--> Abstract: Production Monitoring: A Tool for Today’s Geoscientist, by M. R. Brickey and S. Drewry; #90008 (2002).
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Production Previous HitMonitoringNext Hit: A Tool for Today’s Geoscientist


M.R. Brickey and S. Drewry (Minerals Management Service)


Production Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit software is essential for today’s geoscientist involved in daily management or oversight of producing reservoirs. Primary data components are production data and well directional surveys. Analysis of these data provides insight into performance on a scale from individual wells up to an entire Previous HitreservoirNext Hit. Minerals Management Service is using this tool to review Previous HitreservoirNext Hit performance as part of its mission to manage the mineral resources of the Outer Continental Shelf. In particular, the Pacific OCS Region maintains projects to monitor field performance on 13 producing fields. The Pescado field, located offshore Santa Barbara in the Santa Ynez Unit operated by ExxonMobil Production Company, produces from the Monterey Formation and deeper Gaviota/Algeria/Vaqueros Sandstones. In December 2000, 20 wells from Platform Heritage produced 17,400 barrels of oil per day and 42,700 Mcf of gas per day from the field. A PC demonstration shows performance over time, including formation of a secondary gas cap during the early stages of production, followed by injection of water and gas cap blow down subsequent to the installation of a gas pipeline.  The Point Arguello field, located offshore Point Conception and operated by Arguello Inc., is producing from the Monterey Formation, and is currently undergoing gas injection. In December 2000, 25 wells from Platform Harvest, Hermosa, and Hidalgo produced 20,200 barrels of oil per day and 26,300 Mcf of gas per day. Study of production data has shown no significant effects from gas injection. Previous HitMonitoringTop of field response is shown via PC demonstration.  



AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90008©2002 AAPG Pacific Section/SPE Western Region Joint Conference of Geoscientists and Petroleum Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska, May 18–23, 2002.