Mike J. Young1,
Rob L. Gawthorpe2,
Stuart Hardy1,
Terje Hellem3,
John R. Underhill4
(1) The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
(2) University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
(3) Saga Petroleum, N-1301 Sandvika, Norway
(4) Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Abstract: The stratigraphic response to extensional fault
and linkage
Conceptual models predict that
linkage exerts a strong control on the development of syn-rift
successions. In particular, along-strike variations in stratal thickness,
architecture and stacking patterns should be influenced by the growth,
interaction and linkage of
segments. These issues are addressed through
an integrated study of syn-rift sediments using high-quality 3D seismic data
(Northern North Sea) and detailed outcrop
(Gulf of Suez).
The Murchison fault
zone in the
North Sea is a NE-SW to NW-SE trending planar, down to the east, normal
zone 30 km in length. Detailed analysis of 3D seismic data delineates several
syn-rift depocentres (up to 4 km in length and 2 km in width) adjacent to the
zone, suggesting that the
initially consisted of a series of
unlinked segments. As progressive
growth occurred, the segments linked to
form two larger
segments separated by a relay ramp. The ramp was
subsequently breached to form the current structural configuration. The
breaching event is also reflected in the syn-rift stratigraphy.
Syn-rift clastics from the
Hammam Faraun and El Qaa fault
blocks of the Suez Rift preserve similar
relationships between
growth and stratigraphic development. The early
syn-rift is localised in discrete hanging-wall sub-basins, with the later
syn-rift having a wider distribution. Lateral variations in stratal
architecture and stacking patterns are particularly evident, being controlled
by along-strike variations in
displacement and sediment supply. The
results of this study have implications for the spatial and temporal variation
of subtle hanging-wall plays.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana