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Mitra, Shankar1, Gerardo Correa Figueroa2, Jesus Hernandez Garcia2, Antonio Murillo Alvarado2 
(1) University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 
(2) Petroleos Mexicanos, Cd. del Carmen, Mexico

ABSTRACT: Previous HitThreeNext Hit-Previous HitdimensionalNext Hit Structural Model of the Cantarell and Sihil Structures, Campeche Bay, Mexico

The Cantarell and Sihil fields are located within a complex system of compressive structures in the Campeche Bay province in Mexico. A Previous HitthreeNext Hit-Previous HitdimensionalNext Hit model for the Cantarell and Sihil structures has been developed by integrating 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit, data from over 300 wells, and a series of structural cross sections. Structural reconstruction has been used to understand the kinematic evolution of the structure. The geometry of the Cantarell-Sihil structure varies considerably along trend from a simple fault-related structure in the south, to a duplex consisting of the Cantarell and Sihil structures in the central part, to a more complex system displaced by Tertiary normal faults in the north. The structures formed during three main episodes of deformation: (1) Jurassic extension, (2) Miocene compression, and (3) late Tertiary reactivated extension. 
The Cantarell field produces out of three separate fault-bounded allochthonous blocks: the Akal, Nohoch, and and Kutz blocks. The main field is located in the Akal structure. Secondary fields in the allochthonous block include Kutz, formed along the crest of a downthrown extensional block, and Nohoch, formed above a back thrust. The Chac field is located at the updip edge of a tilted fault block in the autochthonous sheet. The recently discovered Sihil field is located within a subthurst compressive structure, and consists of Previous HittwoNext Hit separate lobes above the sub-Sihil fault. The detailed Previous HitthreeNext Hit-Previous HitdimensionalTop structural model is being used for future production of remaining reserves in the Cantarell field as well for delineation of the Sihil field.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.