--> ABSTRACT: 2-D Thermal and Kinematic Modeling of the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia, by Jaime Toro, Sophie LeCornec-Lance, Nathalie Bordas-Le Floch, Francois Roure, and William Sassi; #90906(2001)
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Jaime Toro1, Sophie LeCornec-Lance2, Nathalie Bordas-Le Floch3, Francois Roure4, Previous HitWilliamTop Sassi4

(1) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
(2) Institut Francais du Petrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France
(3) Institut Francais du Petrole
(4) Institut Francais du Petrole, Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France

ABSTRACT: 2-D Thermal and Kinematic Modeling of the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia

We modeled the kinematic evolution of two regional-scale transects through the Cordillera Oriental fold-and-thrust belt and then calculated the conductive thermal state of key steps of the kinematic history using THRUSTPACK 4.0. The models were constrained by well, seismic, apatite fission track, and thermal maturity data provided by the members of the SUBTRAP consortium managed by IFP.

The main compressional structures in the Cordillera are controlled by Jurassic-Early normal faults of the Bogota Basin and the paleo-Magdalena Basin. The thermal evolution is strongly influence by the location of Mesozoic extensional basins. Although shortening started in the Latest Cretaceous, the bulk of the deformation took place during the Miocene to Recent Andean phase.

Rocks in different structural positions within the thrust belt follow different time-temperature paths. The internal part of the Cordillera had high heat flow, with peak sedimentary burial and peak maturation during the Paleocene to Oligocene flexural phase followed by Andean uplift and denudation. In contrast, the Llanos Foothills are characterized by continued flexural subsidence and syntectonic sedimentation up to the present time. Thermal maturation results from the combination of syntectonic sedimentation and tectonic burial. Finally, the thermal regime of the western flank of the Cordillera is cooler than the interior of the range while the structural history is more complex. Along our transect an active kitchen is located in the west-vergent thrust belt of the Cordillera Oriental. In the Magdalena Valley there are be local kitchens only where a thick stratigraphic section is preserved.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado