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Fuhrmann, Andreas1, Rolando di Primio1, Brian Horsfield1
(1) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany

ABSTRACT: Predicting Petroleum Previous HitPhaseNext Hit and Composition in Undrilled Prospects

The prediction of reservoir fluid properties prior to drilling is one of the most important tasks for prospect risk reduction in frontier exploration areas. The newest vintage of basin modeling software allows the calculation of petroleum Previous HitphaseNext Hit behaviour given detailed compositional kinetic models of hydrocarbon generation. Available kinetic schemes correctly predict bulk GOR, however, the analytical methods used predict much wetter gas compositions than observed in natural fluids, resulting in erroneous Previous HitphaseNext Hit predictions. Experimental results indicate that this effect is strongly influenced by the experimental heating rate, primary cracking mechanisms and the presence or absence of catalysts in the pyrolysis experiments.
We focus on the correct determination of hydrocarbon Previous HitphaseNext Hit properties from pyrolysis lab experiments using immature source rock samples by tuning the determined compositional data to PVT data of well documented reservoir fluid maturity sequences. We have thus developed compositional kinetic models of hydrocarbon generation for marine Type II and mixed Type II/III source rocks. The data format selected is compatible with the compositional resolution used in reservoir engineering, allowing a direct comparison of predicted compositions and Previous HitphaseNext Hit behavior to PVT data of natural fluids. The integration of tuned compositional kinetic models and Previous HitphaseNext Hit behaviour calculation in 2D and 3D basin models resulted in the predition of GOR, Previous HitphaseNext Hit state, saturation pressure and composition with an error margin of 10 to 20%. The suggested approach is applicable to various source rock types and can be used for determination of hydrocarbon Previous HitphaseTop properties in undrilled prospects under various geologic conditions.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.