WELCH, CYNTHIA L., Texas Tech University, Dept. of Geology, Lubbock, TX
ABSTRACT: Petrography and Geochemistry of Dolomites in the Lower Cretaceous Edwards Formation in Taylor County, Texas
The lower Cretaceous Edwards Formation in Taylor County, Texas is
composed of tidal flat capped parasequences. The individual parasequences are 10' to 30'
thick and consist of subtidal skeletal wackestonespackstones capped with laminated and mud
cracked dolomudstones. In some of the parasequences the underlying subtidal
wackestonespackstones have been subjected to two stages of dolomitization. The first stage
of dolomitization replaced the lime mud matrix with microcrystalline-dolomite. The second
stage of dolomitization consists of 10-150 µm dolomite rhombs, which together with equant
calcite fill or partially fill fossil moldic porosity. Both stages of dolomite must have
formed very early and at a shallow depth of burial
, because the
depth had to be
less than 1000 feet.
This study will use petrographic and geochemical data to determine the origin of the
dolomitization and the effects of dolomitization on porosity formation and destruction
the Edwards Limestone. Carbonate petrography and scanning electron microscopy will be used
to identify the carbonate facies, to help determine the diagenetic sequence, and to
determine where to sample the limestone and dolomite for geochemical analysis. The
geochemistry will consist of dO18 and dC13 isotopic, trace element (Na, Mg, Mn, Sr, Ca, and Fe),
and X-ray diffraction analyses in both phases of dolomitization as well as the equant
calcite. With these data an attempt will be made to determine: 1) the environment, 2) the
timing, and 3) the composition of the fluids that dolomitized the matrix and precipitated
the pore filling dolomite and equant calcite.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90909©2000 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid