--> ABSTRACT: Core Photographs are Images Too!, by Jeremy Prosser and Tariq Mahmood; #90913(2000).
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ABSTRACT: Core photographs are images too!

Jeremy Prosser and Previous HitTariqTop Mahmood , GEOScience, Baker Atlas, 2nd level, Sheraton Court, 207 Adelaide Tce, East Perth, Perth, WA 6004, Australia, phone: (618) 9268 2682, [email protected]

In tropical climates, core often deteriorates very quickly and photos remain the only accurate high fidelity representation of the original core fabric.

Photographs are routinely acquired when cores are slabbed, and the photographic record will typically record the slabbed core surface under a variety of different conditions. These photos are a valuable, yet often under-utilised resource, which also constitute an "image log". Recent advantages in CD data storage have resulted in a wide variety of new services based upon either direct digital capture of the core images, or scanning of existing core photographs for storage upon CD.

This presentation illustrates (1) the methodology for quantifying net-sand ratios in very thin-bedded successions and (2) ichnofabric analysis using image analysis techniques.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90913©2000 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Bali, Indonesia