Laura C. Zahm1,
Scott W. Tinker1
(1) Marathon Oil Company, Littleton, CO
Abstract: 3-D reservoir characterization in the absence of
; Olson Field, San Andres/Grayburg, West Texas
The Olson reservoir
characterization project applied an iterative approach for constructing a 3-D
reservoir model
by integrating core, log, production data, and a depositional
within a reasonable sequence
framework. The primary goal
was to represent the geologic system accurately in 3-D, including its barriers
to flow and distribution of good reservoir quality rocks, without 3-D
data. Olson field is located on the Ozona Arch. Olson field is now in secondary
recovery with a total of 130 wells penetrating the San Andres/Grayburg
This project integrates all
available data into a 3-D reservoir model
. Two critical steps in this
interpretation were petrophysical work, and sequence-
interpretation using a depositional
. A primary challenge was the
calibration of porosity log measurements and other unscaled log values into an
acceptable field-wide range. A customized end-point scaling technique applied
to total gamma ray, raw neutron counts, sonic, and density measurements. From
cores (14 wells, 1,470 feet total), six key facies were defined. The two
primary reservoir facies are oolitic grainstones and fusulinid grain-dominated
packstones. Facies were predicted in wells without core using discriminant
analysis. A depositional
was developed from cores to help interpret the
sequence stratigraphy of the San Andres/Grayburg reservoir interval. This
interval was divided into eight high-frequency sequences, which prograde in a
basinal (NNE) direction. Three-dimensional facies and predicted facies
distributions helped constrain reservoir distribution and diagenetic products
in the 3-D
. Perforated intervals, initial production rates, and oil-type
were also distributed in the 3-D
. Since its completion in 1998, the
has been utilized to examine OOIP, EOR, injection efficiency by well pattern,
and in selection of infill well locations.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana