Recent Gas Discoveries and Activity in the Ordovician Trenton/Black River in West Virginia,
K. L. Avary
The Serpent Mound Disturbance of Southern Ohio: A Structurally Complex Impact Site with Hydrocarbon Potential from the Ordovician and Cambrian System Reservoirs,
M. T. Baranoski and R. Doyle
Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoir Facies (HTDRF) in the Dundee Limestone, Central Michigan Basin, USA,
D. A. Barnes and W. B. Harrison III
Results of a Horizontally Drilled Hole within the Dundee Formation: Freeman-Redding Field, Clare County, MI,
M. W. Barratt
Results of Surface Geochemistry Survey over the Vernon Field, Isabella County, MI,
T. J. Bornhorst, J. R. Wood, S. D. Chittick, W. B. Harrison, and D. Barnes
Dinosaur Hunting a Century after the Gilded Age: A Modern Perspective from the Field,
T. L. Clarey
Mid-Jurassic Age “Red Beds” of the Michigan Basin,
A. T. Cross
Highest Phanerozoic Strontium Isotopic Ratios of Late Cambrian Passive Margin in New York State, USA: Products of Continental Weathering and Orogenesis,
G. M. Friedman
Spindletop—The World Changed Forever,
R. Gillespie
Dundee Field Production History and Reservoir Performance in Relation to Reservoir Type,
W. B. Harrison III
Additional Factors Brought into play in Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Southern Appalachian Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt,
R. D. Hatcher, Jr.
Stratigraphic Cross Sections Through Niagaran Strata of the Central Appalachian Basin: A Regional Perspective of the Lower Silurian Oil and Gas Accumulation,
R. D. Hettinger and R. T. Ryder
Exploring for Hydrothermal Reservoirs in the Appalachian Basin,
R. G. Hickman, W. N. Kent, J. R. Martin, and M. E. Odegard
The Use of Microgravity Data to Increase the Success of Niagaran Reef Exploration in the Michigan Basin,
A. W. Hinks and R. L. Schulz
In Situ Biosurfactant Production at a Petroleum Refinery,
A. J. Hudak and D. P. Cassidy
The Michigan Basin is Thermal in Origin,
M. A. Kominz, D. Werkema, D. Barnes, W. Harrison III, E. Kirwan, and M. Malin
High Resolution Geologic
of Northeast Southern Michigan,
F. Krist, Jr. and T. Black
Three-Dimensional Reservoir Architecture and Improved Oil Recovery in a Deltaic Depositional System,
H. E. Leetaru
The Evidence for Pinnicle Reef Growth in Kalamazoo and St. Joseph Counties, Michigan,
J. E. Lentz
Epigenetic Dolomitization and MVT Mineralization in Paleozoic Rocks of Eastern Wisconsin: Implications for Regional Fluid Flow,
J. A. Luczaj
The Occurrence and Exploration for Reefs in the Devonian Dundee Formation,
G. A. Luebking
Regional Depositional Control on Dundee Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin,
T. R. Maness
Exploration and Drilling on Lake Erie: Opportunity and Challenge for New York,
J. P. Martin
A New Oil and Gas Fields Geographic Information System for Ohio,
J. McDonald, J. G. Wells, R. A. Riley, and L. H. Wickstrom
Lithofacies Description and Reservoir Characterization of a Niagaran Pinnacle Reef, Macomb County, Michigan,
P. Mescher and D. J. Schultz
Natural Gas Storage in a Southeastern Michigan Pinnacle Reef,
F. W. Metzger and M. C. Rowan
Geology of the Calvin Impact Structure, Cass County Michigan,
R. L. Milstein
3D Characterization of Manlove Field, a Cambrian Mt. Simon Gas Storage Field in Central Illinois,
D. G. Morse and R. W. Miller
Influence of the West Virginia Dome on Paleocurrent Patterns in the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Price Formation in the Central Appalachians,
S. J. Murphy and T. W. Kammer
Lost or Abandoned Pipes and Utilities at Two Former Refinery Sites in Michigan,
K. Mwanda and W. Sauck
and Dundee Production in Central Michigan: Controls and Influences,
J. R. Myles
Regional Stratigraphic and Reservoir Investigation of the Beekmantown Dolomite and Equivalent Units(Cambrian-Ordovician) in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York,
R. A. Riley
Finding Shallow Hydrocarbons with Electrical Geophysical Methods at a Former Refinery Site,
W. Sauck, D. Werkema, E. Atekwana, and G. Aal
Finding New Pays in Old Plays: New Applications for Geochemical Exploration in Mature Basins,
D. Schumacher and D. C. Hitzman
Mississippian Cypress Sandstone Architecture in the Illinois Basin,
B. Seyler and J. P. Grube
Stratigraphic Distribution of Rogers City Dolomitization Across the West-Central Region of the Michigan Basin,
E. T. Taylor
Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic Sea-Level Change Estimates Through Backstripping Analysis of Borehole Data, Onshore New Jersey,
W. A. Van Sickel, M. A. Kominz, and K. G. Miller
The Impact of Thrust and Backthrust Faults in the Albanian Thrust-Belt–Platform System and Opportunities,
T. K. Velaj and C. B. Xhufi
Petrographic and Geochemical Study of Gypsum and Dolomite in the Mississippian Michigan Formation, Subsurface of Western Michigan,
P. E. Videtich and S. A. Tourre
IET Methodology Revitalizes Resource Development in Mature Basins of Northeastern US,
J. Viellenave, J. Fontana, and A. J. Pyron
Field and Laboratory Studies of the Anomalous Electrical Conductivity Zones Associated with LNAPL Contamination in MI,
D. Werkema, W. Sauck, and E. Atekwana
Michigan Basin Petroleum Development 1858–2001,
J. R. Westbrook
Polyphase Tectonic Movement: Southern Edge of the Rome Trough,
T. M. White and J. A. Drahovzal
Results of Recent Drilling at Vernon Field, Isabella County, MI: A Geologic Model for the Top of the Dundee Fm.,
J. R. Wood, T. J. Bornhorst, S. D. Chitttick, W. B. Harrison, D. Barnes, W. Quinlan, and E. Taylor
An Approach to the Accommodation Space Changes of the Fault-depression Lacustrine Basin—From the Upper Jurassic to the Lower Cretaceous of Songliao Basin, Northeast China,
S. Zhang and R. Yangang