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SHYMANOVSKYY, VYACHESLAV A., National Shevchenko University of Kiev, Department of Geology, Ukraine

ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Potential Evaluation of the Dniepr-Donetsk Basin by Its Thermal Modeling and Burial Analysis

This research is focused on reconstruction of burial history and thermal modeling of the Dniepr-Donetsk Basin (DDB), the largest and deepest Devonian rift basin in Ukraine and Europe.

Cumulative production and remaining reserves of hydrocarbon in the DDB are estimated as 170*106 t of oil and condensategas and 980*109 m3 of natural gas.

The objectives of this research are:

1. Reconstruction of the burial history based on 66 stratigraphic sections, distributed throughout the basin, composed on seismic and well log data.

2. Modeling of the paleothermal conditions based on present-day temperatures and heat-flows measurements.

3. Thermal maturity modeling to determine the time petroleum generation and accumulation.

To accomplish these objectives the following procedures will be carried out:

1. Analysis up to 10 CDP regional seismic sections and about 70 well logs.

2. Study temperature and heat-flow values from well and coal mines.

3. Collect core and surface samples for vitrinite reflectance in oil immersion measurements. Previous vitrinite reflectance in air range from 8.0 to 8.5% in the central part of basin and increase significantly towards the margins and achieve 1214%.

4. Apply these data to the modeling of burial history and thermal Previous HitmaturationTop.

Anticipated results will enhance our understanding of the DDB evolution in respect its thermal and source rock history.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90909©2000 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid