Mitra, Shankar1, Gerardo Correa Figueroa2, Jesus Hernandez
Garcia2, Antonio Murillo Alvarado2
(1) University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
(2) Petroleos
Mexicanos, Cd. del Carmen, Mexico
Structural Model of the Cantarell and Sihil Structures, Campeche Bay, Mexico
The Cantarell and Sihil fields are located within a complex system of compressive structures in the Campeche Bay province in Mexico. A three
model for the Cantarell and Sihil structures has been developed by integrating 3-D
, data from over 300 wells, and a series of structural cross sections. Structural reconstruction has been used to understand the kinematic evolution of the structure. The geometry of the Cantarell-Sihil structure varies considerably along trend from a simple fault-related structure in the south, to a duplex consisting of the Cantarell and Sihil structures in the central part, to a more complex system displaced by Tertiary normal faults in the north. The structures formed during three main episodes of deformation: (1) Jurassic extension, (2) Miocene compression, and (3) late Tertiary reactivated extension.
The Cantarell field produces out of three separate fault-bounded allochthonous blocks: the Akal, Nohoch, and and Kutz blocks. The main field is located in the Akal structure. Secondary fields in the allochthonous block include Kutz, formed along the crest of a downthrown extensional block, and Nohoch, formed above a back thrust. The Chac field is located at the updip edge of a tilted fault block in the autochthonous sheet. The recently discovered Sihil field is located within a subthurst compressive structure, and consists of two
separate lobes above the sub-Sihil fault. The detailed
structural model is being used for future production of remaining reserves in the Cantarell field as well for delineation of the Sihil field.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.