--> ABSTRACT: 2nd-Order Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Middle to Late Ordovician Montoya Group, southern New Mexico and West Texas, by Michael C. Pope, Daniel M. Hunter, Jessica B. Steffan, and Bryn E. Clark; #90906(2001)
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Previous HitMichaelTop C. Pope1, Daniel M. Hunter2, Jessica B. Steffan1, Bryn E. Clark2

(1) Washington State University, Pullman, WA
(2) N/A

ABSTRACT: 2nd-Order Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Middle to Late Ordovician Montoya Group, southern New Mexico and West Texas

The late Middle to Late Ordovician Montoya Group (130-160 m thick) of southern New Mexico and west Texas formed a gently dipping ramp on the southern Laurentia passive margin. A detailed sequence stratigraphic study of the Montoya Group based on measured sections, hand-held gamma-ray logs and conventional wireline logs indicates a single 2nd-order (10-15 m.y. duration) supersequence composed of 3 to 5 regionally correlative 3rd-order (2-5 m.y. duration) sequences. Smaller-scale, 4th- and 5th-order parasequence sets and parasequences are discernible at outcrops but do not appear to correlate regionally.

The basal Montoya supersequence unconformity, a composite karst surface representing a 10-30 m.y. hiatus, varies from a sharp planar surface to irregular karst sinkholes (from a few meters to a few 10's of meters deep) filled with blocks of the underlying El Paso Group in a sandstone matrix. The 2nd-order LST is not present in the study area. Updip the lower part of the 2nd-order TST consists of carbonate-cemented, burrowed, coarse granule sandstone (Cable Canyon Sandstone) that passes basinward and upward into-burrow mottled skeletal packstone with abundant hardground surfaces (Upham Formation). The skeletal packstone is abruptly overlain by cherty, laminated calcisiltite of the lower Aleman Formation. A 2nd-order maximum flooding surface is not discernible in these deepwater facies, but it is a maximum flooding "zone" evident on the gamma-ray logs almost immediately above the packstone/calcisiltite contact. The 2nd-order HST is composed of subtidal cherty dolostone (upper Aleman Formation) that passes upward into peritidal carbonate (Cutter Formation) capped by a regional disconformity.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado