Banfield, Laura A.1, Stan G. Davis2, Ginny Riggert2,
Joshua C. Turner2, Holly L. Harrison2, Karen L. Lubke2,
Russ A. Schrooten2
(1) BP America Inc, Houston, TX
(2) BP America Inc,
ABSTRACT: Visualizing Reservoir Architecture and Connectivity in Pompano Field, Gulf of Mexico, a Deepwater Slope Channelized System
The use of 3D interpretation
and visualization software allowed the rapid creation of
models of reservoir distribution in the Pliocene- and Miocene-aged Pompano depositional
systems. The models were used to examine the different kinds of channelization that occur
in these deepwater slope systems and as a predictor of reservoir connectivity. Development
of this type of model relies on an understanding of the relationship between
amplitude and reservoir presence.
In this study, seismic
sets, including full stack, intercept and AVO
gradient, have been inverted to impedances using a method called color inversion. For
application to the Pliocene section, the full stack impedance was used; for the Miocene,
acoustic and gradient impedances were combined to produce an impedance volume
optimally tuned to lithologies and fluids. In both cases, negative
amplitudes are
known to represent pay sands. Using Geoprobe software, three-dimensional models of the
Pliocene- and Miocene- aged deepwater slope channelized systems were efficiently
developed. These models confirmed the two different types of channelization observed in
the Pompano systems: isolated and amalgamated. They also effectively facilitated
comparison of the channel types and examination of the potential factors controlling the
channelization type.
The interpreted Geoprobe models were also used to predict areas within the channelized
systems with better or worse sand-to-sand connectivity. These predictions were then
compared against production data
. The good correlation between the actual production
history and the connectivities predicted by the models indicates that this methodology is
tool that can be applied in other areas at exploration and appraisal
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.