie, R. T. (Rick) Beaubouef, Vitor
Abreu, and Yvon Balut
Evaluating Uplift Rates, Subsidence Rates, and Origin of Drowning Unconformities Using Marine Cements
by Gianni Mallarino, R. H. Goldstein, and Pietro Di Stefano
Statoil: We Deliver What We Promise
by William V. Maloney
Upper Jurassic Shallow Water Thrombolites from the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
by Ernest A. Mancini, Juan Carlos Llinas, and William C. Parcell
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Continental and Shelfal Strata, Northern Gulf of Mexico
by Ernest A. Mancini, T. Markham Puckett
Along-strike Segmentation of Pliocene-Recent Normal Fault Systems, Eastern Offshore Trinidad
by Paul Mann, Wood Lesli, and Sean Sullivan
New Techniques for Characterizing Fracture Spacing: Examples from Northeastern Mexico and Central Texas
by Randall Marrett, Julia Gale, and Leonel Gomez
Results from Recent Deep-Water Drilling in the Newfoundland Basin, East of Hibernia Field
by Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Michela Arnaboldi, Richard N. Hiscott, Thomas K.
Pletsch, Alastair Robertson, Masaaki Shirai, Richard C. Wilson, Anna Engstrom, Gianreto
Manatschal, Therese Shryane, R. Mark Leckie, and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 210 Scientific
Sand Provenance from Source-to-Sink: Preliminary
Results from Two Case Studies in New Zealand
by Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Dawn James, Shawn Shapiro, Alissa DeVaughn, Kevin
Rivera, and Luz Noelia Rodriguez
The Triassic Argilo Gréseux-Inferieur (TAG-I) of Algeria: High-resolution Chemostratigraphy as a Correlation Tool in Proximal to Distal Fluvial Facies
by John Martin, Tim Pearce, Ken Ratcliffe, David Lawton, Andrew Hughes, and Fadila
Along Strike Variations in Thrust Fault Termination: Insights from new seismic data across the Darby (Hogsback) Thrust, Uinta County, Wyoming
by Kevin Martindale, John Byrd, Van S. Mount, Tom Bergstresser, and Scott Young
Slope Facies Models Revisited: Is There A Unique Classification Scheme?
by Ole Martinsen, Trond Lien
Beyond Outcrop Visualization: Building Reservoir and Depositional Models in a CAVE Environment
by Ole Martinsen, Tore M. Loseth, John Thurmond, Trond Lien, Xueming Xu, and Carlos
Maturity History of the Source Rocks Below the Mensa and Thunder Horse Fields, Mississippi Canyon, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
by Veit Matt, Renaud Bouroullec, Paul Weimer, Todd Lapinski, and Aaron van den
Regional Maturity Patterns of the Tithonian and Turonian Source Rocks in the Northeastern Deep Gulf of Mexico
by Veit Matt, Renaud Bouroullec, Paul Weimer, and John Roesink
Carbonate Platform Stratigraphy and Evolution, Pliocene to Holocene, Northern Offshore Belize
by S. J. Mazzullo
Out of the Mire: New Perspectives on Facies Models for Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata
by Peter J. McCabe
Autocyclic vs
. Allocyclic Controls on Aggradational Channel Progradation, Back Fill and Avulsion
by William D. McCaffrey, Ben Kneller
An Integrated Seismic Study of the Proposed DoE/JIP Drill Site in Atwater Valley Block 14
by Tom McGee, Ross Chapman, Camelia C. Knapp, Erika Geresi, Brad Battista, Mike
Morley, and J. R. Woolsey
Thermal Regime of the Midcontinent El Dorado Oil Field (Kansas) Interpreted from High Resolution Temperature Logs
by Jason R. McKenna, Daniel F. Merriam, and David D. Blackwell
Inquiry Teaching in the Geosciences
by John McKinney
Faunal Gradient Analysis of “Shoal” Carbonates: Uncovering the Role of Siliciclastic Sediment Starvation in Producing Widespread Skeletal Sediments
by Patrick I. McLaughlin, Carlton E. Brett
Geostatistical Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Reservoir Characterization for the Athabasca Oil Sands, Alberta, Canada
by Jason A. McLennan, Clayton V. Deutsch
Supply-Driven Cyclicity in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Lawrence D. Meckel
Reservoir Characteristics of 4th-Order Early Lowstand Deposits in the Deepwater Greater Mars-Ursa Basin, Mississippi Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico
by Lawrence D. Meckel, David A. Mercer
Application of Design of Experiments to Expedite Probabilistic Assessment of Reservoir Hydrocarbon Volumes
by W. Scott Meddaugh, Stewart Griest, Denise Pfeffer, and Paul Montgomery
Stochastic Reservoir Modeling and Workflow Evaluation, C3-C4 Interval, Central Fault Block (CFB), LL-652 Reservoir, Venezuela
by William S. Meddaugh, J. Saul Moros, and Wendell Olivier
The Lutetian Aínsa Sequence: An Example of Small Turbidite Systems Deposited in a Tectonically-Controlled Basin
by Jesse John Melick, Giovanni Benevelli, Giorgio Cavanna, Roberto Tinterri, and
Emiliano Mutti
The Importance of Sediment Composition and Early Diagenesis on the Later Development of Pressure Solution in Periplatform Carbonates, ODP Leg 166, Sites 1003 and 1007
by Leslie A. Melim, Kimberly M. Haggitt, and Melinda Wamsley
Retention of High Matrix Permeability in Carbonates During Progressive Burial
by Susan E. Melzer, David A. Budd, and Anthony J. Park
Geomorphic Evolution of Morgan Peninsula, AL: Influence of Incised Valley Architecture on a Progradational Barrier
by Craig T. Meyer, Antonio B. Rodriguez, John B. Anderson, and Alexander R.
