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Unique Horizontal Wells Boost Primary and EOR Production, Prudhoe Bay Previous HitFieldNext Hit, Alaska

TYE, ROBERT, ARCO Technical & Operational Services, Plano, TX; BECKY WATSON, ARCO Alaska, Inc, Anchorage, AK; PATRICK MCGUIRE, ARCO Alaska, Inc., Anchorage, AK; MATHEW MAGUIRE, ARCO Alaska, Inc, Anchorage, AK

Using horizontal-wells, and an unprecedented enhanced-oil recovery (EOR) process, ARCO is capitalizing on geologic, and fluid-distribution complexities in the Triassic Ivishak Sandstone, to recover untapped or bypassed reserves. Millions of barrels of reserves reside in a basal, 100-foot thick succession of en echelon, offlapping deltaic wedges. Distributary-mouth bar and distributary-channel sandstones are targeted. Onlapping, retrogradational mudstones form laterally extensive flow barriers, impeding the gravity-drainage process.

Reservoirs are structurally isolated in fault blocks covering 100 acres or less. Reserves are sacrificed with conventional wells, due to small drainage areas. However, a horizontal well with a 90° bend, or fishhook shape, maximizes exposure to productive sandstones. First stable production was 3750 BOPD and 2600 GOR. Production was 1.2 MMBbls as of 4/97.

Horizontal wells in a Miscible Injectant Stimulation Treatment (MIST) program recover millions of barrels of EOR oil. In a lateral MIST project, a horizontal well is drilled from an existing well in a watered-out pattern. Maximum-sweep efficiency is achieved keeping the wellbore near the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit base as it arcs between an injector and outlying producers. Miscible injectant is introduced at the well tip, forming a gas bulb pushing oil to the producers. After adequate injection, the perforations are squeezed and the well is re-perforated nearer its heel. By sequentially injecting gas, squeezing perforations, and re-perforating in a more proximal position, post-waterflood oil is stripped from the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit. Incremental EOR from three horizontal wells exceeds 1.3 MMSTB. Previous HitSimulationsTop predict incremental EOR of greater than a million barrels per horizontal well.



AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90911©2000 AAPG Pacific Section and Western Region Society of Petroleum Engineers, Long Beach, California