--> ABSTRACT: BioLuxing for Enhanced Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, by Theodore Meiggs, Jeffery J. Fleischman, Wendy Davis-Hoover, Sandy Stavnes, and William R. Mahaffey; #90906(2001)
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Theodore Meiggs1, Jeffery J. Fleischman1, Wendy Davis-Hoover2, Sandy Stavnes3, William R. Mahaffey4

(1) Foremost Previous HitSolutionsNext Hit, Inc, Golden, CO
(2) USEPA, National Risk Management Res. Lab, Cincinnati, OH
(3) USEPA Region 8, Denver, CO
(4) Pelorus EnBiotech Corporation, Evergreen, CO

ABSTRACT: BioLuxing for Enhanced Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Bioluxing is an Previous HitinnovativeTop in situ remediation technology that utilizes jetting and hydraulic fracturing techniques to create large porous networks within contaminated soil and groundwater zones. These subsurface networks can be installed a great depths and in a variety of soil types. They make effective distribution systems for the repeated delivery of contaminant degrading bacteria, nutrients, electron acceptors/donors to stimulate biodegradation processes in the impacted subsurface zones. This paper will discuss the application of this technology for enhanced remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and MTBE as part of a Cooperative U.S. EPA-Industry Demonstration Project at the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana.

This project represents one of only three projects nationwide that are evaluating the efficacy of bioaugmentation for the remediation of MTBE impacted groundwater systems. Two previous pilot demonstration tests at the U.S. Navy Port Hueneme site have indicated that bioaugmentation with specific MTBE degrading microorganisms is effective in enhancing the in situ biodegradation of MTBE impacted aquifers.

A bacterium designated PM1 isolated by researchers at the University of California Davis was used for this demonstration. Sixty liters of the culture was prepared on an MTBE mineral medium. The culture was inoculated onto a porous ceramic (Isolite) at a density of 107 bacteria per gram. Using hydraulic fracturing technology, the colonized Isolite was emplaced into fractures lenses within the groundwater flow path. In addition to the colonized Isolite, slow release fertilizer was also emplaced within the lenses to provide nitrogen and phosphorous necessary for microbial growth and degradative activity. Oxygen was provided by two methods; a slow release oxygen compound and air sparging. Sampling and analysis for BTEX and MTBE levels is being performed monthly for the first 3 months of the program and quarterly thereafter.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado