STRATAGEM Forward Stratigraphic Modelling of the Northwest Sabah Deepwater Area, Malaysia,
Zulkefli Abdul Hamid and Charlie Lee
Miocene Stacking Patterns and Climatic Records: Are the Sequences Global?,
Vitor Abreu, George Covington, Thomas Elliott, Andre Droxler, Andrei V. Belopolsky, and Anika Mutch
Miocene/Quaternary Sequence Stratigraphy of the Caspian Sea Region: Interplay of Deltaic Systems and Climatic Control on Non-Marine Depositional Sequences,
Vitor Abreu, Dag Nummedal, Dan Self, Paul Ware, and Roger Witmer
The Circum-Pacific Geospatial Data Project on Geological Correlation in East and Southeast Asia: Databases,
Carl C. Abston
from Sunrise to Sunset and Back Again: Integrated 3-D Reservoir
Inversion Studies, Sunrise-Troubadour Field, Timor Sea,
Bruce Ainsworth, Bas Spaargaren, Robert Seggie, Peter Stephenson, David Johnson, Jean-Paul Koninx, and Joe Mcnutt
Are Marginal Fields Worth the Effort? An Examination of Past Efforts in Incentives and a Look Forward to Future Potential,
Jeffrey B. Aldrich and Linda Kinney
Case Study: Results of a National Oil Company / Multi-National Oil Company Team,
Jeff Aldrich, Budiyento Thomas, John Girgis, Herucokro Bpk, and Marlina Sambas
Tertiary Carbonate Sedimentation and Petroleum Systems in the Papuan Fold Belt,
Tony L. Allan, Julie A. Trotter, Michael J. Korsch, and David J. Whitford
Tectonostratigraphic Controls on Turbidite Depositional Processes in Brunei,
Patrick Allman-Ward, Jan Pieter Tromp, and Abdullah Ibrahim
Paleosols as Top Seals for Nonmarine Petroleum Systems, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia,
William R. Almon and William C. Dawson
Petrophysical Study of the Lemat Formation, Puyuh Field, South Sumatra, Indonesia,
Mohamed A. M. Aly, Agus Sudarsana, Ermawan Maulana, and David G. Kersey
A Methodology to Build a 3D Geological Model of Reservoir from Well Data Using
Nawee Anantraksakul, Brigitte Doligez, Philippe Joseph, Patrick Pouclee, and Jean Pouzet
Deepwater Exploration in an Eocene Petroleum System, Salayar Basin, Indonesia,
Mark W. Andreason, Alan F. Chatfield, Joseph A. Curiale, Mark V. Filewicz, Eko D. Lumadyo, Timothy P. Seeley, and Sigit Sutiyono
Case Study On Source Rock Deposition And Preservation - NW Borneo Deep Water Areas,
Azlina Anuar and Abdul Jalil Muhamad
A GIS Database for Deep-Water Clastic Reservoirs: Organization and Applications,
K. Denise Apperson, William E. Galloway, H. Scott Hamlin, and Christopher Kesler
High-Frequency Climatic Cycles: Transgressive System Tract Turbiditic Deposits in a Rift Succession, Alagoas Basin/Brazil,
Luci Maria Arienti
Petroleum of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Australia: A Model of Mixed Sources,
K. R. Arouri, X. Yu, D. M. McKirdy, and T. Hill
Pre Tertiary Reservoir as a Hydrocarbon Prospecting Opportunity in the South Sumatra Basin, Western Indonesia in the Third Millennium,
Edi Artono and Budi Tamtomo
A New Saturation Equation for Thinly Laminated Formations,
Shigeaki Asakura, Yuzuru Ashida, Hiroshi Eida, Alain Brie, Masahiro Kida, Akinori Imayoshi, and Tomoaki
Using High Resolution Logs to find Gas in Bangladesh,
Dr. Humayun Ashraf, Engr. Shamsul Aziz, Peter Lloyd, and Kasem Vathanavit
Role of Resinite in Hydrocarbon Generation from Indonesian Coals,
Chris D. Atkinson and Andrew R. Livsey
Depositional Environment and Sequence Stratigraphy of Miocene High-Frequency Deltaic Cycles Exposed Along the Jerudong Anticline, Brunei Darussalam,
Stefan Back, C. K. Morley, J. J. Lambiase, and M. D. Simmons
Shaly Sand Petrophysics in the Bombay Offshore Basin, India - Integrating Old Principles with New Technology,
Steven W. Bailey, Michael D. Van Horn, Charles J. Kaiser, and Paul A. Connolly
Geopronet - A Virtual Collaborative Tool for Reservoir Management Practice in CPI Visualization Center,
Isdjulaedi Bakri, Karsani Aulia, and Ananta Dwi Bodhitama
Ichnofabrics, Sedimentary Structures, Architectural Elements, and Depositional Processes from Borehole Images: an illustration of data acquisition Methodology and Interpretation from Fluvial, Shallow, and Deep Marine Environments,
Adriaan Bal, Peter Bright, Aaron Burt, Tariq Mahmood, Jeremy Prosser, and Jill Thompson
of Bayu-Undan Field,
Scott C. Balke and John C. Currie
The Effective Source Rocks of Cambay Basin, India,
Atanu Banerjee, Sukumar Pahari, Mamta Jha, Adarsh Kumar Sinha, A. K. Jain, N. Kumar, N. J. Thomas, K. N. Misra, and Kuldeep Chandra
Evaluation of Satellite Radar(SAR) Interferometric Coherence Images for Geologic and Landcover Mapping, and Comparison with LANDSAT TM Optical Imagery, SE Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Robert H. Barton and Walter D. Tomlinson
Why 4C Data Instead of 1 or 2 Components?,
John Erick Battie and Ivar Gimse
4 Component
- Seeing through the Haze,
John Erick Battie, Martin Bennett, and Ivar Gimse
History Matching and the Influence of
Reprocessing on Reservoir Performance Prediction,
Martin Bayly, Xuri Huang, and Geoff King
Natural Gas in China: A Long-Term Perspective,
Rocky Becker
Overview of the Status of Geologic Carbon Sequestration Research in the U.S.A.,
David Beecy and Vello Kuuskraa
Tectonic Stresses Facilitating Natural Fracturing in Overpressured Reservoirs - Inferences from Numerical Modelling,
Fred Beekman and Tore Skar
Tectonic and Eustatic Control on the Evolution of the Maldives Carbonate Platform from Eocene to Present,
Andrei V. Belopolsky and Andre W. Droxler
Characterisation of Gas Migration Mechanisms Using Converted Waves: A Case History from the N. Sokang Block (East Natuna basin, Indonesia),
Lotfi Ben-brahim Ronan Petton, Gilbert Guingand, and Suryana Ino
Contribution of the 3D Variance Technology to the Interpretation of the Depositional Systems in the Mahakam Delta,
Olivier Bernet-Rollande, Yuriza Noor, Jean Francois Dervieux, Keith Tushingham, Arfi Imran, and Noomane Fehri
A Quantitative Analysis of
Attributes for Prediction of Reservoir Parameters Using 3-D
Data in a Gas Bearing Deltaic Sequence, Mid Tapti Field, West Coast Offshore, India,
S. K. Bhandari, S. Nayak, A. K. Johrie, V. K. Dhanwada, Y. M. S. Reddy, and G. S. Naidu
Sopa Reservoir Simulation: A New Method for Reservoir
Using Geological and Geophysical Approaches,
Cecep Biantoro, Susanto B. Nugroho, Budi Tamtomo, and Djoko Harsono
Realising the Benefits of Integrated Information Management,
Craig Binks
The Delineation of Structural and Correlation Problems Using Growth Analysis (Dd/d) Plots,
R. E. Bischke and Dan J. Tearpock
The Corporate Geoscience Database: - A Foundation for Smarter Exploration and Development into the Next Millennium,
Christine Bishop, Helene De Beer, David Watkins, Fiona Tainsh, Linh Fitzgerald, and Ian Sutherland
Surface Geochemistry as an Exploration Tool in Frontier, Deep Water, Areas. Case Studies from West Africa and South East Asia,
Malvin Bjoroy and Geir Hansen
Reservoir Geochemistry Used in Solving Production Problems,
Malvin Bjoroy, Peter Barry Hall, and Chukwuemeka M. Ekweozor
The Role of Volume-Based Interpretation and 4D Reconstruction in Deciphering the Evolution of the Structural and Stratigraphic Architecture of an Inverted Basin, Southern Poland,
Robert M. G. Bond and John Byrd
Compartmentalisation of an Inverted Lower Cretaceous Extensional Basin, South Central Pyrenees, Spain,
Robert M. G. Bond and Ken R. McClay
Multiple Inversion of the Khorat Plateau Basin, NE Thailand, with the Formation and Preservation of a Productive Gas Play,
John Booth and Nares Sattayarak
Fault Geometry and Seal Attribute Mapping in the Bass and Otway Basins, Australia,
Peter Boult and Richard M. Jones
of Stratigraphic Reservoirs in Carisito and Aguasay Fields, Eastern Venezuela,
Ronald Boulter, Juan Cabrera, Ilsis Marruffo, Daisy Medori, Ana Salazar, and Andreas Suter
Integrated Fractured Reservoir Modelling Using Geomechanics and Flow Simulation,
Stephen J. Bourne, Joel J. Ita, Bettina E. Kampman-Reinhartz, Lex Rijkels, Ben J. Stephenson, and Emanuel J. M. Willemse
Reservoir Characterization by
Trace Shape Classification: Merah Besar Field, Indonesia,
Gokay Bozkurt, Keith Wrolstad, and Eko Lumadyo
Stratigraphic Architecture and Intra-Reservoir Seals in Miocene Fluvial to Marginal Marine Reservoirs, Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand,
Bryan R. Bracken, Christopher N. Denison, and Jack Livingston
Paul Bransden, Martin Smith, Paul Sherwood, Ralph Gillcrist, and Rhys Schneider,
Paul Bransden, Martin Smith, Paul Sherwood, Ralph Gillcrist, and Rhys Schneider
Characterisation and Prediction of Clastic Reservoir Quality: An Integrated Model for Use in Exploration, Appraisal and Production Projects,
Antony A. Bray, Rob H. Lander, Carl A. Watkins, Caroline Jane Lowrey, and Mark Owen
Promotion of Early Quartz Cementation Due to Brine Flow: Impact on Porosity-Depth Prediction,
Mark P. Brincat, Peter J. Eadington, and Dariusz Jablonski
Western Australian Opportunities for Exploration and Production,
Richard H. Bruce
AVO Application in the Geragai Deep and Betara Complex Jabung Block, South Sumatera, Indonesia,
Santoso Budihardjo and Farid Saifuddin
Variation in Pore Size Distribution with Coal Rank and Composition: Potential for Substantial Resources of Free Gas in Matrix Porosity in Low Rank,
R. Marc Bustin
Macro Geologic Controls on Coalbed Methane Resource Development, Raton Basin, S.E. Colorado, USA,
Dennis Carlton and Chris Cornelius
The Rajamandala Limestone at Sukabumi; Can it be Considered a Field Analogue for the Batu Raja Limestone?,
Andrew Carnell
Using a Hybrid
Attribute to Differentiate Lithologies and Facies in a Deltaic System, Texas Gulf Coast, U.S.A.,
David L. Carr, M. Turhan Taner, and J. Todd Mitchell
Rapid Oil Development: Interdisciplinary Approach to Increasing Production and Reserves in Established Fields,
Charles A. Caughey
The Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia as a Model for the Oficina Formation, East Venezuela Basin,
John L. C. Chambers and David Hadley
Petroleum System and Large Oilfields Formation in Jiyang Sub-basin,
Li Changgu and Yang Shenbiao
Late Cretaceous Evolution of the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya: A Failed Rift?,
Tim R. Charlton
Permo-Mesozoic Rifting in Gondwanan Eastern Indonesia,
Tim R. Charlton
4D Migration Pathway Analysis in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea,
Gang Chen, Kevin Hill, and Nick Hoffman
Locating Remaining Reserves Using Inside Tubing PNS Logging,
Njoku Chima
Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Ulleung (Tsushima) Basin, Offshore Korea and the Recent Gas Discovery,
Byeonggoo Choi and Heeran Jang
Processes Controlling CO2 Contents of Some South Sumatra Natural Gas Reservoirs,
B. W. Christenson, R. H. Funnell, R. L. Braithwaite, A. B. Christie, and G. Lyon
Miocene Deltaic Deposition Patterns of the Mahakam Area,
Irfan Cibaj, Agung Wiweko, and Stefano Mora
Stratigraphic Development of the Indus Fan in the Context of India-Asia Collision,
Peter Clift and Christoph Gaedicke
Neogene Structural Modifications of Petroleum Systems of the Timor Sea,
Martyn Clough, Myra Keep, and Ian Longley
Quantitative Stratigraphic Techniques and Sequence Boundary Detection,
Roger A. Cooper and James S. Crampton
Facies Analysis and a Depositional Model for the Lower Cretaceous Flag Sandstone, Barrow Sub-basin (Carnarvon Basin), Western Australia,
Patricia Cope, Annette George, and James Crowley
Structural Analysis of Inversion Structures in the Belanak Area, West Natuna Basin, Indonesia,
Mario G. Coral, Ken McClay, Nick J. Comrie-Smith, and Pedro Restrepo-Pace
Structures and Tectonics of the Sunda and Asri Basins,
Mike Coward, Dave Carter, and Andy Wight
The 3D Geometry of Inversion Structures,
Michael Peter Coward
High-Resolution Reservoir Stratigraphy of the Miocene Nurbani Carbonate Platform: Designing an FDP for a Heavy Oil Reservoir, Offshore Sunda Shelf, Indonesia,
Paul Crevello, Robert K. Park, Syafru Syafar, and Peter Colonomos
Turbidite and Deep Water Systems of NW Borneo: Outcrop and Subsurface Reservoir Models,
Paul Crevello, Mario Wannier, and Felix Tongkul
Fluid and Lithology Prediction Using
Amplitude Analysis: A Deepwater Exploration Program Case Study, Northwest Shelf Australia,
D. S. Criddle, D. M. Sibley, and E. F. Herkenhoff
Sandstone Sheets Associated with Deep-Water Channels: Three Analogue Candidates for HARPS in Turkish Eocene Exposures with Different Origin, External Geometry and Connectivity,
Bryan T. Cronin and Andrew Hurst
3-D Carbonate Model for Stratigraphic Prediction,
Timothy A. Cross and Taizhong Duan
3-D Fluvial Model for Stratigraphic Prediction,
Timothy A. Cross and Dwaine Edington
Gas Exploration Potential in Deep Water Area of South China Sea,
Yiding Dai
Overpressure, Seal Breaching and Stress Regimes in East Coast and Taranaki Basins, New Zealand,
David Darby, Rob Funnell, and Vaughan Stagpoole
Understanding the Geologic Meaning of
Data - Facies Identification and Classification Using Trace Shape,
Loz Darmon and Randy Phillips
Krishna-Raghavapuram (!) Petroleum System in Gudivada Graben, Krishna-Godavari Basin, India,
A. K. Das, R. Husain, U. Samanta, R. P Gupta, and P. K. Mishra
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Neogene Sediments of Offshore Bengal Basin, India,
S. K. Das, S. Bag, P. Bagchi, T. K. Datta, and D. Biswas
Studies on Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of Crude Oils from Upper Assam Shelf, Eastern India,
G. C. Datta, R. Sharma, A. K. Mittal, K. N. Misra, and Kuldeep Chandra
Reservoir Delineation of the Sibayak Geothermal Field, Indonesia Derived from Resistivity and Magnetotelluric Data,
Yunus Daud, Keisuke Ushijima, Sayogi Sudarman, and Bambang Soegijono
Coalification of Indonesian Coal,
Bukin Daulay and Alan Cook
Practical Applications of NMR Technology Enhance Formation Evaluation, Testing and Completion Decisions in Indonesia,
Robert J. Davis, Thomas D. McDonald, and Nanang A. Manaf
Correlative Nonmarine (Paleosol) and Marine (Hardground) Top Seals Developed at Sequence Boundaries,
William C. Dawson and William R. Almon
Impact of Climate Cycles on Lithologic Variability: Model Predictions Tested for Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basins in China,
Kelly Dempster and Martin A. Perlmutter
Brunei Deep Water Exploration: From Sea-Floor Images to Depositional Models in a Slope Turbidite Setting,
Renaat Demyttenaere, Abdullah Ibrahim, Jan-Pieter Tromp, and B. Ahmad Zulkifli
Stratigraphic Architecture of Multiple Incised Valley-Fill Successions in the Menggala and Bekasap Formations (Miocene), Bekasap Field, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia,
Christopher N. Denison, Timothy J. Galvin, none Pujiarko, and James M. Randle
Enhancing Aeromagnetic Data from Sedimentary Basins Using Texture-Based Filtering,
Mike Dentith and Duncan Cowan
The Response of Shale Ultrasonic Properties to Stress Path, Stress State and Pore Pressure,
Dave Dewhurst, Tony Siggins, Bailin Wu, and Kevin Dodds
Opportunities for International Investors in China's Coalbed Methane Industry,
Qingfeng Dou, Shengchu Huang, and Yuhong Hu
Commonality of Petroleum Systems in Southeast Asia Tertiary Basins,
Harry Doust and Gerard Lijmbach
Dramatic Improvements in
Imaging Using New Single Sensor Technology,
Roger Dowdney and Leon Walker
Late Brunhes Sea Level-Induced Formation of Modern Atolls in the Maldive Archipelago (Equatorial Indian Ocean),
Andre W. Droxler, Andrei V. Belopolsky, and Olivier Aubert
Transport and Concentration of Gas- and Oil-Prone Kerogens Into Deep Water Sediments of the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
John B. Dunham, T. J. Brown, Rui Lin, R. B. Redhead, H. F. Schwing, and S. H. Shirley
The Circum-Pacific Geospatial Data Project on Geological Correlation in East and Southeast Asia: Biostratigraphy,
J. Thomas Dutro, Jr.
The Singa Gas Discovery : Unlocking the Deep Gas Potential of the Batu Raja Formation in South Sumatra, Indonesia,
Paul Ebdale, Jonathan Redfern, and Suhaimi Oesman
Flexible, Scalable Data Management Solutions for Today's Dynamic E&P Data Environment,
Maritsa Economo and Karen Agustiawan
Geochemical Characteristics of Mesozoic Petroleum Systems in the Bonaparte Basin, Northwestern Australia,
Dianne S. Edwards, John M. Kennard, Jim C. Preston, Roger E. Summons, Chris J. Boreham, and John E. Zumberge
PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia's Integrated Earth Sciences and Engineering Data Management Project,
Gerald Edwards and Victor Lunar
PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia's Environmental and Technical Support Laboratory Data Management Project,
Gerald Edwards, Tony C. Wong, and Jean-Louis Chappe
Tectonic Inversion and Sedimentary Basins Development: An Impact on Hydrocarbon Potential, Onshore West Nile Delta, Egypt,
Ahmed Eid, Mohamed Darwish, and Sami Shaheen
The Geometry and Kinematics of Southern North Sea Inversion Structures,
Christopher F. Elders, Kenneth R. McClay, Graham Baker, Mario Moreno, Zeina Al-Mussallam, James Healing, and Fernando Sanchez-Ferrer
Teriary Strike-Slip Basin Formation in an Extruded Continental Wedge, Northern Thailand,
Christopher F. Elders, Wutti Uttamo, Sarawute Chantraprasert, Gary J. Nichols, Phumee Srisuwon, and Badar Al-Barwani
Induction Logs in Favourable and Awkward Borehole Environments,
Peter Elkington and Christopher Skelt
Assessment of Lacustrine and Deltaic Contributions to Oils from Indonesia,
Leroy Ellis, Albert G. Holba, and Ron Noble
Post-Generative Alteration Effects on Petroleum in the Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia,
Leroy Ellis, Haposan Napitupulu, and Robert M. Mitterer
Controls on Sandstone Distribution and Faulting in Permian Moranbah Coal Measures, Bowen Basin, Australia,
J. S. Esterle, G. LeBlanc Smith, and J. Yago
Integrating Deterministic Scenarios with Stochastic Analysis -- A New Approach to Exploration and Production Project Evaluation,
John R. Etherington, Leroy Bradley, and Charles Stabell
The Detection of Stress Using 3-D
Brian J. Evans, Christopher Walton, Milovan Urosevic, and Kevin Dodds
Regional Tectonics of East and South East Asia Imaged by Gravity and Magnetic Data,
J. Derek Fairhead and Nicola G. Henshaw
Changbei Integrated Gas Project, Ordos Basin, China,
Nick Feast and Jinhua Fu
Detached Inversion: A New Structural Style Applied to the Mahakam Fold Belt, Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Angus Ferguson and Ken McClay
Cycle Architecture of Miocene Deep-Water Hydrocarbon Reservoir Units, East Coast, New Zealand,
Brad Field, Steve Edbrooke, Greg Browne, and Rob Funnell
Possible Controls on the Formation of Oil-Prone Coals and Coal-Bearing Strata,
Andrew Fleet and Stephen Cawley
Chevron and WWF: Lessons Learned from Six Years of Collaboration on Bio-Diversity Protection in Papua New Guinea,
Dennis Flemming and Dan McCall
The Tale of an Inverted Basin: Eastern Mediterranean - Offshore Israel,
Akiva Flexer, Michael Gardosh, Ilan Bruner, and Annat Yellin Dror
Application of Neural Net Technology and Climate-Stratigraphy in Stratigraphic Correlations,
C. Fonseca, M. Schaaf, and C. J. van der Zwan
New Zealand Frontier Opportunities,
Barrie Fowke
The East Coast Basin, New Zealand: Petroleum Systems and Exploration,
Dave Francis
An Integrated Approach to Pressure Prediction from 3D
Mike French and Dr. Nader Dutta
Integrating Geological, Logging, and
Information for Pore Pressure Prediction,
Li-Yun Fu, Kevin Dodds, and Xiuming Wang
Scenarios of Oil and Gas Migration into the Maui Field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
Robert H. Funnell, S. D. Killops, P. R. King, V. M. Stagpoole, A. Nicol, D. Darby, P. G. Scadden, R. A. Wood, R. Sykes, and X. Zhan
Demonstrating the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2: The European Sleipner and GESTCO Projects,
John Gale
Coal Bed Methane Enhancement with CO2 Sequestration - Worldwide Potential,
John Joseph Gale and Paul Freund
A Case Study on Using
Inversion, 90 Degree Phase Shifted
Data and Geostatistical Simulation in the Bayu-Undan Field,
Joseph Gallagher, M. J. Raymondi, and D. Mayo
Tectonic Evolution of the South Mahakam Area and its Petroleum Implications,
Alfredo Gangui, Thierry Rosaz, Bernard Lambert, and Dominique Roy
Inversion of Early Cretaceous Extensional Basins in the Central Spanish Pyrenees,
Jesus Garcia Senz, Josep Anton Muсoz, and Ken McClay
The Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of the Late Mesozoic Southeastern Mediterranean Continental Margin,
Michael A. Gardosh, Akiva Flexer, Ilan Bruner, and Paul Weimer
Reservoir Characterisation from
Attributes: An Example from Peciko Field (Indonesia),
Christian Gastaldi
Organic Maturity Evaluation of the Proterozoic Middle Velkerri Formation, Northern Territory, Australia: Use of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Distributions,
Simon C. George and Manzur Ahmed
Geochemical Correlation of Gas Emissions in the Cataract River Gorge,
Simon C. George, Robert Pallasser, Robinson A. Quezada, Michael B. Wold, David J. Williams, and Jeff Wood
The Barito River Depositional System of South and Central Kalimantan (Borneo); a Non-Deltaic Modern Day Analogue for the Upper Talang Akar Formation of the Sunda and Asri Basins of Indonesia,
H. Lee Gilmore and Ichsan Sarkawi
Diagenesis of Brent Reservoirs in the Hild Field, Norwegian North Sea: Temperature, Timing and Origin of Fluids,
Jean-Pierre Girard, Harald Johansen, Andy Canham, Jean-Claude Lacharpagne, and F. Sommer
Reservoir Geochemistry of Geleki Field in Upper Assam Basin,
B. G. Goswami, R. S. Bisht, K. L. Pangtey, J. H. Ganjoo, Rajiv Sharma, A. K. Sharma, N. J. Thomas, K. N. Misra, and Kuldeep Chandra
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico: Integrated Fluid Inclusion and Thermochronology Results,
Gary G. Gray, Robert J. Pottorf, Donald A. Yurewicz, Keith I. Mahon, Mark Richardson, David R. Pevear, and Maxim O. Vityk
The Combined Use of Visualization and Multiple
Attributes for Cycle Time Reduction and Risk Minimization,
W. Verney Green, Bill S. Kowalik, and Kenneth D. Kelsch
Characteristics and Evolutional Models of Karst Reservoirs of Lower Ordovician Carbonate Rocks in Lunnan Area of Tarim Basin China,
Jiayu Gu
From 3D Geological Models to Multi-phase Fluid Flows in Reservoirs: Some Recent Improvements,
Dominique Guerillot
Structural, Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of the Buru Island, Central Mollucca, Indonesia - In Relation to the Hydrocarbon Prospect,
Agus Guntoro
Genesis of Petroleum Systems in Krishna-Godavari Basin, India,
S. K. Gupta, S. K. Mazumdar, and B. Basu
Reconstructing SE Asia and the SW Pacific,
Robert Hall
Environmental and Safety Consciousness in the Overlapping Area of Petroleum and Coal Mining Industry; East Kalimantan Case,
Achmad Hamdani, Achmad Nurdin, and Rochana Hassan
Fault Seal Risk Analysis in "New" Exploration Plays,
James W. Handschy and Bradley D. Patton
Climate and Tectonic Controls on Lacustrine Source Rock Deposition: Examples from the Kwanza, Congo and Atlantic basins of West Africa,
Nicholas B. Harris, Katherine H. Freeman, Mario G. P. Brandгo, and Christopher J. Poulsen
Characterizing Carbonate Reservoirs: Approaches for Determining the Boundaries and Internal Facies Patterns of Small-Scale Cycles,
Paul M. Harris
Geologic Framework for the Tengiz and Korolev Isolated Carbonate Platforms, Kazakhstan,
Paul M. Harris, Raymond A. Garber, and Michael E. Clark
Melange Genesis in the Banda Arc Subduction-Collision Transition, Indonesia,
Ron Harris
Thermal History of Australian Passive Margin Cover Sequences Accreted to Timor During Late Neogene Arc-Continent Collision, Indonesia,
Ron Harris, James Kaiser, and Tony Hurford
Different Scales And Integration Of Data In Reservoir Simulation,
Lina Hartanto, Robert Amin, and Raj Rajeswaran
Interference Test of Sibayak Geothermal Field North Sumatra, Indonesia,
Mochamad Harun and Tavip Dwikorianto
Database Population - A Quality Issue,
Viv Harvey
Characters of High-Sulfur Lacustrine Source Rocks of Sour-Gas and Heavy-Oil in the Jinxian Sub-Basin of the Bohaiwan Basin, China,
Sheng He, Mike Middleton, Kejing Zhao, and Wenbin Gu
Thermal History
Using Organic Matter Maturation Data from Normal Pressure Systems in the Offshore Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Shelf, Australia,
Sheng He, Mike Middleton, and Lindsay Collins
The Technical and Commercial Benefit of Constrained Maturation Modelling,
Kerry A. Hegarty, Sara S. Foland, Paul F. Green, and Ian R. Duddy
Caltex's Utilization of Immersive Visualization and Communication Centers (IVCCs), Central Sumatra, Indonesia,
Tom L. Heidrick, Kenneth D. Kelsch, Timothy J. Galvin, Karsani Aulia, Kevin D. Kimber, Ellinda Eroza, and Elsie Desianty
Utilization of High-Resolution Geologic, Geophysical and Borehole Data to Quantify Fault Seal Attributes in Major Oil Fields, Central Sumatra Basin,
Tom L. Heidrick, Kenneth D. Kelsch, Asyari Ibrahim, and David A. Castillo
The Permo-Carboniferous Unayzah Depositional System of Saudi Arabia,
Christian J. Heine
Depositional Systems of the Deep Water Tarakan Basin, Indonesia,
Kaj Hemmes, Herman Darman, Leonardus Suffendy, and Meizarwin Meizarwin
Integrating 3D Models and Deformation Elements to Quantitatively Characterize Faulted and Fractured Reservoirs,
Peter H. Hennings, Laird B. Thompson, and Don A. Best
Hydrocarbon Habitat Application: Relation with Exploration Challenge in the Corridor Block South Sumatra Basin,
Nana Heriana and Lindy F. Rotinsulu
Evolution Of the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Robert G. Hickman, Charles Stuart, and Tim Seeley
Imaging and Interpretation of thin Gas Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi-Attribute Analysis on Post-Stack and AVO Data, Offshore SE Sumatra Indonesia,
Rolando Hidalgo and Sigit Haryono
Structure and Hydrocarbons: New Guinea Fold Belt,
Dr. Kevin C. Hill, Jeffrey T. Keetley, R. Dan Kendrick, and Edy Sutriyono
Coupled Changes in Pore Pressure and Stress in Oil Fields and Sedimentary Basins,
Richard R. Hillis
Malay Basin Natural Gases: Classification, Distribution and Geochemical Controls,
Mohammad Jamaal Hoesni and Peter Abolins
Three-Dimensional Calculation and Visualization of Fault Gouge Ratio,
Karen S. Hoffman and John W. Neave
Direct Imaging of Structural Traps with Satellite Gravity Data,
Nick Hoffman
GeoMorpher: Image Domain Reconstruction of
Nick Hoffman
Insights from Satellite Gravity into the Architecture of Sundaland and the Extent of Petroleum Basins,
Nick Hoffman
Reduction of "Greenhouse Gas" Emissions Through Underground CO2 Sequestration in Texas Oil and Gas Reservoirs,
Mark H. Holtz, David L. Carr, and Peter K. Nance
Indonesian Petroleum Industry Geoscience Data and Research on Plio-Pleistocene Homo Erectus of Eastern Java,
O. Frank Huffman, Yahdi Zaim, Alan G. Fenwick, Wahyudin Suwarlan, and Peter J. Lunt
Integration of Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology in an Intracratonic Setting, Tartulla Field, Cooper Basin, Australia,
Tina Hughes, Simon C. Lang, and Nick Hall
Imaging of Fluvial Reservoir Systems in the Late Oligocene Talang Akar Formation, Offshore Indonesia,
Robert A. Hull, Paul Tonkin, Atmawan Temansya, and Jim Hendricks
Kaji-Semoga, Indonesia's Largest Onshore Oil Discovery in the Decade of 1990-2000,
Oskar M. Hutapea, Surarso Hardjono, and Dindot Soebandrio
An Overview: Geological and Economic Prospect in Timoforo Block, Irian Jaya,
Raden Idris and Redesmon Munir
Onshore and Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration Using SAR Data,
Martin W. Insley, Adrian Huntley, and John J. Shannon
Sequence Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Tertiary Coal Bearing Basins in Northwestern Kyushu, Japan,
Takao Iwata
Exploration Plays of the North West Shelf, Australia,
Dariusz Jablonski, Ian Longley, Robert M. Somerville, Therese E. Van der Linden, and Andrew Murray
Value Addition Through Stochastic Evaluation of Gamma Rays- A Geostatistical Approach to Geological
and Characterization of the Reservoir,
A. K. Jain and A. Carnegie
Source Rock Characteristics Onshore Thailand: Implications for Oil and Gas Prone Sources in the Offshore Basins of Thailand,
Eric Jardine, Rui Lin, Paul Taylor, and Joseph Curiale
Recent Gas Exploration Progress in Tarim Basin, China,
Chengzao Jia
Stratigraphic Traps and Hydrocarbon Occurrence in a Lacustrine Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: An Example from Shoreline Area of Shengli Oilfield, China,
Zaixing Jiang, Yingchang Cao, Yingxia Xu, and Xilong Gao
Genetic Features of Oil Source Rocks in the Tertiary Lacustrine Evaporites in the Western Qaidam Basin,
Qiang Jin
Entrapment Control and Play Fairways in Interorogenic Setting - An Example from Assam Petroliferous Province of India,
Ram Jokhan
Micro to Macro Scale Fault Seal Investigations: Application to the Penola Trough, Offshore South Australia,
Richard Jones, Dave Dewhurst, and Richard Hillis
in Field Development - A Few Examples from Indian Basins,
B. S. Josyulu, V. Singh, and G. Sen
Porosity Estimation of a Porous Rock Using 4-D Gravity Survey,
W. G. Kadir and D. Santoso
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Deep Sea (Indian Ocean) - Off Tanzania Coastal Basin,
Meshack Kagya
Evidence for a Rift Related Heating Event Around the Alpha Arch, Barrow Sub-basin, Western Australia,
Alexander R. Kaiko
Reservoir Characterization of South Tapti Field, Bombay Offshore Basin, India,
Charles J. Kaiser, Michael D. Van Horn, Laura J. Ullrich, and Steven W. Bailey
Faults, Oil Migration, Overpressure and Dismigration - Dating Events. A Case History from the Halten Vest High Pressure Region, Offshore Norway,
Dag A. Karlsen, Kristian Backer-Owe, Knut Bjшrlykke, Kari Berge, and Rainer G. Schaefer
Defining Dynamics of Hydrocarbon Zones in Reservoir Strata Using Petroleum Inclusion Distribution and Geochemistry - Elucidating Petroleum Migration into the Gullfaks Sшr Field and the Nearby Gullfaks Gamma Structure, Norwegian Continental Shelf,
Dag A. Karlsen, Kristian Backer-Owe, and Reidar Helland
The Impact of Late Tilting on Hydrocarbon Migration, Eastern Browse Basin,Western Australia,
Jon M. Keall and Philip M Smith
Neogene Tectonic Influences on Petroleum Systems in the Browse Basin and Timor Sea, North West Shelf, Australia,
Myra Keep and Ian Longley
3D Structural
of the Kutubu Oilfields, PNG,
Jeff Keetley and Dr. Kevin C. Hill
Shale Gouge Ratio and Fault Compartmentalization in the Minas Field, Indonesia,
Joao V. A. Keller, Hariadi Dwidjojuwono, Wendy Sumner, and Karsani Aulia
Structure and Thermochronology of the Irian Jaya Fold Belt, Indonesia,
R. D. Kendrick, K. C. Hill, and P. B. O'Sullivan
Evidence for a Permian Petroleum System in the Timor Sea Region, Northwestern Australia,
John, M. Kennard, Dianne S. Edwards, Tim, E. Ruble, Chris J. Boreham, Roger E. Summons, Gareth T. Cooper, Malcolm R. King, and Mark Lisk
Depositional Controls on Reservoir Quality in Isolated Greenhouse Carbonate Shoals and Swells, Lower Cretaceous, Bab Basin, Middle East,
Charles Kerans and F. Jerry Lucia
Structural Volume Visualization - Interpretation Methodologies and Workflows for 3-D
Data Interpreters,
Gerald Kidd and Huw James
Acoustic Property of Gas-Bearing Sediment in the Southeastern Shelf of Korea,
Dae Choul Kim, Young K. Seo, and Gil Y. Kim
Instrument Characteristics and Data Products for NASA's Next SAR Mission,
Yunjin Kim and Bryan Huneycutt
Characterizing Fractured Reservoirs in the Timor Sea Area Using High-Resolution Borehole Images and the Stress Tensor,
Malcolm King, Alison Mabillard, and David Castillo
Outcrop and Subsurface Characterization of Basin Floor to Slope Reservoir Facies, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
Peter R. King, Greg H. Browne, and Roger M. Slatt
The Tectonic Implications of Rapid Vertical Facies Changes in the Yule Island Section, Aure Trough, Papua New Guniea,
Stuart James King, David Haig, and Dr. Annette George
Late Jurassic and Cretaceous Seals of the Vulcan Sub-Basin,
Tomasz Kivior, John Kaldi, and Richard Jones
New Approaches in Analysis and Interpretation of High Resolution Aeromagnetic Fields in Sedimentary Basins,
Irena Kivior
The Utilization of Paleo Heatflow to Define a Source Rock Maturity: Case Study at Ngimbang-01, North East Java Basin, Indonesia,
R. P. Koesoemadinata, A. H. P. Kesumajana, and Ory Sadjati
Prupuh Oligomiocene Carbonate Buildup Play System in Cepu Area, Northeast Java Basin,
Yohannes P. Koesoemo
Subsurface CO2 Disposal with Enhanced Gas Recovery and Biogeochemical Carbon Recycling,
Hitoshi Koide and Kenichi Yamazaki
Impact of Fault Seal Prediction Study on Exploration and Development in Iron Duke Field, Brunei Darussalam,
Robert J. Konert, Daan den Hartog Jager, Roslinda Dato Hj Kifli, and DK Siti Hajar Pg Hj Zainal
Exploration in the Ombilin Intermontane Basin, West Sumatra,
Tako Koning and Karsani Aulia
Characteristics and Origins of 'Graben Shift' Geometries, Funan Field, Pattani Basin, Thailand,
A. Kornsawan and C. K. Morley
Calcite Cementation and Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration, Barrow Sub-Basin, Australia,
Ghazi Kraishan and Nicholas Lemon
3D Petroleum Systems Modelling: Bridging the Gap Between Basin and Reservoir Scale Modelling - Examples from Offshore Western Australia,
Peter A. Kukla, Stephen C. Edwards, and Kristan K. Reimann
Kesanapalli-West Pay Sands: an Integrated Study,
Gopal Lahiri, A. D. Mathur, S. Chawla, S. P. Rana, and S. K. Mitra
Success in Stakeholder Negotiations - Be Honest, Be Creative but be Resolute Too!,
A. C. Laing(Sandy) and Thomas W. Radford
The Areal Control of Building Blocks of the Third Order Depositional Sequences in the Mahakam Delta,
Bernard Lambert, Stefano Mora, and Agung Wiweko
Tide-Dominated Deltas of Northwest Borneo: Stratigraphic Model and Reservoir Implications,
Joseph J. Lambiase, Abdul Razak Damit, Michael D. Simmons, and John K. Warren
Sino - Russian Gas Pipeline Projects,
Simon Lang
Modern and Ancient Analogues for Permian Cool-Temperate Peat Forming Fluvial Lacustrine Reservoir Successions,
Simon C. Lang, Jochen Kassan, L. Claire Avenell, and Nick Hall
Sequence Stratigraphy of Quaternary Incised Valley Fills and Shelf Deposits from Moreton Bay and the Continental Shelf, Southeastern Australia,
Simon C. Lang, Duncan Lockhart, and Sherrilea Ramsay
A Sequence Stratigraphic Approach to Reservoir Characterisation of the Birkhead Formation, Gidgealpa South Dome, Eromanga Basin, Australia,
Elio Lanzilli
Initial Parameter Investigations for Earth-Cut Slope of the Hong Sa Coalfield, Laos,
Pramote Laoprapaipan and Krish K. Sappal
Improving Satellite-Derived Gravity Data in Nearshore Waters by Radar-Signal Re-Tracking: An Eastern Indonesian Perspective,
Seymour Laxon, John Milsom, Dave McAdoo, and Tim Wright
Advantages of Simultaneous Surface and Borehole
Acquisition and Data Synergy in Processing and Interpretation,
Scott Leaney, Bill Borland, Di Cao, Bill Harmony, and Phil Johnston
Structural Evolution and Petroleum Systems of the Cuu Long and Nam Con Son Basins Offshore Southern Vietnam,
Gwang Hoon Lee and Joel S. Watkins
Extrusion Tectonics in Southeast Asia: Constraints from South China Continental Margin,
Tung-Yi Lee, Ching-Hua Lo, Sun-Lin Chung, Ching-Ying Lan, Pei-Ling Wang, and Lawrence A. Lawver
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Offshore Tarakan,
J. J. Lefort, J. P. Thiriet, P. Le Quellec, and J. B. Bailey
Timing and Extent of Petroleum Formation as Determined by Rock-Eval and Hydrous-Pyrolysis Kinetic Parameters,
Michael D. Lewan
Recognition of Petroleum Fluid Mixing in Carrier Beds and Reservoirs Using Age-Specific Biomarker Approach,
Maowen Li, Lloyd R. Snowdon, Renzi Lin, Peirong Wang, Zhongyao Xiao, Shuichang Zhang, and Digang Liang
Source and Migration in the Makassar-Mahakam Deep Water Petroleum System, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Rui Lin, Hans F. Schwing, and John Decker
The Impact of Oil Emplacement on Diagenesis: A Novel Solution from Fluid Inclusion Observations,
Mark Lisk
Layer Productivity Prediction Based on NMR and Wireline Formation Tester Data,
Cheng Bing Liu, Karl Schwab, and Li Chun Kuang
Computer Simulation of a High-frequency Glacio-eustatic Sequence, Wanganui Basin, New Zealand: Implications to Reservoir Characterization,
Keyu Liu, Tim Naish, and Robert M. Carter
Palaeogeographic Controls on pre-Tertiary Source Rock Distribution on the Northern Australian Continental Margin,
Andrew R. Livsey and Tim R. Charlton
Identifying and Evaluating Producing Horizons in Fractured Basement,
Peter M. Lloyd, Peter M. Tandom, Nguyen H. Ngoc, and Dr. H. D. Tjia
Chasing Channel Sands in South East Asia,
Peter M. Lloyd, Bob Koch, David DesAutels, Amirrudin M. Zain, Roopa Gir, and Bob Davis
Integrating Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis and Reservoir Petrophysics: A Value-Added Approach to Reservoir Characterization in Central Sumatra,
James P. Logan and Victor H. Noguera
Analogues for Understanding Flow Unit Heterogeneity from the Isolated Platforms of the Belize-Yucatan System,
Anthony J. Lomando and Eberhard Gischler
Trap and Seal Analysis in Carbonate Stratigraphic Trap Exploration -Lower Miocene, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China,
Anthony J. Lomando, Peter J. Chimney, and John P. Popek
Source Rock Sequence Stratigraphy - A Test for Lake Basin Connectivity in an Active Rift System,
A. J. Lomando, S. Teerman, R. Bate, R. Wang, J. Dahl, S. Sundararaman, and M. Schoell
Channelised Lobes in Sand-Rich Turbidite Systems: High-Resolution Quantification of Lateral Heterogeneities in Exceptional Outcrops from the Grиs d'Annot, SE France,
Simon A. Lomas, Bryan T. Cronin, Adrian J. Hartley, Davide Duranti, Emma Mackay, and Sean Kelly
Extrusion Collusion and Rotational Confusion in SE Asian Tectonic Models,
Ian M. Longley
Old Datasets, Good Geology, New Technology and Exploration Efficiency and Effectiveness,
Tom S. Loutit and Larry Wakefield
Geological Settings and Petroleum Potential of the Marine Sequence in South China,
Yongsheng Ma and Gansheng Li
Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction in the Devonian Nisku Formation, Alberta, Canada - A Unique Sour Gas Play with Generally Applicable Characteristics,
Hans G. Machel
Petroleum Systems of Indian Sedimentary Basins,
S. Mahapatra, Ajay V. Kumar, P. Mohapatra, and R. Venkatarengan
Determination of in-Situ Stress and Other Structural Elements Using Sonic Cross-Dipole Waveforms and Image Logs,
Adrian Manescu and Peter Bright
Performance Comparison of Various Injection Schemes in Enhanced Recovery of Coalbed Methane,
Julio Manik and Turgay Ertekin
Source, Migration and CO2 Occurrences in the Pailin Field, Gulf of Thailand,
David Martens, Rui Lin, and Robert Hickman
Expression of Karst Developed on Miocene-Lower Pliocene Carbonate Platform (Terumbu Limestone), East Natuna Sea, Indonesia,
Dwi Martono
Reservoir Characterisation Through Impedance Modelling within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: A Case Study from the Malay Basin,
Zakaria Marzuki, Dave R. Atkins, and Mark S. Sams
3-D Image Processing Techniques Applied to Carbonate Reservoirs,
Jose L. Masaferro, Ruth Bourne, and Tony Cortis
North and South Kendilo Sub-Basins, Unexplored Sectors of the E. Katimantan Mega-Basin, Indonesia,
Anthony D. M. Mason
Carbonate Facies and Diagenesis of the Pleistocene Ryukyu Group and their Computer Simulation,
Fumiaki Matsuda, Yoshihiro Tsuji, Michinori Saito, Ryotaro Iwahashi, and Hiroshi Oda
Exploration of Gas Hydrate Deposits Offshore Japan Islands,
Ryo Matsumoto
Belanak Field Development - New Reserves from New Technology,
James Matthew, Hendro Adrian, Bernie Clinton, James Ekstrand, Ali Mudhofar, and Gary Myers
Rates of Pore Volume Loss in Shales Due to Chemical Compaction: Implications for Fluid Pressures,
James C. Matthews, Hans Martin Helset, and Robert H. Lander
One-, Two-, and Two-and-a-Half Dimensional Combined Depositional and Fluid Flow/Maturation
of the Southern Portion of Bohai Bay, China,
Martin D. Matthews, Kelly Dempster, Jeff R. Johnson, and Mona Bissada
Explanation of Regional Thermal Maturity and CO2 Variations, Offshore Myanmar,
Martin D. Matthews, Michael A. Kowalski, and David B. Ephraim
Structural and Petroleum Systems Modelling of the Eocene Ngimbang-Sourced Petroleum Systems of the Eastern East Java Sea. Part 1: Structural Development,
Stephen J. Matthews and Andrew S. Pepper
Pre-Development Characterisation of a Marginal, Deep-Marine Channel/Lobe System Reservoir - Block 9, Bredasdorp Basin, Offshore Republic of South Africa,
William McAloon, Keith Barton, John Egan, and Jody Frewin
Oil and Gas Resource Assessment of S.E. Asia and Australia,
Peter J. McCabe, Michele G. Bishop, Robert T. Ryder, and Thomas S. Ahlbrandt
Geometries and Kinematics of Inversion Tectonics, West Natuna Sea Basin, Indonesia,
Ken McClay, M. Bonora, N. Comrie-Smith, and E. N. Russell
Old Fault Controlled Structures, Reservoir Development and the Petroleum Systems of Eastern Irian Jaya and Western PNG,
Dr. Bruce Alan McConachie, Elio Lanzilli, R. Dan Kendrick, and Dr. James Iliffe
Petroleum Exploration in the Timor Gap, 1993-1999,
Calan McIntyre
Turbidite Deposition in a Muddy Bypass System on the Upper Slope, Offshore Brunei,
L. D. Meckel, Abdullah Ibrahim, and Shane M. Pelechaty
Computer Simulation of Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration and Accumulation Under Hydrodynamic Conditions - Examples from the Williston and San Juan Basins, USA,
Fred F. Meissner and Richard B. Banks
Integration of Petroleum Geochemical Indicators and Tectonostratigraphy : Implications for Oil Family Groups, Migration Path Mapping, Timing of Migration and Migration Processes in Central Sumatra Basin,
Bambang Mertani, Tom L. Heidrick, Srikanti I. Qivayanti, and R. J. Hwang
Variations in Fluorescent Response of Oil Slicks using an Airborne Laser Fluorosensor System,
Barry Messent, Dianne Edwards, Stuart Baron-Hay, and Bill Witham
Tectonic Evolution of East and SE Asia: Pre-Cenozoic Background,
Ian Metcalfe
Contemporary Stress Orientation and Structural Permeability in the Petrel Sub-Basin,
Scott D. Mildren, Richard R. Hillis, and Richard Jones
Petroleum Prospects in the Ramu-Markham Foreland Basin, Northeastern Papua New Guinea,
John Milsom and Robert H. Findlay
Burial Porosity Reservoirs in Bassein Formation, Bombay Basin, Offshore India,
Charles J. Minero, Mateu Esteban, E. Raul Sarmiento, and Hari Kumar
Gas Migration in the Southeast Barrow Sub-basin, Carnarvon Basin, Australia,
Sandra A. Minifie, Angus D. Ruddock, and Jeff L. Roche
Applications of Oil Fingerprinting on Barrow Island, Carnarvon Basin, Australia,
Sandra A. Minifie, Paul A. Clark, and Andrew Pitchford
Reservoir Geochemistry: Study of Reservoir Continuity in Two Pay Sands of Gandhar field, Cambay Basin, India,
Chandra Shekhar Misra, N. P. Uniyal, A. K. Mittal, U. Samanta, N. J. Thomas, K. N. Misra, and Kuldeep Chandra
A Geomechanical Model of the Arcabuz-Culebra Field Reveals Stress Magnitude and Orientation Changes Due to Production,
Daniel Moos, Thomas Finkbeiner, and Sergio Berumen
Characteristics of Inversion Structures Associated with the Baram Delta, NW Borneo,
Chris Morley
Constraints on the Magnitude of Neogene Extensional and Strike-Slip Fault Displacements in Thailand,
Chris Morley
Gravity-Driven Processes: Control on Margin Architecture and Slope Evolution in a Cretaceous Carbonate Platform (Montagna della Maiella, Italy),
Michele Morsilli, Giovanni Rusciadelli, Giada Vichi, and Alfonso Bosellini
Forgotten Frontiers in Western Australia: the Southern Carnarvon Basin,
Arthur J. Mory
Neogene Sedimentary Features of the North Makassar Basin, Indonesia,
Steve J. Moss, Peter W. Baillie, A. Edy Hermantoro, and Suryadi Oemar
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the North Makassar Basin, Indonesia,
Steve J. Moss, Wayne Clark, Peter Baillie, A. Edy Hermantoro, and Suryadi Oemar
One-Dimensional Robust Inversion of MT Data Applied for Interpretation of CSAMT Far-Field Data in Merapi Volcano, Indonesia,
Enjang Jaenal Mustopa, Supriadi Supriadi, Doddy Sutarno, and Keisuke Ushijima
Integrated Enhanced Reservoir Description; Bassein Formation, Panna Field, Western Offshore, India,
A. K. Nagar, R. J. Singh, R. Mahadevan, and Pramod Kumar
Feasibility Study of
-While-Drilling Using Hammer Drilling Technology,
Shoichi Nakanishi, Brian Evans, and Kevin J. Dodds
Mongolia, Tamtsag Basin, Evidence for Widespread, High Quality, Mature Lower Cretaceous Source Rock,
Roger Neves, Duncan McLean, Raymond H. Bate, and William C. Penttila
The Gas Balance in Northeast Asia - A Regional Perspective,
Shangyou Nie
Locating Remaining Reserves Using Inside Tubing pns Logging,
Chima Njoku
Petroleum System of the Senoro-1 Discovery, East Sulawesi, Indonesia,
Ron A. Noble, David M. Jessup, David Burt, and Mr. Djumlati
Reexamination of Late Jurassic Reef Building in the East Texas Basin; A Maturing Gas Play,
Edward M. Norwood and Lisa Brinton
Sedimentological Resonse to Climate Cycles During the Pliocene of the South Caspian Basin,
Dag Nummedal, H. E. Clifton, Vitor Abreu, Z. Bati, T. Demchuk, M. Fornaciari, G. Riley, A. A. Narimanov, A. Sayilli, J. Stein, D. Van Nieuwenhiuse, R. J. Witmer, and V. E. Williams
High-Frequency Sequence Architecture in Upper Miocene and Quaternary Strata on the Mahakam Shelf, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Dag Nummedal, Yoseph Partono, Lawrence Greene, Mark Boehm, Mike Ellwood, Art Trevena, Charlie Stuart, and Hal Heitman
Wide-Band Fresnel Zone Wavepath Tomography and its Application to Crosswell and Land
Refraction Imaging,
Bagus E. B. Nurhandoko
Creative Interdisciplinary Team's Effort Results in Economic Development of a Previously Sub-Economic Field, South Zelda Field, Offshore Southeast Sumatra,
Chris A. Oglesby, Mark Schneider, Meilando Pringgadani, Warren Johnston, Charndra Maulana, Miguel M. Galuccio, Timothy Ridjab, and Marlina Sambas
Utilization of Methane and Injection of Carbon Dioxide into Abandoned Coal Mines,
Kotaro Ohga and Kiyoshi Higuchi
Integrated Multi-Dimensional Basin
in the Naoetsu Basin, Japan,
Akihiko Okui, Masahiro Kida, Tomohisa Nishizuka, and Seiji Okamoto
Carbonate Reservoirs Evaluation with Advanced Well-Log Data,
Jean-Remy Olesen, Dhruba Dutta, and K. M. Sundaram
Influences on Sedimentation in Active Extensional Basins,
L. O. A. Oliveira, K. McClay, D. Waltham, and G. Nichols
Fault Geometry and Kinematics in the Peng Lai 19-3 Field, Bohai Bay, People's Republic of China,
J. Brendan O'Reilly, Hongxing Ge, Karl L. Sharrah, G. Thomas Morahan, Mark C. Leach, and Qiangui Ma
Hydrodynamic Analysis of Pressure and Fluid Migration Systems,
Claus Otto
A Quality-Controlled Hydrodynamic Database for the NW Shelf of Australia,
Claus Otto, Allison Hennig, Najwa Yassir, Valerie Roy, and Jim Underschultz
Geology and Petroleum Systems in Kori-Comorin Deep Offshore, Arabian Sea, India,
K. Palakshi, G. P. Ganesan, and P. Mohapatra
Molecular Geochemistry as Indicator of Petroleum Systems in Cambay Basin, Western India,
Anil Pande, M. S. Raza Khan, and B. P. Singh
Carbonate Platforms - Modern Analogues in a 3-D World, Examples from the Java Sea,
Robert K. Park
Low-Resistive Reservoirs in the Miocene Mahakam Delta Deposits in East Kalimantan,
Yoseph J. Partono and Arthur S. Trevena
Petroleum Geology of the Peng Lai 19-3 Oil Field, Bohai Bay, People's Republic of China,
B. D. Patton, J. B. O'Reilly, M. D. Kuykendall, J. Yang-Logan, and Ma Qian Gui
Advanced and Innovative Applications of a Wireline Formation Tester as an Alternative to Well Testing,
Michael R. Pearson, Martin F. W. Baxter, Ha Kwong Tak, and Sharon M. Hurst
Structural and Petroleum Systems Modelling of the Eocene Ngimbang-Sourced Petroleum Systems of the Eastern East Java Sea. Part 2: Petroleum Systems Model,
Andrew S. Pepper and Stephen J. Matthews
Impact of High Frequency Sediment Cycles on Reservoir Prediction,
Martin A. Perlmutter, Barbara J. Radovich, and Martin D. Matthews
Deep-Water Petroleum System of the Southern Basin, East Java Sea, Indonesia,
Gadjah E. Pireno and Rachmat Mudjiono
FT-IR Microspectrometry of Petroleum Inclusions : CH4, n-Alkanes, CO2 and Water Quantitative Analysis,
Jacques Pironon, Regis Thiery, Frederic Walgenwitz, Mohamed Ayt Ougougdal, and Georges Baudoin
Prediction of Petroleum Migration Pathways in the Jurassic Petroleum System, Iraq,
Janet K. Pitman, Michael Lewan, and Douglas Steinshouer
Residual Oil Determination by Doping Drilling Mud with MnNa2 EDTA (Minas Field Case Study),
Bambang Poernomo and James P. Logan
Predicting Pore Pressure in Very Deep-Offshore: A Case Study from Astrid Marin Block, Offshore Gabon,
Olivier Poix, A. Delepoulle, G. Butteux, M. Vialla, J. Coleman, I. Burnet, and F. Milla
Integration of Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy and Depositional System Analysis in the Gambier Sub-Basin, Southern Australia,
Rosalie Pollock, Simon C. Lang, Brian McGowran, and Qianyu Li
Mid-Shelf Lowstand and Transgressive Systems Tract Deposits of Southeast Asia: Examples from Offshore Java and Malaysia,
Henry W. Posamentier
Depositional Systems at the Continental Margin: 3D
Case Study from Offshore Northeast Java,
Henry W. Posamentier and Wayne A. Basden
Tectonics and Play Fairways in Bass Strait, Australia,
Michael Power, Daniel Palmowski, Kevin Hill, Nick Hoffman, and Martin Norvick
Depositional Environment and Petroleum Habitat of Cretaceous Reservoirs in Southern Nagapattinam Sub-Basin, Cauvery Basin, India,
S. Prabhakaran and N. Ganesh
A Case Study in the Integration of Technical and Non-Technical Petroleum Information,
Steve Prager and Mike Slee
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Project of Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia,
Alfredo E. Prelat, Anthoni Tang, and Iwan Gunawan
The Origin and Alteration of Hydrocarbons in the Northern Bonaparte Basin, Offshore Northern Australia,
James C. Preston, Noel A. Newell, and Dianne Edwards
Core Photographs are Images Too!,
Jeremy Prosser and Tariq Mahmood
Regional Structural Evolution of the Northern Bowen Basin: Application to Coal Mining,
Lynn Pryer and Frans Bos
Fractal Geometry in the Evaluation a Stratigraphic Records: With an Example on a Well Log Data,
Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
Isotopic Study of Carbonate and Dolomite Facies in the Kangan and Dalan Formations in the South of Iran,
Ahmad Reza Rabbani
Remote Surveying Using a Rotary-Wing Theodolite,
Thomas W. Radford, Tony D. Hunley, Brent Wanless, Owen G. Stephenson, Lorne K. Munt, Bradley Torry, Geoff Wilcox, Mike Little, David Siegfried, A. C. (Sandy) Laing, and Margaret A. Stratton
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering - A New Technique to Detect Generated Source Rocks,
Andrzej P. Radlinski
Facies and Depositional Framework of Eocene deposits, in Central Romanian Black Sea Offshore. Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Adriana Raileanu, Dorina Tambrea, V. Sindilar, and V. Borosi
A Novel Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Formation Tester Data for the Determination of Gas Saturation in Pretty Hill Sandstone Reservoirs, Onshore Otway Basin,
Raghu Ramamoorthy, Peter J. Boult, and Thomas J. Neville
Late Cenozoic Reconstructions in SE Asia: New GPS and Tomographic Constraints,
Claude Rangin, Manuel Pubellier, Nicolas Chamot-Rooke, Harmen Bijwaard, and Wim Spakman
The Vadaparru-Ravva (·) Petroleum System in Krishna-Godavari Offshore Basin, Eastern Offshore, India,
S. V. Rao, D. R. Ghosh, C. S. Ramdas, K. S. Bhushan, M. S. Srinivas, and Y. R. Rao
Global Ranking of Deep-Water Exploration Potential: Deep-Water Sandstone Plays,
Christopher M. Reaves
Well Synthesis : A New Tool for Well Based Reservoir Characterization,
Michel Rebelle
Effect of Hydrodynamics on Seals in Stratigraphic or Unconformity Type Traps: Case Histories - Updip vs Downdip Flow,
Hugh W. Reid and Norbert M. Hannon
Structural Framework and Inversion Kinematics of the Bawal Graben, West Natuna Sea: Implications for Sediment Dispersal and HC Migration,
Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace and Mike Unger
Porosity and Fluid Mapping from 3D
Attributes in Glauconitic M.australis Sands (Wandoo field, NW Australia),
Satyavan B. Reymond, Ashley Duckett, Christian Steiner, and Alan Strudley
The GEODISC Program: Research into Geological Sequestration of CO2 in Australia,
Andy Rigg and John Bradshaw
Late Quaternary Deposition, Mahakam River Delta Indonesia: Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Elements of a Mixed Siliclastic Deltaic and Carbonate Shelf System Modulated by Eustatic Cycles,
Harry Roberts, Johan Sydow, Barun Sen Gupta, and John H. Wrenn
Impact of Basement Architecture on the Evolution of the Petroleum Systems of the Canning Basin, Western Australia,
Karen Romine, Lynn Pryer, Peter Stuart-Smith, Peter Thomas, Larry Wakefield, and Jane Blevin
and Attribute Analysis for Reservoir Characterization,
Sagar Ronghe and Korakot Surarat
Pertamina Exploration Division
Data Archiving,
Arie S. Rusmiputro
Assessing Fault Seal Risk for the Wild Dog Road Prospect, Otway Basin, Australia,
Lisa Ryan, Boult Peter, Richard Jones, and John Kaldi
Paleokarst of the Ordovician Maggol Limestone, Taebacksan Basin, South Korea: Implications for Regional Tectonism,
In-Chang Ryu
Methane Reservoir Properties of Indonesian Coals,
Abouna Saghafi and Dr. Hadiyanto
Development of a Doppler Borehole Televiewer for Imaging of Flow Distribution in Borehole Wall,
Jin Saito and Hiroaki Niitsuma
Kerendan: An Isolated Oligocene Carbonate Platform in the western Kutai Basin, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Arthur H. Saller and Suta Vijaya
Deepwater Depositional Facies and their Reservoir Characteristics, West Seno Field, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Arthur Saller, Trevor Brown, Richard Redhead, Hans Schwing, and Jossy Inaray
Cambay-Kalol (!) Petroleum System in North Cambay Basin, India,
M. K. Samanta
Porosity Modelling in a Complex Carbonate Reservoir Using Geostatistical Inversion of
Mark S. Sams and Volker C. Vahrenkamp
Deep Water Exploration Potential of the Neogene Sandakan Basin, South Sulu Sea, The Philippines,
Dharmawan H. Samsu, I. Wayan Darma, Kristian Meisling, Daniel T. Boyd, Stephen Hertig, and Charles T. Yough
Topographic Recovery from Spaceborn Radar and Laser Ranging: ERS, SRTM, and VCL,
David T. Sandwell and Gidi Baer
The Change of Keutapang Sand-Gas Reservoir Physical Parameters Calculated Using Surface
Data on AVO Anomaly,
Djoko Santoso, Susanti Alawiyah, and W. G. A. Kadir
Cenozoic Evolution of the Southern Central Range, Irian Jaya, Indonesia,
Benyamin Sapiie, Mark P. Cloos, Richard J. Weiland, Paul Q. Warren, and A. Quarles Van Ufford
