--> Abstract: 3 Dimensional Seismic Interpretation of the Cocuite and Playuela Fields, Veracruz Basin, Mexico, by Marco A. Arreguin-Lopez and Paul Weimer; #90032 (2004)
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3 Dimensional Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Interpretation of the Cocuite and Playuela Fields, Veracruz Basin, Mexico

Marco A. Arreguin-Lopez and Paul Weimer
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

This study presents a systematic interpretation of the sequence stratigraphy of the Miocene turbidite systems for the Cocuite-Playuela fields in the Veracruz basin. The interpretation is based on 590 square km of 3 dimensional Previous HitseismicNext Hit data, 27 wireline well logs and 19 wells with biostratigraphy. Ten stratigraphic intervals were identified and interpreted with ages ranging from 20.6 Ma to 3.8 Ma.

The 3 dimensional interpretation of detailed Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitattributeNext Hit maps of the Cocuite-Playuela fields shows that the deepwater reservoirs include channel-fill deposits and sheet sands. The gas reservoirs in the fields occur in deepwater systems deposited within four intervals: (1) 14.35-11.4 Ma, (2) 10.75-9.5 Ma, (3) 6.2-5.7 Ma, and (4) 5.7-4.1 Ma. The best production is from sheet sands. Other turbidite elements, such as canyon systems and slides are also recognized.

The lower two reservoir intervals were deposited prior to any deformation in the study area. Rising anticlines began to develop at 10.75 Ma and continued until 6.2 Ma. Twenty-five new exploratory opportunities were identified within the 3 dimensional survey area, based primarily on the stratigraphic interpretation of the Previous HitseismicTop attributes map. In order to properly assess the risk of each of these leads an integrated study of AVO and rock physics is required.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90032©2004 GCAGS 54th Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, October 10-12, 2004