The Perdido Fold Belt: Evolution of an Exploration Play Concept
by David B. Meyer, Larry Zarra, and Scott Neal
Prediction of Reservoir Quality in Deep-water Depositional Systems, Norwegian Sea: Facies and Temperature History as Controlling Factors
by Ruth Elin A. Midtbø, Trond Lien, and Ole Martinsen
Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Migration Synchronization in the Tacata Area
by José F. Mijares, Maria Silva, Wilfredo Maestracci, and Euries Gil
The University Oil and Gas Field; Hydrocarbons, Reservoirs, and Future Potential
by Byron Miller, Chacko J. John, Brian Harder, and Reed Bourgeois
Hydrocarbon Typing with Neutron Sonic
by Marc Miller, David Johnston
Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Upper Bahariya Formation in the Khalda Concession, Western Desert, Egypt
by Sean B. Miller, George Pemberton, and Fred Wehr
Preliminary Geologic Characterization of the Chicot Aquifer in Southwest Louisiana - Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Evangeline, and Jerfferson Davis Parishes
by L. Riley Milner, Sean McLaughlin
Erosional Remnants in Deep-Water Channel Systems: Outcrop and Subsurface Characterization
by Jon Minken, Roger Slatt, and Henry Posamentier
Application of Air Circulation Technology for Remediation of BTEX Plume in the Groundwater at a Natural Gas Plant, Winkler County, Texas
by Gregory A. Minnery, Hugh B. Robotham, and David B. Vance
Three-dimensional Structural Model of the Cantarell and Sihil Structures, Campeche Bay, Mexico
by Shankar Mitra, Gerardo Correa Figueroa, Jesus Hernandez Garcia, and Antonio Murillo
Controls on the Morphology and Development of Deep-Marine Channels, Eastern Offshore Trinidad and Venezuela
by Kristine L. Mize, Lesli Wood, and Paul Mann
Sedimentation at the Foreset Toe as a Choke Point in Clinoform Dynamics
by Jeré A. Mohr, John B. Swenson, Chris Paola, and Lincoln F. Pratson
Adjustments within Trains of Dunes Driving Bar Growth in a Sandy Braided Channel
by David Mohrig, Douglas Jerolmack
The Origin of Shale Diapirs, Salt Dome Initiation, and Sedimentary Volcanism
by John N. Monroe
Rates and Character of Opposite-Sense Small-Scale Tectonic Rotations Associated with Sinistral Transcurrent Shear Zones, Cabo de Gata Region, SE Spain
by Paul Montgomery, Evan K. Franseen, Robert H. Goldstein, and Mark W. Hounslow
Cyclostratigraphy, Lithostratigraphy and Geostatistical Modeling of the Upper Jurassic Smackover and Norphlet Formations, Hatter’s Pond Field, Mobile County, Alabama
by Paul Montgomery, W. Scott Meddaugh, William C. Dawson, Mary J. Hegmann, and William K Gibbs
Controls on Lower and Middle Miocene Reservoir Sand Distribution in the Ultra-Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by Michael G. Moore, Gillian M. Apps, and Bryan C. Delph
The Ultimate Frontier in the Peruvian Fold and Thrust Belt
by Miguel Mora-Glukstad, Paul Martinez, Gerardo Diaz, and Estuardo
Mechanisms of Porosity Reduction of the Upper Cretaceous Sandstones in the Eastern Venezuela Basin: Carito Oil Field
by Julymar M. Morantes
Estimation of Seismic Velocities in the Hydrate Stability Zone Using Ship Noise at a Vertical Hydrophone Array
by Mike Morley, Ross Chapman, Tom McGee, and J. R. Woolsey
Facies, Sequence Stratigraphy and Flow Units in the Eocene C-4-X.01 Reservoir, LL-652 Area (Lagunillas Field), Western Venezuela
by J. Saul Moros, William S. Meddaugh
Structural Analysis of Misis Frontal Thrust System, Iskenderun Basin, Turkey
by Alan P. Morris, David A. Ferrill, Craig Davis, Gary Fortier, Haki Naz, Tevfik
Efecinar, Emrah Can, and Ismail Yilmaz
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Model of a Bioturbated Shelf Sandstone Reservoir: the Bridport Sands, Wessex Basin, UK
by Jenny E. Morris, Gary Hampson, Gavin Ward, and David Richard
Debris Flow Distribution and Controls on Slope to Basin Deposition, Offshore Trinidad
by Lorena Moscardelli, Lesli Wood, and Paul Mann
Basement Control in Southern Subandean Thrust Belt Development and its Implications in Hydrocarbon Trapping. Northern Argentina and Southern Bolivia
by Alfonso Mosquera
The Influence of Mesozoic Tectonics in Hydrocarbon Trap Formation, Central and Southern Portion of Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Alfonso Mosquera, Facundo Fuentes
Oil Play in the Pre-Cuyo “Basement” of the Huincul High, Los Bastos Block, Southern Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Alfonso Mosquera, Héctor J. Villar, and Guillermo A . Laffitte
Trapping Mechanism of the X-Structure Gas Accumulation, Offshore Taiwan: A New Look at An Old Find
by Duenchien Mou, Fu-Chen Su, and Jhy-Shing Ting
Geometry, Kinematics and Exploration Implications of Basement-Involved Wedge Structures: Examples from the Southern Margin of the Hanna Basin, WY
by Van S. Mount, Thomas Griffith, Garett Hodne, and John Byrd
Eolian Facies Models
by Nigel P. Mountney
Analysing Acoustic Microscope Images to Estimate Textural Scales and Anisotropy in Kerogen Shales
by Tapan Mukerji, Manika Prasad
Petroleum Systems of the Carboniferous Sediments of Onshore Nova Scotia, Eastern Canada and Feasibility of CO2 Sequestration
by Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay, Paul J. Harvey, and D. Jack MacDonald
New Life for Old Data: Brown Field Reservoir Characterization and 3D Geological Modeling from the West Baram Delta Province, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
by Matthew Mulcahy, Tanwi Basu, A. Wahid Musbah, Gavin Douglas, Howard D.
Johnson, Kamarolzaman B. Yahya, and Mustafa Suleiman
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Tuman River Area of North Korea (DPRK)
by Robert C. Mummery
Formation of Gas Hydrates in Southern Caspian Sea
by Chingiz S. Muradov
Evaluating Marine Gas Hydrates with 4-C OBC Seismic Data
by Paul E. Murray, Milo Backus, Michael DeAngelo, Sergey Fomel, Robert Graebner, Bob
Hardage, and Lesli Wood
Regional Tectonics, Differential Subsidence, and Sediment Flux to the Southern South China Sea during Pliocene to Recent Time
by Mychal R. Murray, Steven L. Dorobek
Principles of Autostratigraphic Analysis: Implications from Flume Experiments
by Tetsuji Muto, Ron Steel
Stratigraphic Architecture and Facies Characteristics of Ancient Delta Systems of Tectonically Active Basins
by Emiliano Mutti
Cross-Stratified Sandstones and Multiple Beds: Evidence of Internal Flow Divergence in Turbidity Currents Caused by Submarine Topography
by Emiliano Mutti, Roberto Tinterri
Simulating Sinuous Channel Incision in Flume Experiments: a Key to Understand the Processes in Meandering Canyons and Channels
by François Métivier, Eric Lajeunesse, Pierre Lancien, and Marie-Christine
Heat Flow and Deep Sedimentary Temperatures in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
by Seiichi Nagihara, Kelly Opre Jones, Michael Jones, Michael Smith, James
Brooks, Bernie Bernard, Neil Summer, and Trevor Lewis
Heat Flow in Texas
by Petru T. Negraru, David D Blackwell, and Kamil Erkan
Quantification of Wellbore Fracture Intensity and the Correlation to Historic Wellbore and Field Performance
by Ronald A. Nelson
The Use of Soil Gas Surveys to Delineate Subsurface Structure: Cross-Strike Discontinuity Locations for the Bass Island Trend in Western New York
by Travis A. Nelson, John Fountain
The Influence of Varying Resistance to Orogenic Advance on the Structural Styles of the Onshore and Offshore Balkanide Thrustbelts - Controls on Trap Development in the Western Black Sea Basin
by Michal Nemcok, R. Eric Higgins, and Dian Vangelov
Sequential Organization of the Aptian-Albian Lacustrine System of the Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil
by Virgínio Henrique Neumann, Lluis Cabrera
Geological and Geochemical Factors Influencing the Emerging Coalbed Gas Play in the Cherokee and Forest City Basins in Eastern Kansas
by K. David Newell, Troy A. Johnson, W. Matthew Brown, Jonathan P. Lange, and Timothy R.
Geologic Factors Controlling Natural Gas Migration from the Yaggy Underground Gas Storage Site, Kansas
by Susan E. Nissen, W. Lynn Watney, Saibal Bhattacharya, Alan P. Byrnes, and David
Carbonates versus Clastics: Their Sedimentological Impact on 3-D Reservoir
by Jon Noad
Comparison of Near-surface Depositional Settings in Two Large 3D Surveys, Deepwater Tarfaya-Agadir Basin, Offshore Morocco
by Jerry A. Nott, Lawrence C. Nolte, R. Craig Shipp, and Andrew S. Hume
Reservoir Characterization for CO2 injection at a National Carbon Storage Test Center, Teapot Dome, Wyoming
by Dag Nummedal, S. Julio Friedmann, Peigui Yin, Quingsheng Zhang, Mark Milliken,
and Vicki Stamp
Sequence Analysis of Petrophysical Data for Improved Formation Evaluation
by Roy Nurmi
Analysis of the Devonian Black Shale in Kentucky for Potential Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Enhanced Natural Gas Production
by Brandon C. Nuttall, James A. Drahovzal, Cortland F. Eble, and R. Marc Bustin
Provenance and Diagenesis of the Cretaceous Wall Creek Sandstone, Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
by Stephanie Nyman
The Geology and Mineralization of Enyigba Lead-Zinc(Pb) Lode, Enyigba, Ebonyi State. Nigeria
by Ayodele Olatunji Ogundiran
Basin Topographic Influence on Delta Progradation, in the Modern Lacustrine Red River Delta, Lake Texoma, Texas/Oklahoma
by Cornel Olariu, Janok Bhattacharya
Development of Analysis Techniques of Close-in 3-D Photorealistic Mapping: Deepwater Turbidite Deposits at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas
by Mariana Iulia Olariu, Xueming Xu, and Carlos L.V. Aiken
Response of Brachiopod Communities (Permian, Glass Mountains, Texas) to Third-Order Sea Level Changes
by Thomas D. Olszewski, Douglas H. Erwin
The Impact of Dynamic Behavior of Fault Zone to Field's Production and Development Strategies
by U. O. Onyeagoro, S. J. Naruk
Environmental Impacts of Oil Production on
Soil, Bedrock, and Vegetation at the U. S. Geological Survey OSPER Study Site A,
Osage County, Oklahoma
by James K. Otton, Robert A. Zielinski, Bruce D. Smith, and Bobby D Keeland
Integrated Geologic Modeling and Simulation, North Blowhorn Creek Oil Field, Lamar County, Alabama
by Brian Panetta
Mapping Middle Jurassic Microbial Buildups, Cody, Wyoming: Implications for Stratigraphic Correlation of Middle Jurassic Units across the Bighorn Basin
by William C. Parcell, Leah Kasten, Kimberly Minks, and Monica K. Williams
Development of Middle Jurassic Shallow-Water Microbial Buildups in Association with Mixed Carbonate and Evaporite Deposition, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by William C. Parcell, Monica K. Williams
Middle Cretaceous Deep-Water Vocontian Deposits (SE France): an Alternative Upper Slope Sedimentation Model
by Olivier Parize, Gerard Friès, Jean-Loup Rubino, Luc-Georges Bulot, Patrice
Imbert, Nicolas Fiet, and Jean-Louis Latil
Diagenesis and Mechanical Compaction in Clastic and Carbonate Sediments: Sediment Heterogeneity and Mass-transfer
by Anthony Park, David Budd, Geoffrey Thyne, and Peter Ortoleva
Overpressuring and Fracturing of New Albany Shale in the Illinois Basin: Insights from Automated Information Theory
and Basin Simulation
by Anthony J. Park, John B. Comer, Micah L. Foust, John A. Rupp, Dong-Hoon
Sheen, Jejung Lee, Kagan Tuncay, and Peter J. Ortoleva
The Morphology and Flow Fields of Three-dimensional Dunes, Rio Paraná, Argentina: Results from Simultaneous Multibeam Echo Sounding and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling
by D. R. Parsons, J. L. Best, S. N. Lane, R Kostaschuk, O. Orfeo, M.
Franklin, R. J. Hardy, and J. Fraser
Sorption Capacity of Coal in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama: Implications for Carbon Sequestration and Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery
by Jack C. Pashin, Richard E. Carroll
Glacial-Eustatic Control of Coalbed Methane Reservoir Distribution (Pottsville Formation; Lower Pennsylvanian) in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama
by Jack C. Pashin, Dorothy E. Raymond
Rare Earth Element (REE) Analysis of Fossil Vertebrates from the Pierre Shale, Central South Dakota, and Interpretation of the Original Paleoenvironment
by Doreena Patrick, D. E. Grandstaff
Experimental Insights into Overbank Processes in Submarine Channels
by Jeffrey Peakall, William D. McCaffrey
How Complex Do Kinetic Models Need to Be?
by Andrew Pepper
Incised Valleys within Tidally Influenced Deltaic Strata: Torrey Member of the Lower Triassic, Moenkopi Formation
by Timothy E. Perkins, Diane L. Kamola
Tectonic Map of Trinidad and Tobago
by Krishna M. Persad
Modeling Petroleum Systems on the North Slope of Alaska
by Kenneth E. Peters, Kenneth J. Bird, Leslie B. Magoon, Carolyn Lampe, Paul G.
Lillis, and Mahendra K. Verma
Integration of Advanced Technologies Unravel the Complex Nature of a Major Hydrocarbon System Offshore Mid-Norway
by Kenneth Petersen, Gary H. Isaksen
The View from the Middle: E&P from the Perspective of a Corporate Risk and Portfolio Manager
by Henry Pettingill
Integrating Landsat ETM+, RADARSAT, and SRTM Data to Aid Oil and Gas Exploration in Southern Tunisia
by Sherrie A. Peña, Mohamed G. Abdelsalam, and Kevin Woller
Early-Stage Aerobic Biodegradation of Illinois Basin Crude Oils: A Comparison of Laboratory and Field Experiment Results
by Sarah R. Pietraszek-Mattner, Lisa M. Pratt
Hindcasting Offshore Gulf of Mexico Reserves through Monte Carlo Continuous, Monte Carlo Discrete, and Fuzzy Arithmetic Risk Analysis
by John D. Pigott, David L. Harn
Petroleum System Model of the Mesopotamian Basin and Zagros Fold Belt, Iraq, and its Application to Hydrocarbon Resource Assessment
by Janet K. Pitman, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, Mahendra Verma, and Douglas Steinshour
A Geologic/Petroleum-System Model of the Downdip Tuscaloosa-Woodbine Trend and its Application to Assessment of Gas Resources
by Janet K. Pitman, Russell Dubiel, and Phillip Nelson
Incorporation of Stratigraphic Heterogeneity in Reservoir Models of the Temblor Formation, Coalinga Area, California: Integration of Geologic Models and 3D Seismic Data
by Jaime L. Piver, James W. Castle, Rex A. Hodges, and Matthias Imhof
Integrating Ichnofossils and Substrates to Interpret Avulsion in Floodplain Deposits in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
by Brian F. Platt, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Mary J. Kraus
When During the Lowstand Do Basin-Floor Fans Form: Implications from Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen
by Piret Plink-Björklund
Assessing the Giant Barnett Shale Continuous (Unconventional) Gas Accumulation, Barnett-Paleozoic Total Petroleum System, Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, Texas
by Richard M. Pollastro
System, Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, Texas
by Richard M. Pollastro, Ronald J. Hill, Daniel M.
Jarvie, and Craig Adams
Geologic and Organic Geochemical Framework of the Barnett-Paleozoic Total Petroleum System, Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, Texas
by Richard M. Pollastro, Ronald J. Hill, Daniel M. Jarvie, and Craig Adams
2003 Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources of USGS Province 045, Fort Worth and Hardeman Basins, Texas and Oklahoma
by Richard M. Pollastro, Timothy S. Klett, Ronald R. Charpentier, Christopher J.
Schenk, Troy A. Cook, and Ronald J. Hill
The Stratigraphy and Evolution of the Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
by Henry W. Posamentier
Turbidite Facies Models; Integrating Subsurface and Outcrop
by Henry W. Posamentier, Roger Walker
Visualisation and Digital Storage of Sedimentological Data
by Jeremy Preston, Andrew Hurst, David Harrison, and Chris Harlow
The Global Occurrence of Microbial Reefs in the Early Triassic
by Sara Brady Pruss, David J. Bottjer
Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Characterization using Micro-Resistivity Imaging Logs in Wells Drilled with Non-Conductive Mud
by Michael Puchalski, Mitch D. Pavlovic
Hypothesis Based Learning (HBL): An Exciting Method for Teaching Earth Science
by James O. Puckette, Stanley T. Paxton, Richard A. Marston, Thomas A. Wikle,
and Jonathan C. Comer
Distribution of Optimal Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Reservoirs within the McMurray Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of Northeastern Alberta
by Peter E. Putnam, Shawna Christensen
Geological Influences on Steam Chamber Growth within Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Reservoirs, Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Northeastern Alberta, Canada
by Peter E. Putnam, Shawna Christensen
On the Stratigraphic Evolution of a Structurally-Confined, Submarine Basin—Carboniferous Ross Sandstone, Western Ireland
by David R. Pyles
Geostatistical 3D Reservoir Modeling of Mississippian St. Louis Carbonate Reservoir Systems, Kansas
by Lianshuang Qi
The Impact of an Ocean Anoxic Event on the Phytoplankton Flora of the Early Jurassic
by Antonietta Quigg, Bas van de Schootburge, Mimi Katz, Susanne Feist-Burkhardt, Yair
Rosenthal, and Paul Falkowski
Depositional Geometries of an Avulsive Fluvial System Controlled by Peat Compaction (Neogene, Most Basin, Czech Republic)
by Michal Rajchl, David Ulicny
Oil Field Produced Water Discharges into
Wetlands – Benefits and Risks to Wildlife
by Pedro Ramirez
Relations between Shallow Shelf Carbonate Facies and Water Depth, South Florida
by Eugene C. Rankey
The Role of System-Internal Dynamics on the Generation of Peritidal Carbonate Cycles: Insights from Modeling and Field Observations
by Eugene C. Rankey, Peter Burgess
Localized Observations of Deformation
Band Formation and Behavior in Sands
by Amy Rechenmacher, Nidal Abi Saab
Electro-Dialysis Reversal Remediation for Chloride Contaminated Groundwater - A Case Study
by A. Joseph Reed
The East Breaks Fold Belt: An Anomalous Contractional Regime of the Western Gulf of Mexico
by Timothy A. Reed, Myron J. Cook, Andrew R. Stephens, and Kim A. Doud
Transgressive Surfaces of Erosion in the Viking Formation of Southeast Central Alberta
by Lynn T. Reich, S. George Pemberton
Ichnology and Sedimentology of the Doe Creek Member of the Kaskapau Formation: The Importance of Recognizing the Nature of Fully Marine Trace Fossil Suites
by Scott A. Reid, George Pemberton
Reservoir Characterization Studies: Yukon Flats Basin, Alaska
by Rocky R. Reifenstuhl
Alaska Peninsula and Bristol Bay: Frontier Oil and Gas Basin
by Rocky R. Reifenstuhl, Donald W. Brizzolara
Mud Mounds vs
. Deltas: Sea-level Controlled Sedimentation in a Orogenic Foreland Basin (Cantabrian Zone, Upper Carboniferous, NW Spain)
by John J. G. Reijmer, P. Schäfer, A. Schäfer, and H. J. Wallrabe-Adams
Wavelet-Based Remote Sensing Data Fusion
by Dianwei Ren, Mohamed Abdelsalam
Re-evaluation of Miocene Evidence for Extreme Crustal Extension Across the Death Valley Region, California
by Byrdie Renik, Nicholas Christie-Blick
Origin and Distribution of Hydrocarbon Gases in the Columbus Basin of Trinidad: An Emerging Gas Province
by A.G. Requejo, Zvi Sofer, David L. Stansbury, Craig F. Schiefelbein, and James L.
What Do We Count in Cyclostratigraphy?: The Influence of Sea Level, Climate, and Diagenesis on Aragonite Cycle Formation
by Lars Reuning, John J. G. Reijmer, and Christian Betzler
Effective Fluid-Flow Properties of
Load-Sensitive Fractured Bedding Plane Pavements in Large-Scale Structures
Influenced by Flexural-Slip: Coupled Matrix-Fracture Flow Systems
by Mark A. Reynolds, Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Jingsheng Ma, and Gillian E.
Educational Outreach: the Need From the National Perspective
by Robert W. Ridky
North American Resources: Lessons from The 2003 National Petroleum Council Study of North American Supply And Demand And Market Attributes
by W. C. Riese, R. R. Charpentier, T. M. DeCort, M. Gentle, M. S. Hupp, K.
Logan, K. B. Medlock, A. J. Slaughter, G. C. Stone, G. H. Tsang, and L. P. White
Clinical Methods for Pre-Drill Calculations of Reserves And Risk: Results of An Analysis of Historical Company Data And An Outline of Methods
by W.C. Riese, W. A. Hill
Diagenetic and Sea-Level Controls on Porosity Preservation: An Example from Oolitic and Crinoidal Carbonates, Mississippian, Kansas and Missouri
by Matthew E. Ritter, Robert H. Goldstein
High Quality Electrical Images While Drilling Open a Wider Window on Near Wellbore Geology
by René N. Ritter, Volker Krueger, Matthias Gorek, Christian Fulda, Stephen A.
Morris, Jeremy Lofts, Ansgar Baule, and Roland Chemali
Paleozoic Reservoirs and Petroleum Systems of the Onshore Ordos Basin, China
by Bradley D. Ritts
Sedimentology and Ichnology in the Upper Triassic Baldonnel Formation (western Canada): Implications for Palaeoenvironmental Analysis
by Demian J. C. Robbins, George Pemberton
The Role of Organic Matter-Clay Mineral Assemblages on the Transportation and Sequestration of Organic Matter from Source to Marine Sink
by Amelia C. Robinson, Isabel P. Montanez, and Peter J. Hernes
Sedimentological Model of the Paleocene to Lower Miocene Naricual Formation, Carito Norte and Carito Oeste Oilfields, Monagas State, Eastern
by Jesús Rodríguez, Solange Angulo, and Manuel Delgado
Microbial Precipitation of Dolomite in Methanogenic Groundwater
by Jennifer Roberts Rogers, Luis A. Gonzalez, and G. L. Macpherson
Gas Hydrate Catalysis from Biosurfactants-Bentonite Interactions that Impact Sediment Stability
by Rudy E. Rogers, Charles E. Woods, Tao Ding, Guochang Zhang, Jennifer L.
Dearman, and Brian Kelleher
Assessing Subeconomic Natural Gas Resources in the Anadarko and Uinta Basins
by Kelly K. Rose, Ashley S. B. Douds, James A. Pancake, H. R. Pratt, and Ray Boswell
Holocene Climate-Induced Variations in Carbonate Sedimentation on the Leeward Slope of Great Bahama Bank
by Sven Roth, John J. G. Reijmer
Physical and Temporal Linkage between Proximal Loading and Extension and Distal Deposition and Contraction in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin
by Mark G. Rowan, Kerry F. Inman, and J. Carl Fiduk
Burial and Thermal History Model of a Cross-Section through the Central Appalachian Basin, Ohio and West Virginia
by E. L. Rowan, R. T. Ryder, C. S. Swezey, J. E. Repetski, R. D. Crangle, M. H.
Trippi, and L. F. Ruppert
Upper Miocene Sequence Stratigraphy of Rostov Dome, Russian Platform, Eastern Paratethys
by Dmitry Ruban, Wan Yang
Predicting the Subsurface Distribution of Gas Hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
by C. Ruppel, D. Hutchinson, B. Dugan, and P. Hart
Integrated Stratigraphic Framework of Cretaceous Strata, Offshore Sable Island, Scotian Basin - Eastern Canada
by Mihaela Stefan Ryer, Robert A. Sullivan, Jim Dyess, Carl B. Kaupp, and Saverio
Integrated Stratigraphic Study of The Turonian Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
by Junaid Sadeque, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Seismic and Structural Analysis of a Hydrothermally Dolomitized Trenton-Black
by Justine Sagan, Bruce Hart
Characteristics of an Unusual Reservoir Facies in the Lower Cretaceous Cogollo Group, Maracaibo Platform, Venezuela
by Guillermina Sagasti, Langhorne B. “Taury” Smith, Alejandra Rinaldi, and Gregor P. Eberli
Petrophysical Evaluation of Miocene-Pliocene Gas Reservoirs: Veracruz and Macuspana Basins, Mexico
by Shinichi Sakurai, William Ambrose, D. C. Jennette, Mark H. Holtz, Shirley
Dutton, K. Fouad, T. F. Wawrzyniec, Dallas Dunlap, Edgar H. Guevara, Francisco M.
Grimaldo-Suarez, Leonardo Enrique Aguilera-Gomez, and Jose A. Rodriguez-Larios
Depositional Environments of Lower Pennsylvanian Reservoir Sandstones, Southwestern Kansas
by Galo Aristides Salcedo
Facies-Controlled Hydrothermal Dolomite in Devonian Reservoirs, Western Alberta Basin, Canada
by Arthur Saller
A Sequence Stratigraphic Model for Late Cenozoic Deltaic Basins in Southeast Asia
by Arthur H. Saller, Jesse Noah, Rhys Schneider, and Alif Prama Ruzuar
A High-Resolution Seismic Study in the Gulf of Mexico
by Richard Salter, Marcelo Benabentos, Julio Perez Aldana, and Antonio Cuevas
Understanding Petroleum Fluid Distributions in Sedimentary Basins using Headspace Gas Data
by Cadi Santiago, Andrew Pepper
The Role of Oligocene Formations in Hydrocarbon Generation and Accumulation in the Histria Petroleum System of the Romanian Shelf of the Black Sea
by Mihai Saramet, Gheorghe Gavrilescu, and Constantin Cranganu
Detailed Analogs for Paleokarst Reservoirs: Promise and
by Ira D. Sasowsky
Ichnology of a Passive-Margin Condensed Section, Eocene Tallahatta Formation, Alabama
by Charles E. Savrda, Richard G. Urash, and John Counts
Towards a High-Resolution Multiscale Stratigraphy: A Chemiostratigraphic, Cyclostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Approach
by Cunha Scarparo, Armando Antonio, Seirin Shimabukuro, and Rogério Loureiro
Direct Measurements of pH and Dissolved CO2 Concentrations in H2O-CO2 Brine Mixtures to Supercritical Conditions
by H. Todd Schaef, B. Pete McGrail
Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in Basalt Formations
by H. Todd Schaef, B. Peter McGrail, and Stephen P. Reidel
An Illustrative Example for Determining the Influence of Geologic Economic Drivers for Clastic Coast Reservoirs Utilizing Stochastic Reservoir Modeling Techniques
by Claude Scheepens
Structural Styles and Evolution of a Transpressional Plate Margin and Fold-Thrust Belt; the Kirthar Range of Western Pakistan
by Daniel D. Schelling, John M. Hurst, and Amir Ayub
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Burgos Basin Province, Northeast Mexico
by Christopher J. Schenk, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, Ronald R. Charpentier, Timothy R.
Klett, Donald L. Gautier, Mitchell Henry, Richard M. Pollastro, Gregory F.
Ulmishek, and Jean N. Weaver
SEM and TEM Study of Silica Diagenesis in Shales from the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah: Implications for Sealing Capacity
by Juergen Schieber
Fractal View of Sequence Stratigraphy
by Wolfgang Schlager
M-Factory -- the Principal Carbonate Production System of Mud Mounds
by Wolfgang Schlager
Recognizing Strike-Slip Indicators on Seismic Data and Why it Matters
by Greg Schoenborn
Geochemical Clues to Pressure History and Diagenesis of Chalks, Skjold Field, Danish North Sea
by Peter A. Scholle, Troels Albrechtsen, and Dana Ulmer-Scholle
The Dynamic Nature of Hydrocarbon Microseepage: An Overview
by Dietmar Schumacher
Geochemical Exploration in North Africa:Recent Successes from Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt
by Dietmar Schumacher, Daniel Hitzman
When Seismic is Not Enough: Improving Success by Integrating High-Resolution Surface Geochemical Data with Seismic Data
by Dietmar Schumacher, Daniel Hitzman, Luis Clavijo, and Daniel Malizia
Variation and Complexity: Monterey Reservoirs of California
by Jon R. Schwalbach, Stuart Gordon, Charles O'Brien, William Benmore, and Cynthia
Preliminary Assessment of Worldwide Coalbed Methane Resources
by Andrew R. Scott, Donna F. Balin
GIS Applications of DSDP-ODP Data for Hydrocarbon Exploration
by Marylin P. Segall, Robert K. Sawyer, Greg Nash, Jacob Umbriaco, Christopher
Kessler, and Elizabeth Dudley-Murphy
Application of the Re-Os Chronometer to Hydrocarbon Systems
by David Selby, Robert Andrew Creaser
Trap Styles in a Multi-Detachment Fold and Thrust Belt, Tarim Basin, Western China
by Sandro Serra
Structural Interpretation of The Dollarhide Field in West Texas Utilizing New Seismic Attributes
by Isabel C. Serrano, Alfred Lacazette, Charles H. Blumentritt, Kurt J.
Marfurt, and E. Charlotte Sullivan
Use of Relational Database and GIS Tools to Assess Carbon Sequestration Volumes: The MIDCARB Database
by Beverly Seyler, Scott M. Frailey, Timothy R. Carr, James A. Drahovzal, Brandon C.
Nuttall, John A. Rupp, Wilfrido Solano, and Lawrence H. Wickstrom
3D Mechanical Modeling of Displacement
Trajectories in Fault Related Folds: Insights and Implications for 3D
by Ryan Shackleton, Michele Cooke
Solving the Whiting Problem with Short-Lived Isotopes: Still no Fish
by E. A. Shinn, M. Marot, and C. W. Holmes
Late Generation Biogenic Gas Systems on Shallow Basin Margins
by George W. Shurr, Derric L. Iles
Carbonate Petrography and Geochemistry of Middle Pennsylvanian Coal Balls (Herrin Coal): Evidence Regarding Coal-Ball Formation And Fossil Plant Preservation
by Fredrick D. Siewers, Tom L. Phillips
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Southern Tethyan Margin, North Africa and Arabia: An Updated Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation
by Mike Simmons, David Boote, David M. Casey, Roger B. Davies, Peter R Sharland,
and Owen Sutcliffe
Going Beyond the Tripartite Model of Incised Valley Fill
by Alexander Ray Simms, John B. Anderson, Patrick Taha, and Antonio Rodriguez
Heavy Metals in Sediments of a Sludge Disposal Lake
by Neal Simpson, Dibyendu Sarkar
Rapid Evaluation of Extensional Fault-System-Controlled Reservoir Connectivity
by Darrell W. Sims, Alan P. Morris, David A. Ferrill, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Nathan M.
Franklin, and Deborah J. Waiting
Architecture of Upper Slope Strata, Upper Brushy Canyon Formation, Northern Delaware Mountains
by Bradford J. Sinex, Micheal Gardner
Sedimentology and Facies Architecture of a Transgressive Sandstone: The Cretaceous Hosta Sandstone, New Mexico, USA
by Peter J. Sixsmith, Gary J. Hampson, Sanjeev Gupta, and Howard D. Johnson
Structural and Stratigraphic Development of the Reelfoot Rift Basin
by Kenneth M. Skinner, Richard Pawlowicz
Widespread Anhydrites of the Lower St. Louis Limestone (Meramecian)
by Laura Slade, Rick Abegg, and Chris Maples
Structural Interpretation and Net Sand Estimates in a Non-Conductive Mud Environment using Micro-Resistivity and Acoustic Borehole Images Integrated with Dielectric Data
by Andy Smalley, Mitch D. Pavlovic, and Stephen Dymmock
**U.S. Fossil Energy Policy for the 21st Century
by Michael A. Smith
Hydrothermal Alteration of Carbonate Reservoirs: How Common Is It?
by Langhorne B. Smith
Sequence Stratigraphy and the Deep-Water Record
by Ru Smith, Pete Burgess
Upper Devonian Sands in New York State: Examples of Storm-Generated Offshore Sand-Ridges
by Gerald J. Smith, Robert D. Jacobi
Earth Science in our Nation’s Schools
by Michael J. Smith, Laura L. Middaugh
Effects of Gas Hydrate on Seafloor and Borehole Stability in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico – Seismic Prediction and Drilling Results
by Michael A. Smith, William W. Shedd
Electrical Conductivity Geophysical Methods Applied to Subsurface Mapping of Produced Waters
by Bruce D. Smith, Joanna N. Thamke, and Jeffery G. Paine
Seismic Analysis and Characterization of Gas Hydrates in the Northern Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Fred F. C. Snyder, Lecia K. Muller, Nader Dutta, Deborah R. Hutchinson, Patrick E.
