--> Abstract: Energy Resources for the 21st Century, by William L. Fisher; #90914(2000)
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William L. Fisher1
(1) The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

Abstract: Previous HitEnergyNext Hit resources for the 21st Century

Fossil fuels have provided about 90 percent of the approximately 1.8 trillion boe of Previous HitenergyNext Hit consumed globally to date. Long-term trends in Previous HitenergyNext Hit use indicate a transition from fossil fuels to a hydrogen and Previous HitrenewableNext Hit-Previous HitenergyNext Hit economy sometime near the middle of the 21st century. Population growth will most likely continue, stabilizing at or below 10 billion by the middle of the century, and economic growth should move near its historical average of 3 percent per annum. Other long-term trends in Previous HitenergyTop finding, development, and use efficiencies will continue and will most likely improve substantially. Demand for fossil fuels will at least double current demand levels during the transition and, despite commonly expressed concerns about hydrocarbon supply, the fossil-fuel resource base is adequate to meet demand. Emphasis on higher hydrogen-content fuels through the transition means that greater utility of fossil fuels should not cause unacceptable environment impact.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana