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Druke, Dominic C.1, Katherine A. Giles1, Mark G. Rowan2
(1) New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
(2) Rowan Consulting, Inc, Boulder, CO

ABSTRACT: Comparison of Three Isolated Carbonate Platforms in La Popa Basin, Mexico: Implications for Depositional Bathymetry and Halokinetic Sequence Development

Comparison of three isolated, age-equivalent (latest Cretaceous) carbonate platforms deposited on salt diapirs in La Popa basin show that carbonate accumulation, facies distribution, halokinetic sequence development, and structural deformation vary between the different salt bodies and may be controlled by seafloor expression of the diapirs. The El Papalote carbonate platform consists of thin (10 m) deep-water grainstone and debris flow facies that are restricted to <1 km from the diapir, and experienced pervasive halokinetic deformation (one halokinetic sequence, overturned). The El Gordo carbonate platform is thicker (100 m), consists of broad (1.5 km) back-reef grainstone on the leeward margin and shallow-water sponge-coral reef on the windward margin, and one halokinetic sequence that is not overturned. The San Jose carbonate platform has the thickest accumulation of carbonate sediment (120 m) that consists entirely of shallow-water back-reef grainstone (1.5 km) with one halokinetic sequence that is not overturned, similar to El Gordo.
The larger sediment Previous HitaccumulationsNext Hit of shallow-water facies found at the San Jose and El Gordo platforms are associated with higher, broader zones of diapir-related bathymetric relief and display less deformation by drape folding on the flanks of the diapir. The smaller sediment Previous HitaccumulationsNext Hit of deeper water facies found at El Papalote are associated with a lower, narrower zone of diapir-related bathymetric relief that is highly deformed by diapir-flank drape folding. This relationship can be useful in Previous HitpredictingTop near diapir reservoir geometry and quality.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.