Hart, Myung W. Lee, Brandon Dugan, Carolyn Ruppel, Warren T. Woods, Richard
Coffin, R. Evans, and Emrys H. Jones
Restoration Inversion – Coupling Structural Restoration with Finite Element Fluid Flow Modelling in Four Dimensions—Examples from the North Sea and Black Sea Basin
by Adam Spargo, David Meredith, Graham Williams, Jay E. Leonard, and Thomas A.
Using a Relative Geologic Time Volume to Identify Stratigraphic Features
by Tracy J. Stark
Utility of ASTER for Detecting Hydrocarbon
by Ronald J. Staskowski, Christopher M. Jengo, and John R. Everett
Isolated Basinal Sandbodies of the Western Interior Basin Revisited
by Ron Steel, Jeff Crabaugh, Bob Dalrymple, Randi Martinsen, Szczepan Porebski,
and Shuji Yoshida
Using High-Resolution Ground Penetrating Radar to Investigate the 3-D Sedimentologic Architecture of the Pleistocene Miami Oolite
by Kelley Steffen, Gene Rankey, Ralf Weger, Mark Grasmueck, and Don McNeill
Seismic Forward Modeling of Upper Carboniferous – Lower Permian carbonate buildups, North Greenland and the Barents Sea
by Lars Stemmerik, Steen Agerlin Petersen, Bjarne Rafalesen, and Rasmus
Experimental Observations Pertinent to the Mechanical and Thermal Stability of sI Methane Hydrate/Sand Aggregates
by Laura Stern, William Durham, Stephen Kirby, Sue Circone, and Mike Helgerud
Shale and Salt Hold Key to Improved Seismic
by Simon Stewart, Peter Bentham
Predicting the Remaining Hydrocarbon Resources of the UK Continental Shelf: 'Top-Down' vs
'Bottom-Up' Methods
by Susan J. Stoker, P. Haile, Joy C. Gray, Ian J. Andrews, T. D. Cameron, and M.
Prioritising Exploration Leads in the Sudan Using Magnetic Alteration Oil Seepage Signatures Recognised in High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data
by Vaughan C. A. Stone, W. Heiko Oterdoom, and J. Derek Fairhead
Core Description Reveals Patterns of Reservoir Compartmentalization in the Leonardian/Guadalupian (Permian) San Andres Formation, Vacuum Field, Lea County, New Mexico
by Emily L. Stoudt
An Experimental Study of Predicting Stratal Geometry and Preservation Potential from Relative Sea Level
by Nikki Strong, Wonsuck Kim, Ben Sheets, John Martin, Michael Kelberer, Chris
Paola, and Lincoln Pratson
Increasing Compliance Among Small Independent Oil and Gas Producers for Remediation of Brine Spills: KISS and Cost
by Kerry L. Sublette
Reducing the Assumptions - AVO Processing Tools from BP's AVO Workbench
by Victoria Sublette
A GIS Approach to Estimating Sediment Yields from SE Asia
by Simon M. Suggate, Robert Hall
Seaward Changing Tidal Signatures in a Palaeoproterozoic Estuary, Västervik Basin, SE Sweden
by Lena Sultan, Piret Plink-Björklund, Lennart Björklund, and Stefan Claesson
Multi-Spatial Resolution Digital Elevation Models for Studying the Evolution of Complex Drainage System: The Gorge of the Nile, Ethiopia
by D. Nahid Sultana, Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
The Geochemistry of the Bijaygarh Shale of the Vindhyan Supergroup, India: A Mid- Proterozoic Source Rock
by Sohini Sur, Juergen Schieber, and Santanu Banerjee
Rock-Fluid Systems Characteristics of Rocky Mountain Laramide Basins: An Example from the Wind River Basin, Wyoming
by Ronald C. Surdam, Zun Sheng Jiao, and Yuri Ganshin1
Clastic Shelf Deposits
by John R. Suter
A New Look at the Distribution and Geochemistry of Surface Sediments from the Bahamas
by Peter Koenraad Swart, John J. G. Reijmer, Sven Roth, Lars Reuning, and Kelly
The Influence of Climate on the Sediment Load of Rivers
by James P. M. Syvitski
Observed Patterns in Late Burial History
by Conxita Taberner, Mateu Esteban
Fault Seal Controls On Gas Column Heights, Offshore Netherlands, Southern North Sea
by John R. Tabor, Jay P. Busch, William F. Dula, and Stephen J. Naruk
An Overview of Ethiopian Sedimentary Basins
and Their Petroelum Potential
by K. Tadesse, A. Hunegnaw, and G. R. Keller
Fluvial Response to Base Level Change: The Role of Temporary Sediment Sequestering on the Brazos Alluvial and Coastal Plains
by Z. Patrick Taha
A Robust Method for Q Estimation
by M. Turhan Taner, Sven Treitel
Comparison of Multivariate Statistical Algorithms for Wireline Log Facies Classification
by Hong Tang, Christopher D. White, M. Royhan Gani, and Janok Bhattacharya
An Exceptionally Large Detached Fault Block: San Pedro Ridge, Offshore Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa
by Gabor Tari, Eva Moldovanyi, James Molnar, and Gary Walters
The Folded Belt of the Marginal Ridge, Deep-Water Cape Three Points, Ghana
by Gabor Tari, James Molnar, and David Valasek
High Temperature Quartz Cementation and the Timing of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone, Offshore Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A
by Thomas R. Taylor, Richard J. Stancliffe, Calum Macaulay, and Lori Hathon
3-D Seismic Imaging of Porosity in Jurassic Carbonates: Smackover Formation, Southern Alabama
by Juliana Tebo, Bruce S. Hart
Coal-Bed Methane Activity in the Illinois Basin – An Update
by Steven Tedesco
Regional Gas Content and Permeability Trends for the Coals in the Interior Basin, USA
by Steven Tedesco
The Critical Element in Coal Bed Methane – Permeability
by Steven Tedesco, Trent Green
Pilot Tests In The Illinois And Western Interior Basins To Determine Commercial Productivity From Pennsylvanian Aged Coals
by Steven Tedesco, Trent W. Green, and Stephen R. Wolfe
Capillary Resistance and Trapping of Hydrocarbons - A Laboratory Experiment
by Gunn Mari Grimsmo Teige, Christian Hermanrud, Wibeke Hammervold Thomas, Hege Marit Nordgård Bolås,
and Ove Bjørn Wilson
Comparative Arsenic Stress Response in Monocot Seedlings
by Chacharee Therapong, Rupali Datta, and Dibyendu Sarkar
Sedimentology of the Wandrawandian Siltstone in the Southern Sydney Basin, NSW, Australia: Record of a Middle Permian Glacial Period?
by Stephanie G. Thomas, Christopher R. Fielding, and Tracy D. Frank
From Collection to Utilization: Outcrop Analog Data in a 3D World
by John B. Thurmond
Controls on Rift Stratigraphy Inferred from a Combined Seismic Stratigraphy and Stratigraphic-Modelling Approach: An Example from the Paleogene to Miocene Fluvio-Lacustrine Series of the Lokichar Basin, Northern Kenya Rift
by Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Michael Soreghan, Didier Granjeon, Thierry Nalpas, Delphine
Rouby, and Stephanie Boulet
Reducing Uncertainty in Reservoir Quality Modeling by Avoiding Common Quality Control Pitfalls
by Rick C. Tobin
Effectiveness of Grain Coatings on Preserving Reservoir Quality in High-Temperature, Deep Burial Settings
by Rick C. Tobin
Gas Hydrates Studies Using High Pressure Glass Micromodels
by Bahman Tohidi, Ben Clennell, Ross Anderson, and Jinhai Yang
Experimental Investigation of Marine Gas Hydrate Formation and Production
by Bahman Tohidi, Ben Clennell, Jinhai Yang, and Maria Llamedo
Overpressure Impacts on AVO analysis
by Marco A. S. Toledo, Antonio C. Buginga Ramos
A Field Study to Assess the Value of 3d Seismic Data in Reducing Uncertainty in the Forecast of Hydrocarbon Production
by Carlos Torres-Verdin, Maika Gambus-Ordaz
Depositional Architecture for a Coastal River in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Sabine Pass, Texas and Louisiana
by Kristy L. Tramp, John B. Anderson
How Much Can I Borrow? The Fundamentals of Energy Financing
by Edward P. Travis
Scanning 3D Volumes for Subtle AVO Anomalies
by Galen Treadgold
Preliminary Report on the Ichnofossils of the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation,
North-Central Utah
by Emily S. Tremain, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Julie A. Maxson
An Example of Slope-Parallel Shale Ridge Triggered by Thin-Skinned Lateral Extension, South Texas
by Ramón H. Treviño, Bruno C. Vendeville, Robert G. Loucks, L. Frank Brown, Ursula
Hammes, Patricia Montoya, and Randy L. Remington
Evolution of relay ramps in salt detached settings: examples from the Canyonlands Grabens SE Utah and offshore West Africa
by Bruce Trudgill, David Dutton
Insights from the Petroleum Systems of the Campos basin, Eastern Brazil: An Integrated 3D Petroleum Systems Modeling Approach
by Robert G. Tscherny, Björn Wygrala, and Peter Eisenach
The Role of Climate in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Recent Progress and Future Challenges
by Torbjörn E. Törnqvist
Pore Properties of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sandy Sediments: Geological and Geochemical Implications for Subsurface Occurrence of Natural Gas Hydrate
by Takashi Uchida, Amane Waseda
Evolution of Depositional Geometries of Fluvial Through Shallow-Marine Sequences, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic: Interplay of Relative Sea-Level Change and Reactivation of Basement Fault Zones
by David Ulicny, Lenka Spicakova, Jiri Laurin, and Stanislav Cech
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Architecture of a Linked Shelf-Edge Delta-Estuary System in the Battfjellet Formation, West Spitsbergen, Norway
by Carlos A. Uroza, Ron Steel
Laboratory Investigation of Compaction Localization and its Coupling with Fluid Flow
by Veronika Vajdova, Sheryl Tembe, Patrick Baud, and Teng-fong Wong
High-Frequency Tectonic Sequences in a Cretaceous Foreland
by Boyan K. Vakarelov, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Reconstructing the Original Composition of Biodegraded Oils using Aromatic Hydrocarbons
by Ben G. K. Van Aarssen, Steven J. Fisher, and Trevor P. Bastow
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of Mensa/Thunder Horse Areas, Mississippi Canyon, Northeastern Deep Gulf of Mexico
by Aaron Van den Berg, Todd Lapinski, Renaud Bouroullec, Paul Weimer, Veit Matt,
and John Roesink
Urban Redevelopment of Oilfields - Problems and Solutions
by Kevin Van Hook, Bob Kent
The Effect of Physical, Geochemical, and Microbiological Heterogeneity on the Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater
by David B. Vance
Deep-Water Upper- and Mid-Fan Channel-Fills from the Sandino Forearc-Basin: Depositional Processes and Facies Architecture
by Claudius Vandré, Christian Brandes, Imke Struß, and Jutta Winsemann
Exploration and Development of Gas Fields in the Tertiary Veracruz Basin
by Renato Vazquez-Benitez, Victor Valdivieso-Ramos
Geophysical Evidences of Shallow Gas and Gas Hydrates Along the Continental Margins of India
by M. Veerayya
Role of Curved Detachment Pinch-Outs on the Formation of Arcuate Fold-and-Thrust Belts
by Bruno C. Vendeville, Christine R. Fox
Integrated Prediction of Pressures and Fluid Flow in the Netherlands Central North Sea Graben
by Hanneke Verweij, Pascal Winthaegen, Erik Simmelink, and Barthold Schroot
Seismic Stratigraphic Framework for the Upper Cretaceous in the NPRA
by Marco F. Vignali
Shoreline Mobility of Mesotidal Sandy Beaches in the Northeastern Brazil: Implications to Oil and Gas Exploration on the Potiguar Basin (NE Brazil)
by Helenice Vital, Flavo Elano S. Sousa, Zuleide M. C. Lima, Marcelo dos Santos
Chaves, Iracema Miranda Silveira, and Venerando E. Amaro
Source-to-Sink: A Systems Approach to Sedimentation and the Stratigraphic Record
by Lowell E. Waite, Eugene C. Rankey
Facies Models Re-visited
by Roger G. Walker
Re-examination of Field Evidence for Extreme Crustal Extension in the Mormon Mountains, Southeastern Nevada
by Christopher D. Walker, Mark H. Anders, and Nicholas Christie-Blick
Vector 3C-3D Depth Migration of Salt Images Using Limited VSP Data
by Dapeng Wang, Yingping Li, John O'Brien, and Brian Mallick
Early Cambrian Oceanic Anoxic Event in China and
Petroleum Geological Implication
by Feiyu Wang, Pingan Pang, and Shuichang Zhang
A High-impact Gas Discovery in a Maturing Basin (Western Canada)
by Marian Warren, Andrew Lowe, and Murray Gilhooly
Regional Correlation and Character of Coal-bearing Zones, Wilcox Group, North-central Louisiana: Implications for Coalbed Gas Exploration
by P. D. Warwick, F. C. Breland, A. W. Karlsen, and P. C. Hackley
Collaborative Geo-Engineering Reservoir Characterization and Modeling on the Web
by W. Lynn Watney, John H. Doveton, Timothy R. Carr, Geoffrey C. Bohling, John
Victorine, J. P. Pakalapati, Saibal Bhattacharya, Alan P. Byrnes, Glen Gagnon, Ken
Stalder, Melissa Moore, Martin K. Dubois, Willard J. Guy, and Kurt Look
Got Gas? Innovative Technologies for Evaluating Complex Reservoir Zones
by David A. Wavrek, Dennis Coleman, Steve Pelphrey, Don Hall, Mark Tobey, and Daniel M.
Shale, Salt, and Gravitational Sliding –
a Threesome of Intrabasinal Tectonic Accommodation Processes with Examples from
the Western Gulf Of Mexico
by Tim F. Wawrzyniec
Termination of the Offshore Northern Gulf of Mexico Structural Style, Burgos Basin, Mexico
by Tim F. Wawrzyniec, Tucker Hentz, Michael De Angelo, Antonio Cuevas, J. Javier Hernández
Mendoza, and Luis A. Sanchez-Barreda
Late Cenozoic Intrabasinal Deformation in Offshore Laguna Madre-Tuxpan Continental Ahelf and Related Deepwater Mexican Ridges Fold Belt
by Timothy F. Wawrzyniec, John Swenson, William Ambrose, Khaled Fouad, Mario
Aranda, Eduardo Macías Zamora, and Luis A. Sanchez-Barreda
The Effects of Patchiness and Time-Averaging on the Stratigraphic Signal of Biotic Composition in the Type Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician)
by Andrew J. Webber
Tropical versus Temperate Zone Lacustrine Source Rocks: Examples from Takutu Basin, Guyana, and General Levalle Basin, Argentina
by Robert E. Webster
Atlas of Petroleum Fields and Discoveries, Central Mississippi Canyon and Atwater Valley, Northeastern Deep Gulf of Mexico
by Paul Weimer, Jay Austin, Veit Matt, Renaud Bouroullec, John Roesink, Todd
Lapinski, John Martin, and Sarah Melton
Sequence Stratigraphic Setting of the Neogene Sediments, Mississippi Canyon and Northern Atwater Valley, Northeastern Deep Gulf of Mexico
by Paul Weimer, Renaud Bouroullec, Jay Austin, John Roesink, Hector Gonzalez, John
Martin, Ryan Sincavage, David Pyles, Veit Matt, and Sarah Melton
An Overview of the Habitat, Distribution, and Classification of Worldwide Mud Diapir Provinces
by Andrew C. Weinzapfel
Bridge the Missing Scales in Reservoir Heterogeneity Modeling
by Renjun Wen
Characterization and Application of Sorbed Gas by MicroDesorption CF-IRMS
by Michael J. Whiticar
Diagenetic Model: Deep Panuke Reservoir, Nova Scotia, Canada
by Richard A. Wierzbicki, Nancy J. Harland
Easy_Fest versus BDI-Uncertainties in Pre-drill Prediction of Biodegradation Degree in Subsurface Petroleum Reservoirs
by Arnd Wilhelms, Michael Erdmann, and Steve R. Larter
Sealing, but Active Faults: The Role of Frictional Stability and Transient Dilation?
by Scott J. Wilkins, Stephen J. Naruk
Acoustic Measurements of Bedform Dynamics
by J. J. Williams
Stratigraphic Framework for Microbial Buildups in the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by Monica K. Williams, William C. Parcell
Atlantis Subsalt Imaging
by Mark C. Williams, Qiang Sun, Scott Michell, John D. Oldroyd, Ramsey R.
Fisher, and Ken H. Matson
Investigating the Range of Interpretation Uncertainty in Poorly-Imaged Seismic with Structural and Geomechanical Modeling
by Sherilyn C. Williams-Stroud, Freddy Yip, and Haiqing Wu
Geometry of Heterogeneities within Fluvial Point Bar Deposits
by Brian J. Willis, Christopher D. White
The Petroleum Prospectivity of the Melut Rift Basin, Sudan
by Kerri L. Wilson, Alex G. Blacque, Alan G. Collins
Diachronous Erosion Surfaces: Theory
, Examples, and Implications
by Charles D. Winker
Strength and Physical Properties of Sediment Containing Laboratory-Formed and Natural Gas Hydrate
by W. J. Winters, W. F. Waite, B. Dugan, D. H. Mason, and I. A. Pecher
Checks for Basin Centered Gas Play Risk Assessments
by Christopher N. Wold, Jay E. Leonard, Brett Edwards, Robert Coskey, P. Jeffrey
Brown, and Marshall Titus
High Resolution Deep-Towed Seismic Investigation of Fluid Expulsion Sites in the Gas Hydrate Province off Vancouver Island, Canada
by Warren T. Wood, George D. Spence, John Pohlman, Dennis A. Lindwall, Charles H.
Megnin, Richard B. Coffin, and Joseph F. Gettrust
Orbital Cycles, Climate, and Diagenesis: High Resolution records from OAE2, New Jersey Coastal Plain
by James D. Wright, Benjamin S. Cramer, Kenneth G. Miller, and Miriam E. Katz
Relative Influence of Eustacy and Tectonism on Valley Incision and In-Filling in the Latest Cretaceous and Paleocene, Southern Wyoming
by Anton F. Wroblewski
Capillary-Pressure Based, Water Saturation Models for Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoirs
by Tao Wu, Robert R. Berg
Depositional and Structural Evolution of the Upper Miocene Depositional Episode, East-Central Gulf of Mexico
by Xinxia Wu, William E. Galloway
Deepwater Depositional Style of the Upper Miocene Depositional Episode, East-Central Gulf of Mexico
by Xinxia Wu, William E. Galloway
Decision Support Systems in Petroleum Exploration - Assessing Geologic Risks
by Bjorn Wygrala, Armin Kauerauf, Robert Tscherny, Thomas Hantschel, and Peter
Recent Significant Gas Discoveries in China: Influence on National Energy Structure and Future Gas Exploration
by Chenxia Xie
Response of Marine Gas Hydrate Systems to Environmental Changes - Role of Hydrate Dissociation
by Wenyue Xu
Petroleum Systems and Plays of the Offshore Bohai Gulf Basin, China
by Tianguang Xu
Integration of New 3D Photorealistic Outcrop Mapping with a Previous Reservoir Characterization Study
by Xueming Xu, Carlos L. V. Aiken, and John Thurmond
The Comparative Analysis of Oil-Gas-Bearing Basins of East Siberia and Northern China on the Expample of Lena-Tungus and Tarim Basins
by Shubao Xu, Quan Chen, Mao-Yuan Yan, V. E. Gavura, A. S. Nemchenko-Rovenskaya,
T. N. Nemchenko, and Jianjun Wang
Sequence Stratigraphy Pattern of the Yinggehai Transform Extensional Basin, South China Sea
by Qiang Xu, Ye Jiang
Study on a Modified-Density Flow, Shedding Flow and Their Significance in the Oil and Gas Exploration in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea
by Qiang Xu, Ye Jiang
Generation and Accumulation of Quaternary Biogenic Gas in the Eastern Qaidam Basin, NW China
by Tianguang Xu, Chenxia Xie
Tectonic and Sedimentary Evolution History and Petroleum Systems in the Ordos Basin, Central China
by Yongtai Yang
3D Visualization of VSP Solutions
by Jie Yang, Jie Zhang, Yingping Li, Fran Doherty, and James Jackson
Lithology-Based Pore Pressure Prediction Success: Example from a Gulf of Mexico Mini-Basin
by G. Yardley, G. Couples, A. Aplin, Y. Yang, and R. E. Swarbrick
Reservoir Characteristion of Fractured Cambrian Reservoirs in Zones 1a and 1c of the Hassi Messaoud Field, Algeria
by S. Yawanarajah, A. Benbakir, F. Guehria, and M. Touami
Comparative Investigations of Lacustrine Basin Slope-Breaks and Continental Shelf Slope-Breaks
by Wang Yingmin, Liu Hao, and Xin Renchen
Architectural Element Analysis of Regressive vs
. Transgressive Tidal Sandstone Outcrops: Upper Cretaceous Sego Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Utah
by Shuji Yoshida, Ron Steel, Robert Dalrymple, and James MacEachern
Regional Present-Day Minimum Horizontal Stress Profile of the North Sea and Top Seal Integrity
by Amgad I. Younes
Q-Based Pore Pressure Prediction - Slow Down and Listen to the Frequencies
by Roger A. Young, Robert D. LoPiccolo
Dramatic Carbonate Reservoir Facies Illustrated in Cores from the Teaching Collection of the Bureau of Economic Geology
by Laura C. Zahm, Beverly Blakeney DeJarnett
Using Seismic Geomorphology to Characterize Depositional Systems in Oligocene Growth-Faulted Intraslope Subbasins, Offshore South Texas
by Hongliu Zeng, Frank Brown, Robert G. Loucks, Ramon H. Trevino, Ursula Hammes,
and Randy Remington
Integrating Detailed Stratigraphic Architecture with 3D Seismic for High-resolution Reservoir Modeling
by Hongliu Zeng, Charles Kerans, and Stephen Ruppel
Mechanical Constraints on Trishear Kinematic Models of the Backlimbs of Fault-Bend and Fault-Propagation Folds
by Li Zhang, Judith S. Chester
Thermal Maturation and Physical Properties of Barnett Shale in Fort Worth Basin, North Texas
by Hank Zhao
High Precise Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of Hetaoyuan Formation Subtle Traps in Nanyang Seg, China
by Fengqin Zhi, Qi Li, and Suwei Shao
Structural Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Intermontane Santanghu Basin, Northwestern China
by Dingwu Zhou, Wan Yang, Yiqun Liu, Qiao Feng, and Jianrong Hao
Inference of the Spatial Distribution of the Permeability of a Fault from Analysis of 3-D Quasi-Steady State Hydraulic-Head Data
by Elena Zhurina, Brann Johnson
Exploration for Mesozoic Gas Plays in the Sabinas and Maverick Basins of North-Central Mexico
by Genaro Ziga-Rodriguez, Antonio Cuevas-Leree, and Abel O. Pola-Simuta
Determination of the Full Stress Tensor and Application to Problems of Fault Seal and Wellbore Stability
by Mark D. Zoback
Crude Oils Provide Molecular and Isotopic Clues about OAEs
by John Zumberge, Roger Summons
Changes in the Composition of Miocene Marine Mollusk Assemblages of the Central Paratethys in Relation to Tectonic Events and Relative Sea Level Changes
by Martin Zuschin, Mathias Harzhauser, and Oleg Mandic
Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of Las Vegas Bay in Lake Mead, NV
by Jonathan G. Zybala, Andrew D. Hanson, David C. Twichell, Mark J. Rudin, and Brenda J.