Coiled Tubing Drilling Provides
Economic Access to Alaska’s Viscous Oil
L.J. Vendl and M.O. Johnson (BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.)
BP’s first Coiled
Tubing Drilling (CTD) horizontal multi-lateral
sidetrack pilot delivered more
than 4000 BOPD initial rate, at a savings of more than $1 million (versus
conventional drilling) in 2001. The pilot demonstrates the potential to deliver
$10MM savings in a 20 well program at Milne Point Alaska in coming years. Four
CTD multi-
sidetracks targeted the Schrader Bluff viscous oil reserves in
1H 2001. This pilot project provided an initial 8% increase in oil production to
the field, was completed 10% under budget. The program also set several North
Slope CTD drilling records, all with perfect HSE performance. This was achieved
through innovative: Team use of the new collaborative visualization environment
(COVE) to quickly identify reserve targets and plan the sidetracks. Use of an
advanced electric line controlled CTD drilling BHA, which shattered previous
rate of penetration records. Completion optimization that saved $100k/well. This
year’s CTD drilling of the horizontal laterals proved cost savings of up to 33%
when compared to rotary drilling and delivered initial rates of more than 1000
BOPD per well, and demonstrates that CTD will drive a step-change in future
economic development of the 15 billion barrel OOIP viscous oil resource base on
the North Slope. This lower cost structure has potentially wide ranging impacts
for marginal viscous oil fields around the globe, enabling previously uneconomic
reserves to be viable targets.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90008©2002 AAPG Pacific Section/SPE Western Region Joint Conference of Geoscientists and Petroleum Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska, May 18–23, 2002.