--> ABSTRACT: The Corporate Geoscience Database: - A Foundation for Smarter Exploration and Development into the Next Millennium, by Christine Bishop, Helene De Beer, David Watkins, Fiona Tainsh, Linh Fitzgerald, and Ian Sutherland; #90913(2000).
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ABSTRACT: The corporate geoscience database: - a foundation for smarter Previous HitexplorationNext Hit and development into the next millennium

Bishop, Christine, Helene De Beer, David Watkins, Fiona Tainsh, Linh Fitzgerald, and Ian Sutherland , Woodside Energy Ltd, Perth, Australia

Woodside Energy Ltd is Australia's largest offshore operator, with increasing interests overseas. Consequently, there is a corporate requirement to have a fast and intelligent data storage and retrieval system. Recently rated the 'foundation of a best-in-class database' amongst the Shell group of companies, Woodside's corporate geoscience database (Geodb) is set to provide the competitive edge in the next Millennium.

Geoscientists can spend some 40-60% of their time searching for and gathering data. Geodb provides a central repository for all E&P evaluation and support data, and ensures that Woodside's geoscientists will work smarter in the future. Based on the industry standard PPDM model, Woodside has customized existing technology and evolved the model using Previous HitinnovativeTop techniques.

Geodb comprises structured and unstructured data repositories, and is independent of any tools or applications that sit above it. Excel templates provide standards, validation, graphical display and calculations to assist with efficient data collection, QC and loading. In-house, data are entered via purpose-built applications, tailored to meet the specific needs of the users and their industry standard applications and databases.

An object-oriented query tool allows users to create their own tables, graphs, charts and reports. Standard interactive reports are displayed on Woodside's Intranet, providing quick and easy access to data for every user. Unstructured data such as well completion reports, core photographs and descriptions are readily available to geoscientists at their workstations via a document management system. This and the structured data are linked via a Geographical Information System, providing drill-down capabilities from spatial queries.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90913©2000 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Bali, Indonesia