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Ione L. Taylor1, Marc Levine1, Previous HitDavidTop W. Houseknecht1, Christopher J. Schenk2
(1) USGS, Reston, VA
(2) U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO

Abstract: GeoDE - A high-impact public domain internet tool for energy geoscientists

A new Internet portal deployed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides access to a wide range of maps, data, and supporting information useful to energy resource developers, managers, and policymakers. GeoDE (Geologic Data Explorer) http://geode.usgs.gov is a unique, map-oriented application that can be brought to the user’s desktop via the Internet. USGS oil, natural gas, and coal resources assessment data are the foundation of available information. Also included are selected map coverages of Federal land ownership, major transportation systems, land-use, digital elevation models, satellite imagery, and biological habitats.

GeoDE provides capabilities for data querying, display, and analysis. Users can compose maps that integrate multiple data layers, control map appearance, and query supporting data sets based on user-defined criteria. Custom maps can be downloaded and printed as image files and can be imported into other applications.

Information delivered to the desktop by GeoDE can be used to establish appropriate context and scope for evaluating energy resource projects. For example, exploration geologists can compose maps that place prospects into the context of regional plays, complete with indicators of exploration intensity and historical success. Land managers can compose maps displaying the coincidence of land ownership and hydrocarbon play boundaries, including indicators of oil and gas resource potential. Development geologists and land managers can compose maps illustrating coincidence of strippable coal resources, coal bed methane plays, and deeper oil plays - and download resource estimates for use in weighing decision options.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana