--> ABSTRACT: Characterization and Application of Sorbed Gas by MicroDesorption CF-IRMS, by Whiticar, Michael J.; #90026 (2004)
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(1) School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC

ABSTRACT: Characterization and Application of Sorbed Gas by MicroDesorption CF-IRMS

"The best way to find oil is to drill for it" remains as true today as before. However, the question of where to drill has been significantly improved by advances in geophysical geological techniques. In some cases geochemistry, including surface geochemistry, comprises part of a comprehensive exploration program. Sorbed gas measurements, pioneered by Horwitz (1982) and Stahl et al. (1981), is amongst the most viable approaches. This paper presents several features that can make them useful. 
Our more recent advances in both the analytical and interpretative aspects of sorbed gas method are described. Today, our vacuum-acid-mechanical MicroDesorption technique replaces of the original 'Blender' with the advantages of speed, safety and significantly reduced material requirements. To further simplify and improve performance, we have replaced the original 'off-line' partitioning and oxidation method with our Continuous Flow-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (CF-IRMS) analytical platform. 
Although the science of gas sorption phenomena is evolving rapidly, questions remain, e.g., the degree of interaction between dissolved and sorbed gases, or mode of migration. This presentation will highlight the controversies and advances made in the application of sorbed gas MicroDesorption CF-IRMS, and give an example of its application.
Horvitz, L. 1982, 183rd Am. Chem. Soc. Nat. Mtg., Las Vegas, Nevada, March 28-April 2; Stahl, W., E. Faber and D.L. Kirksey, 1981, AAPG Bull 65: 1543-1550.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.