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The Attributes of a Wolfcamp “Reef” Play, Pecos County, Texas


Phil Carlisle, Aspen Integrated Oil & Gas, L.L.C.


The presence of Upper Wolfcamp/Lower Leonard age stratigraphic reefs, or bioherms, as a reservoir target in Pecos County has been proven to be a viable exploration objective.

This objective has been realized by utilizing the integration of geology and Previous Hit3-DTop geophysics. A simple geologic model was created to understand the geophysical response of the play. Through this modeling, a focused exploration program for this reservoir target has resulted in twelve new field discoveries, five development wells, and five dry holes for an overall success rate of 77%. This reservoir objective has produced in excess of 480MBO and 6,700 MMCFG since the first discovery well was completed in January 1998.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90010©2003 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, March 1-4, 2003