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Evaluating Previous HitSealNext Hit Potential of Top and Intraformational Seals


John G. Kaldi

National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, University of Adelaide, South Australia


Any lithology may form a Previous HitsealNext Hit to a hydrocarbon column. Determining which seals have the potential to trap economically viable hydrocarbon accumulations, versus those that hold sub-economic volumes, has become an important aspect of evaluating both basinwide hydrocarbon systems and field scale prospects. The evaluation of Previous HitsealNext Hit potential comprises determining (1) Previous HitsealNext Hit capacity, (2) Previous HitsealNext Hit geometry, and (3) Previous HitsealNext Hit integrity. Previous HitSealNext Hit capacity is the calculated amount of hydrocarbon column height a particular Previous HitsealNext Hit can support. This is a function of the relationship between the buoyancy pressure of the hydrocarbon column and the capillary properties of the updip Previous HitsealNext Hit. Previous HitSealNext Hit capacity can be determined by mercury injection capillary pressure analyses. Previous HitSealNext Hit geometry relates the structural position, thickness, and areal extent of the sealing lithology to that of the reservoir and/or structure. Where Previous HitsealNext Hit area is equal to or greater than the area of the reservoir or structure, the Previous HitsealNext Hit is more effective. Similarly, as Previous HitsealNext Hit thickness increases, the likelihood of seismically invisible through-going faults or fractures decreases. Previous HitSealNext Hit geometry is determined by integrating seismic and core data, detailed well correlations, regional sedimentological/stratigraphic relationships and making comparisons to known depositional analogs. Previous HitSealNext Hit integrity refers to geomechanical properties such as Previous HitductilityNext Hit, compressibility, and propensity for fracturing. Rocks with high Previous HitsealNext Hit integrity, such as salts and anhydrites are generally better seals than brittle rocks such as dolomites or quartzites. Previous HitSealNext Hit integrity can be measured in a laboratory or evaluated qualitatively by core examination, borehole imaging and petrographic studies. These three variables can be quantified to give comparative values of Previous HitsealTop potential. This, in turn, can be incorporated with assessments of reservoir, source, and trap to provide overall exploration and development strategies. Examples of the use of these techniques are provided from offshore northwest Java, Indonesia, and the Cooper Basin, Australia.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90015©2002-2003 AAPG Distinguished Lectures