--> ABSTRACT: A Geological Introduction to the Northern Lights Project of the Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit, by Kimball, Errin K., Virginia L. Odegaard, S. George Pemberton; #90026 (2004)
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Kimball, Errin K.1, Virginia L. Odegaard2, S. George Pemberton3 
(1) Synenco Energy Inc, Calgary, AB 
(2) Norwest Corporation, Calgary, AB 
(3) University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

ABSTRACT: A Geological Introduction to the Northern Lights Project of the Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit

The Northern Lights Project is on track to be a fully integrated surface mineable oil sand operation. Currently, the project is in a continued phase of exploration and development, and on schedule for production in 2008. The project is located within townships ninety-eight and ninety nine between ranges five and seven, west of the fourth meridian in the Province of Alberta, Canada. 
The observations, interpretations and predictions based on sedimentary structures used in exploration efforts for economic quantities of bitumen resources in the Athabasca Oil Sands is an effective and powerful tool. Synenco Energy Inc. has been successful applying fundamental sedimentology concepts to guide their exploration strategies for their Northern Lights Project. The use of sedimentary structures has proven to be one of the most effective tools interpreting and predicting channel trends. Based on these Previous HitfundamentalsTop, a measured and indicated resource of 1.3 billion barrels has been defined and the potential to increase the measured and indicated resource to 1.9 billion barrels recoverable is on the horizon. 
The geological framework of this deposit is easily demonstrated by the test hole drill cores for this region of the Athabasca Oil Sand deposit. Growing knowledge of the sedimentology and depositional environments of the key geological formations controlling and forming this deposit will yield yet another multi-billion barrel oil sand mega project in the world’s largest hydrocarbon reservoir.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.