--> ABSTRACT: Visualisation and Digital Storage of Sedimentological Data, by Preston, Jeremy, Andrew Hurst, David Harrison, Chris Harlow; #90026 (2004)
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Preston, Jeremy1, Andrew Hurst2, David Harrison1, Chris Harlow1 
(1) HRH Limited, Aberdeen, United Kingdom 
(2) Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT: Visualisation and Digital Storage of Sedimentological Data

A major limitation of pictorial records of observational data made on sedimentary rocks is that they cannot be readily integrated with quantitative and digital subsurface data. Using a novel technique, each lithological unit is constructed mathematically using Bezier curves that describe their shape. However, the stored digital data are not simply a list of Beziers that describe shapes but rather geological criteria are given to each unit so that horizontal coordinates represent grain size and the vertical coordinates vertical scaling. Data are constrained spatially thus allowing the Beziers to be extracted as single grain size curves in numeric form, and to uphold geologically consistent boundaries. The grain size record can be scaled up or down in a manner similar to other continuous records of Previous HitboreholeNext Hit measurements, but preserving the visual integrity of the sedimentological observations. Integration and manipulation of sedimentological descriptions with other digital data allows direct visual and numeric interpretations to be made. A platform for recording other geological observations and translating them into a digital environment is created, thus facilitating their integration with other Previous HitboreholeNext Hit geophysical data. The method acts as a stimulus to developing new methods for quantitative geological measurements during rock description. If the method is applied to rock description during data acquisition, the descriptive data can be integrated, compared and correlated with independent Previous HitboreholeTop data (wireline and MWD logs, etc.) so facilitating earlier reservoir characterisation.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.