Gravity Field and Structure of the Crust Beneath the Makassar Strait, Central Indonesia,
Kirana Discovery : Integrated Approach to Economic Oil Field,
Budi Satrio, Jendra Alfredy, Asep Syaefuddin, and Ken J. Yeats
Fifty Years of Exploration of the Niger Delta (West Africa),
Luc Saugy and Jerome A. Eyer
A Worldwide Geochemical Comparison of Lacustrine Crude Oils,
Craig Schiefelbein and Marcio Mello
Formation and Occurrence of Hydrocarbons and Non-Hydrocarbon Gases in the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan Basins/South China Sea,
Martin Schoell, Y. Tang, R. J. Hwang, D. K. Baskin, N. B. Schoellkopf, and L. M. Cathles
Formation of CO2 in Sedimentary Basins and Assessment of CO2 Risk in Gas Prospects,
Martin Schoell and L. M. Cathles
A New Approach to Predict Log Properties from
Data Using Multiple
Attributes and Neural Networks,
James S. Schuelke, Dan Hampson, and John Quirein
The Origins of Coal Macerals: Recent Progress and Future Directions,
Andrew C. Scott
Integration of 4-D
with Other Reservoir Data for Light Oil Steam Flood Monitoring, Minas Oil Field, Sumatra, Indonesia,
Seffibudianti, Michael D. Blancher, Hari Primadi, Cedric C. Cease, Faizil Fitris, and B. J. Rinaldi
Petroleum Geology of the Sunrise/ Troubadour Super Giant Gas Condensate Field, Timor Sea, Australia,
Robert J. Seggie, R. B. Ainsworth, D. Johnson, J. P. Koninx, N. G. Marshall, A. Murray, P. M. Stephenson, and S. E. Phillips
Prestack Depth Migration (PSDM) at Line ITS-95 (Case Study),
Sardjono Seno Pudji and Denny Sulistiono
Sequence Stratigraphic Study and Detail Sedimentological Analysis to Efficiently Drain Multitude Deltaic Reservoirs: A Case Study in Miocene Distributary Mouth, Kutai Basin, Indonesia,
Aris Setiawan, H. C. Baskara, and F. H. Sidi
"Back to the Future" Prediction of the Future Oil Industry,
Setiyawan, Bambang Hari, Syafar Syafri, and M. Gregory Smith
High-Resolution Stochastic Inversion in Tight Oman Carbonates -The Makarem Field (Buah Fm.) Case Study,
Gordy G. Shanor, Montri Rawanchaikul, Mark Sams, Roland M. Muggli, Graham Tiley, and Junaid M. Ghulam
Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs within Coal-Shale Sequence of Geleki Field: A Case Study,
S. C. Sharma, B. Jhaldiyal, U. S. Roy, and V. K. Sud
Geovolume Visualization Interpretation: Basic Techniques,
Tatum M. Sheffield, Doug Meyer, Gail Kahle, Jack Lees, Barton Payne, Elizabeth L. Harvey, and Michael J. Zeitlin
Fluid Flow Monitoring with
Physical Models,
Donald H. Sherlock, Brian J. Evans, and Jason McKenna
Advanced Technology Imaging of the Mudi Field, East Java Improvements Utilizing Pre-Stack Depth Migration,
Martin L. Shields and M. Fauzi
The Global Warming Issue - An Oil Company Perspective; Prospects for CO2 Injection?,
John Shinn
Integration of NMR, Borehole Image, and Conventional Log Data for Improved Petrophysical Characterization of Thinly Bedded Reservoir Sequences,
David S. Shorey, Gary Ostroff, Rocco Difoggio, and Daniel Georgi
A Neogene-Recent Tectonic Model for the Timor Sea Area, Offshore Australia: Geomechanical Implications for Charge, Trap and Retention,
Mark W. Shuster, David A. Castillo, and Eaton Simon
Seismo-Geological Modelling Explains Intrabasement Reflections: A Case Study from Upper Assam Oilfields, India,
V. K. Sibal, K. K. Nath, S. N. Singh, and B. N. Singh
The Greater Gorgon Hydrocarbon System: Predicting What Works, What Doesn't and Understanding Why, Australia,
David Sibley, Fred Herkenhoff, Dean Criddle, and Mike McLerie
Reservoir Architecture of a Distributary Channel-Fill Complex from the Middle Miocene Kutai Basin, Indonesia,
F. Hasan Sidi, A. Setiawan, and P. J. Butterworth
Successful Integration of 4D
in Reservoir Management, Duri Steamflood, Sumatra,
Rusdinadar Sigit, David E. Moore, and Adi Widyantoro
Neogene Tectonics of Indonesia,
T. O. Simandjuntak
Sino - Russian Gas Pipeline Projects,
Brad J. Sinex
Integrated Subsurface Modelling of a Miocene Reefal Buildup, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia,
Updesh Singh, Son Huu Do, Lee Siew Sin, and Norizah Othman
Liptinite-Rich Permian Coals of the Moher sub-Basin, Singrauli, India,
Akhilesh Singh and Krish K. Sappal
The Role of in-Situ Stress and Overpressure on Hydrocarbon Exploration on the Halten Terrace, Offshore Mid-Norway,
Tore Skar and Fred Beekman
What Really Matters When Analysing Lakes in SE Asia?,
Chris Sladen, Hoang Ngoc Dang, and Nguyen Quoc Thap
Fault-Controlled Carbonate Cementation in the Middle Jurassic Legendre Formation, Dampier and Beagle Sub-Basins, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia,
P. Craig Smalley, Julian C. Baker, Neil B. Thompson, and Travis Enman
An Integrated Approach to Field Appraisal in Kerisi and Hiu fields, South Natuna Sea, Indonesia,
Nick C. Smith, Gertjan Van Mechelen, Thomas Ryer, Mark Bagge, Jurgen Meyer, Mohamed Aly, and Roopa Gir
Tropical Climate Variations, Hydrodynamic Regimes, and Rift Tectonics Develop the Sedimentary Architecture, Source Rock Potential, and Reservoir Character Observed in Central Sumatran Basins,
Linda Smith-Rouch
Synsedimentary Tectonic Control Upon Miocene Stratigraphic Sequences in Two Petroleum Provinces of Borneo,
John W. Snedden and J. Frederick Sarg
Determination of Two Phase Flow Characteristics in Sandstones by Dynamic Neutron Radiography and BSE Image Analysis,
Mikael Solymar, Mike F. Middleton, and Ida L. Fabricius
Basin Inversion Associated with Continental Breakup: Examples from the Perth Basin, Western Australia,
Tingguang Song, Mike Middleton, and Peter A. Cawood
and Reservoir Quality Assessment and Prediction: An Integrated Approach,
Rogerio Schiffer Souza and Earle F. McBride
Tomographic Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of SE Asia,
Wim Spakman, Claude Rangin, and Harmen Bijwaard
A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Exploration Potential of the Offshore Sibolga Area, West Coast Sumatra Island, Indonesia,
Thomas D. Specht, Triyanto Rahardjo, Frederic I. Frasse, and Perry B. Dobson
Frontier Basin Exploration & Gas below Gas Hydrates-The New Hunting Pastures for the New Millennium Energy,
Swaminathan Srinivasan, C. Laxma Reddy, and T. K. Majumder
Multiple Petroleum Systems in Parts of Upper Assam Basin, India,
S. K. Srivastava, N. M. Borah, and V. Ravichandran
A New Top-Down Approach to Evaluating Prospects with Dependent Layers and Compartments,
Charles Stabell, Francis Rollins, and Espen Langli
Deep-Water Frontier Basins of Northwestern New Zealand - Burial History and Hydrocarbon Maturation,
Vaughan Stagpoole, R. Herzer, R. Funnell, and C. Uruski
Horizontal Drilling - A Global Perspective,
Philip H. Stark
Petroleum Industry - Perspective 2000,
Philip H. Stark(Pete)
Under-Explored Basins of Australia: An Inventory,
A. (Tony) E. Stephenson
Coalbed Methane in Indonesia: An Overlooked Resource,
Scott H. Stevens
CO2 Injection and Sequestration in Depleted Oil and Gas Fields and Deep Coal Seams: Worldwide Potential and Costs,
Scott H. Stevens, Vello A. Kuuskraa, John Gale, and David Beecy
Tectonically Influenced Miocene Sequence Stratigraphy in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Charles J. Stuart
A Geophysical Model and the Subsurface Geology at the Ulubelu Geothermal Area, Lampung, Indonesia,
Suharno, P. R. L. Browne, S. Soengkono, Mr. Prijanto, and S. Sudarman
An Integrated Approach to Characterize Early Miocene Tidal Sandstone Reservoir in the Kulin field, Central Sumatra, Indonesia,
A. Sulistyo, K. Kelsch, V. Noguera, M. Djamaludin, A. Linawati, J. P. Logan, T. L. Heidrick, A. Desman, J. Peifer, K. D. Kimber, R. Sigit, and A. Harding
Natural Fracture Plays in an Early Palaeozoic Frontier (Eastern Warburton) Basin, South Australia,
Xiaowen Sun
The Present And Prospects Of China's Coalbed Methane Industry,
Maoyuan Sun, Wenjie Xin, and Zhiqiang Fan
Tectonostratigraphy of the Eastern Part of Sulawesi, Indonesia,
Dr. Surono
Extracting Low Frequency Velocity Information from Pre-Stack Depth Migration for
Trace Information,
Yatty Surtiati and Arie S. Rusmiputro
The Analysis of Strategy in Indonesian Energy Sector and its Impact to Global Warming Mitigation,
Armi Susandi and Oetomo Tri Winarno
Northeast Betara Field, South Sumatera, Indonesia: Stratigraphic Architecture of a Lower Talang Akar Reservoir,
I. Nyoman Suta, David Desautels, and Mark Gresko
Sequence Stratigraphy and Seal Quality Prediction in Block B, Natuna Sea: The Relationship Between Top Seal Quality, Lithofacies, and Depositional Environments,
John R. Suter and Peter D'Onfro
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Oficina Formation, Petrozuata, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela,
John R. Suter, Robert Kopper, Stephen D. Levine, and Thomas Demchuk
Offshore Frontier Basins of Southern New Zealand,
Rupert Sutherland
Structure and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Lengguru Fold Belt, Irian Jaya,
Edy Sutriyono and Dr Kevin C. Hill
Hydrocarbon Potentials of Tertiary Coals in Japan and Northeast China,
Yuichiro Suzuki, Keizo Fujii, and Li Sitian
Porosity --Effective Stress Relationships During Chemical Diagenesis,
Richard E. Swarbrick
Tectonostratigraphic Development of the West Natuna Basin,
Tony Swiecicki and Nick Comrie-Smith
Effects of Synsedimentary Marine Influence on the Petroleum Generation Characteristics of Humic Coals,
R. Sykes, R. H. Funnell, S. D. Killops, and M. J. Dow
The Buried Fold-Thrust Belt of Offshore Seram,
Jerry J. Sykora
Log Facies and Outcrop Analyses of Weathered Crust Formation,
Pavel E. Syngaevsky and Sergey F. Khafizov
Deposition of Source and Reservoir Rocks and Formation of Trap Structures in Response to Basin Inversion of Rift Basins in Niigata and Akita Oil Fields, Japan,
Osamu Takano
Mapping of Reservoir Compartments in the Brea-Olinda Oil Field, Los Angeles Basin, California by Oil Geochemistry,
Suhas C. Talukdar, Robert Blake, and Frank W. Smith
Identification and Revision of Reservoir Compartments in the Yarigui-Cantagallo Oil Field, Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia: Integration of Geochemical, Geological, and Engineering Data,
Suhas C. Talukdar, Octavio Luna, Jimmy Ardila, and Robert Blake
Characterization of Lacustrine Source Rocks, and the Occurrence of Lacustrine oil in the Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand,
Paul Taylor, Eric Jardine, Rui Lin, and Marek Kacewicz
An Integrated Petroleum System Study, Northern Gulf of Thailand: Applications to the Block B8/32 Area,
Stan C. Teerman, Leah N. Smith, Christopher, N. Denison, and Roger W. Marzi
Building an Intelligent System for the Prediction of Subsurface Lithology and Other Petrophysical Variables Using ODP Downhole Log Combinations and Artificial Neural Networks,
Ivan Teliatnikov, Dietmar R. Meller, and Dietmar R. Meller
Applications and Limitations of Mudlogging Gas Data in Formation Evaluation and Hydrocarbon Detection,
H. L. Ten Haven, B. S. Simon, and J. P. Le Cann
The Circum-Pacific Geospatial Data Project on Geological Correlation in East and Southeast Asia: An Historical Review,
Maurice J. Terman
PIT (Petroleum Inclusion Thermodynamic): A New Modelling Tool for the Characterization of Hydrocarbon fluid Inclusions from Volumetric and Microthermometric Measurements,
Regis Thiery, Jacques Pironon, Frederic Walgenwitz, and Franзois Montel
Widuri Field: Economic Philosophy and Technology Affect the Development of a Giant Oil Field Through the 1990s,
Budiyento Thomas, Susandhi Ridwan, G. P. Putra, Mark Schneider, M. Greg Smith, and John Armon
Critical Moments for the Petroleum Systems of the Cauvery Basin,
N. J. Thomas and U. Samanta
Slump Axial Trends and Palaeoslope Orientation within the Submarine Fan Environment: The Value of Image Logs,
Jill Thompson and Christian Ottessen
Explore New Zealand: Independents Exploration Criteria,
Darryl Thorburn
Mesozoic Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Banda Arc Area,
Juergen Thurow, John Milsom, and Delphine Roques
Overpressure in the Barrow sub-basin, North West Shelf, Australia,
P. R. Tingate, A. Wrightstone, D. Dewhurst, K. Dodds, A. Khaksar, and P. van Ruth
In-Situ Stress and Fluid Pressures of Brunei Darussalam,
Mark R. P. Tingay, Richard Hillis, Richard Swarbrick, Scott D. Mildren, and Eugene C. Okpere
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Minas Oil Field : A Key Reference for Reservoir Management and EOR Field Development,
Budianto Toha
The Results of the Time-Series Analysis for the Several Late Cenozoic Turbidite Successions in the Forearc and Backarc Basins, Central Japan, and its Application to the Sedimentary Process Analysis,
Shuichi Tokuhashi, Yoshiroy Ishihara, Yuichiro Miyata, and Isao Mita
Reservoir Heterogeneity of Miocene Deltaic Sandstones from Attaka and Serang Fields, Kutei Basin, offshore E. Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Arthur S. Trevena, Yoseph J. Partono, and Tom Clark
Reservoir Characterization in Kaji-Semoga Field, South Sumatra, Indonesia, Using
Inversion and Geostatistics,
Dyah Tribuanawati
Marine Early Permian in Bengal Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
K. B. Trivedi and A. K. Biswas
Brunei Deepwater Exploration; 3D
Facies of Low Net-to-Gross Channel-Levee Systems on the Brunei Slope,
Jan Pieter Tromp, Zulkifli B. Ahmad, and Yoshi Pang
Living with Uncertainty in the Funan Field, Gulf of Thailand,
James W. Turner
Ecological Restoration of Tropical Habitats: Approaches in Sumatra, Indonesia,
Steve P. Turnipseed, Maryuswan Marsid, Lucinda A. Jackson, and Khairi Jon
Shaliness Correction to Improve Accuracy of Interpretation on Neutron Capture Log in Shaly Sand Reservoirs,
Itung Turseno, Bambang Ismanto, and Cholid Mas
Virtual Reality - Productive Solutions for Asset Teams,
Keith Tushingham
Delineation of Multiple Channel Geometries Using Sequence Stratigraphy, Contribution Plots and
Calibration in Tapti Field, India,
Laura J. Ullrich, Charles J. Kaiser, Michael Van Horn, and Steven W. Bailey
The Prediction of Sweet-Spots Using 2-D
Milovan Urosevic, Brian J. Evans, and Jonathon D. Cocker
Reservoir Imaging in a Carbonate Environment: P and S-Waves,
Milovan Urosevic, Miroslav Brajanovski, and John A. McDonald
Assessing the Impact of Reservoir Architecture, Faulting and Karst on the Performance of a Middle Miocene Carbonate Reservoir, Offshore Sarawak Using 3D Modelling Techniques,
Volker Vahrenkamp, Ryan Ross, Paul Crevello, and Mark Sams
Brunei Deepwater Exploration: Lateral Prediction of the Petrophysical Attribute EHC in Turbidites,
Erik van den Heuvel and Matthias Bruhl
Climate Forced Sediment Supply,
C. J. van der Zwan
The Origin of Overpressure in the Nappamerri Trough, Cooper Basin, South Australia,
Peter J. van Ruth, Richard R. Hillis, and Richard E. Swarbrick
Southern Bonaparte Basin Revisited: The Dawn of a New Era of Australian Exploration,
Alwyn Vear and Menno Deruig
Imprints of Strike-Slip Movements in the Middle Eocene-Miocene Sequence of Western Indian Continental Shelf : Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Strategy,
N. K. Verma, P. S. N. Kutty, and Gautam Sen
Tectonostratigraphy of the East Indonesian Blocks,
Michel Villeneuve, J. J. Cornee, J. P. Rehault, C. Honthaas, W. Gunawan, and Geobanda group
Reflectance of Vitrinite-Like Maceral Derived from Benthic Multicellular Algae as Organic Maturity Indicator for Pre-Silurian Marine Strata,
Feiyu Wang
A History of Multiple Periods of Petroleum Migration and Accumulation in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin,
Feiyu Wang, Shuichang Zhang, and Digang Liang
Elastic Wave Propagation in a Pre-Stressed Formation with a Borehole,
Xiuming Wang, Kevin Dodd, and Li-Yun Fu
Geochemistry of Gasses in the Malay Basin,
Douglas Waples, Mahadir Ramly, and Meor Shahrin Mahmood
Geochemical Characterization of Oils, Gases and Source Rocks in the Yurihara and Ayukawa Fields, Akita, Japan,
Amane Waseda, Hideki Nishita, Yoshiteru Kajiwara, Hirotsugu Iwano, and Keietsu Kato
Managing Geologic Uncertainty to Optimise Horizontal Wellbore Placement in Real Time,
Geoff P. Weller, Benny Poedjono, and M. Shah Redza Haniff
Uncertainty of Petroleum Generation Using Methods of Experimental Design: Application to the Gippsland Basin, Australia,
Johannes Wendebourg, Keith Mahon, and Christopher Tapscott
Imaging Methods for More Accurate Interpretation and Attributes,
Peter Whiting, Carl Notfors, and Geoff Mansfield
High Technology, Low Cost Offshore Exploration Strategy for the New Millennium; Offshore SE Sumatra PSC, Java Sea,
Andrew W. R. Wight, D. Roger Wall, E. J. Indrawan, Michael E. Ellis, and Alan Baker
'Classic Clastics' - Has High-Tech. 3D Improved Imaging of Stratigraphic Traps Found with 'Traditional' Techniques? Yvonne 'B' Field, Sunda Basin, Java Sea,
Andrew W. R. Wight, Syafri Syafar, Ariane Kartika, and Chris Oglesby
Exploration Significance of the Recognition of Rift Graben Lacustrine Source Rocks,
Harold H. Williams and Roger T. Eubank
Tropical Carbonate Evolution During the Cenozoic in SE Asia: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Moyra E. J. Wilson
Implementation of a Modern Earth Science and Engineering Data Management System,
Forrest Wilson
Evolution and Controls on Isolated Cenozoic Carbonate Platforms in SE Asia,
Moyra E. J. Wilson
Reservoir Facies of the Miocene Mahakam Successions in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan and Their Comparision with the Modern Mahakam Delta,
Agung Wiweko, Stefano Mora, and Irfan Cibaj
Characterizing Tidally Influenced Reservoirs Through Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic Study of Subsurface and Outcrop: Sego Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.,
Lesli J. Wood and Brian Willis
Rare Gas and Stable Isotopes, and the Origin of Carbon Dioxide-Rich Natural Gases from the Cooper Basin, Australia,
Helen Wycherley, Christopher Ballentine, Andrew Fleet, and Harry Shaw
Hybrid 3D Petroleum Migration
- Status and Perspectives,
Bjorn P. Wygrala, Thomas Hantschel, and Dan Carruthers
A New Overpressure-Generated Mechanism--Uplift, in Tarim Basin,
Shao Xinjun
Cretaceous Tectonic- Sedimentary Evolution and Related Petroleum Systems in Basins of Western Liaoning, Northern Liaoning and Songliao Areas,
Min Xu and Mike F. Middleton
Sandbox Experiments of Inverted Listric Faults with Differential Displacement,
Yasuhiro Yamada and Ken McClay
The Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of Tertiary Passive Margins: An Example from the Barrow-Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia,
Hamish C. Young
Re-Development of Structural-Stratigraphic Traps in the Wanda Area, Sunda Basin, Southeast Sumatra, Indonesia,
Yudistira, Gunawan Juniarto, Sri Lestari, Agusandi Isdiawan, Jarot P. Adi, Mulyo Hadisantoso, and Rob Hull
Structural Control on the Late Miocene Sequence Development of the Aru Area, North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia,
Barlian Yulihanto
Formation Damage Caused by Oil-Well Drilling Fluids Components,
M. Y. Zein El Din, F. El-Bokle, and M. I. Abdou
New Play in a Mature Basin: Prospecting for Gas,
C. W. Zeliff and Dixie Bastian
Gas Exploration and Development Opportunities Around the Hainan Island,
Guohua Zhang and Mingqiang Zhang
Natural Gas Exploration and Production in Ordos Basin and its Market Prospect,
Yerong Zhao
Gas Exploration Potential in Offshore Bohai, North China,
Weilin Zhu and Jiandang Ge
Biomarker Geochemistry of Lacustrine-Sourced Crude Oils: A Worldwide Survey,
John E. Zumberge, Harold Illich, Stephen Brown, and Nick Cameron