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ABSTRACT: The Integrated Study: A Postmortem on a Failed Methodology. Why has Integration Failed and Can it be Rescued?

LIEBER, Previous HitROBERTTop B. , GX Technology; Houston, Texas

The integrated field study, which combines the evaluation skills of geoscientists and engineers, has long been viewed as a comprehensive and efficient tool for field development, redevelopment and reassessment. The advantages of the integrated field study have been well documented and include the abilities to incorporate engineering data in the reservoir characterization portion of a study and to accurately transfer information from the reservoir characterization to the engineering aspects of the study.

Even with these recognized advantages the integrated study has been largely a process relegated to pilot and showcase studies and has not been incorporated into normal workflow within most operating companies. There are three main reason for this: first the geologist, geophysicist, and engineer have inherently different views of the reservoir; second, the computer has served to divide rather than unite the disciplines; and third, departmental politics continues to frustrate individuals who are interested in pursuing integration as a goal.

Even with the barriers in place integration does occur. Does this process succeed in spite of or because of the challenges set before it? Examples are given from previously completed integrated studies detailing the problems encountered and how these problems were or were not overcome. By examining the failures as well as the successes the reservoir scientist can provide asset management teams with the wherewithal to make the integrated reservoir study the everyday tool needed to maximize the return on new and existing hydrocarbon accumulations.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90908©2000 GCAGS, Houston, Texas