--> Abstract: Developing a Hands On Fossil Collection for K-12 School Outreach Programs, by Robert I. Simon and Thomas C. Bergeon; #90914(2000)
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Robert I. Simon1, Previous HitThomasTop C. Bergeon2
(1) Chevron U.S.A, New Orleans, LA
(2) Shell Offshore Inc, New Orleans, LA

Abstract: Developing a Hands On Fossil Collection for K-12 School Outreach Programs

The New Orleans Geological Society has developed an extensive traveling fossil collection that is designed for K-12 school outreach. The purpose of this poster paper is to demonstrate how to create and document a fossil collection and how to use it effectively in K-12 school settings.

The NOGS fossil collection is built upon several modules based on the main Geologic Eras. A fossil talk can be given displaying common fossils from the entire fossil record or more specifically related to the Paleozoic, Mesozoic or Cenozoic Eras. Fossils for the kits can be obtained from local rock shops, field trips, internet fossil stores and by donations from private collections. It is helpful to have a paleontologist or knowledgeable fossil collector involved in obtaining or purchasing the collection. Many common fossils can be obtained rather inexpensively and can be handled by students in a classroom setting. Selective purchasing of several larger more impressive fossils will benefit the collection. Casts of very rare fossils (example: dinosaur skulls, claws and teeth) are a cost effective way to enhance the collection. Documentation and packaging are both critical to developing a traveling fossil collection. Each specimen should be photographed and numbered, with a corresponding photo sheet of information for presentation. The documentation should be user friendly and adaptable to various age groups and their level of comprehension.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana