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AAPG Pacific Section/SPE Western Region Conference
Joint Conference of
Geoscientists and Petroleum Engineers
May 18–23, 2002 Anchorage, Alaska*


Search and Discovery Article #90008 (2002)


*Adapted for online presentation from the hardcopy version published in AAPG Bulletin, v. 86, no. 6 (June 2002), p. 1135–3 1163.


North Slope Natural Gas: Potential Markets and Future Development, by E.D. Attanasi

Paleo Source-Rock Characteristics of the Kuna Formation in the Western Brooks Range, by A.C. Banet and K.R. Evans

Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine; Finding Debris from the Avak Impact, by A.C. Banet

Coalbed Methane in Northern Alaska: Potential Resources for Rural Use and Added Supply for the Proposed Trans-Alaska Gas Pipeline, by C.E. Barker, J.G. Clough, S.B. Roberts, and R. Fisk

Hogan to Heritage: 33 Years of Pacific OCS Production, by J.R. Barminski and M.R. Brickey

Integrated Lithofacies and Ichnofacies of the Aklavik Formation, Mackenzie Delta and Northern Richardson Mountains, NWT, Canada: An Outcrop Study from a Frontier Basin, by C.R. Barnett and S.G. Pemberton

Exploration Potential of the Mackenzie Delta, by J.M. Bever

Estimates of Undiscovered Natural Gas Volumes, Onshore North Slope: A Retrospective, by K.J. Bird

Oil and Gas Potential of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, by K.J. Bird

Biogeographic and Stratigraphic Evidence for the Siberian Origins of the Arctic Alaska Plate, by R.B. Blodgett, J.G. Clough, and M.R. Sandy

Megafossil Biostratigraphy and T-R Cycles of the Shublik Formation in the Phoenix #1 Well , Northern Alaska, by R.B. Blodgett and K. Bird

The Beginning of the Mesozoic: Pangean Breakup with 70 Million Years of Environmental Stress, by D.J. Bottjer

Late Paleozoic Orogeny in Alaska’s Farewell Terrane, by D.C. Bradley, J. Dumoulin, P. Layer, D. Sunderlin, J. Brinton, S. Roeske, B. McClelland, T. Kusky, and A.G. Harris

The Response of Miocene Shelf-Deltaic Systems to the Propagation of the Sakhalin Strike-Slip Zone, by M. Brettle, S. Flint, and J. Bessa

Production Monitoring: A Tool for Today’s Geoscientist, by M.R. Brickey and S. Drewry

Aerogeophysical Evidence for the Rotational Opening of the Canada Basin, by J.M. Brozena, L.A. Lawver, L.C. Kovacs, and V.A. Childers

An Overview of Alaska’s Industrial Minerals, by T.K. Bundtzen

Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPRA) from Burial and Thermal History Modeling, by W.M. Burns, D.O. Hayba, D.W. Houseknecht, and E.L. Rowan

Geochemistry of Natural Gas, North Slope, Alaska: Implications for Future Oil and Gas Resources, NPRA, by R.C. Burruss, P.G. Lillis, and T.S. Collett

Surface Expression of Subsurface Structure at Ninilchik Field, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by D.B. Buthman and L.J. Smith

Tectonic Geomorphic Characterization of a Transcurrent Fault Zone, Western Brooks Range, Alaska, by R.R. Casavant, and S.R. Miller

Tilted Fault Blocks and Subthrust Basins? A Morphotectonic Investigation in the Central Foothills and Brooks Range, Alaska, by R.R. Casavant and E. Gross

Lateral Variation in Devonian and Older Stratigraphy and Facies across the Sadlerochit and Shublik Mountains Region, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska: Impact on Subsurface Coastal Plain Geology, by J.G. Clough

Devonian and Older Tectonic Plate Sequences of Arctic Alaska: Siberian Connection, by J.G. Clough and R.B. Blodgett

The Petroleum Systems of the North Slope, Alaska—a Volumetric Paradox, by C. Cornford and R. Kelly

Implications to Conventional Gas Reserve Growth of Coalbed Methane Desorption Analyses from the Beaver Creek and Kenai Gas Fields, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by T.A. Dallegge and C.E. Barker 

Seismic Acquisition in the Arctic, by J.M. Darnall 

Application of Near-Surface Geophysical Techniques for Geologic and Hydrologic Investigations in the Arctic, by A.J. Delaney, P.R. Peapples, and S.A. Arcone

The Matanuska Valley: An Exposed Analog to the Tertiary Cook Inlet Forearc Basin, Alaska, by D.L. Doherty, L. Higgins, and R.V. Nelson (Forest Oil Corporation)

Tectonics of the Northeastern Siberian Arctic Continental Margin (Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas), by S. Drachev and L.A. Savostin 

Lithofacies and Stratigraphy of the Lisburne and Etivluk Groups in the Lisburne 1 Well and Adjacent Outcrops, Central Brooks Range, Alaska, by J.A. Dumoulin and K.J. Bird

Lithologies and Correlation of the Basement Complex (Devonian and Older) in the Subsurface of Northern Alaska, by J.A. Dumoulin

Filling History of the Kuparuk Field Reservoir, Alaskan North Slope: Results of an Integrated Petroleum Systems Approach, by L. Dzou and A. Pepper 

Fingerprinting of Natural Gases from North Slope Petroleum Systems: Sources, Geochemical Characterization, Maturity and Mixing, by L. Ellis, A. Holba, and W.D. Masterson

Templates for We l l Productivity Forecasts in the Monterey Producing Fields along the Pacific Tidelands and the OCS, by I. Ershaghi, M. Brickey, H. Syms, J. Barminski, and M. Ibrahim

An Overview of the Point Thomson Field, North Slope, Alaska, by B.L. Faulkner, J.W. Erickson, and N.C. Lian 

Mineral Resources of Koryak-Kamchatka Region, Russia , Prospects for Development, and Regulatory Climate, by Y. Garaschenko, A.F. Litvinov, and I.D. Petrenko

Alpine Oil Field—1-1/2 Years after Start-up, by D.A. Gingrich, M. Kremer, and C. Crabtree

Geologic Structure and Tectonic Evolution of the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean, by A. Grantz, L.C. Kovacs, D.C. McAdoo, and P.E. Hart

Reworked Palynomorph Trends in Late Jurassic to Neocomian Strata of the Colville Delta Region, Alaska, by H. Haga and M.B. Mickey

Limitations on the Thermal Conditions During Formation of Fractures and Detachment Folds in the Northeastern Brooks Range, by C.L. Hanks, M. Parrish, and W. K. Wallace

Detailed Geologic Mapping of the Central Brooks Range Foothills: Sagavanirktok River to Nanushuk River, by E.E. Harris, C.G. Mull, R.R. Reifenstuhl, D.L. LePain, and P.R. Peapples

A Kinematic Model for the Phanerozoic Deformed Belts of Northeastern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada, by C. Harrison, K. Dewing, U. Mayr, K. Piepjohn, and F. Tessensohn

Reservoir Description of the Tarn Sand System, North Slope, Alaska, by Integration of Seismic Architecture and Turbidite Depositional Elements, by D.S. Hastings, W.R. Morris, M.J. Faust, and K.J. Helmold

Subsurface Indications of Oil and Gas in the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, by D.O. Hayba, K.J. Bird, and C. Garrity

Basin Evolution and Petroleum Generation in the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, by D.O. Hayba and E.L. Rowan

Studies of Interbedded Shales in Tango Fluvial Sandstones, Ivishak Sandstone, Prudhoe Bay: Implications for Depositional Setting and Reservoir Architecture, by J.J. Hickey and B.A. Burns

Triassic Source Facies in High Paleo-Latitude Petroleum Systems, by A. Holba (Phillips Petroleum Co.), W.D. Masterson (Phillips Alaska, Inc.), L. Ellis (Terra Nova Technologies), and L. Dzou (BP Upstream Technology Group)

The 1998 USGS Petroleum Resource Assessment of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area and Adjacent State Waters, by D.W. Houseknecht and K.J. Bird

Brookian Synorogenic Sedimentation, Easternmost Beaufort Sea and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), by D.W. Houseknecht

Subsurface Facies Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Eileen Sandstone, Shublik Formation, and Sag River Formation, Arctic Alaska, by E.J. Hulm

Resource Characterization and Quantification of Natural Gas-Hydrate and Associated Free-Gas Accumulations in the Prudhoe Bay—Kuparuk River Area on the North Slope of Alaska, by R.B. Hunter, G.J. Pelka, S.A. Digert, R. Casavant, R. Johnson, M. Poulton, C. Glass, K. Mallon, S.L. Patil, G.A. Chukwu, A.Y. Dandekar, S. Khataniar, D.O. Ogbe, and T.S. Collett

Copper and Copper-Nickel Mineralization in Central Kamchatka, by E. Ignatiev and E. Sidorov

Evolution and Extension of Thrust-Truncated Detachment Folds in the Upper Marsh Fork Area of the Eastern Brooks Range, and Implications for the Eastward Extent of the Endicott Mountains Allochthon, by M.A. Jadamec and W.K. Wallace

The Geological Application of Acoustic Images in Homogeneous Clastic Sediments: Examples from the Tertiary Hemlock Formation, Cook Inlet, Alaska, by M. Johansson and A. Saltmarsh 

Petroleum Source Potential of the Beaufortian Succession of the NPRA and Colville Delta Area, North Slope Alaska, Based on Sonic and Resistivity Logs, by M.A. Keller

Composition of Outer Shelf Sandstones in the Torok Formation, Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska, by R.A. Kirkham 

Remote, Slimhole Arctic Testing and Exploration, by G.J. Koperna, Jr., J. Kelafant, P. Glavinovich, G. Booth, and R.P. Lindsey 

Fault Characterization and Reservoir Development at Kuparuk River Field, Part 2: Understanding Fault Zones and Predicting Fault Seal, by R.W. Krantz and M.R Longden 

Interpreted Regional Seismic Reflection Lines, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, by C.S. Kulander, C.J. Potter, J.A. Grow, and R.W. Saltus

A Digital Atlas of Hydrocarbon Accumulations on the North Slope of Alaska, by N. Kumar, K.J. Bird, P.H. Nelson, J.A. Grow, and K. Evans 

Overview of the Tectonic Evolution of Canada’s Beaufort –Mackenzie Region, by L.S. Lane

Shoreline to Basin Transition (?) in Albian-Cenomanian Strata East of the Sagavanirktok River, Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska, by D.L. LePain, R. Kirkham, and P.J. McCarthy

Stratigraphy of a Cenomanian Estuarine Complex in the Upper Nanushuk Formation, Ninuluk Bluff, Alaska, by D.L. LePain and R. Kirkham

3D Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Permafrost Transition, Point Thomson Field, North Slope, Alaska, by N.C. Lian, J.R. Alldridge, J.R. Krebs, and J. Hefti

Oil-Source Rock Correlation Studies, Central Brooks Range Foothills and National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (NPRA), by P.G. Lillis, J.D. King, A. Warden, and M.J. Pribil

Fault Characterization and Reservoir Development at Kuparuk River Field, Part 1: Fault Styles and Deformation Models, by M.R Longden and R.W. Krantz 

Mudstone Sedimentation at High Latitudes: A Petrographic Study of the Lower Cretaceous Succession from the Mikkelsen Bay State #1 We l l , Alaska, by J. Macquaker and M. Keller

Petroleum Systems of the Alaskan North Slope—A Progress Report, by L.B. Magoon, P.G. Lillis, K.J. Bird, and C. Lampe

Paleosols in the Nanushuk Formation, Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska: Preliminary Observations and Sequence Stratigraphic Implications, by P.J. McCarthy and D.L. LePain

Geology, Exploration, and Discovery in the Tintina Gold Province, Alaska and Yukon, by D. McCoy, R. Newberry, C.J.R. Hart, T. Bundtzen, H. Farnstrom, M. Werdon, and D. Szumigala

Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous Lisburne Group, Porcupine Lake Valley, Brooks Range, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, by M.M. McGee and M.T. Whalen

Integrated 3D Subsurface Workflows-Ways to Bridge the Discipline Gap, by R.P. Miller and D. Urban 

Metallogenesis of the Russian Far East, by L.D. Miller, T.K. Bundtzen, A.C. Edwards, J. Galey, R.J. Goldfarb, N.A. Goryachev, W.J. Nokleberg, and S.F. Strujkov

High-Resolution Seismic Reflection to Delineate a 1200 ft Deep Potential Coalbed Methane Layer Under Fort Yukon, Alaska, by R.D. Miller, J.G. Clough, and J.C. Davis

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Pebble Shale Unit in NPRA, Preliminary Data, by S. Montayne

Structural Architecture of the Central Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska, by T.E. Moore, C.J. Potter, and P.B. O’Sullivan

The Tertiary Northeastern Brooks Range Fold-Thrust Belt: An Onshore-Offshore Synthesis, by T.E. Moore, C.J. Potter, A. Grantz, and P.B. O’Sullivan

Controls on the Distribution of Reservoir Properties in the Tarn Field, North Slope Alaska, by W.R. Morris, D. Hastings, and S. Moothart 

Organic-Rich Triassic-Jurassic Rocks, Thermal Maturity Anomalies, and Oil and Gas Source Rock Potential, Brooks Range Disturbed Belt and Southern Colville Basin, North Slope, Alaska, by C.G. Mull, E.E. Harris, and P. Peapples

New and Revised Cretaceous and Tertiary Stratigraphic Nomenclature, East-Central Colville Basin, North Slope, Alaska, by C.G. (Gil) Mull, D.W. Houseknecht, and K.J. Bird

Application of 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Illite to Understanding the Geologic Evolution of the Brooks Range and Colville Basin, by W. Munly and P. Layer

Depositional Architecture of Slope-Apron and Basin- Floor Turbidite Systems from the North Slope of Alaska to the Mackenzie Delta of Canada: Examples from Outcrops and Oilfields, by M. Myers 

Compaction Trends and Implications for Uplift, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, by P.H. Nelson and K.J. Bird

Early Jurassic Previous HitBiogeographyTop of the Arctic, by B.L. Nikitenko, B.N. Shurygin, and M.B. Mickey

Dynamic Computer Model for the Metallogenesis and Tectonics of the Circum-North Pacific, by W.J. Nokleberg, C.R. Scotese, T.K. Bundtzen, L.M. Parfenov, J.W.H. Monger, K.M. Dawson, A.I. Khanchuk, N.A. Goryachev, V.I. Shpikerman, and I.O. Norton 

Risk-Weighted Volumetric Analysis to Estimate Gas Reserves and Evaluate Coalbed Methane Potential of the Lower Matanuska Valley, Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, by D.O. Ogbe, J.B. Packer, and J.G. Clough 

A Conodont-based Temporal and Spatial Framework for the Triassic of North America, by M.J. Orchard

Constraints on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Thermotectonic Evolution of the Northern Brooks Range and the North Slope Foreland Basin from Fission Track Thermochronology, by P.B. O’Sullivan, T.E. Moore, C.J. Potter, and W.K. Wallace

Thermal and Deformational History of the Sadlerochit Mountains: Implications for Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, by P.B. O’Sullivan and W. K. Wallace

Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework of the Permo- Triassic Section in the Prudhoe Bay Area, by C.E. Paris

Regional Structural Framework and Petroleum Assessment of the Brooks Range Foothills and Southern Coastal Plain, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, by C.J Potter, T.E. Moore, P.B. O’Sullivan, and J.J. Miller

Structural Evolution and Petroleum Potential of Fold- Thrust Structures Beneath the Coastal Plain in ANWR, Alaska, by C.J. Potter, J.A. Grow, W.J. Perry, T.E. Moore, and P.B. O’Sullivan

Reservoir Characterization Study: Porosity, Permeability, Petrography, and Facies Analysis, Upper Cretaceous Tuluvak Sandstone and Other Tertiary to Mississippian Age Units, East-Central Brooks Range Foothills and North Slope, Alaska, by R.R. Reifenstuhl

Brooks Range of Alaska and East-Venezuelan Cordillera: Comparative Petroleum Geology, by D.H. Roeder, C.G. Mull, M. Morales, and E. Hung

Options for Through Casing Saturation Logging in Fresh Water Formations, by H. Rough and P. Mock

Compaction Properties of Sandstones and Shales in the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (NPRA)—Significance for Burial and Thermal History Models, by E.L. Rowan, P.H. Nelson, and D.O. Hayba

Basement Geology of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA), Northern Alaska, by R. Saltus, T.L. Hudson, J.D. Phillips, C.S. Kulander, and J.A. Dumoulin

Triassic Brachiopod Faunas of Alaska, by M.R. Sandy and R.B. Blodgett 

The Use of Drill Cuttings in Reservoir Evaluation, by D.B. Schafer and G. Bolger

Geologic and Business Overviews of Kinross Gold Corporation’s Mining Operations in Alaska and Far East Russia, by R. Schafer

Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources in the Thomson Sandstone and Kemik Sandstone, ANWR 1002 Area, by C.J. Schenk and D.W. Houseknecht

The Relationship Between Fracturing, Asymmetric Folding, and Normal Faulting in Lisburne Group Carbonates: West Porcupine Lake Valley, Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, by J.R. Shackleton, C.L. Hanks, and W.K. Wallace 

Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of U.S. Arctic Alaska Outer Continental Shelves, by K.W. Sherwood, J.D. Craig, J. Scherr, P.P. Johnson, and L.W. Cooke 

Influence of T-R Events and Eustasy on the Reorganization of Late Jurassic Biota in the Arctic Basin (Siberia-Northern Alaska), by B.N. Shurygin, B.L. Nikitenko, and M.B. Mickey

Preliminary Map of Oil and Gas Occurrences in Central Alaska, by R.G. Stanley and S.M. Troutman

Paleomagnetic Data from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt: Little or No Relative Motion with Respect to North America?, by D.B. Stone, K. Anderson, P.W. Layer, and P. Minyuk

Alaska’s Mineral Industry, an Overview, by R.C. Swainbank

Robust AVO Processing for Arctic Exploration, by H.W. Swan

Gas to the States by 2008, by K. Thompson

Exploration Challenges and Opportunities in the Alaska Foothills, North Slope, Alaska, by J.M. Van Fleet, G.F. Hebertson, J.L. Burton, and D.L. Buscarello

Multi-lateral Coiled Tubing Drilling Provides Economic Access to Alaska’s Viscous Oil, by L.J. Vendl and M.O. Johnson

Role of Reservoir Engineering in the Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (NPRA), by M.K. Verma and K.J. Bird

Contrasts in Structural Style Between the Northern and Northeastern Brooks Range: Folds vs. Thrust Faults in the Lisburne Limestone, by W.K. Wallace, M.A. Jadamec, and P.K. Atkinson (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)

Detailed Facies Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Fortress Mountain Formation, Atigun Syncline, Northern Alaska, by M.A. Wartes and A.R. Carroll

West Sak Multi-Lateral Wells—Making North Slope Viscous Oil a Reality, by M.R. Werner

A 3D VSP Schrader Bluff Survey at Milne Point, North Slope Alaska, by C.C. West, J. Lemaux, D. Urban, C. Sullivan, B. Hornby, A. Ross, and J. Garing

Unlocking the Potential of Viscous Oil in Alaska, by C.C. West 

Endicott Field: Revitalizing a Mature Field with New Technology, by M.K. Westergaard, M.A. Vandergon, and C. Sullivan

High Resolution Outcrop Stratigraphy and Surface-to- Subsurface Correlation of Upper Triassic Rocks, Northern Alaska, by M.T. Whalen, L.N. Kelly, C.G. Mull, M.B. Mickey, A.C. Banet, and E.J. Hulm