KARADAVUT, ALPER, Colorado School of Mines, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Golden, CO
ABSTRACT: Flow Unit Determination in the Phosphoria Formation, Little Sand Draw
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
The purpose of this research is to establish a petrophysical
flow unit
zonation for the Ervay reservoir interval of the Phosphoria Formation, Little Sand Draw
, Big Horn basin, Wyoming. There are 36
in the
, and 19 have been cored. A
lithofacies-based zonation is available from conventional core descriptions.
Of the various methods proposed to characterize carbonate reservoirs into flow units, a
method based on vertical variations of flow capacity (kh), storage capacity
(phih), and pore throat size (r35) has been selected. The 19 cored
continuous core-plug porosity and permeability data with which to create profiles of flow
capacity and storage capacity versus depth. Conventional core-plug data were supplemented
with capillary pressure
of 25 cores. These results were used to modify the
empirically-derived Winland equation for rock quality, and further refine the flow unit
zonation. Porosity information was available from the well logs in the non-cored
The study also developed a method to predict permeability in the non-cored
using a
neural-network approach. Resultant flow units displayed on a stratigraphic flow profile
were then correlated between
using the existing sequence stratigraphic model.
The results of this research will be used by another student in an ongoing reservoir simulation. This zonation should lead to quicker and more efficient history matches, and promote more efficient interactions and exchange between engineers and geologists.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90909©2000 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid