--> ABSTRACT: Controlling Factors on the Development of Late Pennsylvanian-Leonardian Carbonate Platform Margins Around the Midland Permian Basin, West Texas, by P-C. Tai; #90909 (2000)
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TAI, PO-CHING, Texas A&M University, Department of Geology Geophysics, College Station, TX

ABSTRACT: Controlling Factors on the Development of Late Pennsylvanian-Leonardian Carbonate Platform Margins Around the Midland Permian Basin, West Texas

Carbonate platforms developed around the periphery of the Midland Basin during late Pennsylvanian-Leonardian time. Each platform area (eg., the Central Basin Platform, Northern and Eastern shelves, Ozona Arch, and Horseshoe Atoll) displays variable platform morphologies and third-order stratigraphic evolution. The Midland Basin was progressively filled up with sediments supplied by these platforms during late Paleozoic time. Thus, the Midland Basin represents an important example for understanding the carbonate platform margins within a closed sedimentary basin.

The main objective of this project is to examine the carbonate platform margin stratigraphy of the southwestern Midland Basin, and to compare it with other Previous HitwellNext Hit-characterized carbonate platform margins around the Midland Basin. Data used in this study include several 3D seismic surveys, numerous 2D seismic profiles, and digital Previous HitwellNext Hit logs. Primary stratigraphic Previous HitanalysisNext Hit will be based on seismic interpretation and Previous HitwellNext Hit-Previous HitlogNext Hit correlation. Subsequent Previous HitanalysisTop will be focused on mapping of platform margin positions, characterization of platform morphological profiles and styles through time, and compilation of published information.

This project will provide important information regarding the depositional history of late Pennsylvanian-Leonardian platform margins around the Midland Basin. The similarities or differences in the stratigraphic architecture of various margins around the Midland Basin will provide insight into the relative effects of eustasy, structural relief, paleogeographic location, inner-platform surface area, paleogeographic location, sediment supply, and depositional gradient on the platform margin development. These comparisons will also provide insight into the long-term stratigraphic filling pattern of the Midland Basin during late Paleozoic time, and will enhance the prediction of the reservoir facies distribution and hydrocarbon recovery from late Pennsylvanian-Leonardian carbonate platforms that developed around the Midland Basin.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90909©2000 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid