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(1) BP Amoco Corporation, Naperville, IL

Abstract: Carbon dioxide mitigation - getting into action on a global challenge

Global warming is becoming an important topic for businesses that produce or consume significant quantities of hydrocarbon-based fuels or feedstocks. The petroleum industry has a special role to play because we both produce hydrocarbons and present the best current options for mitigating the emissions. BP Amoco has chosen to take a leadership role in addressing greenhouse gas emissions. This paper will summarize the available options and comment on their applicability. A summary of the BP Amoco’s actions being taken and the plans we have to address carbon dioxide mitigation. We will discuss directional approaches and issues on geological sequestration concentrating on capture, separation, transport, injection, and monitoring issues. Few solutions will be presented but viable options will be described and evaluated. We will present a challenge to industry to address the issues raised.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana