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Cooper, Richard1, Matthew Carr1, Naum Derzhi1, M. Turhan Taner1, Richard Uden1, Jack Petrovich Dvorkin1, Joel Walls1, Gary Mavko2
(1) Rock Solid Images, Houston, TX
(2) Stanford University, Stanford, CA

ABSTRACT: Lithology and Fluid Prediction: Well Ties and the “Rock-Physics Bottleneck”

Our industry is making increasing use of 3D Previous HitseismicNext Hit data for lithology, fluid, and porosity prediction. The primary source of Previous HitseismicNext Hit calibration data is well logs. Hence we must rely on the synthetic seismogram as the primary interface between Previous HitseismicNext Hit data, logs, and reservoir properties. Quality of tie between the synthetic seismogram and the Previous HitseismicNext Hit data is a major factor in our ability to robustly calibrate Previous HitseismicNext Hit data to rock and fluid properties.

For geophysical Previous HitmodelingNext Hit, we are interested primarily in accurate Vp, Vs, and density. Indeed, Previous HitseismicNext Hit inversion can yield only these acoustic attributes (and possibly attenuation). This critical dependency upon a small number of measurements is referred to as the “rock physics bottleneck” (Mavko). Most well log analysis is focused on formation evaluation, but for reservoir geophysics, many more issues must be considered.

Some of those issues are:
Inadequate vertical coverage of log data
Inadequate or missing sonic, density, and dipole-sonic logs.
Drilling mud invasion
Synthetics at all offsets or zero-offset only?
Ray-tracing or full-elastic Previous HitmodelingNext Hit (speed vs. fidelity tradeoff)?
All arrivals or primaries only?
Attenuation and dispersion.
Positioning errors
Sampling, upscaling, and resolution

This paper shows several examples that illustrate the key issues to consider when constructing synthetic Previous HitseismicNext Hit models to aid in Previous HitseismicTop reservoir characterization. It will be necessary for our industry to consistently address each of these factors to ensure we deliver robust and reliable reservoir models derived from geophysical data.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.